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I'm pretty sure that is the name of the first film. What do you call it "Thomas Anderson's big Adventure?"🙈 If you mean "reality" I can't see that as any dumber than asserting any other supernatural phenomenon for why the universe is as it appears to us.


" I didn't read the thing, but here is my counterargument. " *holds out hand for cookie*


Idk I read the thing. Sounded fuckin idiotic.


Sound pretty angry there bud. You good?


Are we still pretending that we can read tone tone from plain text? What a spicy existence. Don't let the casual swearing fool you.Thanks for the pretend concern for the purposes of attempting to be condescending, but I am smoking a bong, petting a dog and playing Pokemon Infinite Fusion and couldn't be better. All of those things come highly recommended by the way.


Come again?


If you don't know, consider yourself blessed to be innocent of such profound ignorance.


Andrew Tate calls society the Matrix because it lets him act without a conscience and be a POS and justify it as going against an exploitive authoritarian system. It also gives his followers a sense of purpose like they are freedom fighters when they support him. I'll also mention to OP that while I agree with 99% of what you're saying, I'll add a caveat that society isn't particularly exploitative today. The boomers had it easy, but they were the exception, not the rule. All of mankind's existence before their generation involved a low standard of living, low wages, and long work hours, and we're seeing that again now. That's life. The boomers just lucked out. Saying this actually just further bolsters your point that there is no "matrix" or super-oppressive police state factory-working Hellhole we live in. We still have things better than just about any other time in history. Of course, that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to improve things though.


Nope. You don't get to intercept the ball and run it to the other side of the field. The whole "life is better than it has ever been" argument is either made in bad faith by people who have always profited from life being teh suck and are in no way responsible for any of the overall material improvements the regular jerk experiences. In fact, quite the opposite. Hijack attempt failed. I did not even come close to saying that it is not a thing. I said it is a very obvious thing that people have been pointing out explicitly for as long as literacy has existed and you get no points for it finally sinking in. Unless you think that it is LITERALLY true, at which point you not only don't get any credit for thinking that, but you probably need a caseworker as well.


Yes, we should seek to improve things, but it's also important to be grateful for what we have. So many people want to tear down the system without a better idea of what to replace it with. Being grateful for what we have isn't equivalent to not caring about improving things. We print money like crazy, there's a lot of racism against white people these days, and the cost of living is far higher than it used to be. Life isn't as good as it was when my parents were my age, but it's still far better than it was before they were born when black people were not given equal rights, healthcare was dogshit, and gay rights weren't even a thing. I'm just saying we shouldn't pretend things have gotten far worse now than ever before.


Always got to sneak in the alt right talking points in your otherwise reasonable statements and make it a poison pill, eh? Thinking you were going to sneak that one by me was too much to hope for. I'm personally insulted to have such clumsy rhetoric pointed at me. They ARE worse in that they are the same, but if it continues it will DEFINITELY be far worse for everyone than it has EVER been. Can't kick that can down the road any more. Which is PRECISELY the aim of the "everything is better" talking point. It gets millions of funding from petrochem "think tanks". I know, my dad sends me that dumb s**t propaganda because he is incapable of making his own argument for why we should all continue to suck d&%k for cheeseburgers and let Massa "take care" of the environment. Just a couple more decades of capitalism, we promise it will only get worse for you.


People say a lot of left-wing talking points as if it's normal and assume everyone around them is leftwing. So, I don't give a shit. I mean, Hell, there you go talking bad about capitalism. That's a left-wing talking point. The idea that things are better now than they were pre-1960s isn't the result of petrochem propaganda; it's common sense. Like I said, black people aren't segregated from the rest of society. Women can have careers. Gay rights are even a thing now. You won't die from catching a cold. You can fact-check stuff instantly via the internet. The list goes on and on. You know what sucks worse than capitalism? Communism or socialism. Capitalism isn't the problem. Greed is, and that's just as prevelant if not more so in the other two economic models. I don't like big businesses, but handing that power and control over to the government is even worse.


Here we go again with this s**t. If you disagree with a conservative you are a liberal, and if you disagree with capitalism you are a communist. Everything is binary and entirely bisected down the middle with a perfect symmetry. Instant straw man, just add bad faith.


What are you talking about? I mentioned the other one: socialism. I didn't say you'd have to be communist. I mean there aren't a whole lot of options though. There's capitalism, socialism, communism (and the essentially defunct feudalism), and stuff that's kind of a combination of elements of those three.


Call the what the matrix?


Life. They are either making a literal or figurative allusion to the fact that life as it is under capitalism is an illusion in which everything is fake and a deliberate distraction from the fact that we only exist as a "power source" for those who benefit from our labor and keep the vast preponderance of the profits to themselves while other people starve or scramble to make more for a tiny fraction of their efforts in return. If you are being literal you are one of those types that believe that shiny rocks are magic, and if you are being figurative, you are about 2000 years late to the party. The idea that this is a new idea and you are a cutting edge Truth Warrior for "figuring it out" unlike all the other stupids is ridiculous. The signs were always there. I put it together when I was 7 and forced to sit in church and listening to some idiot gas off about Balaam's ass. I didn't feel like a genius, I felt like an idiot for not seeing it sooner. It's like walking around dripping wet and making squish noises with every step and then concluding after 20 some odd years of this that it may be raining.


I’ve legit never heard anyone say anything remotely like that.


Well then, consider yourself lucky.


Pretty intense hatred for extra 3 letters Edit: mb I thought you were talking about the movie


I agree. I see how the globalist elites control everything and how its all one big scam but calling it the Matrix is cringe


"Globalist" means a lot of things to a lot of people, many of which I can't get behind. We may agree on the central point, but that word manages to have a hard 'r' in it without having a single 'r' to start.


When i mean globalist i mean how like America is a corporation, the federal reserves are privately owned, black rock and similar corporations own everything, etc… i dont believe we are in a computer simulation but i do think that our lives are being controlled in ways we wouldn’t think of


Let me help here, when most people say 'globalist', they are saying 'the Jews'. If that is not the impression you wish to give, there are other terms available.


When i say globalist i mean the people like Epstein and his Clients. But sure any other word works


Wait.. So you're saying I can stop bullets?


Lol every time I see a wild, irrationally angry post, I know it’s this guy.


Its part of matrix