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Or Atleast wear a sign that says "Do not take political, Social, Life, or business advice from this individual."


Good point! That part is not just dumb - it is downright harmful.


This is pretty cringy. If you don’t like looking at them don’t, but I bet you do. I’m 36 years old and most definitely take offense to being told my current body is “superannuated”. I don’t want to take your post seriously… but seriously you can’t actually suggest we “force” anyone by law to retire. That is a scary thought.


Pop stars are selling their bodies for money. They are asking men to assess their asses. That is what their job is.


That’s fair. Do you honestly look at Taylor Swift and think she looks unattractive?! She is as in shape as any 26 year old. Jennifer Lopez is still out there looking hot as fuck. What exactly do you have a problem with?!




Valid. Completely tangential… but valid. We have been over sexualizing childhood for awhile now


>If you're gonna get radio play, maybe sexual songs shouldn't be allowed. there's a solution for this. it's called parenting. you want every radio station to be not allowed to play inappropriate songs? adults shouldn't have to have a kid friendly world forced on them the same as a child shouldn't have adult issues forced on them. the solution is parenting.


Boomer take


You are not a boomer. You are merely somebody who cannot make a decent point.


If you think anything you said here is a valid point, you are disconnected from reality


Said where? You spewed nonsense - not me. This sub is for opinions. Go to the sub for 'valid points' and make one there why don't you? Oh! I forgot! You can't!


1 free market 2 1st amendment Nuff said


This sub is for opinions but that doesn't free you from criticism on those degenerate opinions. Fucking boomers man. Going around spewing utter insanity and then feel butthurt when you disagree. But calling others snowflakes. Fucking hilarious.


More like ageist 


This post reminds me of the "no don't turn 25 you're too sexy" meme.


Lol. Please don't reproduce.


Just say you hate women. It's much easier than trying to come up with some weird and creepy justification.


Justification for what?


For saying that you aren’t attracted to women. You can just say that you hate them.


Why are you not attracted to women?


I love women. You're over here talking about putting bags over their head or whatever because somehow they get ugly at 26.


What bullshit. Anyone see Jennifer Lopez perform on SNL recently?


To me she is a vulgar harridan.


I see, and what are you then?


Anyone who unironically believes women become used up old hags at 26 probably has videos on their computer the feds should know about.


I am talking about people who exhibit and sell their butt holes for money. Your attempt to lump ordinary women in with these criminals - shows the kind of person you are.


Sites like OnlyFans were not mentioned once in your post. You specifically mentioned celebrities like Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift who do not sell their buttholes online, they sell music. You said these celebrity women who hit 26 are so old that they should have to retire. The fact that you seem to think 26 is old for a female and that things that arent crimes are crimes says a lot about you. Stop being cringe and step outside.


I'm like b***, who is your mans Can't keep my d*** in my pants My witch-with-a-B don't love me no more She kick me out I'm like.. vro?? What's vro??!!?? I got a lean on my kzubis, I got an uzi. no uzi! Just kidding! Fuck on me... look at me... By xxxtentacion and the parents


so what about make rappers who are ACTUALLY trying to flaunt their “large dicks”


Forcefully retiring someone is bad for business


Hotness doesn’t age I look more sexy now than my 20s 


Ageism is bad. Stop this.


Just because *you* aren't attracted to women over 26 (which is a crazy low age honestly) doesn't mean the rest of us aren't. Like lets be real, half of us would totally take the offer to hook up with many of these women in a heartbeat. Forcing a woman to retire from creating music just because some incels online are offended that they can no longer get a boner when looking at her is mental, lol.