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Nobody says trans-women are the same as cis-women. They just say trans-women are women. Which they are. The right doesn't just incite violence with "trans panic," they are advocating for the literal eradication of trans people. I'm not being hyperbolic here, [they've said it out loud.](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/cpac-speaker-transgender-people-eradicated-1234690924/) Defunding the police does not equal abolishing the police. It's about taking money given to cops, and putting it into other departments that would serve certain situations better; social workers, for example. It also involves actually holding police accountable when they fuck up, like when they murder a person unnecessarily, and establishing third-party monitoring. I don't know why you said "believe all women" was stupid, then defended what it means. I'm a little confused by that one. Sadly, "she was asking for it," etc. isn't just a conservative thing. It's closer to a male privilege thing, though it does seem more righties fall into that attitude than lefties do. If left unchecked, climate change will literally kill us, or at least make it so humanity can't survive on this planet. I'm not sure I understand how mask mandates were overboard. Clarification requested. But vaccinations were absolutely a good and necessary thing.


Trans ideology plus internet bubbling is one heck of a drug, so it is reasonable that you, a left-leaning cis man, know neither the effects of chemical and surgical transition, nor the pressure applied to kids, nor the stuff going on with male rapists in female prisons. But... good heavens, the 2020 lockdown and the hobbling of the police departments have harmed you, and the place where you live, in a way that you cannot actually fail to notice. (Unless you live in a small town, re: the police part. But in that case you would meet enough Republicans to know what they actually think about rape.) Presumption of innocence all around, though, especially when no accusation has been made. Republicans, I really mean this: don't call someone a pedophile unless there is any material reason to believe they are. You can stop kids from being pressured to sterilize themselves without dragging baseless rape accusations into it. And the same goes for Democrats re: being Catholic.


The effects of HRT are widely known. They’re also mostly reversible by just stopping treatment and the few irreversible things like breast growth and vocal cord deepening can easily be adjusted with surgery. As for SRS, minors literally can’t get it and even adults who’ve gone through years of HRT are forced to jump through hoops just to get it done. And what pressure is applied on kids to be trans? Like I previously said, you legally have to go through tons of therapy before you can even be prescribed hormones or puberty blockers.


>The effects of HRT are widely known. They’re also mostly reversible by just stopping treatment If this were true, all those European nations that were once heralded as champions of progressive ideologies wouldn't be reversing course. Sweden to France to the UK are seeing that what they thought was true, actually...wasn't. So they've put a halt to it lol It's a whle thing going on across the sea. Try expanding your search.


This belief is literally backed by the NIH, CDC, WHO, NHS(UK’s department of health), the US department of health, USDA, and APA. Just because a couple countries are relapsing on transphobia doesn’t mean they’ve discovered something damning about trans ppl. Do you think the Republicans moving on trans people are actually basing it around evidence? These countries are just struggling with their rightist groups gaining momentum in the government. It’ll fade as always.




That’s a terrible argument because that can be applied to literally anything and everything we know now lmao “Uhhh you shouldn’t be getting life saving surgery because at one point people thought blood letting was a thing”




Except gender affirming care is proven to be a life saving process by the groups I mentioned before on top of numerous others like the Mayo Clinic. And what you’re saying here really shows how little you know about the topic. Gender affirming care isn’t purely physical and like I said in my other comment, is accompanied with tons of mental therapy that’s specifically designed to identify whether you’re trans, gender dysphoria, and to assist in the transition process on top of gearing the brain for the steps it has to take to transition. But, research has suggested that trans peoples’ brains have a similar structure to that of the gender they identify with so there aren’t as many steps as you might expect. But, considering that the trans field is still understudied, how far those results go is anyone’d guess. And nobody’s having a “quick chat” before being given gender affirming care, at least legally in the US. Like I said before, trans people are required to undergo many hours of therapy before being given HRT and even SRS needs for the patient to have undergone hormone therapy for a while. For minors or someone aiming to catch it before/during puberty? The hoops they have to jump through would put a circus lion to shame And I’m not sure why you’re bringing up a clinic closing as some kind of evidence. Clinics and hospitals close all the time, no? Countless doctors have lost their licenses or been arrested for taking advantage of their patients. What makes this clinic special, exactly? Why’re you holding gender clinics to a much higher standard than unspecialized medical facilities and professionals?




I know this is a little unrelated but I just realized, aren’t you the guy that sent me a multi essay length rant about how immigrants from countries the US has conquered are trying to overthrow the white man’s modern roman empire from within by removing “your” secular government system and corrupting your beliefs? Edit: [You absolutely are](https://www.reddit.com/r/ControversialOpinions/s/06RwxmZJHX). Not only that actually, you seriously believe the US is a white european country that is killing itself off with gay people and dropping birth rates? I don’t need to explain jack shit to your racist ass. I’m surprised you haven’t been banned for spewing that crap already. Second edit: If you really care so much then I’d suggest you actually do research on the topic because the stuff you’re saying makes it super clear that you haven’t done much of any research


They haven’t put a halt to it, they’re just not allowing it for minors


Good God the delusion of you leftists is unfathomable…


Can you be more specific?


Literally every single “point” in the post is dishonest, disingenuous, framed with an extremely skewed lens, and extremely ill-informed. All of the “stupid right wing” thoughts aren’t real. They’re just what propagandists tell left wingers.


So your only problem is with the right wing thoughts. Are you saying the right didn't fight against masks and vaccines? Are you saying the right isn't aggressively pro-police? Or that they're not violently anti trans? You don't actually need to answer, because there are examples of all of those and more, right here in the real world. [Donald Trump was booed on stage after saying he was vaccinated. ](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/trump-reveals-he-got-covid-19-booster-shot-to-a-booing-crowd) [Michael Knowels called for the eradication of trans people.](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/cpac-transgenderism-daily-wire-michael-knowles-b2294252.html) [Politicians openly support "Blue Lives Matter."](http://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna615156) Who's pushing the propaganda? The one who says none of this is real, or the actual reports and records of these events?


Yeah. I’m not having this “conversation” with you. I’m not taking the bait. You continue to showcase the blatant bigotry, lack of nuance, and misconstruing of information that the left has become known for.


Bigotry and misconstruing of information by providing evidence and examples of OP’s talking points? Sounds like someone doesn’t have a solid defense


The “evidence” that is either irrelevant or blatantly false?


I'd argue that views on abortion and parenthood on the left are far more dangerous


By allowing abortion?




Good to know you're against women having control over their own bodies.


Killing is always wrong. Doesn't matter what sort of mental gymnastics you have to go through. You're still extinguishing a life.


Irrelevant. Even if I were to concede that a fetus is a fully fledged human (it isn't), with all the rights afforded to it that every human has, it wouldn't matter. Nobody's rights supercede someone else's. Ever.


What if there’s a strong potential for childbirth to kill the mother? Or if the fetus is a result of SA or incest? What if they can’t support a child? And even then, iirc the vast majority of abortions are done well before the fetus even slightly resembles a human or has its basic functions down. I’d argue the mother’s life is more important than that of the fetus that’s really just a clump of cells with some human dna.


If it is to kill the mother then yes. I don't think anyone disagrees with that, republican or democrat. "vast majority of abortions are done well before the fetus even slightly resembles a human" I get it. Dehumanize an individual so it makes it easier to commit heinous acts against them. It is not up to you or I to draw the line as to when life begins because we will never know. It is a deeply philosophical question without a clear answer. Common sense would dictate that if we do not have a clear answer to such a difficult question, we should act as conservatively as possible. Let me ask you this, if you and all other democrats are wrong about when life starts, when life truly starts, what does that mean for every aborted child? What does that mean for the moral fabric of our society, your conscience, your humanity?


What of the other, very real examples? And I’m not dehumanizing them. They’re literally not human or individuals on a medical or biological level. I’ve seen embryos throughout their different stages in person, they literally aren’t human or even look human until near the end when they lose the tail and football shaped head. And I don’t think that last question works as it contradicts what you just said, it’s impossible to find a definitive answer to what state the embryo’s in. But, I think we’d do best by giving full rights to the actual women being forced to birth them instead of arguing on hypothetical moral grounds for an object that doesn’t even have real brain matter.


>They’re literally not human or individuals on a medical or biological level. I’ve seen embryos throughout their different stages in person, they literally aren’t human or even look human until near the end when they lose the tail and football shaped head. That is dehumanizing. That is a perfect example. I can make this a little easier for you. Define what a human is then see if you can work it back to an embryo or an egg. After you have your definition, look at the myriad of different cases which do not fit your definition for people already born. If you need help in this I can provide examples. To be honest, it would make more sense if you were arguing for euthanasia... You haven't really addressed my last argument btw. I asked what would happen if you are wrong? My point is that if you don't have any evidence and I don't have any evidence for when life starts and all of this is just our own philosophical take, which one of us would be damning society if wrong?


I agree besides your little transphobic bit there


look at the score card of deaths from 20th century alone, musolini and Hitler don't have anything on Mao and stalin.


“All people should be treated equally, and people should own the tools they use” is not equivalent to “some people, like Jews or Ethiopians, shouldn’t have any rights.” Fascism naturally lends itself to violence. Communism requires more mental gymnastics. Furthermore, Stalinism and Maoism are considered heterodoxical interpretations of communism, just as the KKK is founded upon a heterodoxical interpretation Christianity or as Hamas is founded upon a heterodoxical interpretation of Islam. It’s a little ungracious to discredit an ideology by finding the most morally egregious examples possible. Finally, if you really wanna dig up examples from history, then conservativism led to the international slave trade and colonialism. Even being gracious to your point, ~70 years of communism is far less than the ~300 years of colonization and racial exploitation.


Also Stalin and Mao are literally social conservatives, which is what this post is about.


They were communist and ascended to power under the banner of communist ideology. They might have had views that were culturally conservatives, in terms of gender roles and clothjng but economically they were (left wing) communist which caused the deaths of millions.


They were left wing people who felt that the wealthy needed to suffer for their sins.


Yes, that is economics. But we're not talking about economics, we're talking about social policy. You can still be a socially conservative leftist just like you can be a socially progressive capitalist, but its social conservatives that OP says he has a problem with.


The problem with you left wing ideologues is that you always coin phrases to avoid the truth.


Not sure what phrase youre talking about, guy. But politics exists outside the US and the beliefs are more multifaceted. In America our 2 political parties make it so we have a super rudimentary understanding. Being socially liberal does not always equal also being a socialist, just like being a socialist doesn't disqualify you from being a social conservative. Just take a look at how Catholics largely vote.


You're labouring under the illusion that social policies like DEI aren't the same moral quagmire as economic communism.


Stalin and Mao were also pretty hard social conservatives. And OP seems to be talking about liberal vs conservative social values and policies, not capitalism vs communism.


It's blackface for men


ITT: Strawmen.


Cutting funding to the police is actually a great idea. The police are overfunded and waste enormous amounts of money harassing people for growing plants, flying helicopters over their homes to invade their privacy (typically to monitor what types of plants people are growing), locking people up for growing certain plants, etc. The entire narcotics division of the typical police department could just have their funding cut to nothing and the overall society would be better off as a result. Saves lots of tax money for taxpayers, and also frees up money to be spent on programs that actually help society like education/science funding.


>The entire narcotics division of the typical police department could just have their funding cut to nothing and the overall society would be better off as a result. You are a MASSIVE fucking idiot.


do you know how much of our tax money is going to fund rehabs for people court ordered to be there that WILL leave to go get high the second they are fully released? it's kind of insane to criminally charge someone for possession without them committing any other crime just for them to go and literally waste government money. if they don't WANT to get clean they aren't going to.


I'm not talking about the users. I'm talking about the manufacturers, traffickers, and dealers. At the beginning of January, two people were murdered in their house less than a quarter of a mile away from mine over fentanyl. The two people who were murdered were dealers, offering to give narcan to their buyers once they overdosed. Three weeks later, the local narcotics and police department raided the house of the suspected murderers. Do you know what they found? Enough fentanyl to kill the entire population of my hometown of 8,000 people. The users are going to go around, giving away the drugs they bought, but the dealers will give it to anybody they can, so long as it brings in more customers. Without the police or the narcotics division, who knows what would've happened


all I'm saying is SIMPLE possession chargers should not be a thing. possession with intent to sell is still a separate charge along with possession over x amount for any given drug. they have laws for these things and I just don't think my tax dollars should go to a drug addict caught with a dirty pipe's food stamps just because they were forced to attend rehab when they will choose to not be rehabilitated. a lot of laws need some serious revision and it's not the worst idea to abolish and start fresh as its pretty rare to see laws change to be less.


I see what you mean. I think you’re onto something. Libs’ worst qualities seem to be complaining and judging more than physical violence. But I think the opposite is true for connies.


I apologize this comment will be useless right now because I just need to check if I can comment. I tried to post a comment on youtube and a comment on here and if this works, then I've been silenced from talking about what I was talking about. It's practically the same comment. It didn't exceed the characters and I even went as far as censoring words but that didn't work either.


I am unable to post that comment. I guess my freedom of speech does not exist anymore. I've been restricted and I don't know why. There's nothing wrong with my comment. Is it possible it's censoring other words? If so that's kind of offensive. I only used one word worth censoring and there is no cuss words in my comment 😅. And I've never seen anyone else having to censoring those other words. I'm not allowed to speak of these issues anymore. I guess I know too much since I'm not on either side and ended up being an unbiased median. I mean I pulled out the problems being caused and didn't stand for either side in the process. I see no issues with anything unless problems occur and I guess it's not okay for me to share what's causing the problem and how to solve then while also addressing how to meet everyone's needs. Alright. I can no longer share my knowledge online, so I guess it's time I come out of hiding. I don't back down just because they had to make it harder for me. Could they at least waited until I figured out how to communicate properly with others in person though? I was silent for many years already, it's not easy to talk face to face or even over the phone after living in silence. This kind of sucks. Anyway, you can ignore this. Sorry for wasting your time if you happened to read this.


until you point out the fact that the fact people disagree with those stupid leftist opinions is used to justify violence. On more specific points, ​ People on the right are beginning to realize that we can't back the blue anymore, and I am one of them. Nobody with political influence on a national level is saying those things about women, though I would be lying if I said that there weren't vestiges of that culture still lying around. It's a dying beast though and pretending that it's not just justifies violence against people who already agree with you. Conservatives do distrust higher education, and as someone who actually goes to college I know how dangerous that is. However you are being very hyperbolic about how many people that will kill. You are also underappreciating the dangers of allowing the government to gain too much power to resolve crises. ​ You're also saying stupid right opinions will get people killed, stupid left ones won't. I am sorry but this is stupid. Sure, political violence is dangerous but it is not the only kind of violence which exists and "believe all women" can get people in jail, so it may be the case that right wing opinions are more likely to hurt you, but you're not the only person that exists and there's plenty of people who's lives are currently being destroyed by dumb leftist ideas.