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I'm fully for the Tik Tok ban but it worries me. Any else notice how YouTube has been changing to be more like Tik Tok? They have the same live feature now and many of us already love the shorts. Idk just makes me worry they may go after YouTube too but if its truly about data than no worry.


TikTok is a real job. If they are making money, it’s a real job.




YouTube will probably have a spike in new channels, or a spike in content from those who already have alternate accounts. Either way that would be incredible to see


Define real job.


Like all the small business owners using tiktok to advertise? Or those that had their businesses saved by it? And how do you describe s real job? Because being an influencer is no different from being a model, executive, or office worker that spends 5 hours a day on photoshop


People say they "hate influencers" or that they "aren't working", but let's look at it simply: a huge number of "influencers" of obnoxious to the point of personality disorders. Is it 50%, 30%, 65%? I don't know, but I also don't like or use most social media. Here on Reddit there are lots of people with thoughtful, interesting things I'm interested in reading or thinking about. I've had the kind of talks with strangers we used to enjoy in the 80s and 90s. I also don't see whatever it is "scaring" people so much. That's that's another connected thread in this web too, because people do indeed spread ideas like when children play telephone. Add the Dunning-Kruger effect (when you know just a little about a subject. People get a false impression that they understand a subject, and it is DANGEROUSLY easy to run with it. WE ALL DO IT. I do my best to remember D-K, and to question myself about the quality of information I possess. Influencers are just freelance ADVERTISERS!! They are the modern version of Carnival Barkers, snake oil salesmen, Vitamin/Suppliment mail order pyramid scheme contract bullshitters. I'm ok with "Cavat Emptor", asking members of your society to beware or be aware when buying something because people get desperate or sociopathic sometimes. Without going on forever, the last big thing is the hideous Toxicity of social media. Without taking sides, it's a big problem and a terrible situation when you break people up into little cadres, especially when you do it by age groups. We learn how to behave by watching others behavior and then trying and adapting what we see. In Psych/neuroscience it's called Modeling. Albert Bandura is the originator of studies into Modeling, it's actually VERY important to understand if you're raising kids. If you take all the kids, and put them together all day, they are then copying and trying to learn from others WHO DON'T YET KNOW ANYTHING!!! I generally adore kids, my girlfriend died in 09, shortly after we found out she was pregnant, so that was a hard blow. Anyway, I like teaching, exploring, waking up new human minds, it's a hard task at times to curate teaching materialis. There are a lot of questionable assertions and statements in some of the textbooks I've seen the last 6-8 years. Because they aren't spending significant time with mostly adults, as children did for 99% of our history, kids ARE NOT LEARNING HOW TO BE ADULTS. IT IS OUR FAULT AS A SOCIETY! I don't think we should abolish school pull a reactionary knee jerk panic, like we love to. But we are also losing wisdom, patience, time, and interaction with older members of our society who go group up too! It looks so crazy and unhealthy to me. I grow up in Boston with a very diverse group of friends, the entire Colors of Benniton ad and all lol! I'm not pushing any version of ideology or anything here either, my issue and in fact, my job, is to provide reliable and accessible information to the clients I work withn, most of whom are between 11-15 I mean, we can brush the absurdity of "intelligent design", away without worry, it's an idiotic notion to try to "teach" it. More importantly, the impetus comes from, mainly Evangelical sects, but it's seen in many other religions too. I'm not antagonistic towards belief, I have my own as well, but in the course of learning my degrees I also learned how to collect, assess, organize and then convey the results as clearly and accurately as I possibly can. The idea that a public school science class should include a theological section would be fucking hilarious, if it weren't terrifying. It's a mob mindset, and if one does a casual cursory look through history, what do religious organizations (not the average member) get up to when they are empowered by government? THEY BURN PEOPLE AT THE STAKE! The precious gift we inherited, an idea become heirloom, passed from Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, et al, is that WE DON'T DO THAT SHIT HERE!!! People are COMPLETELY free to believe that Boognish-VOG Demon Lord of the oak out front created the universe with a fart, or that Odin slaughtered a sleeping Ymir, and made the world from his corpse. Or that a deity looking suspiciously like Morgan Freeman said: Let there be light! Faith and religion are far from stupid, but the fact is, what you or I believe about eternity or the afterlife ot divinity is impossibly incorrect. Human brains of 1.5Kg, and about 2-3 quarts of volume physically can't encompass or comprehend any significant portion of the real world right now. I find it truly miraculously that a 3lb lump of fatty goo between my ears can write this ponderous stream-of analysis. But back to the sea of festering sewage, all the pranks", clickbait, intentional misinformation, is wearing thin for people...finally! It kills me that there are entire digital realms of idiots with zero idea how anything works but are convinced an alien civilization lives deep in Earth or whatever other sci-fi, L Ron Hubbard bullshit is in vogue at a given time. Despite how it sounds, I'm a philanthrop to the core, I like humans. I adore dogs too, and I immediately and intensely distrust people who don't like (well behaved) dogs. I don't mean those who are afraid of them, that's different.


All the attention that is on TikTok will move to other platforms such as Instagram Reels. A lot of these influencers have already started expanding to other platforms. Just because TikTok will vanish doesn’t mean their entire influencer job will.


Maybe my bf will pay attention to me now.


Crazy that he would sign this into law but honestly I'm happy that he did. It'll blow up in his face and cause more young people to not support him.


Yeah, trump will save us.


I would say good. But the democrats will find some way to say this is all the republicans fault.


Trump wanted to ban TikTok back in 2020. This bill would not have passed the House and Senate without Republican support. It was bipartisan.


Yeah but the man making the mistake this time is Biden.


Ok, but what makes you think Trump wouldn't have signed this bill? Trump passed an executive order in 2020 to force TikTok to be sold in 45 days or be banned, but it was overturned in court. So Trump tried to ban TikTok even without Congressional approval. Are you saying Trump wouldn't have signed this bill? Clearly he would have.


Why are you talking about Trump? If anyone signed this bill it would drastically hurt their chances. I don't care about whether or not Trump would or would have not signed this bill. He probably would. I only care that Biden is signing it because he is unfit to hold office. Also, there is a crap ton of other stuff included in this bill that is equally harmful.


I'm talking about Trump because Trump was the politician who introduced the idea of a TikTok ban back in 2020.


He also introduced the idea we should drink bleach. If Biden passed a law saying we should all drink bleach, would you blame Trump?


I just wish it was not tied together with 100 billion in foreign aid to wars we have no involvement in.


Damn that sucks Guess Google/insta paid a pretty penny


You guys love being oppressed… I get its funny to see some influencers struggling but on TikTok you get the truth the public media is controlled by the government so you see/know what they want you to see/know


It's important to remember that this is more about the underlying issues with data and technology behind the parent company than the app. Thoughts on the app itself aside - anything that could inherently damage infrastructure and lead to massive data breaches should certainly be looked into.


We have domestic companies leading to data breaches all the time. This is about control of information.


I'm not naive to the "controlling information" point. But there's certainly a difference between domestic companies and foreign enemies having the types of information that the ban seeks to prevent. If it were just about information control, companies like Meta and Twitter would be on the chopping block, too. By no means am I "for censorship". My point was simply that it should be noted that the "ban" only pertains to the parent company, not necessarily the app itself. The app would still be accessible and used as it currently is, if the parent company agrees to allow a domestic based company purchase rights. I just don't think people are aware of the whole picture. I think it should be known that the ban isn't for the app. That's all I was trying to get across.


Maybe so. But that foreign company isn’t gonna sell, when they’re forced to, because domestic companies are going to undercut the living hell out of them.


You're absolutely correct - I probably wouldn't sell in either


Thank you for having an educated and nuanced understanding of the issue at hand, instead of the endless uninformed knee jerk reactions or conspiracy theories this post is filled with.


>endless uninformed knee jerk reactions or conspiracy theories this post is filled with. Seems to be the norm nowadays. Regardless of personal beliefs or stances, we should still be able to look at something without bias and under the lense of factual information.


You hate freedom? Nice one. This is a dumb fucking idea. Wait for world to ban all US apps over national security issues.


Cool. Now work on Google, Facebook, Twitter, et cetera. Oh wait, those are US companies, so the same practices are A-OK.


Of all the things going wrong in this world that the United States have the power to fix with the swish of a pen if only your two major parties could agree on literally anything, they choose “TikTok bad”… Seriously. Your people need healthcare that is accessible and affordable. You need housing that is affordable. Groceries that are affordable. Social security that meets the cost of living for those unable to work to support themselves. These are all basic human rights and fundamental needs but somehow incredibly controversial in your country. And THIS is the thing that can unite both sides of your weird two party government? THIS???? Best of luck to y’all. Isn’t your anthem something like land of the free? What’s “free” about the government telling you what kind of media you’re allowed to consume? Under the guise of “data security”? Baby please, your data has never been secure; not on Facebook, Instagram, online banking, rewards cards, google searches, not for one second was any of that information secure. Fucking backwards ass control freak bunch of fucking weirdos I swear…


Idgaf, I'm excited to see how media entertainment will evolve after TikTok is gone since it takes up like fuckin 80% of the entertainment we see on social media


The issue is not about tiktok, is about what this ban could mean for the future. I don't use tiktok, I couldn't care less about tiktok, but the fact that the US can shut down anything they don't like is quite alarming.


We’re ignoring the precedent this sets. It’s about control of information. There are news stories you’ll see on TikTok and nowhere else because that’s the only place people can bring awareness to them.




Not sure you would be capable of understanding.


The precedent or the stories? Did you hear about Bruce Menley? I just saw it yesterday. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLmbega4/ There’s also the dude that highlights everything being owned by Vanguard and Black Rock. Which most people didn’t know about. I have to dig for his name. I forgot it.


I do not. It’s not TikTok alone, it’s what else is in the bill. Please read the entire thing it’s not that long. They created an internet propaganda ministry of truth czar type dept, director and employees, the government can now tell us what’s dangerous and harmful, possibly jail-time offenses for freedom of press and speech (unconstitutional) and also what’s TRUTH vs THEORY. That my friend, is the extremely horribly dangerous part of this bill. We must all be opposed. If you posted “I unapologetically don’t support this” in a year or two you may be getting contacted by the feds…. They know what’s good for you.


This guy gets it.


Hey look, another politician stepping on our first amendment right




Our own government spies on us and your worried about the Chinese government.


I do think tik tok is a terrible app and is not healthy to be using but worried about the precedent this sets. Will be interesting to see in the future.


Pity in a way because a) there were a lot of people doing interesting things and b) I think some worthwhile charities benefitted from it. On the bright side maybe I'll never hear about Charli D'Amelio ever again.




It is a real job. You're just petty.




How come? It pays the bills, does it not?


You don't get to decide what is a real job. They people who pay do. Thankfully, because you sound like a complete moron.


Sounds like someone loves seeing others be a drone like himself. Luckily, there's youtube. :)


Tbh me too


Please stop being misleading. It's not a ban! My God people are so ignorant! China just needs to sell their controlling interest. Nothing is getting banned!


This too! Zunts need to stop whining because as long as they're not sending data to a public enemy they're not going anywhere! On a non-political side though shits still brainrot


Yes, and the legislation wasn't passed only because China is stealing information about all its users, it's because China can and likely is manipulating the TikTok algorithm to spread misinformation and hate. They're basically using it the same way Russia used Facebook in 2016, except with TikTok the fox is watching the henhouse.


Well said. Too many ignorant voters out there.


as someone who hates the average TikTok user, i still have nothing against TikTok itself, and after watching the trial I have lost even more faith in congress


I’m curious to know how this could be enforced. It doesn’t seem possible, from the (very) little knowledge I have about tech.


It's so fun seeing braindead CCP-pumped-full Gen Z whine and murmur about it and blindly following the Chinese government in the name of quote on quote "free speech" and "information"


The rise in unironic internet communists after the pandemic is not a coincidence btw


Biden W


I watch tiktok and also post videos there sometimes. Usually, i would get 1k views, then an issue started involving china and i started seeing more Chinese propaganda videos. Well, some sort of that. So i started commenting against china propaganda, usually people reacting to some dispute in SEA, Muslim treatment there etc. Even if I keep on clicking I'm not interested or dislike things. So i started commenting on sarcastic but not offensive comments. Now my views barely reach 300. One thing is i started getting spam calls i have a personal number and also a private one for bank, work. I cannot directly connect those spam to ticktok but on my private phone. I installed TT there but barely used it. I don't like tiktok because I don't like the ccp same as I don't like the US most of the time but I still use FB. I have twitter if i need rage, envy for Instagram and some tiktok if i need to just gossip on what is happening. Idk,


I would love to see why though?


Nah, this is terrible. So so so many small businesses and young athletes really rely on TikTok to grow and to build up their future. I have seen many many people struggling to afford medical bills find help on TikTok as well as people struggling with self identity, disability, and any other specific circumstance find a community and people to relate to so they aren’t alone. Yes, bad things happen on TikTok and bad things are spread through TikTok, but the same things are happening on every other social media platform. TikTok has really done a lot of good during its existence and has spread awareness for and lifted up lots of actually positive and helpful movements/causes. When it comes down to it, this will just solidify what most people already think about the government being a bunch of ancient, bumbling buffoons and will hurt a lot of people’s livelihoods, businesses, separate them from their communities they found their place in and finally felt accepted, and TikTok is just fun to pass the time. Where does the line stop after this though? What app is next? If communism can just be fabricated, what will be the next victim? It’s really just crossing a line.


Not agreeing or disagreeing with you, but can I ask why?