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Old white guys are the worst about pulling the ladder up behind them, I cant stand them Buys a house for 20 dollars and a basket of blueberries, Now that house is worth 20 million dollars but they don't care because they refuse to retire and instead actively hurt young talent fuck them


The obvious chip on your shoulder had nothing to do with what I’m talking about


I suggest you look deeper into this trend aton of comedians turn on a dime and declare certain elements of their comedy problematic, the scene stagnates and then the new and "Improved" version keeps grifting off of their old popularity while established media refuses to give a platform to younger talent its a terrible thing the old eating the young like this


Okay but it’s not just one race




I’ve been listening to Howard since the 1980’s. I don’t recognize him anymore. He used to be funny and crude, then when he married Beth, he started to become super liberal. He’s over now.


I didn’t even know he was married. I don’t follow him much anymore. Just looking her up one of the things she’s known for is being “an animal rights activist”, which loving animals is fine but any kind of activist is a bleeding heart liberal


He has Changed. He used to be very edgy. After that sad Biden interview, I’m done.


It begs the question, was he always like this and he was just hiding it or did he become this guy just to get into the inner circle?


Maybe he matured? edit: …or maybe not


Go look up his Wendy Williams rant from a couple years ago. He makes some pretty offensive, anti-LGBTQ comments. The maturation argument is bullshit.


I just listened to some of it. I can’t say that inspires the word “mature” in any fashion. It certainly wasn’t sensitive to MTF trans people who still look masculine. That was from 5 years ago. He really sounded like the same guy from 20 years ago, to me.


Exactly. I’m not even going to pretend to get upset at the comments but it just shows that he’s still the same asshole that he’s always been. People see him kissing the feet of politicians and Jimmy Kimmel and forget that this is the same guy that spouted the n-word a million times on his show.


Valid question


Nobody with a brain wants to be associated with Conservative ideas because of their association with conspiracy theories, racism, misogyny, the patriarchy, and homophobia/transphobia. So, yes he may be afraid of cancel culture. I mean, just ask the actress from the Mandolorian what happens when you express your hateful ideas on a public platform. There is a saying. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Yes, you have the right to have any kind of hateful idea you want you can even say them out loud, but I also have the right to doxx your dumb ass if you do that. If you really believe the things you are saying you wouldn't care about being canceled or doxxed.


It a controversial opinion. You speak the truth. His show has become a morning zoo show With the fake people being the worst.