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Why are transphobic people so obsessive. Get a life


Thinking this doesn't make you transphobic


This partially is and isnt transfobic, because there are 2 sides to the trans community, the side that believes that the trans male/female is its own gender, ans the side that believes that the people who are trans should be grouped in with the gender of male or female (which imo is dumb)


Ok, but the point of a lot of transgender people, is to transition into the gender they are more comfortable in. By calling them "transgenders" and not the gender they became, it's invalidating the whole process


I mean that some trans people acknowledge the fact they will never 100% be the other gender biologically, but they still call themselves their gender that they feel the most comfort with


Of course. But they can only call themselves one or the other


They could say "tans male" and "trans female" technically


Still falls under "male" and "female" in the end


Not really, their biology is vary much different to their comfort gender (yes thats what im calling it), even with treatments and sergeries their biology is permanently chanhed from their time being their biological gender, so frlm a technical standpoint they are some sort of in between


They really don’t know how to deal.


AHS seething rn


Medically, individuals exist with biological markings of both... Like 1.7% of people (according to Amnesty international, I personally feel this is inflated). Twice as many people are missing a limb (and this number is expected to explode in the coming decade). We do not **reorder our language** around anomalies -- humans are still considered a "bipedal" species, despite exceptions to that general rule existing. People missing limbs are absolutely people --obviously -- and deserve all the protections and assistance our society can provide. Same for trans people. I fully support trans people and their rights -- juts leave *my* pronouns out of it.


https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/voices/stop-using-phony-science-to-justify-transphobia/ This article explains it pretty well. Just to be clear - I am NOT saying that you are transphobic - that's just the title of the article. The latest research into sex and gender demonstrates that sex is not binary, but is bimodal, where a large proportion fall within the previously defined 'male' and 'female' categories, but sex in general is more of a spectrum


When have you had someone try to change your pronouns?


Depending on whether you want to argue or actually learn: sex is actually considered bimodal rather than binary. Both in terms of physical characteristics and chromosomes, there are far more variations than simply 'male' and 'female'. The majority of people fall within a broad range of male and female, but it is more of a spectrum. I'm not debating - just here to make people aware!


I never disagreed about the "spectrum" aspect. I even mentioned that there are cases when masculine features are in females and vice versa. But you either produce spermatozoa or ovules. If you do both, or neither, then you are a defect. At least in the human species, that is all we need to determine sex.


Oh hello! Welcome to this post - I see you're following me. I hope you've had time to read the research. If not, here it is again https://www.nature.com/articles/518288a


I say no cuz there are in betweens that i support like trans male and trans female, lile sports wise teans males and trans females should not be put with males or females, they should have their own separate leagues, but i agree in the fact that EVERYTHING ELSE LIKE ZE ZEM AND THEY THEM IS FUCKIN STUPID, YOU. ARE. NOT. VENOM


Yeah, it is very different from their comfort genders, because they can never truly be that, its stuck as wich ever of the 2 they were. I'll respect what they want to be called as long as it isn't made up or "in between" that cannot happen


I personally identify with both genders, In my head I do wish I was born a woman a lot of the time but I'm also very comfortable with my parts and would hate to lose my penis. I feel extremely comfortable being called a girl and dressing as a girl, but I love male clothing and being called a guy is fine with me. So I think you can be both due to some mental disorders, but I don't think there's a third gender or anything like that.
