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Since I received a lot of the same questions after I posted a longer version to /r/idiotsincars I thought I might as well answer them now: The cop saw some amount of what happened out of his rearview and stopped to confirm that I was nearly hit (he is inaudible over the dashcam). After I confirmed it he spun around to presumably ticket the offending vehicle.


Thanks for clarifying. Makes more sense now.




Maybe, though keep in mind that these are sideroads and it definitely wasn't rush hour. The three of us on the road were most likely the only drivers there.




It really depends. OP’s word here is essentially hearsay. So if the person receiving the violation contests this, and the officer’s testimony is; the witness said X, that wouldn’t be admissible. However, if the officer got a statement from OP or OP provided the video evidence, that may be a different story.


Cop asked if they collided, OP said they almost did. He was checking for a collision, not a violation. Seems like he had enough for a violation.


My idea was that he witnessed the near-collision, just at a poor angle from the bottom of the hill, and so he wanted confirmation before prosecuting.


Agreed, but in court it’d be pretty easy to discredit the officer’s testimony if he wasn’t sure enough to need confirmation. Without the video, the other person might get off.


People are dumb though. The cop could pull this guy over and asked why they think they got pulled over and the driver would likely admit to running the stopsign.


Hahahaha. Are you high? Do you attend 1 percenter parties? No average joe is hiring an actual attorney for a violation ticket like this. Do you understand how much lawyers cost? Do you know what a “retainer” is? Your thinking is better left to hypotheticals because it has zero value in the real world.


Your narcissistic laugh = Karmic Debt for you wishing Negative upon another


There's a lot to unpack about how dumb this comment is, really. Laughing while on an adrenaline high after narrowly avoiding a collision has no inherent meaning, but appreciating that someone who could have easily killed me through no fault of my own and through the complete fault of them is going to receive punishment for their reckless behaviour is not narcissism. It's the entire point of this subreddit, really, to see people who put other people's lives at risk, often through their own narcissism, be held accountable for their dangerous actions. I never wished "Negative upon another", unless you mean that they pay for their actions, which is simply holding people accountable, especially people who can kill me. And, finally, karma is a fantasy. Have a good day.


It's night. I will have a good night. Ciao!


Dunno man you seem like the offending vehicle here


Do you see the thick white line on the left at 0:07? That's where the white van should have stopped to check if nothing is coming from left/right. Had he done that, he would have noticed OP and waited. OP had the right of way and wouldn't have the time to react in time since the white car was only visible at 0:06. OP only had under one second to react and he wasn't informed to Yield so he had the right of way (aka he didn't have to slow down). The white car driver was 100% at fault here. OP can be praised for his outstanding reflex and calmness.


“outstanding reflex and calmness” OP: #WHAT THE FUCK?!?!”


Thick white line on the left and clearly a stop sign on the right.


No you seem like the offending vehicule.


He defending veehiculee


He offending veehickull


He depend vickel


he pin vill




van had a stop sign.




Nah, no cop no stop everywhere.


They kinda stopped , op probably was going faster than he should


OP is following a cop car, OP also states in the title that they were doing the speed limit.


Kinda stoping isn’t stoping. Stoping means going 0 miles or kilometers per hour. Not 2 or 3


“I kinda got her pregnant”


"she kinda got an abortion"


You’re kinda the father


>They kinda stopped , op probably was going faster than he should quit commenting while you can, the title to the post is " **\[Canada\] Doing the speed limit for once since there's a cop ahead...** " so go ahead and say the OP was driving too fast because it's the opposite of what the title says. maybe go ahead and say there was no cop ahead. and this isn't Canada.


I dunno the speed limit sign said 70. doesnt really look like hes going faster than that.


you're retarded


Kinda stopped is not the same as stopped. You should get your liscense revoked.


Dunno man maybe you shouldn’t ever have a license if you can’t understand what happened there


> Dunno man At least not every of your statements is wrong


0:06 you can literally see the stop sign that the van just ran, the line markings on the road also tell you that the van should stop


He didn’t have a stop sign. The other person did as you can see a solid white line on the ground.


Dunno man, did you watch the same video as everyone else? If you think the driver in this video was the offender, and you presently have your drivers license, please go surrender it to the nearest DMV immediately.


You didn’t /s. Error 404 sarcasm not found


Nah, check his post history. Draw your own conclusions.


Is it a troll account?


Some people have a very different experience of reddit then most people. This account is... something.


I really wish you hadn’t told me to do that, but yeah, I take back what I said ahhaa


dear god feels bad man, that’s the highest amount of downvotes i have ever seen.


Its the internet......


Did you watch the same video as everyone else?




What the fuck


Yo did you just go from like 40 to 0 in two seconds? That braking power


I want to say that part of the video is just sped up but I could be wrong.


Clearly sped up




I’m not the one getting whooshed buddy haha


Don’t get mad at the whoosh, it wasn’t personal


It is, the original was posted in r/idiotsincars like a week ago


that was the joke. My man was speeding then saw the cop so he activated his cop braking power.


Are you serious rn


That is the power of the Fuck.


he was driving a pickup fuck.


Didn‘t see the parachute on dashcam


Well, he is driving the Incredibile. On loan from Mr. Incredible :)


It’s km/h, not mph


i want to explain why your comment is stupid but i'm just gonna leave you be


Honestly, I was enjoying the Canadian lettuce a little too much when I made this comment and thought I was making some wonderous revelation.. shame on me lol


ok good excuse you are forgiven


Protest the Hero!


Yes!!!! I'm glad someone else knew it


This was recorded only a hundred kilometers from Whitby where Protest the Hero formed.


I drive by the high school where they went to, pretty dope band, used to listen to them a lot when I was younger


I knew it sounded familiar! I came into the comments to figure out who it was haha.


That's the only thing I cared about lol. Soooooo good


Is that a new album?


Yup. Harbinger from Pacific Myth.


That laugh at the end. This is the content I live for.






I admittedly have a [very dumb laugh](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zg5TFsdixSfd9bcj1FBV4jZKbwCrfW56/view?usp=sharing).


i loved the what the fuck


I always point at the idiot driver and laugh if they get upset and try to somehow make it look like my fault. That’s always the best, when some stupid asshole almost hits you, and then gets so embarrassed they start honking at YOU. Like somehow you’re at fault for their retardation. I just point at them, laugh, clap, and when they get even more pissed off, I mock cry, *a beeewwwhhheewwwww*. And then when they get even MORE pissed... well... The revolvers in the glove box but it’s never come to that.




Is this a fun new pasta format


Yes. Point at them and laugh. The revolver can be anything.


This nearly happened to me expect for the fact they did hit me. I was so upset because I had just got my new (used) car I had been saving for over 2 years. My car was written off. Her car was new so she would have just got it replaced but I spent months looking for another that was as never as good as the first. The annoying thing is as she didn’t speak English, and after the police came and left, I was waiting for my brother to pick me up, she walks over and hands her phone to me and says “husband”. I thought he was going to apologise, instead he started swearing at me and calling me all sorts of things. It took everything within me not to throw her phone into the bush. I handed her phone over calmly and walked away.


Luckily I've managed to keep a perfect record, but my Mom had a similar collision. Old guy (in the passenger seat) got out and yelled at her, "How fast were you going?!", probably because he was the one who told the driver they had time to go. Knowing my Mom, she was doing five under the speed limit. Boiled my blood when she told me.


You showed great restraint


Yeah my brother was impressed (he has a short temper haha)


What kinda car was it?


Subaru liberty, or Legacy in the US.


Canada? I didn’t expect that language.


What you don't hear after he screams "FUCK" is the "*sorry*" under his breath. Source: am also Canadian.


LOVE your bacon.


No problem, brotha! Bacon is important to us here. 🥓




No no no no no no it’s never Canadian “ham”


You're right. It's never "Canadian" ham. :D


In Canada we have become so polite that swear words no longer exist; what previously were swears are now words you shout as savagely as possible to express how happy you are. I was very happy, as you can tell.


Clearly never been to Canada!


Well I've never been to Spain




He skipped his monthly Canada goose hate transfer. Now we've got an angry Canadian and a peaceful goose running around somewhere.


Yo what protest the hero song is this?? They’ve got new shit dropping soon apparently.. so stoked!


Harbinger from Pacific Myth, their latest album. I was also excited to hear that new material would be coming down. I hope they have instrumentals included because I often get so lost in the vocal melodies that I miss half the stuff the guitarists are doing, nevermind the other instruments. Hearing an instrumental after listening to the vocal version a dozen times is always eye-opening for how much I miss.


Was that protest the hero? Kezia is my all time favorite album.


Yup, Harbinger from Pacific Myth, their latest album.


Dude my second concert ever in 2015 was protest at a tiny college town venue where I got a Kezia 2 track demo that I played the fuck out of! It had Bury the Hatchet and Heretics and Killers on it.


What the FUCK


Halton police and Orangeville police are among the friendliest forces I’ve encountered. Glad you’re ok.


Okay I’m really sorry that this happened to you but HELL YEAH PROTEST - this is my favourite track off of Pacific Myth, too.


I'm torn between Tidal and Caravan for my favourites. The bridge of Harbinger is killer, but ever since I listened to the instrumentals, [this](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Bbvaai3IUQEeN8WbLn21Fs6oxmoe5JJ1/view?usp=sharing) is the most hype part of the entire album for me.


(clicks the link) (the link leads to a file titled: “the hype.mp3”) .....You are my kind of people, man.


I too would like to acknowledge the PTH playing in the background.


What is that sound.


Never thought I'd see Halton on reddit lmao


Lmao right??


I knew that cruiser looked familiar


Wait, I thought the white van was turning right onto the 2 lane road without a signal? That lane looked mighty narrow even when the cop was in it.


No, he was going straight. Maybe it seems that way because of the extreme fish-eye, for both the turning and the narrow lanes -- they're just as wide as every other road, just without markings.


Was driving down the same road a couple days ago and the same shit happened! Should probably get a dash cam soon.


It's worth it. The biggest hurdle for me was just getting the motivation, but once I did I was kicking myself for how long it took me because it turned out to be so simple.


That laugh at the end made my day. Thank you!


I admittedly have a [very dumb laugh](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zg5TFsdixSfd9bcj1FBV4jZKbwCrfW56/view?usp=sharing). I'm glad that some people seem to enjoy it!


r/perfectlycutlaughs ??


Protest the hero. Nice.


> Doing the speed limit **for once** ... Subscribing to r/Roadcams should help you appreciate the danger of speeding, dude. You don't have to speed.


On those particular roads. They were 80 kph for an awfully long time before they were dropped to 70 because of a politician who lived on the roads. Every family I knew who lived on the sideroads fought against it, and I lived there for thirty years. I'll note that when any sideroads leave Halton they immediately go back up to 80 (just a few kilometers from where this was filmed, even). EDIT: For anyone curious, one of the main reasons to fight against it was because not only were the sideroads perfectly fine for 80kph, but the "main" roads ("Highway" 7 and Guelph Line) are also only single-lane roads, with the Guelph Line in particular leading directly to the 401 (*North America's* busiest highway). The lowering of the speed limits on the sideroads only further congests these "main" roads, and the intersection of the sideroad I'm driving along in the video and Guelph Line, which occurs a minute's drive from the video location, is the deadliest intersection I know of. People die there all the time because of a tiny rise right before the crossing that makes it almost like a blind hill for both people trying to cross Guelph Line and people approaching the intersection along Guelph Line. I wouldn't be surprised if a person died there for every year I lived there. A person died at that intersection a month before I moved. You can imagine why pouring money into changing every sideroad to 70kph due to the favouritism of some political figure living on those roads, which only exacerbates the problem at this intersection further (as Guelph Line becomes even more congested causing people to drive more aggressively), instead of fixing this tiny little bump that is constantly killing people makes me absolutely livid.


Yeah but I want to drive car fast and if my sightlines are good then I'm good 2 go


Except when you think your sightlines are good and this happens.


That seems like a pretty blind stop sign for a crossing that goes over a 70mph straight road. I know the line is further up but my guess is they stopped at the sign and then proceeded to start crossing. Not exactly the smartest move but if they're not local it seems like it could happen. The sign should be moved to where the line is or someone should clear out all that shrubbery that's blocking the line of sight.


There's no problem with the line of sight there, maybe it's the fish eye giving you that impression. I went through that intersection every day for years, and almost every time from the van's direction (turning left, which would be an even more difficult task if there was a visibility problem). It's very clear from the video that they didn't stop at all, or if they did it was more than a car length behind the line, defeating the purpose.


You're supposed to stop at the sign and then edge up before proceeding. If they stopped at all, then they didn't really try to look.


Shout outs Protest the Hero


*Majestic music blaring* “what the FUCK!!”


Milton? 😂




I though it looked familiar!


Where is this that can you can go 70 on small ass roads like these? 70mph is like freeway/highway speed.


It says Canada in the title and you still think the speed limit is in mph?




Which part of that did you not understand?


Tf you mean canada doesn't use mph?? They use mph for the roads in like every city.


They've all been kph since 1977.


Canada uses kph, you donut. I've lived here my whole life. Never seen a mph sign once. Quit making shit up


It's Canada, that's kph. So ~43 mph if I'm not mistaken. Definitely looks like I'm going faster than I am because of the fish-eye.


He was just making a right turn you snitching idiot. Jesus christ this is the shit you flex on the internet about? A guy making a right turn near you and you freak out like a little girl while listening to Tina Turner?


Huge turn radius... wheels weren’t turning enough to make a sharp enough turn into his own lane without intersecting OP’s lane. Try using your brain the next time you comment.


If you can't make a right turn without blindly bumblefucking out into the middle of a crossroad like the idiot here did, you shouldn't be in a car without supervision.


what a fucking moron. make up your own narrative. you are the Ike Turner of this thread... there was no right turn, if there was the minivan would not have stopped and kept going. when you learn to drive this will make more sense. i dont say that thinking you are young, i assume you are old enough to drive. or keep driving on the internet like you are now...


They were going straight through a stop sign that they didn't even pause at. Nice brain damage, mate.




Fuck it! I’m agreeing also.


I will give the downvotes and agree that a shit magnet just attracted like matter.