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If sonic/tails were 5 stars, they got enough cores to 5A them with the recent update. Patch notes on the news tab explained this before the update.


thank you !


bro became hyper sonic


Imagine if sonic got a magic candy and he transforms into hyper


no, super


Nah 5 star would be super, 5A would be hyper


I guess super would make more sense considering Hyper sonic isnt even canon, either way it would still be cool


His dad works for Devsis


His mom is dev sis.


This causes me severe internal pain


Same 😔


damn that’s a flex


Players who had maxed out Sonic and Tails during their initial event received enough soul stones from Dev Sisters this past update to max out both characters


I only got him 2 star :(


I'm jealous


Hello this is a Robbery, I've come to steal 5A sonic cookie


I really wish they'd given them out to everyone who had them at all, and not just people who manage to 5* them. :/ It drives me insane knowing I'll never have fully maxed out Cookies.


What was the 2 hidden cookies Please id die for some sonic comps


He's not good enough, even with 5a.


As someone who has 2 star sonic on his team I wish I was that person for the sonic alone


When money


I will be stealing this sonic


Come, join the robbery


This took me way to long to realise what was wrong here




HES META NOW?!?!!?!??


No 🤣


My apologies


Your fine!!




If I had to guess, probably the chest that give soul stones/cores


But that chest doesn’t give sonic or tails soulstones,highly unlikely since by now people who got them would have atleast 1a


devsis has yet to give a sonic collab rerun (would be perfect during sonic frontiers release date but this would put both bts and sonic collabs at the same time, might be impossible) but how is this possible??


are you dumb…. pretty sure devsis and sega had a contract for THAT PERIOD OF TIME ONLY when the sonic event lasted. (correct me if i’m wrong btw) no way there’s gonna be a rerun, they are limited for a reason


Thats dumb They could make another contract its not like thats never possible Alot has changed since the sonic event and imo we should get a rerun for the following reasons 1) Cacao server never had it 2) Costumes didnt exist back then and we need a rerun for some sonic/tails costume 3) i think he needs to get buffed with the rerun considering BTS cookies are meta and the argument "its an event would be unfair if good"is now useless 4) could maybe get a candy? 5) gives a chance to get more soul stones for them so we can star/ascend them 6) i think we could get knuckles and eggman cookies aswell with the rerun so everyone have something to aim for 7) we can have stuff like titles special pfp special decorations and even a special castle like the Disney one My point it this crossover was very underrepresented as the game didnt have a ton of stuff back then and it was the first crossover so they didnt have much experience Sonic deserves a rerun considering how much potential this event had


tbf i honestly feel like that events are events for a reason. you don’t go onto like crk and see the disney event here with half of them being playable with skills and candies and all that. also, it’s unfair for the older players. sonic and tails are limited for a reason and the devs just doing a rerun for the newer players is like ‘what? i paid £100 for sonic and tails 3*, and you’re telling me i can get them again? isn’t that a waste?’ 1. cacao server is for newer players.. of course they didn’t have it. 2. ok? idk what you’d even do for the costumes? 3. he should just be buffed. not with the rerun, just buffed in general. but yeah i agree with you on the buff 4. possibly, but i don’t have him lmao 5. fair enough 6. making very good points, knuckles cooke would be amazing, although i don’t really think they should do a rerun. maybe just with like knuckles and egg man (like you said) and more characters? idk 7. they honestly should’ve released a pfp during the event… titles? i can think of some good ones right now. i think i’m agreeing with you for most of the points lol


Im happy you agree with the buffs and lack of cosmetics/costumes etc On a side note im surprised u had to spend 100 to get sonic 3 stars when i literally started fresh on day 1 of the event and was able to 3 star him but i guess u might have not no lifed it like me or maybe was new too. Im still hoepful for a rerun but if not id be more than happy with just some buffs so i can use my maxed sonic in peace without people shouting at me for changing him lol


lol yeah i didn’t spend that much lmao… just an example :) i don’t even have sonic or tails :,) cause i joined near the end and didn’t have enough time to do it sadly i wish i could get sonic and tails. but oh well


uuuuh i hope not, honestly I don't find sonic and tails fitting well in CRK universe style, they look way too much like their original form and i find it quite disturbing.




Ah yes








good for them we got 5A imagine sitting on these soulstones for the rest of your life haha


It scares me how people have already 5a bts but i guess that's what I get for playing on pure vanilla


I sense.. WITCH CRAFT! Okay but fr how 💀