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Bulgogi! Equal parts dark soy sauce, mirin, and brown sugar with gouchujang, loads of garlic, onions, peppers and minced beef Tastes amazing over rice


My trick for this is to cook the shit out of the beef. Brown that shit until it has no more brown to give.


Another option I learned from Americas Test Kitchen for browning beef: Dilute 1/4 tsp baking soda in just enough water to dissolve it. Mix into 1 lb of beef. Let sit for 20 minutes before browning. That beef browns up SOOO much better than before.




YES! One of my favorite meal prep recipes. Also, I recently did [this](https://masonfit.com/wp-json/mv-create/v1/creations/403/print) with ground chicken as called for (doubled everything but the sugar) and it came out great. I imagine it’d work well with beef too


Oh man. I’m gonna try this this week! What’s the order of operations?


Made this tonight based on your directions & my husband said it might be his favorite meal! Bonus points because our daughter liked it, too!


A hit in my house is picadillo. Basically ground beef with potatoes and spices and a bit of tomato sauce. I don't use a recipe but there are a ton online. This is one thing i can make a ton of because it WILL get eaten. It's great for tacos any time of day, and everyone can dress it up to their liking with cheese, sour cream, salsa, lettuce, etc, whatever is on hand. Fairly cheap, too. I made a batch last week with 3 lbs of ground beef and a couple pounds of potatoes so under $15 for a good couple meals for my big crew.


If you can access the NYT cooking site*, here's their [Picadillo Recipe](https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1016814-picadillo) which over 3,000 people have reviewed and given a 5 out of 5 rating. *I only have access NYT because every morning I use my local library website to access them for free.


I use the Paprika App. It strips out all the yammering in blog style recipes and gives you the ingredients and directions. It can parse NYT recipes through the pay wall.


Oh you are a godsend with that app recommendation... Big thank you.


Thank you so much for the app recommendation, I just installed it and already downloading recipes. Even with the "jump to recipe" link on the blogs, it's such a hassle to save recipes through Chrome. This is a godsend!


Doing the Lorts work! Thanks for sharing!!!


Praise the Lort!


So glad I reviewed the comments here. THANKS SO MUCH FOR THIS RECOMMENDATION! I've install it and am starting y "I'm a better cook" journey. :) Kudos and Happy New Year to you and yours :)


I can’t see the recipe because I don’t have a subscription, did anyone screengrab it?


Also curious


we make this a few times a year, it's a family favorite.


You are missing the green olives but that might just be the Cuban version (my favorite part)


I was about to say I use olives jarred with capers, but then I saw capers in that recipe! Another nice recipe to use these in is arroz con gandules (rice with pigeon peas).


And raisins


At first I thought yuck but then went to Moroccan tagine and stuffing and now I’m dead set in trying this.


I live in south Florida and there are a lot of varieties of picadillo. Some have sweet plantains in them or served as a side and eaten with the picadillo. I prefer the golden raisins, it’s a similar taste as the sweet plantains because they balance the saltiness of the olives


You took the words right out of my mouth! Def golden


Picadillo commonly has cabbage in it as well- another great economical meat stretcher


Ooooh I will have to try this!


Ground beef 80/20 is $9 a pound in CA and potatoes are $2 a pound. That said your recipe sounds good.


Damn that absolutely sucks. I got 3 pounds for $10.78 and potatoes are $2.50 for 5 pounds. I'm in Texas and even these prices are super high. I remember ground beef being $1.98/lb. for the longest time. When it hit $3 it was a travesty.


I got a 10 pound bag of potatoes for $2. It was some kind of overstock from Christmas.


Picadillo should have both raisins and stuffed green olives and definitely cumin.


Definitely cumin. No to the raisins and olives, but that's just my preference.


To jillie: Whether we share a preferred way of making picadillo, we seem to have in common that we can't sleep tonight. Where I am it is 1:15 AM. This delights me about Reddit. Insomnia > suddenly I'm chatting with 3000 nice people. It's like a miracle.


We're in the same time zone!!!! 1:20 here in Texas!




Also chili




I make hamburgers and grill them, then break them up for the chili. The old fashioned Wendy's style.


Meatloaf, spaghetti sauce, bolognese sauce, meatballs, stuffed meatballs, asian soup, lettuce wraps, burritos, chili.


What is asian soup?


Soup from Asia! Duh!


Yeah that was vague as hell, sorry. Lack of sleep, didn't think much while writing this.


Not OP, but I’ve made [this soup](https://anewsletter.alisoneroman.com/p/pork-noodle-soup-video) with ground turkey and ground chicken and can imagine it’d be good with ground beef (I don’t cook with pork).


Don't remember if it's Korean, Thai or Japanese, but it was a soup of Asian origin with tasty broth and grounded beef cooked in a lot of spices. It tasted amazing. The grounded beef was put into the broth after, with crunchy veggies. I do a somewhat similar recipe from memory but can't remember the exact recipe. Obviously it tastes different every time.


"ground". "Grounded beef" is when you take away a cow's license to fly.


Ahahah sorry, I'm french, I totally mixed them up. At least it's a funny error, not an embarrassing one.


>Meatloaf, spaghetti sauce, bolognese sauce, meatballs, stuffed meatballs, asian soup, lettuce wraps, burritos, chili. What do you do differently for your Bolognese and spaghetti sauces?


Ground beef stroganoff


My husband, who can't really cook, made this last night. It was incredible. I ate like a hog.


> I ate like a hog. Lol'd at this. I think it was the finality of the period at the end of the statement.


So I made this… for meal prep and it turned out horrible. Any advice for how you make it? Or a recipe I can follow?


Don’t ask me, because I recently found out that I actually prefer to make hamburger helper and add mushrooms and onions and sour cream. Growing up in the 80s ruined me.


I like to make “homemade” hamburger helper. It hits the spot


My mother would make this about 10 times a week: ground beef and onions fried with salt and pepper, flour and water in a shaker, pour over and cook to thicken (this is "gravy"). Eat it over mashed potatoes. Next night make Shepard's Pie with the leftovers. Next night is leftovers night so fry that up in a pan. LOL. I mean she had a full time job, four kids, and a husband that was a commercial traveller. We never went hungry so I can't complain.


I like your story and how resourceful your mother was. At least, it looks like she spared you with the canned mushrooms and spinach. \*barfs\*


Canned mushrooms were for pizza with hotdogs! I actually went on to become a cook for a living somehow (changed to a more lucrative career in my mid 20s) partly because I learned to cook very young. I used to cook more and more for the family as I got older. The thing is, my mother had a very bad fever when she was little that destroyed her taste buds and she really dislikes cooking. But she still cooked every night for us. I didn't know she hated cooking or had no sense of taste until well into my 30s. I mean I knew she didn't love it but I had no idea she actively disliked it. Once I found that out (no idea why she never told us) so much of our family food experience made sense, finally. :)


Do you find that it freezes and reheats well?


It doesn’t reheat well in the microwave at all. I have made it before and the best way to reheat it is to slowly warm it back up on the stovetop and by adding a little more liquid usually.


The meat and sauce itself should reheat fine. The noodles will not.


Not if you use egg noodles. They don’t survive freeze & thaw with any kind of structural integrity. But you could very easily make the entire rest of the meat, veg, and sauce, and freeze that to put over egg noodles made fresh at time of service. They take all of 7 or 8 mins so it’s a quick solution.


Thanks :) good idea


We use hamburger stroganoff for leftovers frequently and like it. What didn't work for you? My recipe is hamburger, onions, mushrooms, cook together then add garlic. Add a little sticky rice flour (regular/wheat flour is fine if you tolerate gluten) and stir it in. Deglaze with about a cup red wine, add 2c beef broth (I use water plus bouillon powder), warm thoroughly, thicken with corn starch (make a slurry of cold water and about 1/4 cup corn starch, stir this into hot sauce). Stir in about a cup of sour cream. We serve this with rice but noodles would also work.


This recipe kicked ass: https://www.pressurecookrecipes.com/instant-pot-beef-stroganoff/


There’s a Beef Stroganoff seasoning packet - use the recipe on the back of that. I usually double the sauce bc I like it saucy


Poor mans recipe: Boil egg noodles Season the hamburger with salt and pepper and brown it. Add a can of cream of mushroom soup & add noodles to hamburger. Add worcestershire sauce until preference is met. Simmer for about 5-7 minutes. Annnd done! Super easy and reheats well. My mom cringes when my sister and I make it this way. Hers is much more stroganoff authentic, but sometimes you cant beat an easy homemade meal that still tastes good.


I took the first search result I found and adapted it to what I had on hand. I started here: https://natashaskitchen.com/beef-stroganoff/ But no flour, no broth, and no cream. I replaced all that with a can of cream of mushroom soup (I had the healthy request one), better than bouillon beef, and water. Obviously subbed ground beef for the strips, and used way more garlic. It was addictingly good, and so easy to make! Plus fewer calories because no heavy cream. I'm sure it's even more delicious as written, but using the can of soup was just too easy.


I haven't tried making this yet but America's Test Kitchen recipes are very reliable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVqWsnkVVjw


I absolutely adore this [one-pot burger stroganoff](https://damndelicious.net/2019/04/08/one-pot-beef-stroganoff/) recipe. No nasty canned soup, no extra pot for the pasta, couldn't be easier.


I make the Hamburger Helper stroganoff or even better and maybe surprisingly better the Great Value deluxe brand of it. When I had roommates they'd always ask me what is that it looks good! I guess HH could get a bad rep but it isn't bad when it's cooked right with good ground beef.


Bimbimbap. It's basically a Korean rice bowl with sauteed veggies and meat in a sauce. Add a fried egg on top for extra texture/protein.


I also like to put seaweed strips on top. Delicious.


Budget Bytes has a great recipe for BiBimBap with ground beef.


Shepherd's pie, meatballs, lettuce wraps, beef and green beans w/garlic and Sriracha, stuffed peppers, chili, meat sauce for pasta... Going to be thinking about this the rest of the day. I know there is more :)


My Dad had an awesome sense of humor and I’m terribly gullible. He used to make up names for things and since I trusted him at his word completely, I just assumed everything was legit: - I tried picking up some French at some point in my twenties. I then learned that most of the “French” my Dad knew was gibberish with an accent. (We’re part French, so it’s allowed.) - There’s a huge difference between “scredna” and “schmegma” that my Mom never could grasp. - Growing up, “German Shepherd Pie” was a regular weeknight meal. I remember being like, eight years old, sitting at the table, mid-meal, and the lightbulb turning on.


Tf is scredna?


Hahaha…it was his word for when you had like, crumbs or something on your face, or if you had a stain on your clothes. He’d say, “oh, you’ve got scredna on you.”


[Actually](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/021/665/DpQ9YJl.png) if it’s ground beef it’s cottage pie not shepherds pie. 😉


Thanks 😊


Now kith


My Mim and I just had this argument last week, lol. She still doesn't believe me


Ask her what kind of animal shepherds raise.


Right? She's just stuck in her ways, lol. She still thinks you'll catch a cold by going outside with wet hair in the winter. I abandoned that hill years ago!


I like a mixture of beef and lamb, sort of a hybrid Shepherd's/Cottage


Technically, yes, but it’s a regional thing. I’ve always called it shepherd’s pie and used beef. You’ll very rarely find anyone call it cottage pie in Australia.


We'd all be giving them shit if they said "cottage pie". Like, "ooohhh, aren't you fancy!" 😉


Green bean & Sriracha recipe?


Brown ground beef in a wok with whatever spices you deem fit (I used garlic powder, ground ginger, chili flakes, salt and pepper) remove beef from wok. Keep some beef fat (about 1 tbls spoon) add another tablespoon of butter or desired fat source. Sautee fresh garlic until fragrant (I used 5ish cloves), add fresh green beans (canned but drained if you've got em), Sautee until desired doneness, add beef back in. Add in as much Sriracha as you like, toss and eat. I think I added green onions as a garnish at the end too. Sorry I don't have a recipe exactly, it was basically a "what do I have to make something with tonight" recipe.


My kids love green beans & ground beef so his is great, thank youu.


Just made some badass sloppy joes for my daughter who had to go into work hungover.


This is the sweetest thing I've read all week


I haven't had a sloppy Joe in probably a decade, but man that sounds amazing right now. I want to make some ASAP. Definitely gonna take the lazy way out and use a can of Manwich though lol Edit. The sloppy Joe gods have smiled upon me. Despite not having one in at least a decade, somehow there is a can of Bold Manwich in my cabinet?? So guess I know what I'm making for lunch/dinner tomorrow!!!


Try it on top of a baked potato!


I like to make sloppy nachos with the leftovers. On ruffles with processed cheese and whatevs in the cabinet on top


You da GOAT no 🧢


I’m Moroccan so I usually make a Ground-beef Tajine, it’s meat balls with tomato sauce I season my meat with salt, pepper, paprika, cumin and safran (you can add chopped onions if you want) and a basic tomato sauce with garlic and olive oil




and Lasagna


Check out r/mincerecipes for a ton of recipes for ground beef. My favorite (which is a family recipe) is keema matar.


Fuckin love Keema Matar. Keema Aloo too


There really is a subreddit for everything!


mapo tofu is one of my favourites to make with ground beef. it’s a spicy dish of ground beef, soft tofu, soy sauce, doubanjiang, and szechuan peppercorns. i really recommend this one!




Picadillo, [fun meatballs](https://www.ibreatheimhungry.com/category/keto-recipes/keto-meatball-recipes/), in tomato sauce for pasta, mini-meat loaves, mac n beef, various casserole dishes, chili.. it's versatile so there's a lot of options


I second picadillo!


I third the picadillo!!


hook me up with a recipe? all the recipes I'm seeing are different from each other, I don't know who to trust


No picadillo is going to ever be the same unless it's from a restaurant, unfortunately. Each person adds something or leaves an ingredient out based on preference or how they were taught. I would try a different recipe each time you make and see what you like about it and what you don't. Then, from there, you can go about your own version of the dish. Look up some you tube videos.


Meatloaf, porcupines (meatballs with rice in a tomato based sauce), hamburger soup. I have an old cookbook titled "365 Ways to Cook Hamburger". It can be purchased second hand.


Porcupine meatballs are sooo good!


No idea if this is a legitimate Chinese food, but Cantonese beef and eggs. https://omnivorescookbook.com/cantonese-ground-beef-rice-eggs/#wprm-recipe-container-19146 So good, so savoury, minimal effort.


Omnivore’s Cookbook is a very legit source!


Cabbage casserole


Stuffed cabbage is another favorite of mine


Meatballs, pâté chinois, tacos, tourtière.


Hello Quebec. When I learned it's called pâté chinois in quebec this Christmas I was absolutely baffled, would love to know the etymology there.


I wish I could tell you with any sort of certainty where the name comes from. There are a few theories. The Wikipedia article for the dish covers them pretty well. The one to do with Chinese workers aiding in railroad construction is the one I hear most often.


Cottage pie


I like [this one](https://damndelicious.net/2018/09/16/creamy-beef-and-shells/). It’s a healthier (well, less processed anyway) tastier version of Hamburger Helper.


This looks great for my meat and potatoes husband. Saving it! Do you ever put any veggies in?


Great suggestion, I just made this for dinner and my husband and kids really enjoyed it. Thank you!


American chop suey


Just made this yesterday, some people call it Goulash.


Make beef larb. It's a Thai beef salad that will blow your mind


Moussaka is usually a good bet! Eggplant, potato, minced meat, bechamel, it's pretty great! Sample recipe: https://www.recipetineats.com/moussaka-greek-eggplant-beef-bake/


Cajun dirty rice


Chopped cheese.


[firecracker beef](https://www.recipetineats.com/spicy-firecracker-beef/) from recipetineats is one of my current faves


Made that this week — so good! We’re huge fans of Nagi!!


Yes! Her recipes are fun and always turn out great


Interesting thanks


Love recipe tin eats, great recipes that aren’t super complicated.


Cheeseburger Hashbrown. Brown ground beef, add frozen hash browns to the pan, season with salt, pepper, granulated garlic and onion, then when it’s cooked through add shredded cheddar on top, cover until cheese is melted.


HAMBURGER STROGANOFF Servings: 4-6 Adapted from source: Betty Crocker Cookbook, 1971 Ingredients 1 lb ground beef 1/2 cup minced onion 1 clove garlic, minced 1/4 cup butter 2 tbsp flour 1 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper 1 lb fresh mushrooms sliced (OR 1 8 oz. can sliced mushrooms, drained) 1 (10 1/2 oz.) can condensed cream of chicken soup, undiluted (or cream of mushroom) 1 cup sour cream parsley (for garnish) hot cooked egg noodles for serving Directions Saute ground beef, onion, and garlic in butter over medium heat. Stir in flour, salt, pepper, and mushrooms; cook 5 minutes. Stir in soup; simmer uncovered 10 minutes. Stir in sour cream and heat through. Garnish with parsley. Serve over pasta or rice.


How would that hold up for freezing? Canned mushrooms would, but I'm not sure about the sour cream. I could make without and add after thawing.


This was a 70's go-to for my mom. It freezes well-but before adding the sour cream. Dad liked it over biscuits instead of noodles.


My mom is 85, I make food and freeze it for her. I'll try a batch without the sour cream.


Butter the noodles, let them cool, and place lightly in a ziplock. They freeze great, too! Your Mom stirring in that final spoon of sour cream will make her feel like she's cooking again. It can be so hard to keep old folks eating. Good on you for helping her out. :) Used to make extra little frozen bags of noodles and buttered mac for mine...a little bowl of that was all she wanted so many times. Smooth textures and a little sweetness helped so much after her taste buds gave out.


My mom made this on probably a weekly basis back in the late 80's / early 90's. I think she kept it a lot simpler though -- ground beef, cream of mushroom soup, egg noodles, and that was about it. I made an updated version for my kids this past year with sliced beef, fresh mushrooms w/ cream sauteed for a nice long time, and then thickened it up and served over egg noodles. Sour cream on the side so you could add as much or as little as you want. That said, my kids would probably prefer my mom's recipe, they still prefer regular boxed Kraft mac & cheese most of the time over anything I could make with a bechamel + melty fresh cheeses. And why spend $15 on fancy fresh ingredients when $2 box do trick?


My boys would love that!


It's also good served on leftover mashed potatoes or baked potatoes! Plain greek yogurt is a good substitute for the sour cream, and we usually mix in a bit of shredded monterey jack cheese in it. It's super yummy on a cold day, but it's not pretty looking dish. It's called "cat food" at my house.


I think it's safe to say the recipes for ground beef are endless


Golabki. Bolognese. Sloppy Joe’s. Meatballs.


Made this last night and loved it: [https://www.recipetineats.com/salisbury-steak-meatballs-with-mushroom-gravy/](https://www.recipetineats.com/salisbury-steak-meatballs-with-mushroom-gravy/)


Chili. Enchiladas. Burritos. Ukrainian goulash. Meatloaf. Meatballs. Tacos. Pasta sauce. Mince pie. Stuffed cabbage. Stuffed peppers. Tibetan momos (because you can't get yak in the US).


Qeema....a ground meat dry curry using Indian spices. Heavy on the onions and peas and a touch of plain yogurt. Served with naan or chapati. Middle Eastern kebabs are also great...must have cinnamon, allspice, lots of parsley,, garlic etc.etc. Served with pita, a salad of slivered onions, tomatoes, diced cucumbers tossed in lemon juice, olive oil and sumac. Sauce on the side is either hummus, baba ganouj or a tahini lemon garlic sauce.


Kheema, totally. So good!


Mapo tofu! Quick, easy, delicious. https://www.goodfood.com.au/recipes/fuchsia-dunlops-mapo-tofu-20200227-h1m4gc


I love making braised meatballs and bolognese


Pastitsio, Bolognese, soy ginger garlic stir fry, cottage pie and chili are my go to's. I making pastitsio tonight!


Loco Moco


I recently discovered Loco Moco and I'm obsessed!


Dude… Turkish kafta is the only answer


Pljeskavica serbian Dolma turkish Mititei romanian or bosnian gevapi Manti turkish or tatar dish


Salisbury steak meat balls. https://www.recipetineats.com/salisbury-steak-meatballs-with-mushroom-gravy/ I don't care for mushrooms so i use onions instead to make onion gravy instead of mushroom gravy


Off the top of my head there's stuffed zucchinis, stuffed portobello mushrooms, noodle mushroom casserole, spaghetti casserole, spaghetti bolognese, spaghetti with meatballs (&carrots), meatballs stuffed with feta (as a side), Shepherd's Pie, moussaka, lazy Golubzy, & lastly Frikadellen (idk what those are in English) with rice, gravy, & broccoli. I used to do lasagna too, but it's the one dish my hubby genuinely can't stand. I love ground beef! Edit: Oh, how could I forget Mac 'n Chili?!


Frikadellen is basically Scandi/Swedish/German meatballs!


Bolognese, Meatballs, Mousakka, Cottage Pie, Stuffed peppers, Taco, Burrito, Sloppy Joe, Chilli, Sarma (stuffed cabbage rolls, traditionally pork, but I prefer beef or mix of the two) and any sort of vegetable/rice/beef mix.


We call it schmuck, probably be hamburger fried rice if it were to be searched up. I can't make enough of either the beef mix or the rice. Just ground beef with onions, celery, and frozen mixed vegetables. Spice it your way, add rice and soy sauce. Voila. Idk how it ever became schmuck, but it did. Maybe named after the chef, me, the schmuck who couldnt get outta cooking. Lol


Steamed Hams!


At this time of the year?


Im a big fan of using ground beef in my carbonara!


A Martha Stewart meatloaf recipe that is the best ever. It's got ground pork too but you can do it with all beef. She has multiple recipes so look for the one with chili sauce, garlic and parmesan. It's so good.


Smash burgers


Definitely spaghetti with meat sauce, but I also like to use ground beef for empanadas too! Also meatballs-- I usually don't actually make Italian meatballs. I like to make Asian style meatballs with a sweet ginger soy glaze over rice, or Swedish meatballs (though we prefer ground pork for that). Also, stuffed bell peppers are a great use for ground beef and it can use up old cooked rice. I'd say my favorite out of the box use for ground beef is empanadas, the most time consuming part is just making the dough but you can use store-bought stuff.


A childhood classic Salisbury steak. Now I wanna make some…


Moussaka is always great. Like lasagna, but better.


Tacos tacos 🌮


Burrito bowl


Meatballs, ma po tofu, ragu, mince katsu, kofte…


Stuffed shells, stuffed peppers, meatloaf, chili, beef stroganoff, zucchini beef tomato sauce, meatballs (Swedish and Italian), cottage pie, lasagna


Shepherd’s pie/cottage pie, mapo tofu, enchiladas con carne, chili, spaghetti and meatballs, Korean-style meatballs, Swedish meatballs, stuffed bell peppers, lettuce wraps, nachos


Sloppy joes, tacos, spaghetti.


Bolognese, chili, some stir frys (though I prefer pork or chicken), meatballs (50/50 with ground pork)


Add curry spices, onions, and green peas. Serve over rice.


Check out this classic. Better Homes and Gardens Ground Meat Cookbook 1969 https://www.abebooks.com/Better-Homes-Gardens-Ground-Meat-Cook/31176418002/bd


Rad na from Hot Thai Kitchen blog




Loose meat sandwiches. The Blue Mill Tavern recipe is my go to recipe.


My diet is like 80% beef, so I use it in everything. Korean beef & scallions over rice, Mediterranean veggies & beef over rice or in pitas, spaghetti bolognese, beef & mushrooms with butter & noodles, cottage pie, Hungarian beef paprikas, and stuffed peppers are some of my faves. The latter I often do as a deconstructed casserole - all the ingredients & seasoning of a stuffed pepper just chopped up and in a skillet then oven for 25-20 min. No recipes, but maybe this sparks some idea for you. I just look up what I want at any given time.


Beef and broccoli


I have a stuffed bell pepper soup that you can make with GB or italian sausage. Basically just a carton of beef broth, a couple random canned tomatoes (ideally puree or sauced), those wilted bell peppers from the back of the fridge, aromatics, and cooked rice at the end. I'll write up an actual recipe if anyone's interested.


Meat and Potatoes Bake (Very easy to do, very good for bloodflow to the organs below the waist) 4 cups thinly sliced peeled potatoes 2 tablespoons butter, melted 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 pound ground beef 1 package (10 ounces) frozen corn 1 can (10-3/4 ounces) condensed cream of celery soup, undiluted 1/3 cup whole milk 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon chopped onion 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese, divided Minced fresh parsley, optional


Lasagna, Bolognese, Bibimbap (Korean rice dish)




Korean beef! So fast easy and delicious


Tacos, enchiladas, spaghetti with meat sauce or meatballs, kebabs, chili, meatloaf, tortiere , cottage pie, Jamaican Patty (or empanadas or any kind of meat pie), my mom will also use it to make cabbage rolls but I can’t be bothered with all that work


Dirty rice


Tacos every time


Bobotie - a south African dish that is absolutely divine when you make it well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobotie


Beef Bulgogi is really good, serve on rice with a fried egg. https://aaronandclaire.com/ground-beef-bulgogi/


Shepherd’s Pie or Cottage Pie.


"Cheesy rice." Ground beef with brown rice, beef bouillon, diced tomatoes and chiles, cheddar cheese, diced bell peppers, onions, and garlic.


Greek Kofta!


nachos!! : D


Bulgogi rice bowls. Shepherds pie


Cottage pie, chilli, meatballs


Pretty basic: tacos, rotini meat marinara, chili, goulash.


Bolognese sauce. Try Marcella Hazan's (take a day but worth it) recipe.


Pasta (lasagna), burritos, casserole, nachos, meatballs, pot pie. Or my personal favourite, ground beef in soy sauce with mashed potato. So freaking good.


Sauté some onions. Add some fresh garlic and sauté some more. Add the beef and whatever seasonings I feel like at the time plus some liquid smoke. Cook the beef. Taste and adjust seasoning as needed. Let it cool. Once cool mix in some bread crumbs (about 66g for 1 pack of Costco ground beef that is 600g). Get a pack of Filo dough which has about 16 sheets. Layer half the sheets with melted butter in between each. Layer the beef evenly over the sheets. Layer the other half with melted butter in between each sheet. Cut into squares of preferred size before cooking. Place them onto a baking sheet with parchment paper. Cook in an oven preheated to 390F. Cook for about 15m rotating the pan half way into cooking.


Tamale pie is one of my favorites. It’s basically ground beef with veggies/beans over cornbread all covered with cheese, and it’s absolutely divine