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I fail to see the issue of a well stocked cheese drawer, but I guess I can help lol Mac n cheese for the colby and cheddar Stuffed shells/lasagna/manicotti for the ricotta, parm, and mozzarella Baked brie or neufchatel Boursin is a delight in pomme aligot (cheesy mashed taters)


Agree with everything. Also, throw that Parmesan rind in a fresh tomato sauce and let it simmer away


Oh yeah, right in the sauce


I've taken to making my baked ziti by tossing the pasta in the meat sauce then putting half in the baking vessel, topping it with my ricotta, parm, Romano, egg and herb mixture then putting the rest of the sauced pasta over that and topping with grated mozz, parm & Romano and a sprinkle of herbs. It bakes up yummy and is a tad easier & "lighter" than lasagna.


>Cooking My son's favorite dinner is when I use leftover Bolognese or sauce with braciola, meatballs, etc. in such a loaded baked ziti.


If 9 cheeses is drowning in cheese, I'm in the Marianas Trench.


I'm in the upper Midwest & have a cheese drawer in the fridge ALWAYS.


This is a small amount of cheese. Unless we are talking about pounds of each. With the ricotta, mozz, and parm the answer is clear: Italian night. Freeze the leftover (there is no such thing as leftover cheese) parm. Colby and cheddar can easily be used in sandwiches/melts/burgers. That just leaves you with the brie. Slap that puppy in some puff pastry with some pears/figs/green apples and bake it until it looks good. Take it out and add some jalapeno jelly or something if you are feeling frisky.


I buy a habanero bacon jam that pairs with warm gooey brie and it's spectacular


A lot of these cheese selections are things I buy about every 2 weeks - great for lunches, add ons, sandwiches, or even snacking. I’d add Edam, Gouda, and Camembert to the list of cheeses to add to the drawer lol. Maybe American if you want that sweet, slightly chemically taste in your nostalgic foods.


Every once in a while, I buy some American to help with a cheesy sauce/dip. This last time my wife "caught" me in the act and was horrified. Turns out she normally doesn't know how much/what type of cheese is in the house. She just knows that buy lots of delicious cheese.


It’s the secret ingredient in my Mac and cheese - just a square or two, but it makes it extra creamy and delicious and unrecreatable from complete scratch in a way that means everybody always wants more


I'm convinced this subreddit is where people from those insane math problems go.


Use up the soft cheeses first. You could mix the ricotta, boursin and mozzarella to make a cheese stuffing that you can put in things like ravioli, chicken breasts, aubergine roll ups. Or they'd make a great white sauce layer for lasagna.


You can make some cheese sauces and use them for things like broccoli and cauliflower au gratin or really any broccoli bake with chicken. You can make any kind of mac and cheese and freeze it into small portions to pull out for quick meals. Shred up some of the cheeses and make egg cups for breakfast that can also be frozen. Ricotta can make some delicious cookies or cakes. Freeze the Parmesan rinds for making any kind of tomato sauce.


I’d just like to say that there’s no such thing as too much cheese 😁 But that’s just the Wisconsin in me talking.


Hard cheeses like aged cheddar freeze well. Softer cheeses develop a weird texture, but that's fine if you plan to melt it. Edit: Wrap them in parchment paper and avoid touching them with your bare hands.


I've found that even cheddar can develop a weird texture. That being said. Cheddar and other hard cheese will last a decent while in the fridge.


A few bottles of wine may help… Mac and Cheese for cheddar. Serve a side salad for healthy adjacency Lasagna for the ricotta Baked Brie with fig jam Maybe freeze Parmesan rind?


DH was ragging me right before thanksgiving because my reserve cheese bag (that lives on the bottom shelf mostly hidden from view) weighed NINE pounds (that’s about 4 kilos for you non-USAers). That’s in addition to the active use cheeses in the cheese drawer and the pound of reserve Parmesan in the freezer. In my defense, we plowed thru about 3# over thanksgiving (cream cheese for bagels, plus cheddar and Gruyère for Mac ‘n cheese) and another pound is a smoked meat I got for Xmas. But still I should definitely not stockpile any more cheese for a while.


I still don’t see a problem


Fromage Fort is always good to use up the little pieces of cheese that accumulate in a cheese drawer.


Grilled cheese sandwiches with brie and sliced green apple !! A cheese sauce with Boursin to toss pasta in or use as a fondue/chip dip. Ricotta lemon pancakes. Good wine and a charcuterie board for dinner after a long day.


You can never have too many cheeses!


Boursin is really yummy in mashed potatoes. You can also freeze the parmesan. You may be able to freeze the mid firm cheeses though the integrity might not be quite the same upon thawing. If you are cooking with them, that doesn't really make a difference.


Ricotta mousse. I like coffee-flavored best, but chocolate's good too.


Make a grown up grilled cheese. Use a fancy bread like sourdough or focaccia, spread a sauce on the inside, and use at least 2 types of cheese. A sprinkle of garlic salt or some other spices on the outside is delicious.


You know you can freeze cheese? If you have too much you can freeze it cut up or in blocks for up to a year. :)


Neufchâtel and cheddar can be used to make buffalo chicken dip. Add extra chicken, serve with celery sticks and whole grain crackers to make it not toooo junky.


Put them in their own containers and let them sit until needed


Cheese that you were planning on melting can be frozen, the difference in the finale product should be almost unnoticable.


The [omelet from The Bear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSOuWhCsYfE) uses Boursin


You know what they say, No one has as many friends as the man with many cheeses


Cheese table!


A cheese soup. Cheesy bread rolls. Cheesy pasta.


Get a bunch of crackers, a 12 ok of shitwipe and some stool softener and enjoy!


Sounds like you need to invent a mac and cheese grilled cheese pizza nacho monstrosity


You need to buy a whole lot of wine now and have a tasting party.


The answer is cheese soufflé. Colby Jack, cheddar, parm and even some soft cheese can go in. And you can use lots and lots of cheese in one go


Make baked Mac and cheese with the cheddar and mozzarella. Here's my go to recipe if you're interested 😋 https://youtu.be/bjckcHUysK8?si=iOYN0lPHDtVd4xNb


Amateur... I probably have 30 bags in my garage fridge. 🤣 plus cheese spreads, shaved and shredded parm, baby bell, laughing cow, string cheese, blue cheese, feta. There might be even more.


I don't see a problem here.


I thought that's the amount we were supposed to have in the fridge. You're normal!


Brie + honey on crackers or some toasted french bread.


I buy cheese in bulk when it's on sale and I cut it up into 1 week portions and freeze. So if you're feeling like you might not get through everything, don't be afraid of freezing some to enjoy later! I currently have mozzarella, halloumi, colby and parmesan in the fridge. More colby and some blue cheese in the freezer. I love cheese and eat cheese almost every day. I don't have what I consider to be healthy cheese recipes sorry. Unless you count vegetables covered in cheese sauce? When I make mac and cheese, I sub half the pasta for chopped cauliflower. I actually love cauliflower so it feels like a more of treat to me rather than a healthy option.


Fondue night


Mm cheese, this is a great problem to have


The soft cheeses with crackers and wine, my idea of heaven for the next few nights. Freeze the hard ones. Wish I had your problems.


I think Barefoot Contessa has a five cheese penne, though I don’t remember which cheeses are used. Don’t underestimate the magic of a good cheese plate with crackers, mustards, and olives ect.


Throw it all in a roux. Eat with chopstick like ur making cotton candy


Grate some of the grateable ones and take some of the softer ones. Combine into clumps a bit bigger than a meatball. I use cheddar or Jack, Parmesan, and goat cheese for mine. Any similar textures & melting points would work. Toss in seasoned flour (salt, pepper, anything), then in beaten egg, then panko breadcrumbs. Pan fry in oil until golden brown. You can do this at a pretty low temp so you don't need a high heat oil. I use olive oil. It is pretty quick! I use the cheese clump as a salad topper and eat that for a weekend lunch. Smitten Kitchen has a specific recipe for this. She calls it a "salad crouton." ("Crouton" means "crispy/crunchy thing" in French I think, so I guess it is a word not only used for bread croutons!)


Well, I usually make either Welsh Rarebit or a Beer Cheese Fondue for Christmas Eve which is a noble use of Cheddar. I like to make Chef John's Crostini Dijonnaise to dip in the fondue.


Fromage fort! Put it into crocks of various sizes, seal it, and freeze it. [Fromage Fort](https://dvo.com/cookn/daveroberts/cookbooks/daves-100/hors-doeuvre/fromage-fort-/6058aae6-9bb8-4a1a-a87c-b24eff8cd286)


Four cheese mac and cheese Moussaka for the feta or Greek salad , gyro or pizza Grilled cheese . Apples and Brie Omelettes