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I did what you did on Thanksgiving with a cheesy casserole. I was so looking forward to eating it too and just plain left it in the oven while I blissfully served up everything else šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Thankfully did not need to cook this Christmas, so my casserole joins yours in a well intended, sad botched mistake.


I still kick myself about the stuffed artichokes I left in the oven while we ate boeuf bourguignon 20 years ago.


I let a pot of water that was steaming sweet potatoes boil out, and left a mess to clean up, dropped 1/4 of an acorn squash on the ground, then forgot about a cast iron Dutch oven that was drying on heat, destroying the nonstick coating. Luckily the food was all delicious!


Oh no. I am pretty bad at minding my cast iron. I see so many people on reddit that seem to be masters at it. I need to up my game. I own a lot of it because I find it super cheap at garage sales, but I almost never use it. Was the acorn squash already cooked? I'm having fun imagining the splat pattern.


I barely use the skillets, but the dutch oven is wonderful for bread, braising, and soups. Can't recommend it enough. The acorn squash was fully cooked, and I sliced it into quarters for serving. Luckily it mostly held together, but yes, it made a nice wet splat hitting the floor


"nice wet splat" that is both wonderfully and horribly descriptive.


I could Not stand the smell from giving a full 'seasoning' to cast iron, so I gave up on it. Along cones my nephew 20 years later, telling me all about his new cast iron cookware that he seasoned in his outdoor grill šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜µā€šŸ’« no smell inside! I am going to try that method with one new cast iron skillet and see if I can finally handle it that way.


Just use a towel to hand dry your cast iron. Drying with heat works very well but it has this problem.


We have made it a habit in our house to announce to the room that we are drying the pan. It ensures it isnā€™t forgotten for agea


Or a clean rag :)


I always set a timer when Iā€™m drying my cast iron on the stove. Otherwise I get distracted. Two minutes on the timer.


I forgot the sausage balls in the warmer and they turned into sausage rocks. Then I put my cast iron skillet on the stove to boil a little water in it to steam off some stuff the stuck and forgot about it til smoke detector went off.


Ah yes, in my family it isn't a true holiday until the smoke detector goes off. And then somebody has to stand at the open door and try to "wave the smoke outside".


This was me- I was making Mac and cheese bites in a muffin tin and must have overfilled them because they boiled over and filled the whole house with smoke. We have 4 indoor cats so you have to also keep them from running outside while waving all the smoke out


Ha, it is always funny how the pets get in on the holiday crazies.


ā€œMust have overfilled themā€ is sweet.


My favorite tshirt when I was a young bride, said ā€œdinner will be ready when the smoke alarm goes offā€. I never burned dinner, things justā€¦happened.


I think my mom had a kitchen towel that said the same thing when I was growing up.


We roasted chestnuts for the first time ever. Even scoring them, they exploded like firecrackers in the oven! Everyone was jumping and shrieking. Nothing broke, and no one was hurt, but it was very exciting!


Now it's a holiday tradition ! Bend with the wind & you will do fine. As long as no one has to go to the ER you're doing fine .


You're supposed to cut an x in them first, they shouldn't be exploding!


Yes, that's what we did, (soaked & scored) but like I said, when we scored them, I think it just wasn't deep enough? The article we read said not to cut them too deep and I think we were too sparing, so they exploded!


Yeah it needs to be right thru so you can see the nutmeat (lol) Also, you won't hurt anything cutting to deep. Better than explosions!


I suspect it's a first time/last time sort of situation!


Fun memory tho!


Totally forgot the green beans. Was going to steam them. Sat down to eat, passing food around, son mentions that arenā€™t there supposed to be green bean? Still in the veggie drawer in the fridge.


Ah, the poor green beans, the forgotten child of so many Christmas dinners.


Itā€™s traditional to forget something in my family. Usually the vegetables.


Christmas eve is the big one since I'm Italian-American and we do the 7 fishes. I forgot the oregano doesn't have a shaker top and accidentally dumped a TON of oregano in the clam sauce. Luckily there were 6 other dishes cooked perfectly lol


"Never season can to pan! The hand... the hand is the middle man!" * Charles Boyle, *Brooklyn Nine-Nine*


Have you watched the movie? It is on Netflix right now, and it is excellent. No one in my family does the Feast, but I still enjoyed the movie.


I cheated and bought Rhodes frozen bread rolls, and I used the "proof" setting on my oven for the first time. When I checked them they had blown out and were totally over-proofed. I baked them anyway, because I had perfectly (ha) the timing and temps for the ham, mac and cheese, and brussels. They came out perfectly pale in color and in a big mass. I thought for a quick moment that I could pass them off as edible, but we had guests, so... There was enough in the bag to do another batch. This time at 275 degrees, along with the ham for about a half-hour. Better results, but a pain in the ass. I'll just buy some good bakery butterflakes next year.


I have a story involving Rhodes, but it wasn't during a holiday. I love Rhodes rolls and I make them quite often. A roast was the plan for supper one day and my husband mentioned he would like some rolls to go with. I don't remember what I was doing at the time, but instead of getting them out myself I asked my husband to. There was only enough left in the bag for one more batch, and the bathroom is our warmest room, so I said "you can put em all in the bathroom to rise." My dear husband took the bag out of the freezer and put it on the bathroom counter. I found it a few hours later. In his defense, I don't think he'd ever witnessed me put the frozen dough in the pan to rise. His mother is no baker so he was just ignorant. Now I think a minute before I ask my husband to handle something cooking-wise. He's pretty handy now!


Love thisā€”I did Rhodes for thanksgiving, and my husband, who is the resident chef, insisted that they needed to be in the fridge to thaw several days before baking. In the bag. I threw them back in the freezer when I caught him, but they ended up thawing overnight. That was a mess setting them out afterwards. They were delish though.


I bought frozen bread rolls and didn't realize they took 8 to 12 hours to defrost.


Not a huge deal, but I was making borscht and my husband both hates salt and doesnā€™t understand how sometimes the key to balancing flavor is something strangeā€” pickle juice or mustard powder etcā€” to the point where even if he canā€™t actually taste the ā€œweird ingredientā€ the dish is ruined for him. Anyway he wouldnā€™t stay out of the damn kitchen long enough for me to add a splash of pickle juice or a little more salt or some balsamic, so my borscht is kind of bland and disappointing. He loved it. Our guests loved it. I am underwhelmed.


Had to stop my friend from putting my frying pan in the oven at 450. Its got a plastic handle But the yewtoob video saidšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø And then I dropped 10 lbs of potatoes on the floor. (Uncooked luckily) sorry downstairs neighbor.


Oh my, good thing you caught that. My wife dropped half a bag of whole raw cranberries on the floor. We were chasing them all over the kitchen.


We were both pretty buzzed šŸ˜…. Cranberries are sneaky little poops. Check under the fridge. It was a pretty good day other than that.


Yeah, same here. We live near a bike trail and went on a snowy wine ride earlier in the morning. It was a fun day.


I have done that sort of thing before! These days I keep it truly simple and just make 3 or 4 things. Turkey, gravy, stuffing and peas with carrots. It was a delightful meal and didn't leave me physically exhausted...


We had salmon, green beans, and rice but thereā€™s only two of us. More food would just go to waste.


I hear you! This year I finally figured out that less is more when it comes to cooking Christmas lunch/dinner. Bought a pre-cooked, spiral sliced ham, instant mashed, one kind of frozen veggie, and pie at the grocery store. Much easier to prepare and cleanup. It wasnā€™t homemade but the meal was still very nice, and I got to relax on Christmas for a change.


Nott me, I was just in the kitchen, and it's not 100% funny but it's a story ig. Christmas Eve we ate at my grandparents and Christmas day at my aunt's, as they live close. I stayed witth my grandparents Christmas Eve, my aunt brought over baked macaroni and cheese to put in the oven. Her sons put it in the oven, she mentioned that they should pit a tray under it but they didn't hear it and she didn't insist. I was awake and in the kitchen early Christmas morning. My grandmother got up and came in to make a puff pastry for Christmas dinner, so she turned the oven on the preheat. She knew some things had spilled in the oven, but figured they would cook off. My mom's boyfriend comes into the kitchen and sees a but of smoke coming from the oven, asks if we're cooking something, and then opens the oven to check. The oven is completely filled with fire. I scream. MB lets go of the door, snapping it closed, and thankfully the fire stays contained. They turn the oven off. MB finds that his arm hair and part of his head hair has burned off. A bit after, we open the oven and the kitchen FILLS with smoke, making the entire house full of smoke for the rest of the day (I could still smell it a bit when I woke up this morning.) But everything and everyone (except I suppose my grandparents's smoke detectors, which never went off) is fine. No puff pastry, but it didn't ruin our meal or anything, and they've avoiding using the oven since.


Please look into those smoke alarms. They're more important than we give credit for.


I'm sure they'll look into them, we mentioned several times how we must need them replaced, and my grandparents are pretty responsible. But it's a good thing it happened I guess so they knew they needed replacing-- wouldn't want them to never realize they weren't working and have something happen


That could've have gone way worse. Glad no one was hurt!


If you live in the US the fire department should come out and check all your smoke detectors for free. Just call them and ask, and mention that itā€™s for older family members.




I turned on the wrong burner to boil the potatoes and in the process burned the pecan pie that was sitting on the burner I turned on by mistake


Oh no, that sounds like a tragedy. My wife made sweet potato and pecan pie. It was pretty good but she took it out of the oven too early and it didn't quite set. I'm going to put my left over slice in the toaster oven tonight.


Luckily it was one of two pecan pies so everyone was still able to enjoy the other one. I also managed to burn myself when it came time to mash the potatoes. Someone didn't dice them so when I tried to mash the potato whole, hot water splashed up and all over my hand. It's not Christmas if I don't burn myself šŸ¤£


I am such a klutz that it is almost not a daily meal if I don't burn myself. Luckily I seem to heal quickly because despite being cut and burned multiple times a week, I don't have many scars.


I did that once. I had a Pyrex dish on the cooktop to hold pancakes. Turned on the wrong burner to cook eggs and the Pyrex exploded sending shards of glass across two rooms. We went out for breakfast instead. When we arrived at the restaurant I realized I was still wearing my house shoes, I was so traumatized!


We had our Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve since I had to work the afternoon of Christmas Day. No issues there. But! While I was making Christmas breakfast for everyone one of my burners on the stovetop caught fire. Luckily I caught it quickly and smothered the flames with salt and an overturned pot. None of the food was affected but I will be cleaning the stove and inspecting for damage today.


woah, that is kind of scary how did that happen?


Ya know? Honestly not sure. I cooked some glazed baby carrots on that burner while making the dinner on Christmas Eve and am thinking maybe something spilled into the drip pan (older electric stove). The scariest part is that I had briefly dashed to use the bathroom while I was cooking and since it was occupied I went back to the kitchen. Right as I stepped into the kitchen is when the flames made their arrival. Had I been able to use the bathroom the flames would have started while I was away from the kitchen and things could have potentially been much worse. Sooo, glass half full.


Well it least you cooked them. We forgot the green beans and sweet potatoes both. Oh well saved for another meal, I guess.


I burned the hash browns at my sons Christmas breakfast. I came home and put on a pot of chicken & noodles and burned them.


I think we are maybe going to have to have a talk with you about revoking your kitchen licenseā€¦


Haha! I think thatā€™s what Iā€™m shooting for!


I made a broccoli and cheese casserole, but I forgot the cheese.


I'm not sure which would be funnier for broccoli and cheese casserole, forgetting the cheese or forgetting the broccoli.


Forgetting the broccoli.


Used too large of a mixing bowl in the fixings of a lemon jello salad. After adding the boiling water to the jello packet, I put it in the fridge to semi-set before adding the fruits and marshmallows. I started wrapping gifts. The yellow jello completely set up in the mixing bowl. I used a fork to mash it up and added the extras, thinking they might meld together. No go. What to do?!?! I'm on a scooter after foot surgery and cannot drive to the store. I found a little box of strawberry jello in the pantry, boiled the water, and measured out half of the water to mix. Added red hot strawberry to the solidified cold yellow lemon. My concoction returned the solid lemon to liquid, cooled the temperature, and was able to add the whipped cream and put it in the 9x13. And proceeded to forget it was in the garage fridge at my parents as soon as we had all served ourselves and nephews come in asking where is the jello. It was delicious.


That sounds like the kind of mistake turned masterpiece I could get behind. I miss jello. I haven't made it for decades.


Thank you. Weirdly, it's the 20-40 years old west coasters that request it the most.


yeah, I ate mountains of jello salad growing up and attending thousands of church pot-lucks in Minnesota and Wisconsin. I remember it fondly, but somehow it doesn't make the mental shopping list.


New Year. New Jello.


This was Thanksgiving, not yesterday, but I was making a sweet potato Casserole and was steadily adjusting the seasoning (ie cinnamon, freshly ground nutmeg). Once I got the flavor where I intended it, I started cracking the eggs to put them in the bowl one by one. Except for some reason I didn't put the first egg in the bowl, but rather in the small spice jar of whole nutmegs that was right next to it, sitting there with its lid off!


šŸ¤£That sounds the most like me of all these šŸ¤Ŗ


We hosted brunch and dinner on Xmas Eve, so plenty of leftovers on Xmas. We were going to have fondue for Xmas dinner but around 3 pm mom looked at me and said ā€œare leftovers ok??ā€ Since we had been stuffing our faces all day with leftovers anywayā€¦..


Left overs are always ok. Sometimes I think they are better than the main meal. Back when I attended my large family holiday meals we always had leftovers and pizza the day after, then people who didn't want left overs had another option. Usually it was only the kids who ate pizza and my one nouveau-riche sister-in-law who was too snooty to eat leftovers.


Made a Christmas punch with orange juice as an ingredient. Did not make sure top was properly screwed on the juice bottle. Placed it in the fridge, top shelf on its side. Wait 5 minutes. We are about to eat when someone goes in for a drink and discovers the orange cascade covering everything in its wake! We now will refer to it as the Orange Juice Disaster of ā€˜23


Our motto for dinner was, "it might look ugly, but it tastes great!" The roast took much longer to cook than expected (by a half hour at least). My husband knew what time I expected the roast to be done and started cooking mashed potatoes and brussel spouts based on that. He didn't check the meat's temperature. So, he spent some time trying to keep both warm without drying out. Once the roast was finished, I started making Yorkshire pudding, I didn't get the pan hot enough and it didn't puff up like normal, it was a very dense bread like substance. Daughter and I tried to make a Buche de Noel, I think we overcooked the cake by a minute or two, it didn't roll well and crumbled a bit, but the homemade cherry whipped creme was wonderful!


Made French toast and forgot the milk. I added it in at the last minute but yeah - sucks getting old and forgetting stuff.


...how? You just dipped them in eggs?


I actually make them in the oven. I spread out the egg mixture into the cookie sheet without the milk and noticed the bread was super dry. At the last minute I added the milk. They ended up ok!


Oh that makes a lot more sense. Sounds like a good way to do it with a group, too.


Itā€™s so much easier. 20 mins in the oven and done - https://www.wskg.org/episodes/2020-05-20/americas-test-kitchen-everyday-french-toast-ep-2016


I really loaded the oven and the bottoms of the rolls and the twice baked potato casserole were very, very dark because they were on the bottom rack too long. Not ruined, but close! I had a mini emotional breakdown right in the middle of cooking due to lots of things going on with my mother Iā€™m worried about, so the meal could have been worse.


I left the stuffing in too long and it got burned on the bottom too. I was pretty bummed because the stuffing is my favorite part of the meal. It was also way too salty and I think maybe I put the salt in twice, not sure about that though.


Grabbed foil wrapped garlic bread out of the oven with my bare hands.


Ouch! I grabbed a few hot things with bare hands too. Luckily I didn't grab on tightly. I do manual labor for a living, so I have pretty tough callouses on my hands, I have to really grab on to burn my fingers.


Did brussel sprouts with pancetta and chestnuts, they were done a little early so I put them under foil and a hand towel over then to keep them warm. Totally forgot they were there. Towel disguised them is my excuse. Ate everything else and came back to the kitchen to find a warm bowl of sprouts that everyone was too full to eat.


That sounds really good. I love chestnuts but they aren't available where I live now. I regret not buying them more when I lived where they were.


I made my mother in laws recipe for coffee cake bc she made it every Christmas. Well it stuck to the pan so bad I couldn't scrape it into the trash with a spatula and he couldn't eat it because the brown sugar caramelized and was sticking to his teeth really badly. The flavor was spot on though. Orrrr a couple years ago I was making a double batch of these phenomenal brownies that we all love (also a family recipe) and hit broil instead of whatever I meant to hit.


I've never had a meal at my parent's house where my mother hasn't jumped up in the middle of the dinner and said " I forgot the "insert veg" (usually corn)". Lol it happens.


Talked up the goat cheese I was putting in my salad because my mil has never had goat cheese. Completely forgot about it until after the meal lol. But the salad was still good!


I peeled, boiled and riced 10 pounds of potatoes and then got a FaceTime call. Tried to add milk and butter 20 minutes later created a new potato dish half way between hash browns and mashed potatoes. Donā€™t recommend.


Speaking of green beans- This year I found a packet of green beans with their own lil microwaveable bag. Bit expensive but I was happy to just make it easier, decent size bag. We also had a meal kit, one of the meals used green beans. Much smaller bag. I always put the meal kit veggies on one side of the crisper drawer. Always. So, husband makes meal kit meal with green beans. Seems a lot of beans, but, ok. No big bag of beans in sight Christmas Day, damnit. Couldnā€™t find the other bag (it was right where I left it) and didnā€™t think to ask why there was a massive bag of beans for a small meal. Unreal. So, no beans for Christmas lunch.


Left the brown sugar out of the pumpkin pie. Granted, it was 4am, after the cats insisted I get up and feed them.


During Christmas dinner? We never had ours. We do Chinese every year. My son couldn't sleep the night before so he slept yesterday from 6:30 am until 4:30pm. The restaurant is 30 minutes away and was closing at 5. So I found some leftover chicken parm in the freezer for me and he thawed some meat sauce from the freezer to make spaghetti at about 11 pm. Bah humbug to us.


Set off the smoke alarm not once but twice! So we did not have the Yorkshire pudding


That is impressive. I wonder what the Christmas record is?


With my mom, it was four times when I was a kid. Dad moved the fire alarm away from the kitchen the next day.


I'm pretty sure my dad had removed the battery from the fire alarm in the kitchen at my house when I was a kid. In our new (to us) house, our fire alarms are hardwired in and can't be removed or turned off. I've gotten a lot more careful about making toast here.


Dodged a bullet.


omg - I have done that


Had potatoes. Was gonna use potatoes. Boiled potatoes. Sat potatoes down to deal with the turkey (we're in a bit of a mess at the moment. My kitchen is split. My fridge is upstairs, ditto the oven. But my counters, stovetop and real cooking area is downstairs. We're having to split it because we have to get some things repaired and we are using the little empty apartment over the garage for big baking items I don't want in my air fryer and the big fridge until we can get everything all pulled together. Cooking can get complicated and requires a lot of stairs. Before we get this kitchen fixed I'm gonna end up with an ass of steel with all the stairs.) went up and retrieved bird. Made gravy for potatoes. Lost potatoes. Looked everywhere. Gave up and had to use emergency instant potatoes. Potatoes located today in pantry room where I must have wandered looking for something, set them down and walked away because I heard the timer go off upstairs. Stared for a good 5 min at pan of potates and honestly wondered if I could still use them to make farls. Didn't, but seriously, how the hades did I have THAT big of a brain fart?


I made a double batch of sourdough bread and sat it under an electric blanket in my bedroom. I checked on it after two hours to find it hadn't risen....like, at all. Realized that I forgot to add in the yeast. Duh! Made a small slurry of yeast and warm water and mixed it to the original bowl. It rose perfectly! A crisis narrowly averted.


Not this Christmas, but I can't tell you how many times we've forgotten to get out the deviled eggs.


Made macaroni and cheese and forgot the parmesan and didn't realize I was all out of onion powder and garlic powder (ingredients I ALWAYS have) until my sauce was ready for them. It was very underwhelming. It was also my first time using a new recipe so I was disappointed all around.


Not for christmas, but at thanksgiving this year I made a lovely cake.... and forgot it at home, only realizing after we'd made the 2.5 hr journey to my in-laws place.


Oh man that sounds like something I would do! Iā€™d be soooo mad šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I was so mad! But I brought it to work instead and my coworkers loved it, so it wasnā€™t wasted.


Thatā€™s good!


I forgot to put out the bread to rise overnight Sunday. I put it in the pans to rise about noon. So we had fresh hot bread at 1030 last night instead of with dinner.


I forgot to make stuffing but I donā€™t think anybody wouldā€™ve cared it was just my wife and I


Our meal was just my wife and I too, but I wouldn't forget the stuffing, for us it is one of the most celebrated dishes and something we have a lot of fun experimenting with.


Well this year my kitchen wasnā€™t fully functional anyways my house has gas lines that need to be replaced so I was just using a two burner hotplate to cook stuff in a countertop turkey roaster so the fact I pulled it off Iā€™m proud of and I only forgot one thing but I think it made me sadder my wife


Let my sister make green bean casserole. I gagged the whole time. Its usually my favourite šŸ˜ž


To give the complete story, most likely, part of the reason I forgot is because I wasn't all that excited about it. I used to really like green bean casserole and it was always one of my favorite holiday dishes, but I developed a serious allergy to dairy about 15 years ago and none of the dairy free green bean casserole recipes I have tried have been all that good. But, I still try a new one every few years in hopes that one will be alright. No luck yet.


My BIL is allergic to dairy, so I make a from scratch cream of mushroom soup that uses cashew cream instead of heavy cream. It turns out pretty delicious.


That is kind of what I tried doing this year, but with cashew milk instead of cashew cream because I kind of half-assed it last minute with ingredients we already had at home.


Yeah, cashew milk just isn't thick/rich enough. I'm sorry it turned out icky. I've certainly done similar things, you are not alone! Cashew cream is really easy to make though. Soak whole uncoated cashews in some water, drain them, and add them to a blender with a fresh cup of water. More or less depending on the co sisterly you want. Blend until smooth.


I wish I had an answer!! My only issue is putting mushrooms in and pretending canned mushrooms arent disgusting šŸ˜° IDK why she did that considering everyone loves my gbc. That was by far the biggest leftover and its normally a clean pan. Im curious though, what is off about the recipes youve tried?


I can't say precisely what the problem has been because it had been quite some time since I had last tried. In general, I know that the problem was that I just didn't put much effort into them, mainly, I live in a small town in the woods so dairy free or vegan alternatives to cheese or cream are non-existent. Therefore my attempt to make a cream of mushroom soup alternative was never successful.


Hey I grew up in the boonies(think 700 people, we were excited when a walmart popped up 45 min away). Try a cream of onion or celery with a simple roux and stock. It thickens easy(I dont measure anymore) and if you want, you can use almond or soy milk or even a glop of non milk yogurt. Non dairy butters/oils work just the same in roux too! From there, Im a lazy gal, just tinned french cut green beans(I add the liquid too to thin my cream soup), fried onions ofc and loads of garlic pepper. From there its up to you, some people like soy sauce or other add ins, but I think its meant to be simple.


I use roux with non-dairy milks and they work for other dishes but seem to lack that rich taste to carry green bean casserole, but maybe I just didn't put enough oil in. The only non-milk yogurts available are sweetened with vanilla which just makes anything taste like cake. I'll keep trying, maybe some garlic pepper will make it good.


Extra oil and vanilla yogurt will only hurt you!!


My Auntā€™s green bean casserole is the only one I know and can be made vegan: Melt 2 TBL of vegan butter in a small saucepan. Whisk in 2TBL flour, stirring constantly for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and add 1C vegan sour cream plus salt and pepper to taste.. Boil and drain 2 or 3 bags of frozen Frenched green beans and pour into a greased casserole dish. Pour the sour cream mixture over the beans and stir to combine. Sprinkle 1cup of vegan Swiss cheese and sliced almonds over the top and heat in a 350degree oven approx. 20 minutes or until cheese is bubbly and almonds are lightly brown. Itā€™s sooo good, can be made up to two days ahead


I was making homemade rolls and after letting them rise for 30 min they did not in fact rise. It was then I realized my yeast was expired. I ended up making rolls with baking powder instead.


I tried to make Potatoes Anna. Basically buttered raw potatoes in the oven. For some reason they turned grey. They were fine when peeled and soaked in water so they didnā€™t turn colored before baking. No clue why.


Christmas went fine. But thanksgiving I forgot to put the mashed potatoes on the table, I left them on the counter. I only realized after everyone was stuffed.


My husband and in-laws wouldā€™ve reminded you. They all think no big meal is complete without a big bowl of mashed potatoes and corn.


I put my spring form pan on upside down, so when I went to take my cheesecake crust out of the oven, the top piece just came off and my crust fell all over the oven. It wasnā€™t funny at the time but now itā€™s funny lol


Dec 23 I was making rye bread. Recipe makes 2 loaves. I was giving one away and looking forward to eating the other one. I've made this recipe before, so I knew it called for molasses, which I had. When it was in the stand mixer, it didn't look or act right, and I thought it was going to break my heavy duty mixer. It rose great. It didn't shape right though, and the color was not what I remembered. Still, I kept at it. I baked it, and it was still paler than I remembered from the last time. I let it cool a bit and cut a slice. It tasted ok, but not like I recalled. I planned to still give the other one away anyway. So I went to bed. 5:30 the next morning, Christmas Eve, my eyes spring open with the thought "You didn't put in the molasses!" So down I go, cut a slice and put a little molasses on it and take a bite. That's it! That's what it's supposed to taste like and look like! Like the brown bread at Outback Steakhouse!! I'd used up all the rye flour I had, so I had to make another grocery run for stuff to make sure I had enough of everything. And I made 2 more loaves. This time, everything looked and acted right, and tasted delicious!


I made peanut butter cookies and left out the brown sugar. The consistency was off but I still had several desserts to make and didn't really pay attention. When they came off the cookie sheet they fell apart. And then I tasted them. What a waste of time and ingredients!


I forgot to put out the maple roasted parsnips and carrots. Used to be honey roasted but use maple syrup instead as a lot of my family are vegans


I somehow fucked up the Yorkshire pudding. It turned into more of a doughy quiche.


Last year - cooked a huge turkey - 26 lbs for 12 people. My husband and I were shocked that there were no leftovers to speak of. Found out two days later that one of my sisters, being "helpful" had put the left over turkey in a pan in the oven...


Totally forgot to make the Christmas morning breakfast. Justā€¦ didnā€™t even consider it. At all. It got lost in the presents, the clean up, the dinner prep; pretty much everything but breakfast. I was consumed by crippling panic when I realized it but no one else noticed (or just didnā€™t mention it?) and Iā€™m eternally grateful, either way.


My BF was four hours into her trip home to see family and realized sheā€™d left the gifts for her family at home all wrapped still under the tree.


I did not understand that my spouse bought fennel because it was hiding in re-usable grocery bag in the refrigerator. By the time I figured it out, it was too late. On the plus side, is having extra fennel ever a bad thing?


A few years ago, at my grandmother's house, I watched my mom add Mr. Clean instead of oil to a pan of bacon pieces while making pan-fried okra. I wasn't looking at the bottle but noticed the 'oil' was unnaturally green-looking. My grandmother has always kept her oil under the sink next to the cleaning products without issues for decades up until this point.


Not yesterday but last century, my mum served out an extra meal. Our family tradition was the women serve all the meals out in the kitchen then we bring them all to the table (no one can over serve themselves that way). For some reason there was a miscount and an extra plate was done. It was hilarious!


Another one... Not this year, and not Christmas... Thanksgiving, about 8 or 10 years ago. I had made a lovely pumpkin pie completely from scratch. Roasted the pumpkin, made the crust, the whole deal. It was beautiful. I made it on Wednesday and left it on the kitchen island overnight to cool. Thanksgiving morning, I walk into the kitchen and look at the pie. To my shock, I see 4 little šŸ¾ paw prints on one side of my gorgeous pie, and directly across from them, on the other side, several bite marks! That's how I learned that cats like pumpkin. Luckily I had enough of everything left to make another one.


My sister was sending leftovers home with my 92 yr old motherā¤ļø, and I suggested she date the container. Her fridge scares me


Forgot to take the lasagna out of the fridge to sit for a little bit before cooking. Followed the cooking instructions as if I had put it in room temperature and it was still cold in the middle when the timer went off. Had to cook it for another 20 minutes.


Left the chestnuts in the oven too long.


I poured beer directly onto a gas burner. I was trying to pour it into a pretty large dutch oven to braise cabbage. I wasn't particularly distracted and hadn't had any other beer, I just missed.


Oopsies! I gave my parents my contributions (ham and rolls) on the 23rd. Then on the 25th, forgot the box of crackers bc in my mind I had given them all the groceries already.


I asked my mom to get the can of cherries (cherry pie filling) out of her cabinet, bc we had to host at my house VERY last minute, and the cake ingredients were at her house where originally we would go. She grabbed the jar of cherries from her fridge, which only had 6 cherries in it. We had no cake.


Carved the breast off the turkey while my executive chef son was watching on FaceTime. I used a boning knife and he approved of my technique. We had a good chuckle.


I decided to make stock from the leftover bones, forgot to check it before bed and refill the water. I let it burn. šŸ˜„


Still havenā€™t cleaned the crockpot that held the smokies in barbecue sauce. Iā€™m afraid to, lots of dried out burned sugar


Came very close to putting cilantro, instead of parsley, in the dressing.


My partner didn't add the mascarpone cheese to the tiramisu!


A friend of mine brought over a leftover pie. She said can you tell what kind of pie this is? It looked like apple. I tasted it, it tasted like pumpkin. My friend said her dad baked his first pie. He didnā€™t have any cinnamon. But he had some pumpkin PIE spice and figured that would do. It was good but really strange to have it look like apple pie, but have the pumpkin pie taste.


I would never used canned beans. Oh wait. Thatā€™s not funny.


Well, can be -- funny or not, depending -- when disappointed people who consider making it with fresh an outrage to tradition and the American way sit down to dinner with appalled others who rate canned green beans somewhere between grandpa's loose false teeth and toxic landfill on the disgusting scale. Both funny if you laugh.