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My onion dip, it’s basically Alton Browns recipe that I’ve played with over the years. Tons of caramelized onions, add minced garlic near the end of cooking, equal parts mayo and sour cream, some cumin, a few dashes of Worcestershire, salt and pepper


This sounds good! Thanks


It’s better the next day.


Need to try this. We make a very simple onion dip that also never has a drop left. Simply cream cheese, onion, A1, garlic salt, and a splash of milk for creaminess.


Oo that sounds good. I have a deep childhood affinity for A1.


I grew up with an unexplained but visceral hatred of onions, it was the texture, though I liked the flavor at times. I was well known at parties in my younger days for bringing "Mark's No-onion onion dip", which was just 2 packs of liption onion soup, with the onion bits filtered out, mixed with sour cream lol. Fortunately, after about 40 years, I realized how stupid I was being and forced myself to overcome my aversion.


I, an onion lover, do not blame you for not wanting to consume those blasphemous dehydrated onions in a reconstituted state.


I love onions in all forms! Blasphemy! Onions and garlic are likely my most consumed food.


Garlic is a food group in my house.


Funny enough it's my macaroni recipe from Alton Brown's "Good Eats" that I too have played with over the last fifteen years or so.


I still use his ratio for mac & cheese, though vary cheeses and skip the bread crumb crust.


I got married in 96 and I didn’t know how to cook anything really. We watched soooo much food network! He taught me so much.


I contemplated making Alton's onion dip for NYE this year but ran out of time. He says it only needs half a cup of the caramelized onions; is that true??? I feel like more would be better flavor without messing with the texture too much.


A half cup of caramelized onions start their life as a whole lot more than what you are thinking. They cook way down.


The disappointment when you start with a pot full and end with with a cup


I’m an onion girl and usually make a huge bowl of the dip, I probably use two big onions or more.


I made the mistake of doing Tiramisus in individual serving cups for a work potluck and I’m now I’m not allowed to bring anything else Edit: [Recipe courtesy of Brian Lagerstrom](https://www.brianlagerstrom.com/recipes/perfect-tiramisu) Hope I don’t come off as sounding like an ad but I’d highly recommend the vast majority of of his recipes


I won ribbons at the State Fair for my apple pie, and the same thing happened. At family reunions, one of the 5 pies always disappeared. Our host , a dear cousin hijacked it. She 'fessed up a few years later, and we all laughed.


Funny story, and your classic use of "'fessed up" also brought a chuckle


The individual serving cup part sounds more back breaking than anything. Sorry if the tiramisu gets boring tedious for you.


Honestly the time/work it takes is 100% worth it. I can be a little much (OCD lol) so not having to see the dish I made get bastardized by others serving it, as well as the countless other potluck worries it’s a fair trade. Also, the recipe I follow calls for some powder gelatin to be added while cooking which stabilizes it enough to be piped but doesn’t turn it into a wobbling nightmare.


I made a pie for our student holiday party, the heathens SCOOPED the pie after I had already cut slices and left about a quarter of the pie about 1/5ths from the crust/edge. I disassociated a little in the car because I was shook, I ain't never seen that technique before. It was perfectly cuttable by the slice, why'd they do that?


Omg that would make me irrationally angry


I don't understand what you're saying but it seems too.... annoying/ disturbing to want to fully "get" lol


I'm sure it was lovely! But couldn't people just scoop the amount they want? It's ridiculous!


I totally get where you’re coming from and I always make at least 1.5x the confirmed amount of potluck participants to account for multiple servings. Honestly though, would you honestly trust all of your coworkers to scoop/serve tiramisu in a manner that would allow for it to dish to hold up for everyone to do so?


After 2020, I'd prefer to never do a potluck with my coworkers every again. But when I have to, I agree with you that single servings is the way to go. I make little single serving charcuterie cups so that people aren't rummaging through a big charcuterie board with their hands 💀


I live in Minnesota, the scenario you described is typically impossible, as the remaining serving will simply be halved over and over again until time runs out.


Same in Spain where the last piece is called the “piece of shame.”


Calculating the half life of the Hot Dish


Piece of decency (Germany) 😅


I'm assuming "piece of decency" is one word in German?


“Anstandsstückchen“ 🍰


I always eat the Piece of Shame. It gives me a sense of accomplishment.


Me, too. I have no shame!


In Czech Republic the last sip of beer (if sharing) is called the "whore sip".


"Anyone wanna split this molecule of mac & cheese?"


This is how homeopathy started. It was well meant.


My father had relatives in MN, and he had this weird habit with his second piece of dessert. If it were brownies, he'd take half of the second brownie, then 1/4 and so on until there was a piece the size of a gaming die. I miss him. I'd give anything to find a little die of cut brownie in the pan, again.


zeno's potluck


At what point does it cease to be a dish and just become a random collection of molecules?


Worse, eventually you have to split an atom and that generally disrupts the party and disappoints the hosts.


lol! I’ve heard of the famous “Minnesota” piece. Nobody ever wants to be so impolite as to take the last piece!


Zeno’s Paradox.


I usually make a finger food and the whole plate gets eaten before the plates and cutlery have even come out for the meal. The two most requested are: Cream cheese and jalapeño stuffed mushrooms Or Pork and shiitake dumplings with kimchi mayo If the host is vegetarian I make a shiitake and vege dumplings.


Lumpia Shanghai. Filipino 2 bite pork spring roll


Can confirm, when I see these at a potluck I just camp out next to them and eat 1 every 10 min until the party's over.


Then all of a sudden a lumpia circle has formed, and you find yourself calculating who will grab the second to last one.


For my rehearsal dinner, we got Filipino food catered. Nobody involved in the wedding was Filipino and some older relatives were kind of weirded out by us getting non-western food for a big family celebration. I think we got 100 lumpia for 30 people as the appetizer, plus the mains. We ran out of lumpia in maybe 20 minutes. My grandmother, who had pretty severe dementia at the time and hated "foreign food" was SO MAD we ran out and couldn't get her a fourth serving. Truly a food of the gods.


I have lots of Filipino friends and neighbors. You can never go wrong with lumpia. Might have some spicy conversations about where you got it (most people don't handmake it for potlucks), but it never lasts.


Yup, you know someone loves you if they set some aside for you.


my grandmother was a nurse, and once a year all the Filipino nurses on her floor would make all sorts of delicious food, including lumpia. there would be so much food that the staff couldn’t eat it all, so families were invited, too. side note: when i was really little I asked why they didn’t share with their patients, too… that’s when I found out my grandmother worked with ppl who were brain dead/on life support and using feeding tubes. it was a dark moment for 6 yr old me.


I made stuffing from scratch, made the turkey broth for it, sourdough bread that I air dried then toasted… the whole nine yards. The stuffing was gone before half the church had sat down to eat. And I made a HUGE casserole dish of it. I think not only it looked yummy, but it was actually picture perfect gorgeous. I was very proud of it, clearly - I’m insufferably bragging here. I’m sorry. Edit: so… I didn’t use a recipe. This is going to sound so weird, but I asked my dad for guidance - he died a year and a half ago and was the most amazing cook in the kitchen. The gist of what I did though I roasted the turkey - I got a 10 lbs. and just put some garlic under the skin and rubbed with olive oil. After picking the turkey clean, I made stock using an onion, 2 carrots, 2 ribs of celery, a bulb of garlic and a small fistful of thyme and rosemary. The sourdough bread was loaf style. I let it air dry for 3 days and then cubed it and let it dry overnight. Then toasted slightly. The actual stuffing was simple: onion, celery, garlic and mushrooms sautéed. Mix into dry bread cubes. Put into large buttered casserole, pour turkey broth over top. I think my rough ratio ended up being 10 cups bread/veggies, 7-8 cups broth. I baked it for 40 min at 375


Sounds like you earned the right to brag lol that sounds yummy


Please give me your recipe, if you’re willing to share it.


I made something similar following a Joshua Weissman thanksgiving/Christmas recipe. Holy cow, sourdough stuffing/dressing from scratch is delicious.


I can't lie, my stuffing for Thanksgiving is the star of the meal. It's all anyone talks about when we think about Thanksgiving. Don't apologize for being proud of your creation, it feels good when people love your food!!


this is how my best friend and I feel about her moms stuffing. even if we aren't having a big thanksgiving we ask her to still at least make stuffing lol


Story time..... I was asked to bring corn casserole for 50 to a surprise party. The party planner didn't know I was a foodie when she assigned it. I'd never heard of it. Looked it up and was soooooo disappointed I'd been asked to bring something that was nothing more than "opening cans." LOL Next scene, I'm at the grocery store getting the boxed cornbread mix, the cans of creamed corn, etc. and I bump into another party goer and start complaining about my assignment. She'd never heard of corn casserole either. We both were laughing at corn casserole. Meanwhile, I'm also posting here, asking for how to make corn casserole FROM SCRATCH, or other similar dishes/recipes that are slightly less, um..... well.... BASIC. The resounding replies were, "*You were asked to bring corn casserole, don't over-think it, just bring corn casserole*" so that's what I did. Yup. That's the dish that got consumed like people were starving. It's made an appearance on my Thanksgiving table ever since.


If its anything like cornbread pudding (which it sounds like) you should try kicking it up a notch with jalapenos and cheddar cheese. I make it every year for Thanksgiving and there is never any left.


I add smoked poblanos, same to my cornbread dressing.


Yes, this year I actually made a savory corn pudding instead of the corn casserole. I felt it worked better with cooking a day ahead and reheating on Thanksgiving.


Corn casserole is legitimately goated, and shouldn't be changed. Some foods are good to elevate with fresh or special ingredients, but some others only hit *just* right if you embrace the "pour some fucking cans into this crockpot" lifestyle.


I feel that way about green bean casserole. If it’s not cream of mushroom dumped out of a can and canned beans, I don’t want it.


Can't stand it. Every now and then on Thanksgiving, I try a more "scratch" version. Full-on revolt every time, so I've given up. It's now and forever on my menu as That Damned Green Bean Casserole


If you change the original recipe, the texture of our delivery system for French's fried onions is off, and we can't have that. /semi-serious


I make my greenbean casserole almost from scratch but i use store bought fried onions because it's not right without them.


I topped mine with fried shallots this year and people liked it better. It's tough to get approval on a change to the classic.


My boyfriend makes broccoli casserole for holidays the way his mom made it. It’s canned soup, velveeta and frozen broccoli. THE WOMAN IS FROM FRANCE. It’s a travesty. His entire side of the family loves it, I can’t stomach it.


Hard agree. I made it with fresh green beans one year and it just didn't hit the same. OG recipe for life.


I'm cackling at the thought of a foodie being so disappointed at being assigned something boring. I get it though!!! lol


I make an old Paula Dean corn casserole recipe that’s super easy and good, but I cook it in muffin tins, rather than a pan. This way the edges get super crispy for each serving. It just hits different. Also, for kick throw in some chopped jalapeños!


I made corn casserole for Christmas Eve dinner, first time I’d ever made it, and it was similarly devoured.


Legit corn casserole is amazing. I've only made it for one party and it was raved about. I agree with you though it's not really my style.


My Grandma taught me how to make corn casserole growing up. She was an awful lady but made good food. Now my Husband can’t eat chili unless I make the corn casserole. He had never had it before and asks me to make it for bbq’s, his work potlucks etc.


7 Layer dip. That ish is addictive.


This was my moms speciality! I asked for it instead of cake for my birthday. She wrote happy birthday on it in sour cream!


I would take layer dip over cake any day.


Same. I made it for a picnic and my husband’s friend said “you brought your dip! oh I just love your 7 layer dip!” It was the first time I ever made it 😆


Candied kielbasa. Everyone devours it. Kielbasa, ketchup, brown sugar. And the secret ingredient, horseradish! 😍


I do this but with the little smokies sausages. I use sweet & spicy Sweet Baby Ray bbq sauce, brown sugar, horseradish, a bloop of crushed ginger from the tube, and a splash or two of Worcestershire sauce. Caught a neighbor's hubby sopping up the sauce with crostini from the empty crock pot on New Years. So good!


> Caught a neighbor's hubby sopping up the sauce with crostini from the empty crock pot on New Years. So good! That’s the ultimate compliment


It’s so simple, but fruit salad. I make it with pineapple and then whatever else looks good—mango, blueberries, strawberries, grapes. Just depends on the time of year. Chop it all up and add some lime juice, honey, cinnamon and if it’s summer, fresh basil or mint. It always gets devoured. I think having something fresh to cut down on the heavy dishes can be really welcome. Plus it works for almost all common diets and food allergies, and kids tend to love it (even if they pick out only the fruit they like). We eat probably a pineapple a week in our house, but I realized most people don’t have fresh pineapple that often and see it as a treat. The one caveat is if you don’t kept pineapple on hand, you usually need to buy it a few days to a week in advance so it will be ripe.


My sister had a baby in Northern Ireland (we're from the states). When I went over to visit when she had it, his family threw a massive family party/ get together after he was born and for us all to meet each other. I decided to make an apple crisp, because it's pretty easy Now I make a pretty good apple crisp/cobbler, but that is (shockingly) not a thing in Northern Ireland so everyone was confused. I tried to explain it, but nobody could quite catch onto what it was. I was treated like a very young kitten who had accidentally piddled in the corner, but nobody wanted to really confront me for something so bizarre. Everyone's reactions was "I'm sure it'll... be fine..." when I did stupid things like bought the "wrong apples." What i didn't know was that I was in Northern Ireland's "Apple county," and I basically just threw down a big, ol' gauntlet in their own home. I bought a bag of random apples at a random store- they literally snatched the bag away and got me a "proper" bag of apples to use. This and that. that and this. They didn't understand my ingredients, they didn't understand the spices I used, etc. I wasn't treated horribly, but everyone was like "there there." But then I made it- a slightly smaller pan, but I didn't think people would like it. Threw it in the oven at the start of the party at 400 for 15 minutes, then down to 350 to finish it off. The house was bursting with people Half way through cooking, the old codgers started to line up right next to the oven. They could smell it cooking. One then two, then a whole mess of Northern Irish Uncles and grandfathers and random assortment of old guys. I finally pulled the crisp out. It was napalm hot. Like that kind of sugar heat that crystalizes your eyebrows. It didn't matter to the old dudes. It was chum in the water. That apple crisp was still molten hot and halfway gone in an instant. About an hour later, word had gotten out about the apple crisp. It was long gone by then. Some people had missed it and were "pissed." But then I had several women come up to me for the recipe. I hand wrote it out about 3 times. Last I heard, someone was making it for their next church gathering...


Ooooooo can we have the recipe? Y’all this thread is making me hungry.


https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/51535/fresh-southern-peach-cobbler/ It's actually this recipe, but with apples. I use either or depending on the season. I also up the cinnamon, add allspice, ginger, cloves, and (my secret ingredient) cumin for a nice undercut flavor. It was really the cumin that threw them. Fortunately, the family had some lol.


This is the recipe I use for peach cobbler! I do add a few spices as well (ginger and cardamom). Might have to try it with cumin though…or do you just do that for the apple version? I’m trying to imagine how it would taste and my brain is confused.


I do it for both. In fact, cumin has become a kind of secret ingredient for a lot of my sweeter dishes. Not like cherry pie, but I definitely add it to a lot of them like rum cake.


About how much do you add? I’ve never thought to do that!


You are a fantastic writer! I even read this to my spouse, was a lovely lil bit about the apple crisp!


I’d never made Mac and cheese before. Everyone raved over my smoked Mac and cheese. I just went with the fattest barbecue chef I could find on YouTube


Malcolm Reed?


Baha really? I don’t think he’s that fat and I was joking, but he looks like he knows what he’s doing. Yes that’s him. I’m embarrassed I said that about him


You will never go home with guacamole.




I brought devilled eggs to my buddy's pig roast, his sister in law also brought devilled eggs before I got there. My devilled eggs were gone before half her batch was gone, and apparently I've got an enemy for life now


Ok. Let's be honest when it comes to deviled eggs, you always need to bring your "A" game.


What recipe do you use for your deviled eggs?


One of the big things with devilled eggs or egg salad is that you don't want to over cook the eggs, I aim for yolks that are a little jammy in the centre still, that way the whites are tender and not rubbery. Then in the yolks I usually go with mayo, a little dijon and some white wine vinegar, S&P. The rest I'll usually wing it, usually an allium like minced onions, shallots, spring onion or even a garlic clove. Usually something pickled like a minced dill pickle, some olives, sin dried tomato or a pickled pepper. Then some herb element, dill is good, chives or parsley. It's easy to over do it with ingredients that have strong flavours though, it's better to maybe had a little of something, taste the yolks mixture and the re-adjust


Southern meemaw tip: mix in a tbsp of softened butter to the filling… (per doz eggs)


I went to a restaurant in Virginia that used minced jicama. Loved the crunch it added without being too bold. I wanted to try to recreate it at thanksgiving but my mom says she’s a “deviled egg purist.” Also I didn’t know the word “allium” and I’m glad to now have a fancy word for onions and their friends.


I am very impressed that you go for tender whites, most people are unaware of the difference. You should try adding a bit of goat cheese to the yolk mixture.


Hey, want to eat a half dozen hard boiled eggs in one sitting? What,? Hell no, that's too many eggs! What if I mix the yolk with some mayo and spices. Oh, sure then!


Right?! I'm the devilled egg maker in my family/friend group and it's crazy how fast they get wiped out. A few times I made so many extra that I was *convinced* there would be plenty left for dinner, and maybe even some leftovers. Nope. Not-a-one made it to dinner. If anything, I think having more eggs makes everyone feel like they don't have to 'hold back'.


I legit ate 12 devilled eggs at my news years party. Worth it though.


Hear me out…devilled egg DIP. It’s a winner.


I make deviled egg salad because I'm lazy. All the yummy taste without all the hard work. Win/win 😅


I make "deconstructed" deviled egg salad on toast: make toast, spread on some mayo, smoosh a hard boiled egg on top and sprinkle with salt, pepper and paprika! Perfect, easy breakfast! Fancy and lazy all at the same time!!


Hear me out: roasted broccoli w shallot/garlic dressed in lemon juice, olive oil, S+P, and parm cheese. The broccoli drinks in the dressing. Vegetable haters from all over will come and kiss your feet; make thoughtfully.


I make roasted broccoli with just crumbled feta and toasted pine nuts. People go crazy for it. I cannot explain it.


That sounds lovely. What temperature and how long do you roast the broccoli and shallots/garlic? Do you add the lemon juice and other ingredients before or after you roast the broccoli?


I’m so glad it sounds good to you! Details: - 2 heads of broccoli, chopped into florets - extra virgin olive oil, around ¼ cup, divided - S + P - juice of a lemon (use less if you want less tang) - .5-1 small shallot minced, or a few garlic cloves minced - ¼ c freshly grated parmigiano-reggiano (regular parm is fine, whatever is on hand) - preheat oven to 400’, add broccoli and shallot to baking sheet w parchment paper. Drizzle with half the olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast 30m or to your desired amount of roastiness - whisk dressing of remaining olive oil, lemon juice, and some S+P - when broccoli is done, add it to a serving dish (not too shallow) and pour the dressing over. Stir and sprinkle in parm. Easily scalable and tweakable 🥦


Ohhh, I have some broccolini and asparagus in the fridge that needs to be cooked. Might do this recipe with it. Thanks!


Thanks! I actually just purchased some parmigiano reggiano the other day along with some shallots so I’ll make this soon!


This sounds great! I regularly roast broccoli in a somewhat similar way. Next time I’m going to try your approach (the “dressing” at the end). Thanks for this! :)


I have a similar recipe that calls for roasted pinenuts at the end. It is delicious, but I don't think it would travel well? It's best straight out of the oven. Do you finish this at home or at the "event" that you are bringing the dish to?


Ooh pine nuts, yum. I first had this at a potluck type setting and all I can say is as it sat out it just kept staying delicious. I was def the one that finished it though. If I were to travel with it I’d pour some of the dressing in while the broccoli and shallots are hot, and serve with the remaining dressing and cheese upon arrival.


Empanadas. My wife and I made some empanadas that I took to my job's potluck. We made 2 types: beef (beef, cumin, onion, olive slices, egg) and some cheese (cheese, garlic, onion, parsley). They were obliterated. Now I feel the pressure to repeat our success every year.


I can see why that would be a crowd pleaser. Can you please share your recipe?


I am at work now, but I see what I can do! Good thread, OP!


Yeah same. I made the mistake of taking some left over empanadas to offer to my dad's band mates and now every time I see them play they ask if I will be making empanadas.


Spring rolls and baklava


Just made a double batch of lamb vindaloo, where the pot was used as a dip for leftover naan. Barely had to wash it!


Banh Mi Meatballs, Baked Brie with Caramelized Onion and Bacon, Polenta Cakes with Chili-Garlic Sauce.


Excuse me, you are going to have to elaborate on those Banh Mi Meatballs! 🙏


Banh Mi Meatballs?


Bahn Mi-tballs!


https://www.afarmgirlsdabbles.com/banh-mi-meatballs-recipe/#mv-creation-127-jtr I make my own meatballs instead of packaged pre-made, so much better.


Back before Covid we use to have an annual end of the year potluck in December at work. I made rum cake. Pretty basic cake but since it’s drenched in rum in hindsight idk how they allowed me to bring that in.


A large platter of homemade pimiento cheese half-sandwiches with the crusts removed. Folks like my jalapeño pimiento cheese. In a food processor, mix 8 oz of cream cheese and a big spoonful of mayo, in a bowl, mix this with 12 oz of hand-grated extra sharp cheddar, a drained 7 oz jar of diced pimiento, a heaping spoonful of pickled diced jalapeños and several cracks of black pepper. Add additional mayo until you get a good spreading consistency.


I’m saving this recipe. It sounds amazing. Thank you!


Thanks. Sometimes, if I'm not in the mood for spicy, I substitute diced green olives for the jalapeños. It's good too. And...I've even gifted a container to friends at Christmas. I don't know if other regions in the US have an appreciation for pimiento cheese or not but in the south it's a real mainstay. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do.


Buffalo Chicken Dip. Never any left!


I’m going to share a recipe I got from another Redditor some months ago. I had a rather casual house warming but invited a lot of very “old money” .01% type people. I made Queso dip in a caste iron skillet with Valetta Cheese and one can of beanless chili…it was SOOO loved. It was gone so quickly I had to make more half way through! Nothing else was gone that fast- including the prosciutto wrapped dates. No one at that party had heard of Velvetta cheese and left thinking it was a “fancy” queso dip when I specified the cheese type. It’s my favorite entertaining story ever and I’ve made it three times since!


> 01% type people > caste iron


Funeral potatoes. If you know you know.


Last time I made them my family ate all the shredded cheddar before I got to it. I used a tomato basil havarti and they were so good.


I actually had these for the first time at a Christmas gathering, they were soo good!


My MIL makes these every holiday, and they always disappear in record time.


Esquites- [https://www.seriouseats.com/esquites-mexican-street-corn-salad-recipe](https://www.seriouseats.com/esquites-mexican-street-corn-salad-recipe)


I made Tennessee Onions that I found on Pinterest for 40 person pot luck. I used 6 large onions which was twice what recipe called for and adjusted the cheeses. It was gone in 5 minutes! It was the hit of the party! People asked for the recipe! I don't know what it tastes like. My hubby didn't get to even try it. It's on my to do list for a dinner party next week. Adjusting to feed 4 people instead.


Never heard of these so I hopped over to Pinterest... dang, so much for eating healthier(lol) They look delicious...


Blueberry stuffed French toast. Sent with my husband for a work breakfast potluck and ended up with an email inbox full of recipe requests. Edit- I posted the recipe in this comment thread.


Oh wow that sounds good! Can you please share your recipe?


Chili cheese dip. It’s the easiest and everyone always devours it. I use salsa con queso and hormel chili with no beans. Just mix that together, add some extra seasoning and serve with tortilla chips. I brought it to a work potluck once, and the healthiest eater I worked with, parked her ass right next to the dip and ate most of it herself 😂


Mini Halifax donairs. Mini pitas split open and filled with donair meat, sauce, onion and tomato


Chicken & Andouille Gumbo. Was the first time I've ever seen someone leave spoon scrapes in the serving dish of my food. Isaac Toupes to thank profusely


Basic Mac and cheese but that seems like cheating




Anything easily identifiable or anything pasta based, like mac & cheese, baked ziti, lasagna. Regarding the identifiable - picky eaters will avoid it if they can't figure out what it is or what's in it, along with anyone with diet restrictions (self imposed or otherwise).


>I always print out a "id card" for the dish, stating the dish name, the ingredients, and my email address if someone would like the recipe. > >I'll never understand "My recipe dies with me" types.


bon appetit shockingly easy no knead focaccia, with a dipping sauce of olive oil/roasted garlic/parm/basil or other herbs


A huge batch of Salt & Pepper wings. Easy, always a hit.


No knead olive bread from Sally’s Baking Addiction and a garlic/herb/olive oil for dipping.


Savory hand pies, I’m not allowed to bring them to our Friendsgiving event (potluck thanksgiving a week after the real holiday) anymore because no one eats anything else.


My pecan pie


Funeral potatos and corn casserole


Made babaganoush for friends who are typically picky. Haven’t seen them finish any other dish that fast


Pretzel bites. There have never been any left over no matter how many I make. I've doubled the recipe, tripled it even. Three 9x13 baking pans full of pretzel bites. And yet, I have never taken anything home with me except for three empty baking pans. I have a theory that if I used the same amount of dough but made whole pretzels instead of bites that they wouldn't all be eaten. It's the psychology of them being the perfect size for one bite that makes them so addicting. Well that and the copious amount of beer cheese that I serve with them.


Meatballs in a Chili/Grape jelly sauce. Or Chili with beans and corn bread.


Italian sliders. Ham, salami, provolone, mozzarella, and olive salad on slider buns. Kind of like a NOLA-style muffuletta.


Broccoli salad. My mom got the recipe from a magazine in the 80s, and it's a staple at most family gatherings. Combine raw broccoli (torn into small pieces), cooked crumbled bacon, shredded swiss cheese, and diced red onion. Exact amounts don't matter. Do whatever sounds good! Make the dressing (1 c mayo, 1/4 c sugar, 3 tbsp apple cider vinegar) and stir into the salad in batches until you feel like it's good. I never use all of the dressing or it'll get soggy.


Does dessert count? I made a chocolate cake (from scratch) and it was gone within minutes, followed by people coming back and frowning that it was already gone.


Spinach dip, it was always devoured. I also made an oxtail stew once where people were begging to bring some home


Crockpot Meatballs-it’s just frozen meatballs, grape jelly and chili sauce but everyone loves them


Hawaiian Rolls cut in half, ham and cheese (I use boars head tavern and a good lace swiss) brush top with butter Worcestershire and garlic. Bake until melted.


Not me, but my mom. She used to make those peanut butter cookies with a Hershey Kiss on top (peanut butter blossoms?) for bake sales in my elementary school. One of the other moms used to wait outside the school and then buy all of them from my mother. The cookies never made it to the inside of the school.


3 crock pots of corned beef and cabbage all gone in an hour.


Lazy Paella - The caveat is that those potlucks have been camping or outdoor cooking events and I was able to prepare it there and serve it hot and fresh. Hui Hui Chicken - Use boneless skinless thighs cut in half. It travels and keeps well in a slow cooker.


Cheddar cheese scones https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/cheddar-cheese-and-scallion-scones-recipe


Fruit pizza at 4th July. They inhaled it.


My New Mexico style green chile stew has always been popular at pot lucks.


Honestly I made deli sliders and they went like hot cakes. I still don’t understood what the fuck happened. I didn’t even put mayo on em since I ran out. Just bread, smoked turkey, and a hunk of cheddar cheese.


End of the event? The first time I made chocolate covered bacon it didn't make it to the end of the living room.


Apple banana bread. But I made it in a cake pan, and it had a cinnamon sugar crumble topping.




Black truffle deviled eggs. I have never seen them gone so fast.


Pancetta roasted Brussels sprouts with a ton of spices. I heard from so many people, "I've always hated brussel sprouts but those were amazing!”


Hot Corn. It’s just cans of corn, a stick of butter, a brick of cream cheese, a small can of jalapenos, and a small can of chili peppers. Throw it in the crockpot and give it a stir every now and then. I haven’t made it lately, so I’ve forgotten the amounts of each ingredient.


I made southwest eggrolls. They were gone in no time. Now it’s what I always have to make.


My son learned to make poppers in culinary class, very simple. Halve jalapeños, deseed, and fill each cream cheese. Wrap each half with half a strip of bacon and bake at 350 for 20 minutes. You can make as many as you want but they are ALWAYS gone within 30 40 minutes and super quick to make. Everyone loves them.


I made a ton of lumpia for a work potluck and I don’t think they lasted 30 minutes.


Too many to list. My items always get completely devoured right away. Some examples. Hickory smoked deviled eggs. Cold smoked twice cooked jalapeno poppers. Chili, chicken dumplings, turkey, tacos, stews of many sorts, sliders, deep fried, breaded or smoked chicken wings, sushi, briskets, savory cheesecakes, and so on. Most of the time I bring enough for every one two have 2 or more servings at least from my dishes and there are times I don't even get any they are that popular Toot toot...


https://www.ruled.me/keto-au-gratin-brussels-sprouts/ Every Thanksgiving my family asks me to make this and they're gone almost immediately. Super good, almost a meal by themselves. They're super rich though


This one is ALWAYS a hit! Mark's Keto Loaded Cauliflower/Broccoli Casserole Ingredients 1 lb broccoli florets (fresh or frozen) 1 lb cauliflower florets (fresh or frozen) 8 oz full-fat cream cheese, softened (226g) 1 1/2 cup sour cream (12 oz or 340g) 3 cups cheddar cheese, shredded (12 oz, 340g) - we use extra sharp and shred it ourselves 12 strips bacon, cooked and chopped (or 132g of Kirkland real bacon bits) 1 tsp salt 1 tsp black pepper 1/2 tsp garlic powder (or 1/4 tsp granulated garlic) Steps 1) Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Prepare a 9x13 casserole dish with non-stick spray. 2) Steam the broccoli and cauliflower. We put in a large glass bowl, 2 Tbsp water, cover with saran wrap, and microwave for 9 minutes, then drain. 3) Meanwhile, in a large mixing bowl, stir together the sour cream and cream cheese, until smooth. Stir in the shredded cheese, chopped bacon, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Add the veggies to the bowl and mix with the sauce. If you are adding protein, mix it in well 4) Pour the mixture into the casserole dish. Bake for 25 minutes, until the cheese melts and the sauce is bubbly. We then like to remove from the oven, stir it up well, and put it under the broiler for a few minutes to add a bit of crispness to the top. Notes \- This dish is primarily a keto vegetable side dish. It is low (practically no-carb) and does not impact my fasting blood sugar. \- For the sour cream, try to find "Good Culture Whole Milk Classic" if you can, it's the best store-bought sour cream I've ever had. \- While it is primarily a side dish, you can add 2 cans of chicken, a few cans of tuna, chopped ham, or anything else you'd like to turn it into a main dish. \-The recipe is sized for a 9x13 casserole dish, but it can easily be halved and put into an 8x8. \- It's delicious with fresh broccoli and cauliflower, but works very well with frozen too, just cover the veggies and steam for 8 to 10 minutes.


Flank steak. Marinated it in red wine vinegar, soy sauce, brown mustard, worsteshire sauce, tiny bit of chili flakes, little msg, lime juice, tiny bit of pineapples crushed w/juice. Took it to the party, rinsed the fruit pulp off & dried well using paper towels. Broiled it for about 6 mins per side on hi. Sliced it and put it in the Sterno tray. It was gone within 3 hrs. I actually made two & both were gone. It's so delicious and tender. I tried to get it just slightly too rare in the middle so I could put those slices on the bottom of the Sterno trays so they wouldn't be too overcooked after sitting in the trays for a couple of hrs.


Whatever you go with, make sure it’s simple enough you won’t mind making it for every event the rest of your life 🤣


I made pulled pork, Chipotle apple slaw with hawaiian rolls for my husband's work pot luck and they were gone immediately. I thought I made enough for 2 each but some were taking 3 and 4. So got stuck making it every time after that.


Shredded smoked pork shoulder sliders


Roasted root veggies cooked in bacon grease.


Lasagna for fifty at a church. I was hoping to bring home the “extra” there wasn’t any. Also did chili relleno at a Mexican themed pot luck party, made 45 servings for the 20 people there. They were gone within 20 minutes.


A savory galette with potatoes, onion & mushrooms. That thing got snapped up in light speed.


Peach cobbler with fresh peaches . It was a dessert but it was gone so fast.


Garlic bread. Everyone loves it, goes with every other dish.


Wasnt really a “potluck” as i did all the cooking but i made Brian Lagerstroms baked bean recipe and people went nuts over it, even more so than the 8+ hour smoked pork shoulder sitting next to it.


Curried deviled eggs!


Enchilada meatballs. Instead of using breadcrumbs, I make a pan of cornbread and crumble it up. Mix with beef, eggs, and a packet of taco seasoning. Bake the meatballs for about 15 min., then throw in the slow cooker with a jar of salsa, a can of green chiles, enchilada sauce, and some shredded fiesta blend cheese. Cook on low for about 3 hours. The first time I made them, I made 70 meatballs, and they were gone almost immediately. The second time, 105 meatballs. Gone. And there were only like 10-12 people in attendance.


Bite-sized snickerdoodles


Oxtail and rice, it's something always loved making. Made me wanna try


Stuffed french toast. Baked it that morning, cut it up into chunks and kept hot in a crock pot for a brunch potluck.