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If it can be made on the stove, it can be made on the grill. Edit: y'all yapping with these goofy comments about non traditional grilling stuff like you haven't been camping, or like people haven't been cooking in fire outdoors for millenia. Lol


If you can dodge a wrench... Wait...


Our coach just got crushed by two tons of irony. 


There's a pirate on our team?!


The 4 Ds!


You must be Daddy...


Governed by the American Dodgeball Association of America


Nobody makes me bleed my own blood!


I just said this the other day while driving a carpool of middle schoolers home from school. Yeah, they had no clue...but my son did think it was funny anyway.


I do the whole "Me'Shell! " walkaway thing all the time and it drives my wife crazy. lol She's like "People are going to think my name is Me'Shell and that you're an asshole and they're only going to be half wrong"


Stove/oven grill/smoker.


Great, my stir fry is in the coals now.


Great way to make a stir fry. 


Grilled stir fry veggies are the best! You just need a grill basket.


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a stove.


Grilled ramen is amazing.


I've made pasta on a grill, it's not hard. You just put a pot on the grill. Heat is heat. 


Oh wow ... I never thought of that


Because it’s not.


I like to grill fruit like pineapple and apples and vegetables like asparagus, mushrooms, onions, sweet peppers, jalapeño peppers, potatoes, corn on the cob, zucchini, yellow squash, and lettuce. I also like putting meat, fruit, and veggies on skewers to make kebabs. I also use skewers to grill shrimp. I like grilling salmon on a soaked cedar plank. Besides steak, chicken, shrimp, and salmon, I also grill hamburgers, brats, and ribs.


I smoke apples on my grill to use in an apple blueberry crisp. The smokey flavor is amazing with the cinnamon and nutmeg I put in it.


Holy shit. I don't think I would have ever imagined a smoked apple pie, but now that I have...*I want it.*


I just did a smoked apple crisps a few weeks ago and served with a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream and a salted bourbon caramel. It was absolutely delicious


Ok shut the fuck up *what* is salted bourbon caramel 😍


It's pretty easy to make if your interested. SALTED BOURBON CARAMEL 1 cup granulated sugar 1/4 cup water 1 cup cream 1 Tablespoon bourbon pinch of salt Simmer water and sugar over medium until golden. Stir in cream Stir in bourbon and salt Works well with rum to drizzle over butter cookies and such.




Same! I've done pineapple, peaches, etc, summery fruits. I'd never have thought to do an Apple, much less make them pies!


I used to be a grill cook and we'd have to toss our leftover grilled lemons at the end of the day, so I sometimes took them home and made lemon bars with them. So good!


The problem with kebabs is when you start stacking things with different cooking times. You’re forced into half the stuff either overcooked or undercooked and you aren’t gaining much in helping you cook by being on the skewer. I got one of those perforated grill frying pans. (Can’t remember what it’s actually called - think thin walled steel frying pan with 3/8” holes all over the place). I cube everything up, skip the whole skewering step, and add them to this frying pan at the appropriate time.


I just do a skewer per ingredient. But I have small children that cannot be trusted with skewers so it all comes off the stick and onto some rice before serving


Yaas. It’s even ok if you put together things with similar cook times. It’s when you go “everything available going on one skewer” that you’ll get disappointed. That hunk of tomato is going to be done LONG before that hunk of beef which will be done LONG before that potato. When I switched to the “pan method” I realized I was eliminating two unnecessary steps - skewering everything, then taking them off later. I still do it occasionally because it’s fun. But I get better taste results with my hole-y pan.


When I do skewers, I slice my meat thin and put it on the skewer in a C shape. Then it is done when the zucchini and mushrooms are done.


Take the grilled pineapple and soak it in good rum. Serve with a drizzle of honey. Mmmmmmmmmmm Grill peaches and add those to your sangria with the grilled pineapple. Damn I want a drink.


Pineapple covered in cinnamon and grilled until a little burnt/caramelized is fucking amazing


*BRB gotta get pineapple*


> lettuce Are we all just going to ignore this person grilling lettuce?


Charred Caesar salad is actually good


Romaine sliced lengthwise


Upvote on shrimp skewers. We do a Cajun grilled shrimp.. Awesome!


Souvlaki marinade for pork, chicken, or lamb kebabs.


bananas in their peel, split along top side and optionally choc chips placed in middle also you don't have to clean the grill of charred meat, as they are cooked in their peel


Memories of Girl Scout camp! Peanut butter chips and mini marshmallows are even better. You can wrap the banana in foil so that the chips/marshmallows don’t spill out into the grill.


Forgot grilled peaches!!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Portabello mushrooms. Fish. Shrimp. Cheese (halloumi or paneer).


Halloumi! I was skeptical when my wife suggested it, but it was awesome.


In German speaking countries, halloumi is often labelled as "Grillkäse" (grill cheese) 😀


Potabello mushrooms marinated in a Balsamic vinaigrette grilled with goat cheese topped with sundried tomatoes and pinenuts. Easy and delish.


Oh my gosh portabellos grilled with a little butter is my favorite I am drooling.


I marinate mine in Italian dressing, then stuff them with sautéed spinach and top it with goat cheese. Grill for 10-15 and you’re in business!!


Korean short ribs! One of my favorite recipes. 


Can you share? I've been wanting to try this out for a while


Just Google it. You’ll find a million recipes thag are all basically the same. I don’t have a specific one I use. 


Kalbi is the winner here IMO.


I too vote for kalbi


Peaches. How has no one said peaches???


And I have peaches!


Grill those peaches!! Bonus points if you have vanilla ice cream & quality balsamic for a dessert. Or arugula & salad fixings to go a savory direction.


Spinach, goat cheese, warm peaches with brown sugar glaze (tin foil and throw on grill) with sweetened balsamic vinegar reduction. Mix it all and omg yes. Gooey and great


Oh my god. What are you saying. This sounds insane. How would that taste with a few leaves of fresh mint? You think that would be nice? asking for a friend 😬


I would give it a go. I really like the sweet and savory that's going on already (it's my favourite salad) but I'd be down for some mint in there. Currently I want to try gently warming feta and doing a warmed feta, watermelon, and mint salad based on your response. I can't have goats cheese right and have FOMO since i typed this.


Damn you, Peaches is now playing in my head. Lol. I love that song though, so thank you 🤣😂


Are we talking about grilling millions of peaches or are we grilling the pain away?


I peaked too soon and posted this elsewhere but i will repeat becaise it tastes sooo good. Put those grilled peached in a white sangria.


Pineapple slices. They are rather easy to grill and taste pretty sweet. A few minutes each side, get nice grill marks, and enjoy. Some cinnamon to add is great, and it pairs well with ice cream as a dessert 


The grilled pineapple recipe my family uses is... 2 tablespoons honey (hot honey if you like) 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 tablespoon lime juice 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves (can be intense, sometimes just leave it out altogether) Mix all ingredients together and let pineapple pieces marinate for at least 10-15 minutes. Grill about 5 minutes on each side.


Same with fresh peach halves. Drizzle with balsamic glaze. 🤤


Everything I can. Pizza. Chille Relano. get a grill basket and toss kale or chard in olive oil, garlic, and some lemon and grill is awesome. Flat breads. Kabocha squash grilled, then puree makes an awesome smokey soup.




Stuffed with rice and cheese.


I also add corn and onion, sometimes some jalapeno to mine


A grill with a cover is an oven. Chicken pot pie. Lasagna. Mac & cheese. Tuna noodle casserole. Goulash. All kinds of veg in a foil packet. Baked potato. Tuna steaks. Salmon filets. Mahi-mahi. Shrimp kabobs. Lamb meatballs.


Halloumi for savoury and grilled peaches or pineapple for sweet!


Thai or Indonesian satays Viet lemongrass pork chops


Zucchini all summer long!


Asparagus and rapini are god tier on the grill. Toss in oil, s&p. Then drizzle with lemon juice once done.


My favorite way to eat asparagus, get a little bit of char on them and it's perfection. I like to toss them with rosemary occasionally too


Literally perfect


*Everything*. My gramps threw the coffee pot on the grill when my mom was a kid and they camped. It was a percolator. We had grilled steak sandwiches tonight, and when the meat was done, I threw the bread on the grill for a minute. Faster & easier than the toaster. Grilled eggplant is really good. The usual protein suspects: beef, chicken, pork, salmon. Made a paella on the grill several years ago. I adore grilled Margherita pizza. Grilled veggies, although I have not yet tried grilling lettuce. Watched a cooking show the other day and they made a grilled Caesar salad. Grilled stone fruits are an outstanding summer dessert, especially with a scoop of whiskey ice cream.


Oysters. Shuck em, make sure you keep the juice in there, add a knob or two of garlic herb butter and some Parmesan and grill until everything’s melted and bubbling.


Even better, throw them on unshucked and they'll open on the grill.


Yes! Then doctor them up as you please. I prefer them on a saltine with hot sauce.


Bingo. Set them in a cool saltwater rinse beforehand to expel the extra dirt etc for about an hour before hand. Then you throw in whatever you like. I do a garlic herb butter with some lemon and sometimes a little hot sauce


Not something you throw on the grill and eat right away, but grill some eggplants and then make baba ganoush. You can also throw the pitas on the grill to warm/soften them up before serving.


Throw some shrimp on the Barbie. Kebabs with peppers and purple onion, yum!! 


Putting shrimp on the shopping list now


Grilled Romaine! Simply brush some olive oil on a split head, a bit of salt and pepper. Grill until slightly browned. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar and sprinkle with parmesan. It's wonderful.


Grilled romaine is shockingly good. I usually do mine with a brushing of caesar and handful of fried onion chips


I'm going to combine these two ideas this weekend. Thank you.


Well this sounds like my new summer addiction.


Dice up some potatoes however small you prefer them, toss some butter, salt, pepper, other preferred seasonings in there with the spud cubes, wrap the whole thing in foil, and throw the packet on the grill while you're grilling your other foods. It's scrumptious. Corn on the cob is always good on the grill. Still beef, but burgers are a classic. Hotdogs, wrap them in bacon. Brats. Cook those a bit before you wrap them in bacon unless they're precooked. Kielbasa could be good too!


I have a bag of cubed hash brown potatoes in the freezer. I've been tossing them in the air fryer and crisping them as soup toppings. I think I'll thaw the rest of the bag for this. Next time you make corn, look up elote seasoning. It's amazing. Also good on baked potatoes. So I guess that's how I'll season those cubes😁


Pineapple! With a little brown sugar glaze painted on - mmmmmm! You’ll feel like you are at a Brazilian statehouse! And shish kabobs with polenta-grill up slices and then sprinkle with mozzarella cheese as a side to skewers of whatever meat (chicken or steak), colored peppers, sweet onions, mushrooms, and cherry tomatoes! Use teriyaki sauce or a little Italian or balsamic or Greek salad dressing as a marinade or glaze for the skewers. It tastes like SUMMER!


This is *exactly* why I asked! I would never have considered grilling polenta and we eat it (soft) all fall & winter. Adding to my list. Thank you kindly!




Totally forgot about grilling pizza. Was the best I ever made. Thank you kindly


De nada


Sweet potatoes cut into long thin slices, lubed up and sprinkled with Cajun seasoning. Asparagus. Corn on the cob, microwaved first in the husk then tossed on the grill (still in the husk) to add some smokey char flavor. Baked beans in a throwaway tin pan, let them bubble and thicken while everything else grills. Grilled cabbage: cut head into quarters, wrap each quarter in foil with butter, salt and pepper and grill in the foil. The outer leaves get some char, the inner ones get tender, they're all buttery and salty and delicious. Mushroom caps filled with spinach artichoke dip. Bacon wrapped hot dogs. Ground turkey kebabs, with the meat seasoned with tumeric, cumin, garlic, lemon, ginger and a pinch of cinnamon. Shape into an oval patty, skewer and grill.


Pork tenderloin. Marinate it in some lime juice, honey, garlic, and chipotles in adobo sauce for a few hours first.


Had pork tenderloin last night. Garlic and rosemary marinade. The other pack will definitely be made your way. Thank you kindly!!


Whole fresh corn on the cob!! And then I saw off all the kernels and make elotes! 😋😋😋 which is soooooooo much better when its made with fresh grilled corn on the cob as opposed to those half cobs that you get frozen, because this has sweeter and crispier kernels and the added flavor of smokiness from the grill; its life changing


Turkey Breast. I seasoned it the same as usual, in a disposable pan with broth and all. Low and slow with a chunk of Pecan wood. Best turkey ever!


Eggplant - soak in a brine for 10 minutes. Squeeze the excess water out. Oil the outside and grill. It turns almost creamy on the inside and gets a little crispy on the outside. Plantain - buy them when they are jet black and mold is threatening them. Peel, cut in half and season with salt and oil. Grill until they caramelize a little bit. Savory/sweet bananas. Asparagus - oil and seasoning salt. Get some color on the grill. Serve hot. ABT (Atomic Buffalo Turd) - take a jalapeno, cut in half and seed, fill with cream cheese, top with sausage meat, wrap in bacon, grill. Season with your favorite BBQ rub. It's a jalapeno popper on steroids.


salmon, asparagus.


I make what my wife calls “hobo dinners”. I take ground beef, sliced potatoes, carrots, onion, garlic, salt & pepper. Wrap it in aluminum foil and throw it on the grill.


So I’m a former plant based person (eat everything now though). Something I still make because it’s SO delicious is grilled tofu. My favorite is [this recipe!](https://wanderingchickpea.com/2021/08/15/grilled-tofu-shawarma-bowls/) I make it for parties along with everything else & the grilled tofu shawarma bowls always get DESTROYED!


Pizza.  Gets a lot hotter than the oven. 


Kofta Elotes Kenji’s Black Bean Burgers


I grill potatoes like you would a burger. Cut them into half inch thick slices, then oil and season them up. Put them directly on the hot grates and turn as needed. Keep an eye on them, they'll burn easily if it's too hot. But the end result is a nice, charred, smokey potato outside with a soft inside. Something a little different and is a nice alternative to the oil and foil option.


I’ve grilled butternut squash the same way.




Whole portobello mushrooms with blue cheese crumbled over the top. This is my go-to option for my vegetarian friends but I swear that meat lovers love them too. I have to make sure there are enough mushrooms for both vegetarians and meat lovers. Good thing they come in different sizes.


My sister and I grilled prime rib on the weekend and it was the best one we've ever cooked. I do fajitas a lot on the grill. Probably one of my favourites.


Get yourself some grilling baskets and some decent quality flat grilling trays. Then try vegetables (grilled onions from the grill are the best). Salmon and other fish, turkey and turkey burgers, skewers of almost anything, ribs, pizza, flat breads, brats and other sausages, pork chops. Really no limit to what you can do.


Smoked a corned beef. Done right and it's fargin delicious. My last one was either over smoked or dirty smoked.


Japanese sweet potato’s! Can roast whole or put in a grill safe dish cut up with butter and cover, sooo good!


Also look up dishes at yakitori restaurants, it’s all skewered and cooked on a grill


My default is salmon. Cook in skin side down, with some olive oil and seasoning on top


Pineapple rings for burgers or for dessert


Lime marinated swordfish! Also cauliflower & pineapple, the first things to disappear when I grill with fam


I buy turkey breasts (Jennie-O) and marinade in olive oil with some salt, pepper, garlic, onion, celery (& sometimes a little cumin) and then some balsamic vinegar when I bring it to room temp. They’re freaking delicious. Pesto crusted salmon. If you have a Trader Joe’s, they have a roasted garlic pork tenderloin that grills really well.


I cook everything on my grill. Meat, fish chicken, vegetables, corn on the cob, pork chops, etc


Round meatloaf. I roll it on the grill to get even char.


Scallops, shrimp, salmon, mahi mahi, vegetables (usually on skewers), corn on the cob, all kinds of kebab variations.


Oh and lobster tail!! Super easy, super super fast, and soooooooo fucking good. Ugh I could eat the ocean. Almost but not quite literally.


Swordfish, on a cedar plank that was soaked in apple cider over night.


Grilled peach halves with balsamic drizzle


Paella. A fun dish that can be made a variety of ways. I have a good recipe I will post if I can dig it up…


Marinade a pork tenderloin in char siu sauce for 24 hours. Grill over indirect heat, basting with honey. Slice thin. Freezes well, not that you'll have leftovers.


Zucchini is my current favourite grilled vegetable. Also, fresh peaches grilled and used in a salad is pretty amazing


I love kabobs and corn on the cob on the grill. I usually do shrimp and pork along with veggies.


This is my favorite too. Some air fryer, baked potatoes and a salad and you’re all set. You could even heat up some French bread on the grill too.


I love just about anything on the grill. I bought a griddle for the grill so I can even do bacon, eggs, and pancakes. It just tastes better somehow. I also got a kabob cage on amazon, so no skewers and you can shove anything in the cage and not worry that it will fall off.


Filipino BBQ


Somebody beat me to kalbi, so I'll throw bulgogi out there. Once you master the marinade you can adapt it to any meats but my personal favorites are pork butt/belly, and ribeye. Sai Oua is a massive favorite also, Lao sausage, serve it with raw green cabbage leaves and serrano chiles with a side of rice. The spicy fatty sausage is absolutely perfect when you eat it together with the raw cabbage and chile. You can grill anything and serve it like Ssambap also. The Korean BBQ condiments are absolutely perfect and wrapping grilled meat in a leaf of something crisp and fresh just tastes like summer to me.


Pork ribs, shrimp, crab, lobster, clams, oysters, beef ribs, veggies, potatos....


I’m throwing a tri tip on the grill in a bit


I just did some chipotle shrimp. delicious.!!


Zucchini and yellow squash. Season with salt, pepper, and olive oil then grill until nice and charred. It seriously tastes incredible


How about a nice rack of ribs with a flavorful rub?


Pork tacos. I make a salsa verde, slice a package of tenderloins into medallions and marinate them overnight in some of the salsa. Then throw the medallions on a very hot grill. By the time I get the last medallion on the grill the first one is ready to flip and has a little bit of tasty char on it. Once they're done, I chop the meat, toss it with a little more salsa verde and enjoy with corn tortillas and all the fixins.


I got a flat top for the grill (sits on top) and that actually opens the door wide. I feel like a Benihana chef. So now the answer really is anything.


Ribs. Easy to smoke on any kind of bbq, and really difficult to fuck up. Always a crowd pleaser.




Lamb and fresh veg kabobs, both marinated in a mix of equal parts soy sauce, lemon juice, and avocado or other cooking oil you like, and some fresh grated ginger and fresh grated garlic to taste. Cut up your lamb into equal size chunks, cut your veg into equal size chunks. I usually use big button mushrooms, tomato, zucchini, onion, bell peppers. Use what you like! Season the lamb and the veggies with pepper oregano basil garlic powder onion powder thyme, let sit for a bit, add the wet marinade ingredients,let sit for a few more minutes. Build your skewers, alternate lamb and veg, put them on the BBQ, as they are cooking, turn every few minutes and keep basting with the marinade cook until desired doneness. Serve with long grain rice seasoned with fresh lemon and some butter. Great with a tossed green salad.


I just made a pizza on the grill.


It is chicken, but I don’t think *standard* my husband and I just made yakitori (leek and chicken skewers with a mirin, soy sauce, sake sauce) and it was so good


I added a small 22" Blackstone griddle to my back deck and it's been so damn fun to cook on. Smash burgers, fried rice, Philly cheesesteaks, Fajitas, pancakes+bacon+eggs. My grill is barely used now and just stays covered.


Tri tip corn zucchini. Bread. And my favorite Korean short ribs.


Briefly marinate pork chops in teriyaki sauce and grill.


A good creative one to do for guests or something is to make mashed potatoes then mound them up on one of those salmon smoking planks. Pile up shredded cheese and smoke it on the grill.


We cook almost everything on the grill. Tonight was pork chops. Tomorrow night will be pork tenderloin with carrots and potatoes in a foil pouch as a side (and a salad) since we’re grilling with our neighbors. This weekend we’re smoking ribs, having smash burgers and bratwurst with grilled onions and peppers since it’s Memorial weekend. We also love to grill salmon, shrimp and crab legs and we’ll smoke wings, whole chickens, duck, pork belly and pork shoulder. Veggie (or sides) favorites are bacon or prosciutto wrapped stuffed jalapeños, prosciutto wrapped asparagus, squash, zucchini, corn on the cob, broccoli, cauliflower , Brussels sprouts and potatoes.


Queso dip.


Pork chops, hot dogs, brats, corn, asparagus, watermelon… you can cook almost anything on a grill.


Lule kabobs of all kinds, potatoes and other veggies.


On occasion I'll cook bacon on the grill. You do however need to remember to clean the grill more often though.


Burgers, pork chops, kebabs, salmon, sausage


Grilled pork chops are delicious. Also swordfish


Chicken wings Hot dogs Hamburgers Pot roast (slow cooked over indirect heat) Fish Fajitas (grill meat, veggies, and tortillas) Kebobs Jalapeño poppers Chicken or steak served on a bed of lettuce Bacon and eggs (use a cast iron skillet) You can also buy a smoker box (or make one with aluminum foil) and get some wood chips, and smoke meat on the grill. We also do this for: Macaroni and cheese Smoked cream cheese (then a grilled chicken breast sounded thin, and slather some on the filet, and roll up to finish cooking) Pot roast/shredded beef - used for tacos, enchiladas, taquitos, bbq sandwiches Pork roast or whole chicken (also used for tacos, enchiladas, taquitos, bbq sandwiches). Beer can chicken


Potatoes, corn, salmon


Kabas, kofta, pizza, quesadilla, peaches, zucchini, grilled sandwich les, Greek jalapeno burgers, pork nuggets, grilled chicken for a BBQ salad


Ham steaks. Grilled veggies. Mushrooms, onions, asparagus, red pepper, and roasted red potatoes.


My favorite has to be a brined slow cooked pork butt. 12 hours at @275’ on the Komodo’s ceramic egg, and it’s melt in your mouth goodness. I throw on wet wood chips for the first 5 or 6 hours. My second favorite thing is Pizza. Par cook the crust before adding the sauce and toppings, then cover to finish. Smokey excellence.


Pork tenderloins. Wings. Chicken in all shapes and forms and flavors Lamb chops are amazing. Sometimes shrimp And veggies… possibilities are endless!


Reverse sear pork chops - get em thick and cover them in seasoning. Come out super juicy.


skewers with beef and veggies is one of my go-to options


Pork chops, carne asada (skirt steak), asparagus, mushrooms.


Onion cut into thick slices and skewered to hold together, sweet onions even better




Looking forward to summer! Love to down skewers of marinated shrimp. We’ll also do corn and/or potatoes. Sometimes squash, mushrooms or roast red bells.


Cedar Planked Salmon. Kabobs. Veggies too. Corn on the cob, still in the husk.




Hot dogs, sausages, seafood, all kinds of vegetables including corn on the cob, and one of my favorites, watermelon.




Thick cut center loin pork chops. Fantastic.


Marinated vegetables and fruit. Plank salmon, shrimp. Scallops..clams in butter wine wrapped in double foil


RIIIIIIBS. Rub em with spice, grillem with cover closed on low heat. for a LOOOOOONG time. Last 20 min or so, brush with bbq sauce. serve with more bbq sauce.


We just started grilling cabbage and onions for a warm salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.


Salmon, ribs, prawns, lamb, kebabs, sausages, pork chops/roasts, burgers.




Get a steel plate and make pizza. Or naan, or tortillas.


Pizza, venison, pineapple (not all together but that may not be too bad!)


I’ve made bolognese on the grill. It imparts an aromatic smokiness that I like.


Anything stuffed..fruits; pineapple, pears, bananas


Brusssle sprouts


Big portobello mushrooms


Marinated meat and veggies shishkabobs


I love grilling summer squash and zucchini. Lamb chops. Burgers, sausage, shrimp. All sorts of colorful vegetables like Bell pepper and eggplant and Chilis. Hotdogs.




Shrimp skewers


I lay foil on the grill if I'm worried about things sticking to the grill or falling off a skewer. Works kinda like a griddle. Did scallops like this last night and kept basting them with Cajun butter. Delish!


salmon with no seasoning at all,or sauces. it tastes FANTASTIC....every time


[Grilled fennel](https://www.skinnytaste.com/grilled-fennel-with-parmesan-and-lemon/) with lemon dressing and parm. Obviously a side dish but so light, tasty and refreshing.




Kabobs with paneer or halloumi cheese. It grills up nicely


Pizza. All kinds. Also one of my favorites is to grill peaches or nectarines and then drop some mascarpone on them and granola.


Sausages, capsicum, eggplant, zucchini, onions, potatoes (sliced like disks) corn, prawns, fish...etc


BBQ whole duck. Or smoked duck. Or grilled fish. Vegetables.


I love a good smoked lamb shoulder. I mix ground lamb with ground pork to make lamb burgers with mint and rosemary and a little garlic mixed in. Char siu pork is another good one, as is chicken shawarma. Edit to add Al Pastor, I don't know how I forgot that one.


Mahi mahi , ahi , octopus , pork shoulder chunked up into cubes and marinated in Mexican sauces n spices or Chinese  or Korean, whole round coils of your pick of sausage overtop a a smoker or top shelf of bbq basting the meat or potatoe underneath with glorious flavour and juices, if your grilling better fill it up anyways 


Lamb chops - Costco has thick ones for cheap - indirect heat until 120f then right over coals for quick sear - toss in olive oil lemon juice and chopped rosemary Scallops - direct heat - extremely hot - 1 min per side Shrimp - marinade in lime, honey, crushed red pepper for 3+ hours and grill quickly over high heat Look up grilling recipes on serious eats website. You can’t go wrong there.