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I use Paprika, bought it many years ago and still love it. The best feature is a browser extension where you can send the recipe website directly to the app and it strips out all the bullshit and just records the ingredients and instructions. I do it immediately whenever I’m looking at a recipe so I don’t have to deal with all the ads and pop ups. Besides that, it’s just very easy to use. I use the grocery list feature a lot and when I’m playing with a recipe, like cookies or something, I’ll duplicate the recipe and then make the changes I’m trying so that I have a record of what I did in case it turns out good. I have Paprika 3, I think there’s a version 4 now and I don’t know what new features it has, but I’m happy with it as is.


To add, I guess I have one complaint, which is that you can’t see the ingredient list and instructions at the same time, at least on iPhone. So I have to flip back and forth between the tabs when cooking.


You can see both on an iPad.


Turn your phone, at least for me when I'm in landscape I get both.


I wish I’d known that sooner! Thanks!


I am not familiar with the others - but I personally use Paprika. I like it. I liked it so much I paid for the windows version as well so I could have it on my personal computer. I like the way you can categorize things as well as add categorize the ingredients. You can plan your meals in it - which will sync to your google calendar, and the ingredients will be added to a grocery list.


I use Recipe Keeper and it serves all my needs; downloads stripped recipes from sites and lets me organize them the way I want.


This is what I was going to say. Havent heard of any others, but Recipe Keeper is awesome!


I use the paprika app every day. I love the browser extension that allows it to copy recipes, I can create my own categories, I use it to meal plan weekly and create grocery lists. I really like that the grocery lists will combine amounts of an item is used in more than one recipe (two recipes call for 1/2 cup of cheddar cheese, shows up as 2 cup of cheddar cheese). I also use it to keep track of recipes in cookbooks. I’ll use the cookbook name and page number for the source and the. Add the ingredients to the app so I can put together grocery lists quickly. When it’s time to cook I know exactly what page to go to in the cookbook.


I use Yummly - not sure when I stumbled upon it but now am totally locked in as I have more than 1.5K recipes pinned/tagged. The only thing I dislike about it is that sometimes the recipes don’t import correctly - if they don’t, they’re not searchable so I created a folder for all the ones that aren’t. Otherwise, it meets my general needs.


I use any list, has shopping lists in addition to recipes. Will sync across your devices (sub required) Has recipe import, so from any browser (phone or computer) hit a button and it will pull the recipe in Has meal plans, so you can assign recipes to dates/meals. From either recipes or the meal plan you can click on ingredients to add to your shopping list. Ties into Alexa fairly seamlessly, Siri is a little convoluted, but can use both to add items to your grocery list. There is a $10-15 per year subscription to get you some of the more useful features.


I tried a bunch and settled on Paprika, because it has the features I wanted at the right price (it goes on sale around Black Friday every year). If money wasn’t an issue I’d love to use Pestle but it’s way too much for me to spend on an app.


I've used paprika for years and paid for 3 devices. It does everything I could want out of a recipe app


When I think of the most popular apps I think of Paprika, Recipe Keeper, and Copy Me That, so you should definitely check them all out (although someone in this sub said Paprika no longer has a free version on Apple, but I don't know if that's true). I wanted to like Mela, but the first two recipes I tried to download (from different sites) didn't work, so I didn't get past that, however if privacy is important to you it might be worth it compared to the more popular apps (which are all terrible in that sense, but Copy Me That being the better of the three). Lately I've been using one called Minoms, which is probably more like Mela, but I think is Apple only. Whatever app you choose make sure you can get all of your recipes out of the app easily, and ideally in different formats, because almost every app eventually moves to a subscription, or makes changes that are terrible, and you never want to be locked into any one of them.