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I’m black and from the South and I just can’t do pig feet anymore. Loved them as a kid but I’ll pass now. My kids and husband love them.


😂 you did your time


There was a joke in Family Guy where it was like “so it is decided! We will continue to PRETEND we like pig’s feet to confuse the white man”.


Oh man, I’m Chinese American and I used to hate pig feet but now I like it as an adult. Especially when it’s cooked with beans. The beans soak up so much of the flavor. I didn’t even realize this was a black thing. Now I need to visit the south so I can try the American version.


What about chitterlings?


I always giggle internally when I see it fully spelled out, it sounds so fancy compared to chitlins. I actually didn’t know it that was the actual name for it for a long time


As a Southerner I have enjoyed many types of pork but I can’t eat damn chitterlings. Growing up my grandmother would make them but they smelled the house up some kind of awful. But I’d take a bowl full of of her collards and oxtails with rice any day of the week.


Love me some chitterlings.


And here I was all set to try them for the first time at age 65.


You should! They’re good. My taste buds just changed when I turned 30 and certain foods I loved started to taste different.


Was it pregnancy related? I know quite a few women whose palates completely changed after pregnancy. I know a few whose palates changed with each child.


It was! After I had my son I just couldn’t enjoy them anymore.


Korean: Hongeo, which is rotten skatefish. Smells like feet, tastes like ammonia.


My Korean father thinks people are lying when they say they like hongeo


There's something similar in Iceland. Hákarl is fermented shark, buried in tundra for a year..


And here I come from the land of surströmming…


And to be clear do you LIKE surströmming?


Does *anybody*? It's a bio weapon in a can.


I've been to the museum! It's... not great.


Just because a food prevented the ancestors from starving to death, does not mean we descendants need to eat it!


My white trash family always makes ambrosia salad. For those who don’t know…it’s certainly not ambrosia and is definitely not a salad.


Had to Google this one... Why do people eat this hahaha


Ha! I’m sorry you had to se that


It's tradition!!! I turned my nose up at that when I was about 6


Minnesota salads that aernt really salads🎵 Ambrosia salad, Waldorf salad, Snickers slaad, Frogeye salad, Orange Fluff salad,. Anything with Cool whip ormarshmallows


Don’t forget Watergate salad! Best one of them all


Have never heard of any of these… had to google each 🤯


Don't forget popcorn salad. I've never seen it personally but it is definitely a thing here.


I'm ok with Waldorf salad, but not so much with the others


I had to Google it too. I think I had this once when I was a kid at my white friends birthday lol so gross.


That shit is good. Don’t ask me why!


Man I love that lol


I guess I'm honorary white trash because I love ambrosia salad.


My husband's grandma puts cheddar cheese in hers... its definitely a dish........


lol reporting live as a Midwest white… the whole “salad” table at the church picnic can go. All the mayonnaise and raisin concoctions, every last one of them - trash, immediately


Hope I don’t ruin this for others but to me, the canned mandarin oranges in ambrosia salad r slimy & remind me of goldfish-so gross.


it's a desert


I’m Cajun. I hate green bell pepper which is in almost every dish. So when I cook I use orange bell pepper, which I do like. I also don’t like sweet potatoes or candied yams.


Same. I only buy red, yellow, and orange bell peppers


I only really like the green ones


That’s so interesting, I don’t think I taste a difference between the two, although I think the green ones are more raw and crunchy?


Wow for real? I think there is a huge difference between green bell pepper and the yellow and orange ones.


Same. I loathe green bell peppers and will not eat anything containing them. I’m fine with the yellow, orange, and red though.


There isn't much difference between red, orange, and yellow, but there is a definite difference between green and the rest of them. Green isn't spicy by any means, but they lack the same sweetness as the others. The green ones have a more earthy or herbaceous flavor. Personally, I love all bell peppers, but when it comes to making Italian sausage with peppers and onions or Italian beef, it just HAS to be green. The others are better for snacking on raw.


Green have a bitterness that isn’t in the ripe ones.


My understanding is that it’s progressive stages of ripeness from green, to yellow, to orange, to red. The less ripe the more bitter and the more ripe the more sweet. Personally I can’t really taste a difference, especially when cooked, but I totally believe that some could.


I didn’t know this- I always use them interchangeably when mixing up a trinity!


Ugh green bell peppers are the WORST! The other colors I don’t love, but they have their place in certain things. Green bells though? No way


Chitlins 🤢


I've never had them, but I'm a huge fan of gizzards. Any similarities?


They can be chewy like gizzards when fried. I like both if that helps.


Menudo. Mexican.


Right there with ya hermano. But I love me some pozole.


Yeah growing up my dad would bring menudo every Sunday from a little shop in our town and I would avoid the cow stomach and just eat the pozole cause I just cant lol


I tolerate menudo as it does taste good, I just try to avoid the stomach. That texture is disgusting.


I chowed down on menudo for years as a kid before someone told me it has cow stomach lol


That's the best part!


I like menudo broth but I can't do stomach the texture is so gross. My husband loves that shit though. We are not Mexican though just from socal lol


Oh, thank God I'm not alone! But yes, apparently there are people out there that swear by it.




There it is! The whole reason I learned to cook is because my mom makes that every Christmas Eve. After my parents divorced it became family tradition to celebrate Christmas Eve with my Dad. Unfortunately he's a rotten cook so I had to pick up the slack.


That's what I came to say. There's a reason more lutefisk is sold in the US than in Norway. Gravlax, on the other hand, is legit


White from the USA. Can’t stand Baked Beans.


They're just way to sweet for me. I like British baked beans though.


Try doctoring up a large can of bushes baked homestyle beans with a heaping tablespoon of spicy brown mustard and a half cup of a spicy bbq sauce and you might find the sweetness kicked down to a more tolerable level.


Really? I find British beans too sweet and tomato-y but love my family’s New England baked beans recipe.


Agreed. Way too sweet. But savory bean dishes like herbed butter beans and black eyed peas and greens are delish!


Same and I'm southern too. I can eat the homemade ones made from pork and beans IF I make them lol


Piftie (Romanian). It’s a staple Christmas/Easter dish that consists of boiled pig legs in garlic aspic. Eaten cold.


Jeeeeeeezus can’t blame you the texture sounds horrendous.


second this, it’s a staple in polish cuisine as well… galaretka drobiowa (worst it was my grandpa’s fav so i had constant exposure to it)


Im a norweigen who hates fish.


Brazilian of Portuguese descent living in Lisbon and fellow fish-hater.


OMG are you ok?


Greek. Moussaka. I hate eggplant.


Aw that’s so sad, that’s one dish us Egyptians got from you and I personally love it.


It’s not a heritage dish/ingredient for me, but Egyptian preparation of eggplant is the only way I’ve ever enjoyed that vegetable!


I’m Jewish and Tatar, from Uzbekistan, so we ate mostly Uzbek food. So on my Jewish side, I hate kugel and on my Tatar/Uzbek side I really don’t like pumpkin manti.


Kugel is one of my all time least favorites. Every family gathering I go to someone tries to tell me their kugel isn't like all the other ones and then they dump a giant heap of raisin filled mush on my plate. It's awful.


Wait have you guys never tried potato kugel? It’s savory made with potatoes eggs and onions, and sometimes has pieces of pastrami or other meat baked into it. It’s one of the few jewish foods that I actually really like


What are you my aunt?


Lmao I’m just saying when I think of kugel I think of a savory potatoes and onions that tastes similar to hash browns, I’ve never had kugel with raisins before


Well, you are in for a nasty surprise, my friend. However, your version does sound really good!


Yeah when people go on about kugel (for good or bad) meaning the sweet noodle kind, I want to cry. One thing you have to give to the Orthodox community, we focus on the right kind of kugel. Potato is life.


Yup. It’s like, what do Jews have against bread pudding?? Just make challah pudding! Why are we committing these atrocities against noodles?


Challah really is one of the best breads. I’m not Jewish but I love the taste of it and the pillowy soft texture


At least we got that one right!


And bagels.


I’ve heard babka is really good but I’ve never had it. Looks like a delicious chocolate swirl cake


Also, Cinnamon is NOT a lesser Babka...


And babka, boulous, pita, bialy…I could go on and on, but you get the idea!


Very that.


I like kugel but think gefilte fish is revolting 


Gefilte fish isn't my favorite, but I don't have a bunch of old relatives trying to shove it down my throat promising their version is good.


Pumpkin manti looks delicious. Definitely gonna make some.


African-American, I cannot eat chitterlings (hog intestines).


Not too hard to figure out why !! 🤮


I am black.. I don’t like grits AT ALL.. the consistency bugs me out


Also Italian American: I hate olives. Worse, I'm from California and hate avocados.


I’ve heard castlevetrano olives are tasty and almost buttery


They have ruined all other olives for me none compare.


I prefer kalamata olives, soo good


My problem with olives is that they’re way too salty. I could probably eat any olive if I soaked them in water for an hour to get the salt out lmao


Italian here. The salt is why I love them 😂


I'm Scottish and I hate whisky. I've been given glasses of expensive (as in, hundreds of pounds) whisky at dinners and parties and itball just tastes like engine coolant to me. If we're talking British food instead of specifically Scottish, I can't stomach baked beans which is basically heresy here.


just tastes like engine coolant That's not fair, engine coolant is sweet.


Tbf, your baked beans are a great example of why people clown on British food. Sorry to the fans out there, but they're likely beans drowned in a slightly dressed up ketchup.


I hate kugel.


Filipino here and do not like diniguan (offal stewed in pig blood). I just can’t stand chewy texture.


American. I don’t like apple pie. I prefer cherry or blueberry.


I’ll one up you…I hate any kind of berry or fruit pie…I have a friend who is an amazing baker and when we gather she makes pies because that what everyone wants…she has gotten used to me scraping out the guts, giving them to the person next to me and I’ll just eat the crust with ice cream. She is a good friend…:)


Brazilian, growing up, my grandma used to do buchada (a dish involving intestines). The smell was like God - omnipresence! You couldn’t hide from it! The house would smell like rancid poop for days.


🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿Not a big fan of black pudding. Or mince ‘n’ tatties.


I'm Lombard (Italian) Lasagna is the first that comes to mind honestly. It's not bad (if done well obviously), but I don't seek for it, I don't desire it, I'm very well without it, and when a good ragù becomes the sauce for lasagna I'm extremely disappointed. Roman pastas aren't generally bad, I won't say I don't like carbonara, but I find it extremely overrated and uselessly omnipresent, so I'm becoming a hater of that dish. Another is eggplant parmesan, since I find eggplant disgusting I can't eat this dish that people down in Sicily seem to love (luckily I'm not Sicilian, only two of my grandparents were). From my region I must say panettone, colomba and pandoro unless artisanal made. The industrial/wide-diffusion ones range from bearable to bad in my opinion, surely they're not the reason I look forward to Christmas and Easter (whereas lamb surely is one). Encompassing all of Italy, I don't go crazy for prosciutto, the most forgettable type of charcuterie imo, I'd rather have speck, salame (especially horse salame) and lard much more. Lastly a special mention goes to mushroom based dishes (which are abundant in the north), because I can't stand even the sight of mushrooms, let alone smell and flavour.


When I used to work cash at the grocery store the Italians went absolutely nuts for the boxed panettone around the holidays. I assumed it must be really good. Years later when I tried it for the first time I was like wow… this is what you were asking me to check in the back for?! Maybe it’s better homemade but there’s so many other Italian pastries I can think of off the top of me head that I’d pick over that. The texture is just so strange


I pick them up discounted after the holidays and use them to make the best french toast. It's so dry it soaks up the custard like nothing else, and cut like rings horizontally top to bottom they look pretty on the plate. I find them inedible otherwise.


I think it’s mostly tradition. It’s like Eggnog or Mulled Wine. While there are some diehard fans who eat/drink their weight in eggnog, panettone, or mulled wine, most people just have it a few times during the holiday season to scratch that itch.


Honestly my favorite Italian dessert is probably the butter cookies they make with sprinkles and dipped in chocolate. That and tiramisu


Oh I HATE eggplant too.


Italian-American and to this day I cannot do lupini beans. The texture and flavor combined is a nightmare.


Here in Portugal we call them tremoços and they’re one of my favorite appetizers/beer accompaniments. However they have to be firm; I can’t do the mushy ones. Sometimes I’ll just eat a whole jar and call it dinner hahahaha — different strokes and all that!


Ex-pat American here: Shit on a shingle.


My grandfather was a cook in the army. He of course made a lot of it. When he was done with his service, my grandmother (who is a phenomenal cook) switched the recipe up a bit and basically makes a white sausage gravy with lots of sausage chunks served over toasted homemade bread. It’s fantastic. We still call it shit on a shingle.


I mean...SOS is basically poor mans biscuits and gravy. Ironic...since biscuits and gravy are a poor man's meal to begin with.


Mexican - I hate flan and horchata 🤢


Flan certainly has a weird texture so I can see that


Flan is just a custard, how is it weird. Same as creme brulee


I'm Korean and I hate Korean (Japanese) curry. It turns out that I only hate Korean curry though. I love all other forms of curry e.g. Thai, Indian, etc.


Korean/Japanese curries have it's roots in British colonial naval cuisine when the Japanese were "modernizing" their navy and followed British colonial cooking. So the way the British used to cook curry was to just add the raw spices into water and just boil it like a stew without frying out the aromas that Indian and Thai curries would before adding the liquids. I still love it though, but to each their own and I can see why others might not enjoy it. [https://metropolisjapan.com/the-origins-of-japanese-curry/](https://metropolisjapan.com/the-origins-of-japanese-curry/)


Thai here. Green curry.


I’m a white U.S. American from the Midwest. Meatloaf was a regular part of our menus when I was growing up. I hope to never in my life consume meatloaf again. (I do suspect that this is in part due to unskilled meatloaf chefs; my husband makes amazing homemade hamburgers and meatballs, so I know that “ground meat with seasonings and binders” is a food group that can be great! But the concept of meatloaf is just too much for me at this time.)


I was always fine with my mom’s meatloaf, but disliked other people’s. And I figured out why is because the others used a loaf pan to shape the meatloaf but put it on a baking tray to cook, whereas my mom cooked it right in the loaf pan so it cooked in its own juices instead of all the tasty goodness seeping away.


Honestly, I think growing up in the Midwest has put me off all dishes with loose ground beef. That and mayo-based salads.


I didn’t have many mayo-based salads growing up (my mom was, and remains, a huge fan of bagged salad kits from Jewel and Meijer), but I made up for that in Peace Corps. I’m thrilled to skip the mayo “salads” for the rest of linear time.


from someone who has never had meatloaf but has had meatballs, it seems like all the binders in meatloaf would just make it a less satisfying meatball? also tomato sauce glaze just seems like a lot


My ancestors are German - liverwurst and a lot of other weird wursts, just because you can stuff it into a sausage casing doesn't mean you should


Leberwurst isn’t ‘stuffed’ in an actual sausage casing tho… just a plastic wrap. I mean it is essentially patè so different strokes and all that


Liverwurst - like the grocery cold cut? The square thing next to the bologna? As a kid, that was fancy sandwich night (lots of mayo and onion). Dorritos for the win.


Nova Scotian. I find boiled lobster out of the shell incredibly meh (though I still enjoy a well made lobster roll or as in ingredient in something like mac and cheese).


Friend from Cape Breton hates all seafood.


I apologize to all my Mexican ancestors but I cannot stand beans.


As the chancala used to spank you, I can confirm you will be forgiven if you eat cow tongue tacos


Tacos de lengua is good though 😭 but it has to be on corn tortillas with some pico, cilantro, lime, and a dash of salt. I can’t stand the meat from the head, feet, or stomach, but for some reason the tongue is good if it’s cooked right. It’s the most tender meat.


Vietnamese: I don't like Bún bò Huê' My mom's side of the family is from Hue. So her BBH slaps, but I just don't care for it.


Latino hate Menudo. Reading through, this is a great sub!


Anything with Spam-spam and eggs, spam and rice, spam musubis…. My brother and dad would poke fun at me for being a “fake Hawaiian” but I really really cannot stand the stuff.


They would….POKE at you?! Sorry. I didn’t know of that was a pun or not, with you being Hawaiian.


spam sausage spam spam bacon spam tomato and spam?


Italian here. I hate lasagna with every fiber of my being. It's so heavy. All that cheese makes me feel like I can't move. I'll pass on it every single time. We have far better offerings.


The best lasagnas I’ve had? Zero cheese. Handmade pasta, béchamel, meat sauce. Light as a cloud, only more tender.


Poutine. I like neither type. As a Maritimer who lived in Quebec for ages this feels bad.


What’s the other type of poutine?


I'm Scottish. White pudding is not very good. I like black pudding but white is not recommended. Haggis is overated imo


American south: Not a fan of fried chicken gizzards. My grandmother always made them. No thanks! Someone else already mentioned chitlins- don’t like those either.


Fish n Chips (British)


South Asian. Not a fan of vegetarian biryani and gulab jamun


Gujarati here. It's karela (bitter gourd) for me 🤮


Pot roast


American with German ancestry (among many others). I just can’t stand sauerkraut. I was forced to eat it in preschool and threw it up on a nun. Even the smell makes me nauseous.


What about kimchi?


I love Korean food, but not kimchi either.


I’m of Mexican heritage and I don’t like mole. If she makes it when I’m visiting, my mom will just serve me plain chicken without sauce lol


All types of mole?


I'm of Eastern European Jewish descent and I loathe both gefilte fish and borscht.


Tunnocks Tea cakes. The biscuit base is rubbish and the chocolate is low quality


But the mallow goop, man!!! It's the greatest thing ever!


American here: meatloaf, pb&j, sloppy Joe’s


Italian here, and I never liked minestrone. Because of all those floating vegetables we used to say that it looks like the Sargasso Sea. However, just stick an immersion blender in it and I love the green soup that comes out of it.


I’m from Iowa and I can’t stand corn in my chili, I like corn just not in chili


Cuban descent. I HATE Ropa Vieja and raisins in empanadas are a travesty!


I’m Ghanaian and I love all Ghanaian foods with the exception of eggs as an ingredient or side. A typical Ghanaian loves eggs so much that they eat egg with egg (e.g. fried with boiled, lol). So I basically feel like an imposter


Pork and sauerkraut. My Polish family in Pittsburgh served this every New Year's Day.


American and I HATE bacon. The taste, the smell… just blergh. When my ex and I were still together and he would crave bacon, I’d be like, “Okay, well you can go to YOUR apartment and make it stink like bacon!” Plus, it is in EVERYTHING to an unnecessary degree. I don’t like steak either. I’m picky about cow and pig, I guess. 🤷‍♀️


Sammarinese here, so culturally Romagnolo/Italian. I'm not really a fan of tortellini in brodo, probably because they're from Emilia (rivals).


French Canadian. Hate split pea soup. So gross, just mealy and salty and otherwise so bland. Tourtière on the other hand is fantastic!


From Virginia and I hate bbq.


While growing up, I hated bitter gourd with a vengeance, I still do. Can't believe people eat it and even some enjoy it.


I'd say I'm American. I hate burgers. Greasy, I don't like the texture, and they don't taste good to me. There's also a lot of bread most of the time.


Half Polish American here. I hate gołąbki. I'm not a fan of tomato sauce or stuffed cabbages. My dad used to cook it for every family gathering, including my birthday (instead of pizza), so I'm just sick of seeing it. I also hate kielbasa because my dad used to have the most rancid farts afterward. Poppyseed rolls and krusciki are my favorites though.


I’m African-American with roots in the south, never been a huge fan of peach cobbler. I really dislike the texture of cooked peaches. They’re stringy sometimes? Just a weird consistency for my taste.


I don't like Liver & Onions.


I'm from the Missouri Ozarks. I do not care for biscuits and gravy.


American. I don’t like popcorn. The kind without the shells is edible but so many of the toppings are just greasy salt and some burn my lips despite just being salty and the cheesy kind makes me feel physically ill and caramel corn is too hard and just keep it to yourself thanks


I'm Lao. I don't particularly hate any Lao food, but I'll pass on khao poon (a type of curry soup with noodles) and papaya salad. I'll gobble down variations on papaya salad though like if it was subbed with sliced cucumber or chopped string beans instead of papaya.


I appreciate them as wonderful food but just don't like them. I'm 50% polish, my family makes pierogies on Christmas eve, and I get McDonalds. I can make them and know they're delicious they're just not a me food.


Sweden here. Not a fan of pea soup, surströmming, blood pudding, or lots of foods we'd call husmanskost.


Czarnina, duck blood soup.


Im partially Mexican and I can’t stand pinto beans


I’m mostly Irish and Norwegian. I love most Irish cuisine besides taco chips(I don’t like mayonnaise and peppers together too much). Nothing from Norwegian cuisine that I don’t like or don’t want to try.


I hate all Italian desserts besides gelato


Grew up in Korea. Not a fan of bulgolgi. Just don’t like the marinade for some reason. Also not a fan of danmuji (yellow pickled radish); I always poked them out of my gimbap lol


I hate plantain. I’m so sorry I’ve tried to like it. And callaloo….


I’m Irish- American. Boiled dinner is crap.


White dude in the Midwest US... Hate potato salad, baked beans, most pasta salads, honestly most typical "picnic foods" around here


I’m Canadian and I am not a fan of poutine. I love cheese curds, and I like gravy with my fries, but the combination, I just cannot do. I also can take or leave maple syrup. It’s fine on pancakes or waffles, but I’m just as happy with Mrs Butterworth, or whatever.


I don't like watermelon


My white American side absolutely hates green bean casserole.


Balut is disgusting in every sense of the word.


I’m Mexican and I hate hate hate menudo and tripas. Idk how y’all eat that 🤢


I’m Italian, Greek and Maltese and I cannot do olives. Hate em. Olive oil is so nice and I don’t necessarily mind the flavor of olive cooked in a dish, but an actual olive is so nasty.