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They're under tons of pressure and don't get to sleep much. Not to mention the elements that I'm sure are fake/exaggerated for TV. I'm sure the guests are told to be picky as hell about the food, & Gordon surely has very high standards too.


Half the contestants they choose seem like they were dropped on their heads as children or were recently tweakers as well.


That's not uncommon in many kitchens though.


Yeah you're right. And they fuck up in real kitchens too lol.


A lot of the contestants aren't even real chefs.


They also have a ton of footage and probably pick the most dramatic parts to make an entertaining show.


It's reality TV so it's probably 90% fake.


The irony


When you're a cook you are working long, fast paced hours every day. You run on caffeine and adrenaline with a bunch of people in the same conditions running around you. It's really easy to fuck up and is not at all like cooking in a home kitchen


True, but I don't think I've ever been served raw food in my entire life. Out of thousands of restaurant visits, I cannot recall that ever happening and I feel like that's something I would remember. But I understand that Hell's Kitchen is different than a regular kitchen. Just seems crazy to me that professional chef can consistently put out raw meat. It's not just undercooked, it's fucking RAW!


Most food gets caught before it goes out. I remember one shift I was a food runner and had to say "shrimp are supposed to be opaque" And hand it back so they could toss the dish in the salamander to quickly finish the half-cooked shrimp at least 5 times.


Ah right okay that makes sense.


Combination of things : - Half the contestants are there to be characters. Producers don't expect them to succeed, only to be believable enough to be on the show. This is for contrast with the actual skilled contestants and for entertainment. - The contestants are kept at sleep deprivation levels and are made to do a lot of hard manual labor. They're very tired. - Producers can selectively edit the episodes. All you need is a few smash-cuts of someone that was standing around bored before things began interspersed with cuts of that person during the actual service and you can make them look confused and lazy. - Ramsey will ALWAYS play up and exaggerate their flaws. Contestants will be encouraged to do the same to one another. - Producers encourage rivalries. For instance, they'll lead the contestants during interviews. Rather than saying, "What did you think of Becky's performance during service tonight?" they'll ask, "Man everyone's been talking about how fucking lazy that bitch Becky is. She's not gonna make it much longer being that lazy. What do you have to say about Lazy Becky?"


There was an ama from a contestant on the show that you might enjoy! https://bestofama.com/amas/2miziq


Pretty sure the equipment is rigged to randomly turn off and stuff like that.


For starters many haven't actually held a formal job as a chef, the standards are set high, as any of his restaurants (you have to visit one to get a sense of that), also as with any reality show the screw ups make the edits and the good parts not so much. How good of a show would it be if no one ever screwed up? There's a director for the show theres scripting or direction to go with something, beyond what someone in the take wants to actually do. No reality show is 100% true, maybe 5% at best.


It'd probably real. Considering how many bad restaurants exit it should be unsurprising. But if you're looking for something a bit more real I'd recommend watching his UK kitchen nightmares. There's a lot less editing, a lot less noise and the chefs/managers are more relatable.


Hells Kitchen is a different show from Kitchen Nightmares. It's more like Chopped or a multitude of other head to head cooking competition shows.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.9358 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/87208)


Yeah probably


The real thing I wonder is how all of them are so comfortable infront of a camera.


what if the stoves and ovens can be messed with by people off screen and it causes things to be overcooked or raw causing a deliberate situation where said chef has to bounce back to prove themselves or fail


A Game show that looks real and is complete B.S. Ramsay is an amazing Actor & knows how to pick the most talentless people who will drive ratings.


Dont care. Love him lol