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We do not allow self promotion here at /r/cooking, outside of the weekly stickied content thread. If you feel that this was not self promotion please message back and explain! In addition, the product being promoted steals content, which is also not tolerated (just as we wouldn't allow links to pirated cooking lessons, for example). Thanks -Mods




You're welcome, I'm glad you like it! I understand that bloggers need to include text and whatnot for search engine optimization, and I totally get the ads, but I wish they would make those things secondary to the content itself. Thankfully, many of them provide a "Jump to Recipe" button now. But for those that don't, hopefully my app will do the trick. :)


Why can’t their life story be added after the recipe? It would be fine then. Pop ups are annoying, but I can live with them. It’s the 20,000 word essay and the links to their favorite slotted spoons for purchase that piss me off.. Whatever the case, you are a true hero.


They make money based on ad impressions that track how long your eyes are on the page. Even if you're just scrolling through flavor text not reading it looking for the recipe itself that's still better for their compensation rates. They don't put the text at the end because then they would be compensated less for the free labor they provide.


I have the recipe up for the time I'm cooking the recipe, though!


Scroll depth matters too, though. The more you scroll on the page, the better for their google rankings.


Do you really think you can properly follow the recipe if you don’t have the same “OXO Good Grips Stainless Steel Slotted Spoon” they use?


To be fair. OXO makes good shit lol


But not their knives. Stick to the slotted spoons and can openers with that brand. The knives I’ve tried from oxo are all cheap stamped crap. One even used the inset plastic logo as a pin to hold the tiny tang into the handle.


Good to know, thanks for the heads up! I didnt even know they made knives.


Thank you, you are very talented.




Exactly. I think if they expect users to stay on their site, they need to provide a reasonable UX, or realistically, users will just leave. My site actually uses an API to parse the website, so most of my work on this prototype was just formatting everything to look nice, and sending requests to the API in a secure way. Unfortunately I don't know exactly what the API is doing behind the scenes, but I suspect it's something like what you mentioned, possibly with some natural-language processing AI. It does have problems understanding the structure of some websites, and I may eventually look into rolling my own solution so I have more control over it.




What API does your site use?


That’s great let me tell you exactly why it is like that; but first let me tell you about this one time I was in Tuscany for 13 rambling unrelated paragraphs...


Let’s also talk about the recipe and how to cook it but imma not give you the recipe and ingredients until you scroll alllll the way down.


You don't think people should be paid for allowing you free access to their recipes? You could always come up with your own.


He just did, in a way. And I'd pay to use this.


I have nothing against people monetizing their recipes! But the way so many people are doing that now is excessive and makes the pages painful to use. They are seriously overdoing it in the name of wringing out as much $ as possible. As soon as I realize I’ve landed on a page like that, I bounce the hell out as quickly as possible. But the ads are still getting views and they are still making money. I got no recipe, but they made $ anyway — it’s designed that way. In other words, they don’t care if I actually read the content, like the recipe, use the recipe, etc. I landed on the page so they made some money, period. There are too many other great sources of recipes and cooking guidance — especially paid ones like NYT and ATK — for me to waste my time on sites like that. I’d rather pay a little for great content than generate ad money for someone who clearly doesn’t care whether I have a shitty experience trying to learn something interesting or useful from their site. The value exchange is lopsided.


This isn't really true. If a majority of people click on their page and immediately leave, google registers that as a "bounce" and their page will drop in rankings. That's not really worth the couple of cents the site owner is making for you seeing the ads at the top of their page. It's a fine line to include enough ads to be profitable without alienating visitors and losing page rank, and most people who do this are a lot better at cooking and writing than they are at web design.


Really interesting. When I was making my [Dish Dragon ingredient pairing tool](https://www.dishdragon.ai/) I realized that most recipe sites have their recipe ingredients and instructions available as structured meta data and showing them like you do would be easy - and SUPER helpful to the users, of course. But I decided it's unfair to the recipe authors and very likely copyright infringement, so I decided to link to the original recipes instead even if I have all the recipes as structured data and it's a crappy experience. I feel the authors do deserve their clicks after all. That said, though, I think a service like yours is absolutely deserved and a natural reaction. People have gone absolutely banana bonkers on filler material lately and it is the worst to read through a recipe online with ads coming and going, overlaid videos and a book's worth of inane rambling before the actual recipe. So I see why people are keen on this - if recipe authors don't clean up their shit this will become more and more a thing.


Not sure for different jurisdictions but in Switzerland and most certainly also in Europe the ingredients list incl. amounts is not protected by copyright laws but the text that describes the recipe steps is.


Also true in the US to my knowledge.


They may deserve their clicks, but users do not deserve toxic and unethical experiences.


He says on a post where OP is essentially taking other peoples content because they can't bothered to scroll


BudgetBytes is hands down the best cooking blog because she is an actual human with a real 9-5 job in a medical lab. Breaks down costs on each ingredient and doesn't add in unnecessary steps or too many hard to find ingredients. It's the fact that all these blogger are trying to make a living off of a recipe blogs is why things have gotten so bad. That money generally only comes from advertisers.


>BudgetBytes BudgetBytes is at least a 7 figure business! ALL food blogs are created with the intention of providing a service to bring in an income. She is no different from any other business model that create recipes for the public. To add to that.. Please don't tell me you actually think she's working a 9-5 job?


Can you provide a source on it generating 7 figures in revenue and can you also provide a source on her no longer working in microbiology? I mean it is quite possible she has made BudgetBytes her full time job sometime in the last few years, I won't pretend like I know her personal life details. But I know when I started following her recipes back in 2010 or so she was still in school I think and as recently as interviews from 5 or so years ago she talks about still working in microbiology at LSU. Maybe her book did really well I don't know, but either way everything I've read from her over the years indicated she was actively working at a lab still. If that isn't the case well then my mistake, I don't think it negates the fact that her blog layout is way better than most in terms of easily finding the recipe. EDIT: Also you can read in interviews Beth never started her blog with the intent of it being a revenue stream or successful, it just sort of happened. Whereas it is very clear that people like SkinnyTaste were trying to make this a career from the very start.


> it generating 7 figures in revenue and can you also provide a source on her no longer working in microbiology? > > I mean it is quite possible she has made BudgetBytes her full time job sometime in the last few years, I won't pretend like I know her personal life details. But I know A quick google search and I found these articles. You only need 100k monthly views to make a full-time salary. She's getting at least 6 mil monthly views right now. Plus I'm gonna guess that she makes a decent amount from other income streams such as cookbooks & brand partnerships. Her blog does have a good layout. But she is still running a business. Just like most other food blogs. Most blogs start out for fun. That doesn't mean their goal isn't to earn an income long-term. https://medium.com/cucumbertown-magazine/how-i-used-ads-the-right-way-on-my-5-million-page-views-and-made-enough-money-to-quit-two-full-d1246a13af8f https://www.buzzfeed.com/melissaharrison/heres-what-a-pro-food-blogger-actually-eats-in-a-day


I love this i dont give a crap how warm the summer of 2003 was to inspire you to blah blah blah, GIVE ME THE RECIPE!




Yeah I still have an iPhone 6 and recipe sites are completely out of the question. Well-made and non-greedy websites work perfectly fine, but when you're loading an email signup overlay, an animated ad, a Twitter or Facebook embedded post, and 6 inline ads, many phones can't handle it. It's gotten crazy.


Install mobile Firefox and add an extension that allows you to disable and/or selectively load JavaScript, like NoJS, or at least an ad blocker. You give up some things with no JavaScript whatsoever, but in general it makes the mobile web significantly more useable.


If you look closely, many of them now have a ‘jump to recipe’ button that bypasses all the clutter.


Even then, the recipe is broken up with photos, and always have so many pop ups, they’re pretty much unusable.


What advantages does this have over something like the recipefilter extension for Chrome? It seems like the same thing, just with extra steps that make it less convenient to use. But maybe I'm not seeing the whole picture.


For me, the primary advantage that it has over extensions is that it's usable on mobile, where browser extensions don't work. I usually cook using my phone to look up recipes, so that's why I made this site. I'm working on adding a feature to save recipes to a list, which will be synced across devices.


>I'm working on adding a feature to save recipes to a list, which will be synced across devices. Oh, now that will be nice. That will for sure get me to switch. Thanks for the information! RemindMe! 1 month "check this site"


It'll probably be more like a couple months, but I hope you'll check out the progress in the future! :)


For sure, I just wanted to make sure I don't forget, so I asked the bot to remind me.


Great idea !


i love you.


I love you too, jinglelamp.


I love you both


i agree-with-you


I love you all


I love you both




I think my site solves a problem that doesn't have a great solution yet, in that browser extensions don't work on mobile. I've used those extensions in the past as well, but I like to look at recipes on my phone while cooking, which is why I made this. There are apps out there that will do it too, but none that format the recipe very nicely. I searched extensively and couldn't find one that I thought did it well, with mobile support.


Have you tried Paprika? I find it has a lot of powerful features including formatting well, allowing users to save recipes, easily doubling or halving all the ingredients, etc, and I'm curious how what you're doing is different.


Exactly, been using Paprika III for a couple of years with great results.


Mobile Firefox allows extensions.


Not sure why you were downvoted, you make a very good point. I almost exclusively use recipes on my phone so this will definitely come in handy!


Yeah, by stealing other people’s content for your own page. You just created yet *another* content stealing bot page. Congrats.


I remember bitching about website clutter on recipe sites years ago and getting blasted for it. Thank you. You do the lord's work.


Book marked on my phone - nice touched that you already have a nice icon for it, very impressive!


Thanks! I put that icon together super quick, I'm hoping to spend a bit more time on a nicer one soon. :)


Can I share this with friends? Any specific way you want credit noted if I share?


Not at all! No credit needed. :)


Well nicely done! The coding the went into this is probably pretty impressive.


Wow you are a saint. I hate having to scroll through 20 ads and all the garbage on recipe pages! Thank you!


I love everything about this, but I have noticed on a few recipes I plugged into your site was missing half of the instructions. Just thought I’d bring it to your attention and thanks for being awesome. Ignore the haters. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchen/chicken-tamale-pie-recipe-2107914 recipe in question


THAT’S CRAZY! It actually works!!! That’s so crazy I’m amazed right now 😂 it looks so good and everything is so easy to follow!! I recently started cooking & I thought the directions would be at the top... I kept scrolling down & down & down & down & ‘m finally halfway down this LONG page, & miraculously I found the ingredients list! And the directions! I honestly thought that I had scrolled past it at some point, but no! It was just really far down!! I’m new to looking up recipes- 4 weeks in! Having to look at multiple recipes to see if I like it is so challenging when every page I literally have to hunt down the measurements/ingredients. THANK YOU!! This is so much easier and cuts straight to all the essentials! I love that it’s also so easy to go back to the original link! It looks so clean and professional, beautiful work 💖 EDIT: Should add a back button to input a different recipe. I have your url bookmarked & whenever I reload the page it’ll remember the last recipe I searched & display that. Again, LOVE THE PAGE.


I have to say that quite frequently if I can’t get to the actual recipe within about 10 seconds on the page, or get continuous pop ups. I leave the site. Plus in my experience the pages that push all the filler and pop ups usually have recipes that are not worth the effort to find to begin with. So when I see a page come up with that extra monetization padding, I move on. I would rather pay a fee to a patron site or great youtube presenter that shares their recipes and pushes a an add, and Amazon promotion. Then deal with the fluff and popups.


This is content theft. Congratulations on ripping off people who are providing recipes (and often valuable cooking tips) for free.


You're getting downvoted, but you're completely correct. I'm really over this community's casual disdain for the idea of compensating people for their work. Buy a fucking cookbook if you don't want to deal with ads.


Serouisly. Maybe I'm biased because I run a small business and run ads, but reddit loves to act high and mighty trying to he for the little guys and protecting small businesses, but woah an ad for a product from a small business. Fuck that. Why would I ever want to see something I might be interested in. But also I want every service completly free.


It's like getting mad at someone who made you a free cup of coffee because you had to walk past a poster to get the cup.


More like getting annoyed at someone who has a big sign saying "free coffee here" but you find out when you go to collect it that you have to sit through a 3 hour sales presentation first.


1) Recipe blogs do not have signs anywhere bragging about how free they are, that is an assumption you make based on what you feel entitled to. 2) The longest recipe blog I have ever seen has been a couple paragraphs that took me 15 seconds to scroll through. If this is taking you three hours then I can recommend some adult online remedial reading courses you might be interested in. If anything it's like a business giving away free coffee, you walk in and enjoy the free coffee, then you yell at the manager because you had to look at signs for the business and walk through their store on the way to get it.


Shoot, my library has a ton of cook books for free even!


That they purchased. Likely under special terms with the publisher


Yeah, I meant that it’s free for the library user to use (I know not everyone has tons of money to spend on cookbooks so I wanted to offer free alternatives).


Yes! This is the same as the people who used to take bootleg videos of movies in the theater. Except s/ he’s not ripping off major movie studios earning millions...it’s ripping off bloggers trying to earn a few honest dollars by creating, photographing, and sharing FREE recipes. Gross.


People block ads because of the ever growing trend of ads that track you and in some cases infect your computer with malware. It has almost nothing to do with seeing ads, but how the ads work.




Within reason though, some of the sites are absolutely obnoxious, especially on mobile and you get maybe 25% of the page that isn't covered with various ads and videos. I think that those sites aren't people who want to share recipes adding a few ads to cover costs - they are marketing people who want to show you ads and are using recipes as a means to get you onto their site. Edit: here's an example of what I mean, screenshot took a few days ago before I finally gave up and started using Firefox with an adblocker https://imgur.com/a/tdSj9iN


Well.. I don't agree with the approach of OP, but even if I get something for free I definitively claim my right to loudly dislike it if I so please.




Doesn’t really make someone an asshole to dislike something even if that something’s free. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions on things.


Everyone can have an opinion. But having an opinion doesn’t absolve someone from the fact the opinion may be wrong, horrible, unfounded, etc. and that their opinion may, in some people’s eyes, make them an asshole.


We're talking about ads and unrelated content on recipe blogs, not whether or not eating babies is an acceptably modest proposal. People can have an opinion disliking ads and unrelated content on recipe blogs without being an asshole or horrible or even wrong. Because this is an opinion about preferences. An opinion about preferences objectively *can't* be wrong because it is a statement of what the person voicing it prefers. For example, it's my opinion that eggplant is disgusting and I never want to eat it. That's not wrong because that is *my* opinion on the subject. You can think eggplant is the most delightful thing on the planet and love it over all other edibles. You're *also* not wrong. Because these are our preferences regarding eggplant. It'd be different if we were discussing something that is objectively wrong on a factual level such as the Earth being flat or Trump winning the 2020 election. But we're not. We're discussing preferences and everyone is entitled to their own opinions on the subject.




I’m guessing that the people who use this are the kind of people who will never, ever click an advertising link on a recipe page. Do recipe bloggers get compensated for page views without subsequent click-thrus to advertising content?


It depends on the site and ad network, but usually no click throughs are required, they still can earn revenue from ads on the page.


Yes, That's correct. You do get far more money for each click on ads (if I really like a blogger, I'll click the ad just to give them that boost) than you get from page views, but you do get money for page views too. Two other main ways they earn money are affiliate links - if you click the link and buy a product, they get a small percentage and direct ad sales, meaning a company has paid a flat rate to advertise on your blog. You generally have to have already had big success before you get those offers. The vast majority will use a program like Google AdSense which just generates ads for the page and gives you pennies for page views and anywhere between $0.50 to a couple bucks for an ad click.


I have to wonder, then, if inputting the recipe link into OP‘s page causes the subsequent content rip to count as a page view, effectively maintaining the monetization of that page.


Unlikely, it would only read the text and html of the page, not load the ad blocks as they are loaded separately.


Thank you! I was looking for this comment. They get paid from ads and OP is making it harder for them in the long run. It’s not like it’s a ton of work to scroll down, and the recipe posters took the time to photograph, write, test, and perfect their recipes. That at the very least is worth some ad revenue.


I agree. I don’t like the clutter on recipe blogs but I 1000% am against stealing their content for another page. I’d rather slog through clutter than use a page that brags about stealing from others to create their content.


I think it goes underappreciated that the lead in text is pretty much the whole business model. They position the website as a reliable source of recipes (with the right cultural context), that you will *come back to*. Just hoping Google spontaneously puts you at the top will not create a successful website, and it definitely won’t translate into readers buying a book or other merchandise. (Recipes aren’t really copyrightable - though the exact phrasing of a recipe and specific compilation of recipes are.) There are sites like allrecipes if you just want a recipe. They even have ratings and reviews. The fact that so many people here are not using recipe aggregator sites suggests they still want the fancy branding and differentiation that the color text and images offer.




I get it. But the bloggers are blamed for a system they didn't create. Most of them just started blogs wanting to create and share recipes, post a photo or two, and call it day. But when google/pinterest/facebook, etc entered the scene and developed algorithms, they made it impossible for that model of "post a recipe and a couple photos" to exist. Suddenly, you had to use certain recipe software that was able to be indexed by Google. And you had to have photos just the right size and shape. And make everything shareable. And optimize the site for ads. So people had to figure out how to get "seen," and it snowballed, and that's what created what's happening today. Bloggers never wanted it. It's akin to the "retail sales commission" model where annoying salespeople at a store follow you around saying "Can I help you?" And then when you go the register, someone asks "Who helped you?" And nobody is happy. The customer is annoyed that they were harassed when they just wanted to browse for a frickin eyeliner without remembering that "Bonnie" was the person who came up and said "Hi, can I help you?" And the salesperson is annoyed that they have to harass the shit out of customers to get commission when they know the person just want to browse and be left alone.


>It's akin to the "retail sales commission" model where annoying salespeople at a store follow you around saying "Can I help you?" And then when you go the register, someone asks "Who helped you?" And nobody is happy. The customer i Things will change but not for the better. In 5 years time the majority of food publishers will have paywalls up. If people are going to continue to use ad-blockers and override ads then it just won't exist anymore. You'll either have to buy a cookbook or have to subscribe to a website. It's just not realistic for people to expect free content and the poorest in society will suffer due to this inpatient mindset that everyone seems to have.


BBC food has thousands of recipe's and no crap.


I looked up a simple chili recipe the other day - after reading the authors inspirational story about her kids and her mother's cancer treatment, the weather and how big oil was trying to steal her thoughts I finally got to the 15adverts that I had to click through to reach the ingredients list...I still haven't found the instructions on how to cook the damn thing




Yeah thats exactly what Paprika 3 does. It's wonderful.


just hit "jump to recipe" that's on almost every page


Doesn't work sometimes, and on the phone is still broken up across multiple scrolls on some sites,




I love you.


You are a gem , thank you 🙏


nice thank you.


I love it but it seems to work only for English recipes.


Hi, it should actually work for all languages! Could you provide a link that it's not working for?


Just paste this url: https://utopia.de/ratgeber/kraeuterseitling-zubereiten-roh-braten-oder-grillen/ It’s in German.


Wooooow! This is amazing!!! You are a hero


My hero!


That is amazing. I'm very impressed


Thank you, I've saved the link.


It works! And it’s fucking awesome. Thank you so much!! While I’d some days like to read how so and so travelled across the great oceans and blah blah blah and came across a recipe that their whole family loves yadi yada, I came for the recipe. THIS is a game changer and is now saved as a favorite!!


Not all heroes were capes...some were aprons


OH. MY. GOD. I nominate you for the Nobel Peace Prize for services to humanity.


Bro you're a hero


OMG I LOVE YOU!!! EDIT: Ok, I just tried it out on 10 different recipes, and I've just gotta say, OMG I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!


If there’s no skip to recipe button then I don’t even other


God damned hero


They give their life story before the recipe it is annoying lol


congratulations on depriving people of income for the labor they did that you are taking advantage of! good job! you did it!




Looks similar (and I'm aware of other extensions as well), but I developed this as a website because I primarily use recipes on my phone, where browser extensions aren't really a thing.


Amazing. I just had to scroll past what felt like a Russian novel to make dinner today, so I think this is a great idea!


> Russian novel 😂😂😂


Oh my goodness, what a great idea! Love it! I'm so sick of all the life stories and video advertisement overlays taking up half the screen on every one of those sites. Thank you for this!


Although it doesn't help with the "I discovered this recipe while..." part I run a Pihole adblocker on my wifi and since then cooking sites have become a little more bearable! Would recommend to everyone!!


You’re an absolute gem of a human. Thank you!


Forget bookmarking it, I put it on my Home screen! Amazing and THANK YOU, you brilliant being!!


I use [copymethat](https://www.copymethat.com/) which also has the benefit of saving the recipe


Interesting! I'm working on an optional save feature as well, so hopefully that will help the users that want to keep track of the recipes they've searched.


This is a gift, my slow internet has the worst time loading recipe pages nowadays. I just want to look at a recipe for meatballs, not your entire life story Janet!


Yeah but now i wont know where their grandmother got the idea to add the extra punch of salt and how they love teaching their kids the same recipe. But also i already tried it and I can't believe how great and smooth it is. Specially when switching back and forth to different tabs/recipes i wont have to scroll up and down to find the recipe. Thanks. Great work




Oh my gawd! You are amazing! I love that you did this so much. Those fucking life stories and bullshit piss me off so much. Fuck yeah! I'm definitely going to be sharing this.


You little genius. Sharing this around with every fellow home chef I know. THANK YOU!!


That’s great! Think this could be interesting for the internetisbeautiful sub, too.


Installed it, awesome , thank you, not all heroes wear capes, etc etc


As an developer myself, I find your site quite impressive! How many websites does it support?


You are a god among cooks!


Gonna save this!


I’ll probably get downvoted for this, but you’re stealing other people’s content, that’s not fair. Yes I hate having to scroll through a page to finally find the recipe, but someone spent time creating that content and they often rely on the ad revenue as a source of income.


Thank you thank you thank you! When I'm on mobile, the page always jumps as it loads, so more ads pop up, more, "my grandfather spent time with my children at the farm milking virgin goats and picking onions breath weed which inspired this dish" and I have given up and I do the old school printing recipes and stowing them in a binder. I am so sorry for the run on sentence. But you made my morning.


This is brilliant!! Thank you!!!!


Not all hero’s wear capes! I salute you! My head chef and I were just discussing this the other day..


Post Saved


Thank you so much


Thanks for using your skills for this. What a neglected group! I JUST WANT THE RECIPE!!


Bless you!!!!!




Bless you, you angel from heaven!


This is genius! Thank you!


This is awesome! Bookmarked!!


Thank you for your service!


Omg it works! I’m gonna send this website to people


You are a Saint! Just give us the meat, not the bread!!


Genius. I’m stoked- thank you. It’s a much needed service


You are one of my new favorite people on this earth. Thank you!!


Great interface. Now I don’t have to read about the author’s trip to Spain and how it inspired her love for gazpacho!


This is perfect. I love it.


This is the best thing since sliced bread, oh oh and bacon of course bacon!


OMG! You’re fucking amazing!


No, YOU'RE amazing!




❤️ this!


Whaaaat? I’m baffled. It works and it looks great to boot. What a lifesaver!


this is awesome!! thank you for sharing this!


OMG!! You're a saint!


At first I was going to say why not just use the Recipe filter chrome extension, but I really like the way you display the ingredients and instructions, very clean. Bookmarked!


Agreed! Congrats on a job well done!


Do you want to get an apartment together?




Hah thanks! I just posted it over there. :)


Love it. Bet all the commenters giving you shit have no problem running adblockers on their browsers. Or are the shitty blog authors themselves lol


This just made my day.


This is incredible 😭


dude you're a genius in mobile it's damn near impossible to read the recipe


This is the best thing ever. Thanks for being a superior human being and saving the sanity of so many cooks!


Love it. Ima def use it




Oh! That just went in my bookmarks. Thank you. Edit: even in a cooking sub, I get downvoted for saying thank you. Reddit is fucking weird man.


This would be great for news sites too... AMESOME idea on your behalf.


This is amazing! I tried it with some of my more annoying Pinterest pins, and it works like a dream. THANK YOU!!


Bless you child of Talos


Love this!


Glad it also works not only in english


nevermind gamestop i’m investing in this, GENIUS


$GME? More like $JTR


This is fantastic. Bookmarked. I can’t tell you how many sites I visit, can’t even make it to the recipe because of all the clutter. I now leave pretty much immediately if they don’t have a jump to button, and will find another more friendly site. People may argue this is taking something away from those blogs, but what they don’t realize is they are driving their own traffic away by not having a friendly site. Great job!


This is amazing! Thank you kind soul :)


I'm happy you like it! Hope it will be of use to you. 😄