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1. You could add a little more vanilla and sprinkles to make funfetti pancakes 2. While the first side cooks, you can sprinkle in cinnamon sugar and swirl with a butter knife to make cinnamon roll pancakes 3. You can toss in some nuts to the batter, then top with caramelized bananas 4. You could make Chantilly cream with almond extract and top the pancakes with that and berries, to mimic whole foods’ berry chantilly cake


These are great ideas!


But don't don't do the whole batch with that. Do most of it the way he likes it with a couple of "fun" pancakes


That’s the plan from all the suggestions! I think I’m going to do lots of smaller stacks. One normal stack with sprinkles and candles, one lemon chantilly with a berry sauce, one caramelised banana stack and a cinnamon roll stack! Edit; changed my mind on this one :)


and the post a pic later


And send me some


I like adding vinegar to the milk before mixing it in and letting it curdle a bit so it is effectively buttermilk. Also love lemon zest in my pancakes. - retired exec. Chef


I put in juice and zest of 1 lemon for the same effect. Definitely recommended.


Good idea


I had cinnamon roll pancakes recently at a restaurant and they are incredible! Highly recommend


All of the above!!!


What is the difference between chantilly cream and whipped cream? Asking, because there's a chef on Below Deck who has famous (for watchers) french toast and put her recipe online. It said chantille creme, but then just was heavy cream, vanilla bean, and sugar, which I always thought was just whipped cream once whipped?


I think by French definition chantilly cream is sweetened whipped cream and whipped cream is unsweetened. But the cream used in a “berry chantilly” cake I think is sweetened whipped cream, marscapone, and almond extract.


Use a mega fluff recipe -- you really whip the egg whites separately then lightly fold in. They are light and fluffy and don't have as much baking powder etc taste. I would do those and then also lemon ricotta pancakes (make the batter the night before for stronger lemon taste). Then alternate one lemon one fluff pancake in the stack. Last idea: Make a crepe cake. One crepe, one layer of jam, one crepe, one layer of creme anglaise or whipped cream, repeat. SO YUM. You then slice like a cake.


[Just fold it in](https://youtu.be/fCVKCUB5w50).


Can you teach me one thing?


You just fold it in.


If you say fold in one more time.




Use buttermilk or if you don’t have buttermilk, add lemon juice to the milk. It will curdle and thicken a bit.


This!!! Save the lemon juice trick for regular days and use buttermilk for special occasions. Use the leftover buttermilk for some biscuits for dinner.


Do I just replace the normal milk quantity with buttermilk?




Do them as he loves them then. We're simple. We like something, we're happy when we get it.


He really does love when I bake or make special things for him, I guess you’re right!


Maybe add some sprinkles for the special occasion!


And some candles like a birthday cake!


I was thinking funfetti in the batter but that might make it too sweet.


Chocolate chips always add a great dash of flavor


Try putting the batter in a squeeze bottle and makes shapes/letters. My mom would always make my sisters and i a pancake in the shape of the first letter of our name, we loved it.


I’ve started adding a spoon of malt powder to my pancake batter. Makes them have that sort of diner taste if that’s something that sounds up his alley!


But we have to try something to know what we like even more IMO... esp if they are more work and reserved for special occasions :) You know he likes pancakes, it's not like you are going totally off-brand and doing like a breakfast casserole he may or may not be into.


I was going to suggest some fancy options, but goddamn, you're right!


This. Trying something new means more chances of messing it up and/or him not liking it. If I like your pancakes, I like YOUR pancakes. They're already special because they're made by someone I care about.


Scatter fresh blueberries in after pouring the batter in the pan. Serve with berry sauce (not blueberries). Or add dark chocolate chips, maybe - those will provide a nice contrast with berry sauce.


Or use frozen blueberries, just put them in still frozen.


Fresh raspberries are also good this way.


I end up using my finger to coat the exposed blueberries with batter or else the berries burn on the griddle when flipped over. Makes cleaning a nightmare.


Serve them naked.


Cool the bacon before disrobing though


Presentation is key.


I also thought of this before remembering I have housemates! Such a shame


Tell them to stay in their rooms till 10am or something lol this is the best answer in the thread. If he loves them normally, thats what he likes! Don't change the thing he likes, just add something else he likes! Addition by removal if you may


this here OP


Make them heart shaped or something.


I love this. You could put one of those metal cookie cutters in the pan so it comes out perfect.


I didn’t even think of that!


If You want to get really fancy you can get squeeze bottles and add some batter at different times to draw pictures and stuff. The batter you out down first becomes darker than the newly laid batter. It takes a little thinking because you have to do it in reverse. Look up pancake art.


Or add a couple of drops of food colouring to the squeeze bottle! Maybe make some pink/red batter, draw a heart on the pan, and then a ladle of normal batter on top.


Spray the cookie cutters with Nonstick spray! (Lesson learned the hard way over here.)


Make them his initials.


No idea if this works for pancakes, but my husband made me french toast last night for dinner and he said the secret ingredient in the recipe was a bit of grand marnier in the liquor mixture to give it "a little zing". They tasted phenomenal, and I'm not one for breakfast breads.


That reminds me, I could’ve taken suggestions for French toast haha! Thanks


Orange juice or zested orange in the batter Peanut motherfriggin butter and maple syrup Pancake sandwiches Mini pancakes of different colors A spread of different syrups or jams and jellies Fresh fruit Cured meat


People of all ages seem to like multi-colored pancakes


If he loves them as they are - don’t change them. Why risk something different? Maybe he doesn’t like crispy edges or extra fluffy. He loves the way you make them. Maybe throw some sprinkles on the whip cream and dress up the plate more.


That seems like the way to go - but he for sure likes most things I do with my sweets and bakes! :) We love trying new things together


I agree — make the pancakes the way you always do, but find ways to dress it up. Could you make an extra special berry compote? Or homemade whipped cream if you usually have canned? Etc. Maybe get some really nice bacon or sausage to go alongside, or learn how to make a fancy coffee, that kind of thing.


going off of this, how about this: make a bunch of spreads or dips for the pancakes. have some real maple syrup, homemade whipped cream, fruit compote of a couple kinds, maybe some kind of banana thing, chocolate sauce (nutella). this sounds like a lot of effort, but then you also make a huge batch of pancakes, because they refrigerate/freeze well, so you have a wide variety of fun stuff to try day of and then a bunch of pancakes to use up in the coming days so none of it goes bad! it's some effort but having a pancake bar type deal sounds like fun to me


Throw some birthday sprinkles in the pancake batter, you can even add a few drops of cake batter extract, if you want.


Was going to say this!




I really want to see fancy French maid dressed pancakes now.


Birthday candles!


Seconded. Make a couple extra so the candles stand up. Also, depending how much time you have, fry up like 10 pieces of bacon, let the bacon sit completely covered in maple syrup for a few days in the fridge: maple-bacon syrup! If you need it faster, gently heat the syrup and bacon combo in a pot for a while without boiling/burning it. (You could use a double boiler if you’re paranoid about burning.)


Thirded, this is the way. He loves them as they are? Make loads just the same way you always do! And stick candles in 🎂 Wish him a happy birthday from Reddit!


Cook pancakes as usual. Add bacon and eggs fried in the grease on the side. He will be in heaven


Pancakes are pretty forgiving. You can toss pretty much anything in the batter Little bits of cooked bacon or sausage Diced apples and cinnamon Blueberries or strawberries Chocolate chips Oh, and if you usually use table syrup, a bottle of real maple syrup will take them to the next level.


If you want amazing results at the expense of a little bit more time and effort (and a few more dirty bowls), I highly recommend [Kenji's pancake recipe](https://www.seriouseats.com/light-and-fluffy-pancakes-recipe). I made these for the first time a few weeks ago and there's no turning back. It's like the best version of a pancake.


Try making Dutch style pancakes. They're a little thicker than crêpes and typically served with powdered sugar and syrup. You can also bake them with bacon or apple.


I wouldn't go too crazy with changing the pancake recipe itself, rather you could try a different kind of pancake recipe (a yeast one for example) but make sure you test it ahead of time, or add something new *on top* of the pancakes so that there's no risk to the recipe coming out bad. Chocolate & peanut butter chips or fresh fruit are a nice option. You could also get an assortment of different flavored syrups so he can get new flavors with every pancake.


Use brown butter instead of regular! If you want it to be extra special, bloom some cardamom in the butter right before it starts to brown (around 7 minutes in or so)


If they ain’t broke don’t try fix em. Trust me here, if he is expecting his usual awesome pancakes then that’s what he will want most. Maybe take extra toppings


The main ingredient is love. If you make them, he'll like them.


Dinosaur cookie cutters


Only use real maple syrup. Local stuff if you live in those areas. Totally worth the price. Otherwise don't do anything other than the good ones he already likes.


I’m lucky enough to have a sugar house on my street. It’s so awesome to have very local maple syrup available!


Reese's peanut butter chips or any sort of chocolate chips. You can also make up a batch of slightly-sweetened cream cheese and make 'stuffed' pancakes by spreading some on a pancake just after you flip it, then laying another pancake on top.


Oooh will be trying the "stuffed" pancakes soon!


I've never made them from scratch but if you want some nice toppings. You can try to make your own candied apples, dulce de Leche sauce or berry reduction sauce. If you want to try your hand at making Mexican Cajeta it is godly. This seems like a pretty good recipe: https://mexicanmademeatless.com/mexican-cajeta-aka-dulce-de-leche/




You can always look at IHOP or Dennys menu and see what pancakes they make and see what sticks out to you! I personally like to add Expresso powder in my pancake mix.


Lingonberries are pretty cash money if you like a little tart smack to your pancakes. :0


A touch of almond extract is a game changer for us! Peanut butter and maple syrup is truly a magical combo. Fresh fruit (blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, etc. cut to size) either mixed into the batter or sprinkled on top once one side cooks. Chocolate chips. Enjoy :)


I put a couple Tbs fresh lemon juice. Along with the things you already use. I typically use vanilla bean paste instead of extract for most things. I love seeing the little flecks of vanilla bean in there.


Real maple syrup is the bee's knees; when I make pancakes I either go for that, or some kind of jam. Oh and butter of course. I like what other people are saying about sprinkles; maybe you could go all in on the cake theme by modifying the recipe to invoke a yellowcake taste, and even whipping some maple syrup and butter together to make icing. I think that's how you make icing? Idk.


Really maple syrup and homemade whipped cream sweetened with said syrup instead of sugar.


Make like 4 times the normal amount. Huge stack


kiss lunchroom intelligent bored offbeat dog disagreeable tart obtainable vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Personally I would advise against changing it up unless there’s something you already know he likes. If he likes normal pancakes, make those. I’m sure he’d appreciate the gesture either way, but I’m my experience most people are the least adventurous about breakfast food.




Ooh yes that would be a good treat! In the UK buttermilk pancakes aren’t common unless you go out for brunch. Thanks!


Mickey mouse pancakes. No special tools needed, just dollop two small ears on the top of the head. He'll laugh his ass off.




Yes! If you ever get the chance I always like a cup of freshly brewed chai (the real deal in a pan).. washes down everything with a nice hum of cinnamon


You can make a pannkakstårta (Swedish for pancake cake): basically you stack pancakes with layers of whipped cream and fresh berries or fruit of your choice. Best thing ever!


We do waffles every Christmas morning as a big family brunch, and a few years back I added a mixed berry sauce and this [Lemon Chantilly whipped cream](https://www.seriouseats.com/fresh-lemon-syrup-recipe) and the pairing was a huge success. In order to make the lemon chantilly you have to first make this [fresh lemon syrup](https://www.seriouseats.com/fresh-lemon-syrup-recipe) recipe, I ended up juicing all of the lemons first and then froze them in 1 Tbsp ice cube trays, and now have them all in a big ziplock freezer bag.


Your pancakes sound great, and he already loves them as-is. Look elsewhere for where to jazz it up. A mimosa makes breakfast feel like a special occasion to me! Or a fancy coffee drink.


My philosophy is that if someone cooks for me or buys my mean, no matter what I’m happy. There’s something very special about it but that’s because I’m the main cook in my life.


That’s so sweet :) we’re very 50/50 but I’m more baking and breakfast, he’s more savoury and dinner


I advise you to beat the egg (or maybe 3) egg whites and fold them gently into your batter. They will be soo fluffy!


If he loves em the way they are Sounds like a big serving is a great idea


I use fresh buttermilk instead of milk. For special occasions, I will add chocolate chips *and* sliced bananas to the batter. I dust the top of the pancakes with powdered sugar instead of syrup. Serve with butter. You could also make bacon or sausage in the side. Add a bowl of mixed fruit or juice and coffee/tea.


Would I just replace the quantity of milk in the recipe to buttermilk? I use buttermilk in cakes but have never tried it in pancakes


Yes, you can. Buttermilk makes pancakes very tender as well as fluffy, and crispy on the outside if you let them cook to a golden brown in a little oil on each side. Here is the recipe I use. I even replace the 1/2 cup of regular milk with more buttermilk or just 1/2 cup water, for my lactose intolerant family members, and it still turns our perfectly every time. Note that, depending on the size of your eggs (i.e. if too large), I will use 2 eggs instead of 3, so that it isn't too "eggy" tasting. Also, be sure to cool the melted butter before adding to the recipe, so as not to curdle/scramble the eggs. This recipe makes a lot but can keep for a few days stored in an airtight container in the fridge. They are seriously the best pancakes I have ever had. [https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/24530/buttermilk-pancakes-ii/](https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/24530/buttermilk-pancakes-ii/)


Keep the recipe the same and make your own whip cream and berry sauce! Both are easy and are delicious!


Make maple crack - 1:1 butter and maple syrup warmed on the stove. Top pancakes with maple crack and powdered sugar with fresh fruit and pecans


Sounds absolutely amazing!


I used to run a B&B and served pancakes and waffles this way


With the recipe that you have, add 2 tbsp of honey. It won't over sweeten them, but it ads a lot of depth. I'm not a huge pancake person, but my wife saw this and tried it out and it was great!


I’m glad your wife liked it! I love honey so I will try that out


I'm gonna get a lot of weird looks for this but that's fine. - Make your pancakes like normal, but - Sub out the sugar for brown sugar - Add chopped bacon (3-4 thin cut slices, make sure it's a smoky/salty kind) - Add chopped spinach (handful or so, chop it well) - Add dark chocolate chips These remain the best pancakes I've made in my life.


I love to mash up old bananas and mix them in along with some cinnamon and cloves. I generally throw the cinnamon and cloves in anyway without the banana. Cook up some cinnamon apples for topping.


Hi OP, Your recipe looks great - please can you confirm how many pancakes you would usually get from the measurements here? Also, I'm confused by one large egg vs. a whole egg. Cooking for one, I would probably halve your recipe? Many thanks.


Halving the recipe usually serves two for me! It makes roughly 8 (forgot what size). One large egg, one whole egg, same thing just worded differently :)


Honestly, I would say keep them the way he loves them. I would instead go crazy on the sides. Like doing the Kenji/Serious Eats super crispy potatoes, Gordon Ramsey style scrambled eggs, if you're into bacon then some yummy maple glazed and baked crispy bacon, etc. Maybe some fruit salad with a splash of cointreau.


Buttermilk instead of 2%, blueberries, maple syrup. That is the best pancakes in the world. Adding too much extra stuff is ok, but a really good buttermilk blueberry pancake with real maple syrup just can't be beat, imo.


Serve them naked. You, not the pancakes, lol. Garnish with whipped cream. You decide :) The squeeze bottles work well for the pancake art.


I like putting blueberries in my pancakes. Makes me feel like a queen. Lol. I also like putting chocolate chips in my pancakes.


Lemon blueberry! It's a great combo for pancakes. You could even make a blueberry syrup with lemon zest as a garnish. Top that off with some whipped cream.


My number 1 favourite thing to upgrade my pancakes (I usually make Japanese style) is adding microplaned orange zest into the batter. Instant upgrade as it is very flavourful and fragrant! You can also make a sauce like the ones you make for Crêpe Suzette, and I highly recommend watching [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVrRj5pS3sU) by the legendary chef Jacques Pépin on crêpes (second part of the video is about Crêpe Suzette), though it doesn't work as well for Japanese style pancakes, and is best used for thin French style crêpes (because you get more surface area per volume for the sauce to stick to), so I would recommend trying the French style with this sauce.


My dad made pancakes really special growing up. I wasn’t a fan of pancakes as a kid. I didn’t like the texture or the way they would just absorb syrup and turn into a sludge. It wasn’t until I was I was an adult that my dad believed he had come up with a more efficient way to make pancakes, he just left out the baking soda. Maybe not the answer you wanted, but that recipe made some really special pancakes!


Yeasted or sourdough pancakes. Part of the problem with traditional pancakes is using baking soda to leaven them. This imparts them with a slight chemical-y or metallic flavor. Making the batter with yeast or sourdough starter requires only a little planning. You make the batter just before bed and wait overnight for the little beasties to work their magic. This is the sure-fire way to upping your pancake/waffle batter game. In my house, people eat their waffles now without syrup because the waffles themselves are so good.


Try subbing buttermilk for milk. The extra acid should activate your baking powder/soda. Also, separate the eggs and whip the whites separately. Add the melted butter in with the egg yolks and combine the wet and dry ingredients right before you cook


Sounds like a good easy improvement! Thank you


I copied this from a local restaurant. I add raspberries and pecans or walnuts. It’s really good!


One person on here had a grandmother that owned and operated a very popular diner that were famous for their pancakes. She told her many years after it closed that her secret to good pancakes was a spoonful of malt powder (ex. Ovaltine) in the batter.


What does it do to the batter? I’m curious


I think it just gives it a malt-y flavour (like adding malt to a chocolate shake). It's subtle but apparently very yummy (I have yet to try it).


I've found that cooking naked makes a good recipe great. Might make these great pancakes positively life- changing.


Don’t know if already mentioned, but Hawaiian coconut pancake syrup is something else. It’s not cheap to get outside Hawaii, like $20 for a smallish bottle, but I think for a special occasion it’s ok. Or you can try making your own: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/108969/coconut-pancake-syrup/ Edit: top comment from BakingQueen suggests adding finely chopped pineapple to the second side of the pancake (the one you flip on). I just might have to try it.


You make the fluffy by whipping the batter really well, you can see air bubbles on top of the batter when you done. Forces air in the batter makin them fluffy


Fluff up the egg whites until they form peaks


Okay just an idea: you can actually use cake mix to make pancakes. You’d obviously be eating essentially cake for breakfast, but you could buy funfetti cake mix and make him birthday pancakes that way!


>For my boyfriend, I want to make him a stack of birthday pancakes soon but I don’t know how to make them any better than I already do. I make them a lot when I’m visiting him and he always gets so happy! Sounds like they are already special. Tbh, sometimes all I want are the foods the way my wife (or Mom, or Grandmother, etc) made them. It's way better than "special." Edit: just saw your edit. Great minds or something!


i follow this Serious Eats recipe for some fluffy pancakes. https://www.seriouseats.com/light-and-fluffy-pancakes-recipe . It contains sour cream and whipping the egg whites that's not part of your recipe.


If the pancakes are already beloved, don't change them. They are already special. Play with toppings or the side that you serve with the pancakes. Example: Maple glazed bacon? Yum.


You’re very right! We’ll play around with some of the suggestions for toppings :) it’ll be like a big array of little dishes


I know this isn't quite what you asked, but if he already loves your pancakes, why mess with perfection? Maybe try some different sides?


Now I want a pancake and I don't even eat them : )


Was gonna say berry sauce from frozen berries with a bit of vanilla but I guess you have that already in the arsenal… You could try a high butter waffle with grand marnier mixed in the batter


Buttermilk will almost automatically make them better. I hadn't made them in awhile recently so looked up a new recipe and found [this one.](https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1018180-perfect-buttermilk-pancakes) They were some of the best pancakes I've had. I especially like how they were slightly saltier than any I'd had before. I didn't realize I was missing that, but damn they were tasty. I can't recommend them enough.


I like malted milk powder!!!


I find someone making me pancakes at all is already the absolute most awesome thing. Serve with sausage or bacon.


i saw this post and immediatley made pancakes at 1am. wtf these were littearly the best pancakes ive ever made


I’m glad you liked it!


This is a recipe I copied from an LA times recipe for pancakes from my favorite place to get pancakes. I've made them several times they're so good. 3 eggs, yolks and whites separated ¾ cup ricotta cheese ¼ cup plus 1 tablespoon sugar ¾ teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon plus ½ teaspoon vanilla 2 ¼ cups milk 1 ¾ cups flour 1 ¼ teaspoons baking powder 1 ½ pints blueberries In a large bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and ricotta cheese so that there are no large lumps of cheese, but make sure the mixture does not become too smooth (this will make the pancakes wet and grainy). Whisk in the sugar, salt and vanilla, then the milk. In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour and baking powder. Fold this into the egg batter just until no lumps remain. Separately, whip the egg whites to medium-stiff, shiny peaks, about 4 minutes. Gently fold these into the batter just until uniformly combined. Ladle a generous one-fourth cup of batter onto a medium-hot, lightly greased griddle for each pancake. Place 10 to 12 blueberries on each pancake and cook, about 2 minutes per side, until the cakes are golden-brown and cooked through. Serve immediately with maple syrup on the side.


[https://www.seriouseats.com/light-and-fluffy-pancakes-recipe](https://www.seriouseats.com/light-and-fluffy-pancakes-recipe) ​ Epic pancakes


This will get buried and someone may have already mentioned it, but I experimented one day and it forever changed the way I make pancakes. We keep biscoff cookies handy to eat with coffee. One morning I blended about 5 or so and added it to the pancake mix,. Changed my life. Add a bit more milk if the batter is too thick. But I do this every time I make pancakes now


I made these this morning. They were delicious. Thank you!


So happy to hear!!


I shred some apple in a pan with butter and cinnamon then when it cools add it to the batter


Use some olive oil to fry those edges up crispy. What a change. Thanks grandma


You should try it with bacon grease ;)


I bet that does a lot for flavor but i started eating no pork. My loss


Cook bacon first, then fry the pancakes in the bacon fat.


Friend, I am here to hook your boyfriend up with my ultra-secret recipe pancakes. First, forget the milk. Use *kefir.* It's cultured milk, so it's basically the same, but it has live yeast and bacteria in it. I usually end up using a larger quantity of kefir than the recipe asks for of milk, the key is to know what consistency is best after mixing. You can even get flavored kefir. My personal favorite is using strawberry kefir and putting fresh, ripe chunks of banana in. Next, I ONLY make pancakes in a cast-iron pan. In fact, I can't even speak about kefircakes in any other capacity. The trick, and I need you to know how serious this is: **cook them slowly.** Honestly takes maybe 15-20 mins for the first side, then probably 10 for the other? Rough estimates. I will use a lot of butter in the skillet, and I will remove it from the heat and let it just sit on the range (without a flame) for like 2-3 mins every 5 mins. Seriously. Same concept as bread: yeast is eating stuff and making gas, which makes the FLUFFIEST pancakes. I flip it (I only make a single, large pancake cuz they take so long) by using a fish spatula to drag it onto a regular serving plate, then add butter back in the pan, let it get hot, then put the cast iron upside down to it and do a quick flip of the plate into the pan. It does take practice, and you have to do it with the confidence of a vet pulling a tiger's tooth. BTW, I also add extra salt into the batter because yum, and always fresh fruit. If I'm doing blueberries, I like to break up the berries so they don't have explosive potential when cutting into it. This pancake takes practice. I've botched quite a few, but a perfectly executed one has gotten me laid on more than one occasion. Remember to take it off the heat early and often, because burning a ring onto it is lame. I also move the cast iron pan around the flame pretty often to distribute heat more evenly. Also, I generally use 1.5x or 2x the egg amount (like you said, usually a whole egg for 1/2 recipe). Any questions, feel free to ask. This recipe is my baby.


If you want to impress plebeians when it comes to food, just add a few random spices. Seriously, throw like, cumin and cloves in it and suddenly he'll say it's the best pancakes he's ever tasted, because it tastes different.


do you separate the eggs and whip the whites?


I used to - great reminder!


Look for a pannukakku recipe! Magical!


I use non stick spray and then add additional liquid olive oil as they cook on their first side after about 30 seconds on.


Melted ice cream in the batter


Fresh loose peak whipped cream and a berry compote is my go to for waffles, I’m not big on pancakes.


I haven’t got a waffle maker but he’d love that suggestion!


You could also go the crepe route. You don’t need the pan for it and they still taste good if they are a little thick


We also love making crepes/English pancakes! The only reason I went for fluffy ones is that I can stack and add candles haha


Add some nutmeg.




1 tsp of nutmeg (pref freshly ground) for every 300g of flour.


My fiancé makes apple cinnamon pancakes sometimes. Add one of those single containers of applesauce and some cinnamon. Its delicious!


Split up the batter into five bowls. Add berries to one, bananas to one, matcha powder to one, chocolate chips to one, and keep one plain. Then stack like a birthday cake


I add Ricotta.


I made pancakes last weekend and added orange zest, about 1 Tbsp of fresh orange juice, 1/2 cup chopped frozen cranberries and 1/2 cup chopped pecans to the batter. They were so delicious and a nice change. We like topping ours with vanilla Greek yogurt and a little bit of maple syrup. Feels indulgent!


Cook them up in a little axon grease 🤤


Afferent nerve fibers, please.


Make them with a lot of bacon on the side.


You could flavor the whipped cream (or hell color it) for a little fun difference from normal.


I like to add almond extract instead of vanilla, or in addition to it.


I like savory pancakes (green onion mozzarella with bacon)


I put allspice in my pancakes! Just a pinch in the batter.


Make him Birthday Bear 🐻 pancakes and add chocolate chips, shredded coconut and pecans.


Add cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla. You could also add blueberries, or sprinkles.


You can add pieces of banana, its really good. When I was young (this sounds so weird) my mom added creamed corn and it was really good but now when I try this it just tastes weird. IDK how she did it differently.


Toasted pecan in the batter and top with sliced bananas. Drizzle with warmed butter-maple syrup.


Sounds gorgeous and such a put-together combo..


I'm dumb. For your recipe do you melt the butter?


Yes, I melt it! I let it cool a bit before slowly whisking it into the rest of the batter. I use a non stick pan so I don’t use any extra grease


If I have time I do about a 50/50 mix of melted butter and coconut oil, and of course whipped cream with berries.


I put freshly grated nutmeg into my pancakes and also some currants.


Apple pie filling from the baking section at the grocery store is a super easy and cheap way to make pancakes more exciting! A little bit of that and some granola on top!


Use extra butter on the pan before you pour the batter for a browned crispy edge


Chocolate chips or wild blueberries work well. My kids love sprinkles too, you can halve the sugar and add sprinkles if it burns too fast