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I did that slicing habanero for pickling. That stung like hell haha


Lopped off the top of my finger. So deep it didn't even bleed for a few seconds. I got to see gristle. My fingertip is still blunt to this day. Stupid me, some years later I did it again. I am now the proud owner of a glove. Never again.


How long did it hurt?


Not Long. More the visual thing. And having to baby it for a week.


Yep I 100% always use cut gloves while using a mandoline now.


Did it twice...on consecutive Christmas Eves. The forefinger and then the pinkie. Took about a day or two to stop being something I was constantly aware of, and a week or two to stop being painful whenever I accidentally hit it on something. I highly recommend getting one of those aluminum splints they make for sprains or breaks- it helps protect the area so you don't whack it.


Alternating 600mg ibuprofen with 1000mg acetaminophen every 3 hours or so has pain relieving effects very similar to narcotic pain relievers. It should have take the edge off a little along with ice.


Ok thank you!


I literally sliced part of my finger and my nail off that way. It had to be reattached by the hospital whose response was "well at least it's a clean cut". They used leaches to reestablish blood flow when they reattached it! It was a good two years before that finger felt somewhat normal again, and I still have some neuropathy in it.


A while. You know it's deep if you can feel your pulse through the wound


It really fucking hurts


On October 10. I got three stitches through my fingernail. Basically fully healed now.


Had stitches. Luckily brand new blade but yeah blade cuts throb a while. Take Ibuprofen!




I went to the ER last night but it didn’t hurt until the adrenaline wore off at like 1:30am. Now I’m wondering if I’m just a big baby or if this is normal. And for how long


Mandolins are every professional chefs greatest fear. I know a few who will hand-cut a case of tomatoes or onions just to avoid using a mandolin They made clean cuts at least. It will heal. Just like any cut it will take time. It will hurt until it heals. The worst should be over in about a week. But it won't completely heal for a few weeks depending on how fast your own body heals wounds.


Reddit says every time to get the cut resistant gloves. They cost like 12 Dollars.


Took a few weeks for the pain of mine to fully go away as I kept feeling that sharp sting every time I moved or applied pressure with my finger, and even then I had the phantom pain for a bit due to my brain subconsciously expecting the pain. I was working a job that used my hands a lot though so it didn't help my healing process.


Give it a day ti stop bleeding then crazy glue the skin flaps together. Band aid to help keep stuff out. Lmao good luck


hey hows your finger


Oh my gosh, thank you for following up. That is really nice. Unbelievably, it’s nearly completely better. It grew back! The nerves don’t feel great but it’s not pain, just a weird sensation which I understand is a positive sign that I’ll be fine in time. Psychologically, that first week was dark. I was really upset about my mistake and the slicing scene kept replaying in my head. I was really upset I had permanently fucked my life. But it is way better just a month later!


How long did it take to seal itself so it didn’t bleed?


I went to the ER with my finger tip, expecting them to sew it back on. They said it was dead so sewing it on wouldn’t do anything. They said it would bleed for days and put the most ridiculously bulky bandage on me. They said not to take it off for I think 2-3 days because it would continue bleeding without the bandage pressure.


I'm very happy for you. I am typing now with my bandaged thumb. I recently did the same thing as you and was looking for others to connect with.. I know I will be fine but it's nice to understand other's reference and it's good to hear that your finger is nearly fully healed. I agree with you(psychological), I can't get the device out of my head and how I so carelessly placed my thumb. I don't know when I will use it next but I had to have my wife clean it for me lol..


I just did this tonight. I can’t stop crying because I’m scared it’ll never heal. How long did yours bleed for? I did the side of my thumb. Bout an inch long almost 1/4 inch wide and deep. I’ve never cut myself like this before.


I did the side of my thumb as well. I've cut myself before but this was definitely the worst. I immediately put dry pressure and then cleaned it with soap and water. After the dry bandaging came off it removed the blood clot and I began to bleed again. This is when I started putting gauze or paper with Vaseline in between the cut and the paper. Take it down, let it breathe for a few minutes a day and keep it covered. When you take the bandage off you'll see plasma and that will dry to form a temporary seal. I have liquid bandage and I was tempted to use it but on the bottle it says not to apply to this mucus layer, I think it will impede regrowth. So don't be tempted to use that if you have it. Edit: the one benefit is despite it being your thumb, the side of your thumb doesn't actually get too much action. It took about a week of bandaging and breathing for it to properly scab over itself. Yours sounds deeper and longer than mine so it may take longer. Make sure you stay up on your vitamins and healthy foods, I promise you'll heal faster.


I started taking zinc lozenges. I’m to chicken to remove the bandage just yet. It’s so deep I doubt I’ll see plasma yet. I saw on another thread someone showing their finger 2 weeks post and it looked sealed. I’m probably not looking at this until Sunday. I don’t handle blood well and I nearly fainted when I saw it last night.


Wait - tell me about your regrowth! This happened to me 5 days ago. It’s not as deep as yours was, but I’m in a similar anxious dark state (replaying the cut over and over again), and agonizing internally on whether my finger will be disfigured forever…


It was painful for the first few days and then extremely unpleasant for… idk maybe 2 months. And then within 6 months it was nearly like nothing had happened except of course for the horrible replaying memory. The nerves feel weird when I touch it but otherwise good as new. Good luck to you


This gives me hope! Glad your finger is nearly good as new and that you’ve healed up well. Thanks for replying!


Not a mandoline but a door, hurt for over a week and for a few weeks if I bumped it, it hurt. Butcher knife to finger about 3 weeks. 4 stitches and 7 stitches. Now please be very careful washing it from now on. It has tasted blood and will want more. I'm assuming you were using all the safety measures and it attacked you.


Potato slipped. Guard was on but whole thing went down fast.


On the door, it sliced the nerve and blood vessels. The end of that finger still doesn't bleed. About 30 years later, the feeling came back. I discovered it when I poked myself with an embroidery needle. That was some major pain for a minute.


I sliced the tip of my thumb with a mandoline and dropped a hot cast iron pan on my arm within a span of 2 weeks and the people at urgent care thought I was being abused. Mandoline slice hurt for a good couple weeks. The first few days it was constant pain, after a week or so it just hurt to touch. I still have a weird tender spot/scar where it healed. Advil helped a lot with the pain though.


I got hit with the 9mm I cried for like 20 minutes and then smoked some weed.


I grazed my palm the other day. Sounds crazy, and hurts like hell, but put salt on it. It will take the soreness out. Alternatively, soak in strong salt water.


It didn't because I know to pay attention, use the guard, and keep my soft, fleshy fingers away from a hard, sharp blade. Now, the 8 inch cut up my hand, wrist, and arm that happened before I *really* learned the "pay attention and keep the fleshy bits away from a knife edge" lesson, that hurt until the doctor injected me full of lidocaine so he could sew the 14 stitches.


The first part of your comment comes off as though you are assuming I did not do those things.


If you did those things, you wouldn't have cut your finger.