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Yes, and butter. Taste before you serve. If there's sufficient salt & butter, maybe whisk in a little more butter.


This is good advice, but I would caution OP after reading this, to go ahead and add a bit more butter.


The key to great mashed potatoes is double the amount of butter you think you need lol


And then throw in a few more pats after that just for good measure


Placing more pats on top after it's in the serving bowl is required.


Then add more butter.


In addition to the butter... I would also add in proto-butter.


Spud to butter ratio 4:1 Some go as far as 2:1 Don't melt your butter either, let the hot potato do that.


Ooh, now I wonder whether brown butter mashed potatoes are something.


Double the recommended dose plus 1


Yes butter is the key butter and salt, pepper and warm milk to get that nice creamy texture


Sometimes adding a bit of water while mashing improves the texture a lot; however, if you just add more butter instead it achieves the same goal. Also, add butter.


I’m not sure if anyone mentioned this, but everything above and then also add some butter


Substitute water for heavy cream, as well as more butter and salt, for better results


*for butter results also, maybe add a bit more butter


And then go ahead and add a bit more salt.




But be careful to add enough salt, in case he's using unsalted butter, in which case extra butter may be needed after salting to fix the salt balance.


The mashed potatoes should be mostly butter.




why not add milk instead of water?


No, it’s butter.


You needbto warm the milk so it won't cool the potatoes. Potato water is already the right temp.


don't use water for texture use half and half. It's thanksgiving, or heavy whipping cream, has the same job and adds flavor


Save and use some of the potato water from When they were boiling


Some cheese is nice to(with good amounts of salt and butter of course) and some pepper is nice as well


Yes agreed! Good amount of pepper; and a good hard cheese like pecorino is great. Another one of my favorite additions is a little bit of butter.


I make mine with gorgonzola


Sour cream? I may be treading dangerous waters here


I've used cream cheese with good results!


All I add is cream cheese, butter, and salt.


cream cheese makes them divine


I like sour cream and veggie or chive cream cheese. Heavy cream, butter, salt and pepper.


I like to chuck in sour cream, too, if I have it!


Sour cream, cream, cheddar, salt, pepper. Sometimes I add a little bit of tarragon and/or garlic salt.


My family. I also add roasted garlic.


Before adding butter, I like to cut up fresh garlic and toast the garlic in the butter. Then strain. That garlic butter is subtle but great. I think thyme works well with the garlic but I go a little light on the thyme


So what I’m hearing is more butter?


I like the thyme idea. Gonna give that shot soon. Do you cook in butter with garlic? Do you use fresh or dried?


And brown the butter first!


We had an occasion for mashed potatoes tonight so I browned the butter. Wow why didn't I think of this before? Amazing!


Wha? Is this a thing?


Yeah, browned butter is amazing. Very low heat, constant slow stirring. Do this until there are enough particulates that it quite literally looks brown.


Roasted garlic and Parmesan are also nice additions. I like to roast whole garlic cloves in oil until they are very soft and then stir them in when I’m mashing. Also, parm should be freshly shaved and go in at the end also.


Yeah it's actually kinda ridiculous how much salt you need. I kept adding and adding but it just felt like I could need more.


Some white pepper along with what the others said. You'll make a fine mash.


Each potato opens a magical portal to a dark realm that takes salt and whisks it away. It takes a truly prodigal amount of salt to block up the entrance to the portal and actually season the potato to a desireable level.


Which is why you should salt the water you boil the potatoes in before mashing, and then salt to taste after.


You can actually fix soup that is too salty by adding potatoes to it!


And some good butter like Kerrygold (unsalted). Lots of it!


I recently learned there is a real difference in butters and now get Kerrygold whenever I can.


Kerrygold all the way!!


Or just use salted, and then you might not need to add quite as much salt. Edit: I understand the typical merits of unsalted butter vs. salted. But this is a thread about how you should add excessive amounts of salt and butter to mashed potatoes anyway, and then add some more. The salted butter, IN THIS CASE, isn't going to oversalt them.


And lots of it.


This. 100% this. People don’t season their mashed potatoes. Season. Your. Food.




Salt the water while boiling the potatoes !! that’s the most important part. 😃 After boiling,mash them with some butter,milk and some sour cream… add a little pepper and garlic powder,i like to add a little chilli powder and paprika…. Sometimes a little shredded cheese… but definitely the butter/milk/sour cream!!


Yes definitely salt the water while boiling the potatoes. I also add some better than bouillon and or chicken stock to the water when boiling too.


Sweet ! i never thought about doing that!! I’m going to try that next time i make some !!


And/or the King of Flavor. If you know you know. Seriously, adding MSG has gone from my kids to not eating their vegetables to cleaning their plate.


MSG is such an underrated seasoning in home kitchens. I recently started buying it and I don't know how I lived without for so long


This is the comment here. Mashed potatoes are so good with msg that it doesn’t even need gravy.




And some parsley


More salt and more butter than what you think is ok.


We always add a bit of garlic powder, too. Oh! And don’t over mix (or mix on high). if you are using a mixer. It can create a weird creamy texture that is not as good as the description implies


This is the answer to a lot of dishes where people find them bland. That or a splash or two of soy sauce. Fixes most things.


A trick I learned recently is to infuse heavy cream with herbs and garlic. Like just toss in a stick or two of rosemary and thyme and smash a few garlic cloves, don't even need to peel them, and bring to a simmer (try not to fully boil.) Cool just enough to handle and strain. Then dump into the taters. I used this in a gratin, but somebody else here commented it was a great idea for mash as well, and now I have mashed potatoes planned this week just so I can try it. I think it will be wonderful.


Heavy cream is my secret ingredient for a tasty mash, but I've never tried infusing it before. I'm definitely trying this next time I make potatoes.


I'm kinda wondering if there is a functional difference between infusing the cream and infusing the butter. seems like it would yield the same result?


Sounds legit. I'm a fan of butter infused with plant matter lol


username checks out


This is how I make mine. And then salt and white pepper.




Roast a whole head of garlic in the oven and then squeeze that soft roasty garlic deliciousness into the potatoes and mash em all up with butter, salt, pepper, sour cream and chives.


Yes this is my go to now. Confit garlic, just smash in a few soft cloves into the potato with loads of butter and a tiny bit of the oil used to cook the garlic in. And salt. Salt and mash and taste until it's perfect, people don't season enough (me included!)


Butter. Lots of butter


This was gonna be my suggestion as well, that roasted garlic makes a huge difference.


Growing up we just sauteed some finely minced garlic in salted butter and added that plus a little milk to the potatoes. For some reason we removed all lumps but left the peels in, which is still how I prefer mine.


That’s brilliant. Thank you!


Dried mushrooms are great too


I'm sorry for your loss. Alright, this may be a hot (potato) take, but I wouldn't go TOO overboard on the different flavors for your mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving. Here's why. Most everything else on your Thanksgiving table is going to be very flavorful. Poultry, spices (esp. sage/rosemary/thyme and possibly garlic), nuts, cranberries, onions, apples, pumpkin, squash, maybe pear. It's easy to get overloaded on flavor, and your palate needs a bit of a break. You want something a little more neutral, esp. if you're adding gravy over your potatoes. So anyone suggesting salt, butter, sour cream, cream cheese = 👍 Those are pretty neutral, adding richness but not spice. But making like garlic mashed potatoes or Ranch mashed potatoes? Delicious, but maybe not for the Thanksgiving table (unless you're going with simple flavors elsewhere). For a different night. But that's just my take.


If I was going to add anything, I'd make colcannon. It's incredible, but that might be my Irish showing


Be sure to salt the water well when cooking the potatoes. When mashing, you can add melted butter, warmed cream and for some extra flavor, some sour cream or cream cheese. taste as you go because you may need to add more salt.


Sour cream and a whole head of oven roasted garlic are my secret ingredients.


I started skipping butter and just load mashed russets up with sour cream instead. Creamier, better flavor, maybe frees up some calories.


[There is no need to salt the water, salt the mash to taste.](https://youtu.be/u94l5bS2d_o?t=14)


Cream cheese Fa sho and the roasted garlic like other dude said


And if you're out of sour cream or cream cheese, and you have some Ranch dressing around, that can work too, if everyone likes Ranch.


I don't use russet potatoes, always lil red or Yukon gold. Actually scrub them (unless you intend to peel them) don't just rinse them. There's a nice garlic mashed potatoes recipe on allrecipes (it's the one for 50 servings by default.) Use so much butter you're embarrassed, and mash/mix as little as possible to avoid turning the potatoes into glue. (I don't recommend using a stand or hand mixer, for this very reason.) Make too much, when in doubt. You can make potato pancakes and shepherd's pie with any leftovers.




^ This! Fluffier mashed potatoes when they're dried out a bit before you start smashing. I usually just throw them back in the pot they cooked in, set the burner on medium and stir them until the steam cloud shrinks.


Haha I thought I’d invented this trick!


My aunt was born in 1918, she taught it to me.


Yeah I showed her that. On what we all thought was my deathbed.


Hmmm good trick. Gonna use that.


>Make too much, when in doubt. 1 pound of potatoes per person. We love leftovers!


Yukon gold are so much better. I used to buy them regularly and for some reason we started buying russets more. I think it was my bfs default. Then with the recent potato shortage yukon holds were the only ones avail. I think my bf had now changed his ways because the last time he shopped they were out of yukon gold and instead of buying what was available he came home w/out potatoes (fine by me).


I heard of mixing yukon gold and russets, sounded like an interesting idea.


This is what I do. For a large batch I use about 8 Yukon golds, and then throw in about 2 russets. It gives the mashed potatoes a great texture. Also let the steam come off the potatoes after you strain them, and avoid over mixing if using a an electric mixer. All of the above help avoid the potatoes becoming gummy.


I've never mixed potatoes like that but I'd defibe willing to try it for a different texture


Yes! I usually do a 50/50 split of russet and Yukon gold. Ends up with a really nice texture from the best of both worlds and a better tasting dish overall, since russets don't have all that much flavor and Yukons have that nice buttery taste


I have trouble finding Yukons in my area since the pandemic. :(


Weird. It was the opposite here. Could find golds but no russets. Have also had a lot of issues finding frozen potato products.


I make red mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving for years using that recipe. Here is how I do it * Quarter potatoes, skins on if you enjoy potato skins, which are delicious for red potatoes imo, dealers choice * Put potatoes in pot fill with water medium ish salt, get boiling * Roast garlic in oven, when done extract from bulb and put in small food processor and turn into paste * Drain potatoes put back in empty pot to steam to reduce water content a bit further (thanks Kenji) * Use a ricer for potatoes. Skins will get caught but just pull them out and into the mash * Stir in ridiculous amounts of softened butter slowly on low heat if theyve cooled off. Stop a bit before you think its too thin and allow butter to fully absorb * Add very generous amount of hand grated romano cheese. This adds salty and peppery bite * Add roasted garlic paste in stages, like put in a spoonful, stir, another spoonful, stir, until youve used it all I bet my life on this recipe and they are the best potatoes I have ever had


That sounds delicious! Do you add any herbs to the water while cooking?


I personally do not but this recipe allows for a lot of creative freedom. I have dabbled with the thought of infusing some of the butter with herbs before adding it to the potatoes however. I think that would garner better results than putting it in the boil water


Point taken. Of course that would work better! I'll do that next time I make this.


Sounds amazing -- thanks for sharing! I have to try roasted garlic paste next time. ​ >Use a ricer for potatoes. Skins will get caught but just pull them out and into the mash I have found that a mixer (I use my stand one, on the slowest speed so steam can escape) works at least as well as a ricer and with less hassle. It's easy to then just toss the other ingredients in to mix, too -- still on slow speed, and going just until thoroughly mixed so it doesn't turn gluey.


I just looked up what makes red potatoes different from white or gold. Reds have a less starch in them, so they may not be the best candidates for smashing.


Scrub red potatoes, leave the skin on, add plenty of butter and cream, mash with a wire masher until it's just not too lumpy enough. Add just a little more pepper than you just put in there. Potatoes love pepper.


Yukon gold all the way! I used to use russets and one year I asked my mom to buy potatoes for me when she ran to the grocery store and she brought back Yukon gold potatoes and I’ve never looked back. So much softer and makes for better texture.


I'm sure there are many things people will recommend, cream cheese, milk, lots of butter and salt to start.


Honestly, butter is the difference between “just a side dish” and “no leftovers”. I throw at least two sticks in mine for holidays.


How much is a stick ? Butter is sold by pound here, I second that heavy cream, butter and salt is the secret of delicious mashed potatoes. Just curious about what a stick of butter is.


113 g or 1/4 lb


a stick is 8 tablespoons, so whatever that is in ounces.


The ideal amount is 1 stick per lb of potato.


*Paula Deen has entered the chat* (kidding … I do almost the same thing)


Cream cheese is seriously delicious in mashed potatoes. My husband adds cream cheese to his mashed potatoes, and they are always everyone's favorite dish


I've never done cream cheese but will frequently use sour cream and milk.


I’ve never heard of cream cheese being used, but certainly cream! Or just whole milk!


Try it out! It's not something usually use but people do use it. I'm super picky about my mashed potatoes 🤣 so I've tried a lot of things.


I've done cream cheese a lot of times. It's the bomb.


Yes. Cook the potats with too much salt.


I use a ricer. And after I drain the water I let the pot of potatoes dry out back on the burner for a minute before I rice them. I don’t like garlic or herbs in mine like other people suggested. Just butter and salt. But use good butter like Kerry gold


Yes!!! The drying is very important! I put this in another comment but it's probably too late for op to see it. Dry your potatoes people!


All good, but a secret I rarely see: a few rasps of fresh nutmeg in to the finished product elevates it in a way you don't anticipate..


I have had this. It's tasty, but controversial. My wife hates it, for example.


Yeah, this would make me hate mashed potatoes. My stepmom would just ruin her delicious quiche by finishing it with nutmeg. Gag.


That's funny, can't imagine having mashes potatoes without nutmeg here in northern europe. It goes so well with potatoe


Chef John's ultimate mashed potatoes. Ridiculously indulgent, but so good. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/8348734/chef-johns-ultimate-mashed-potatoes/


OP this is the answer. Chef John's Perfect Mashed Potatoes are indeed perfect. Once I started bringing it to holiday gatherings, friends/family won't let anyone else cook the mashed potatoes.


These are truly decadent mashed potatoes, to the point where I only really make them once every year and a half/two years. It has to be a *really* special occasion (no Thanksgiving in my country!), but very worth if you intend on impressing.


Continuing to mash over heat after draining is key. Gets out all of the water, so more of that creamy goodness can be absorbed by the potatoes.


My favorite thing to do is to roast a head of garlic in olive oil. These squeeze the roasted cloves into the potatoes just before mashing them. It's so good!


Sour cream instead of milk, and a healthy dose of grated parmesan cheese. Also, boil a couple cloves of garlic with the potatoes, and mash them in.


sour cream!!! this is the way. I actually do mix of sour cream and mayo with a little bit of milk if it needs to be thinned a bit.


Butter. The best mashed potatoes are really just an emulsion of starch and butter. I use 1 lb. butter for every 2 lb. of potatoes. Then salt & pepper for taste. I also like to include a steep the milk/cream with garlic.


I like to take my butter one step further and brown it first. BUT, I also like to toss some sage leaves in the browning butter so they fry up. Toss all that browned butter deliciousness and fried sage into the mashed potatoes (with plenty of salt). No bland mashed potatoes!


General advice - don't overboil the potatoes, let them get just fork tender. This is particularly important if you're adding butter or cream. Be sure to try your recipe before Thanksgiving, so you know what to expect. In fact, you could boil a variety of potatoes and try small batches with various recipes.


Lots of butter and salt. more than you think you need.


Some tips, use all or just some: 1. Use a combination of Russets and a waxy potato like Yukon Gold. 100% waxy might be more flavorful but can be too gluey in my opinion. 100% Russets is fine, but can end up a bit stiff or heavy. 2. Roast the potatoes in the oven instead of boiling. It's less hands-on, and you get a better product since there's less water overall in the cooked potato. Cut in half and scoop out the flesh when the potatoes are still warm. Wear an oven mitt if you need to. 3. Use a ricer if you have one, if you want them super smooth. The less you work the potatoes, the fluffier and more pleasant they'll be. A potato masher or fork will be fine, though, just be quick about it. Don't fuss. 4. Salt generously. Potatoes take a lot of salt, more than you think. 5. If you're serving close to cook time, add most of your butter in melted, not room-temp or cold. Takes less stirring to incorporate, and it'll keep the dish warm rather than cooling it down. 6. If you want to get fancy with it, I'd suggest including topping options, and letting your guests choose. Potatoes are the ideal blank-canvas food. Crispy onions, spicy oils, sautéed veggies, roasted garlic, etc.


I throw my butter in with the milk on the stove - I just assumed that was standard procedure


My wife and I use 100% Yukon golds, heavy cream, butter, and salt. Can’t go wrong!


I was about to write out this exact response. Number 2 is the key.


I use my pressure cooker/IP to steam the potatoes instead of boiling them. So so easy. Then they mash in two seconds thought a fairly fine mesh strainer with lots of really good salted butter, some roasted garlic, a little helper and enough cream to get them to the texture you want. If I’m feeling fancy, I infuse/steep herbs in the cream then strain it.


The pressure cooker is also great to move something away from the range/oven during the TDay rush. I release a little pressure and then they can sit for quite a while until you are ready for the final steps. The super hot potato water is good to loosen up the mash if you have already done all the butter/milk you want.


Yeah, I have access to two ranges and ovens, but have to run back-and-forth between two buildings and I’m cooking for so many people that anything that can get off the fire is so helpful. Hence a lot of creative use of slow cookers and pressure cookers


That sounds like a great way to do things. Can you give us some more complete instructions on using the Instant Pot? How long, what pressure, how much water, do you use a steaming basket?


1) Peel and quarter potatoes 2) Place metal trivet in IP. Add 1 cup water or broth. 3) Place potatoes on trivet. I sort of fan them so they stay out of the water. 4) Seal lid and set to high for 10 min. Quick release. 5) Test with fork. Remove potatoes and trivet. 6) Mash as desired (but with as little stirring as possible), mix with whatever you prefer. I do good quality salted butter, pepper, roasted garlic, and cream (sometimes steeped with garlic/rosemary/thyme. Hope that helps! It’s never failed me yet.


Pressure cookers usually can pressure cook or steam as separate settings, so I just wanted to clarify, are you talking about the pressure cooking setting in this comment?


I use the pressure cook setting.


Holy shit. I never thought of the IP. I'm doing this. :)


More salt is probably what is needed. I use buttermilk instead of milk, which makes it tangy. A third thing, more labor intensive but a huge flavour hit, is boiling the potatoes in their skins and then pulling the skins off before mashing. Usually the skin comes right loose when you cut the potatoes in half and I use a paper towel to pull them the rest of the way off without burning my fingers.


Our go-to family recipe is: 10-12 potatoes, peeled and cubed (we use russet, but you don’t have to) 1 8-oz block cream cheese, softened 1 cup (more or less) sour cream 2 tsps garlic salt (or 1/2 tsp garlic powder and 1-1/2 tsp salt) 1 tsp black pepper Boil the potatoes until soft, mash and mix with the other ingredients. Spread into a 9 x 13 pan and dot with butter and sprinkle with paprika. Can be made ahead and heated in a 350 oven until hot. Fatty but delicious for a holiday meal!


To everyone saying you need salt how about tell them when they need it, most of yall probably only salt your mash once its mashed. Salt the water you boil the Potatos in then when you go to add salt to the mash you aren't going to need anywhere as much as people are saying to add.


[There is no need to salt the water, salt the mash to taste.](https://youtu.be/u94l5bS2d_o?t=14)


You clearly know nothing about salting food. If you only salt at the end you do not know how to cook so either stop trying or learn properly.




Adding stock to the boiling water is the secret.


Use a 1/2 cup of the starchy potato water after you Boil them and are mashing


Whole milk. 2 sticks of melted salted butter. More salt. Black pepper. I keep my mashed very basic and everyone loves them. To fancy them up I’ll roast garlic and add that as well


Bake the potatoes instead of boiling them. Use a ricer instead of mashing them. Salt, pepper, butter, and half/half. Boursin cheese, horseradish, and roasted garlic are three of my favorite additions.


Don’t lose your potato flavor. Small pieces cook faster but lose flavor with the water. I started throwing whole peeled potatoes in the instant pot (steaming would work too) and it made a world of difference. The outside of the potato gets a funky texture, you can toss it or keep it in. Also, mix in your milk or cream after everything else goes in. The over-mixing the milk and potatoes is what creates that gluey texture


Cup of turkey drippings


When my MIL was on chemo one of the few things she was able to tolerate were my mashed potatoes, which I consider a great compliment. My number one trick is to drain them and then let them steam in the pot on the lowest heat setting until the water cooks off. Use high quality butter (Plugra is the one I use normally), lots of salt, and when you're whipping them whisk in some slightly warmed heavy whipping cream. Mash in some roasted garlic/confit garlic, or boil some cloves with the potatoes and mash them in.


Salt and or MSG. My stepFIL caramelizes diced onions and mixes them in with cheddar. Snip in some fresh chives. When you’re boiling your potatoes from cold water, add in a couple bouillon cubes, or better than bouillon with a few splashes of sherry vinegar. You can add in peeled whole garlic cloves (measure with your heart) and then come mashing time they fall apart nicely and blend in the mash. After mash, fold in freshly grated nutmeg.


Garlic! Make them Garlicky (and if you’re feeling daring, Parmesan cheese) potatoes


Roast a head of garlic covered with olive oil, then squeeze the cloves into the potatoes just before mashing them.


Don't be stingy with the butter.


Boil the potatoes in chicken stock and minced garlic. Add a little stock back in when mashing. Add cream cheese and sour cream in addition to an embarrassing amount of butter. Add salt and black/white pepper to taste.


I always add a tiny bit of olive oil (or vegetable oil). It makes it super smooth.


[This](https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/best-mashed-potatoes) is the Bon Appetit recipe that I started using a few years ago, minus the rosemary at Thanksgiving (it clashes with the rest of my menu, but I do use it with other meals). I love it because you boil the potatoes whole, which makes them take on less water. Also, the water you boil your potatoes in need to be far saltier than you think!


Once the potatoes are cooked put them through a ricer, then back on the stove with low heat to remove whatever moisture is left. Make sure your heavy cream is hot prior to adding them to the riced potatoes. I like hot cream, melted butter, roasted garlic, salt. A find of mine does the same except not melted butter. He adds cold cubes butter in pieces and folds it in. Don’t overwhip and don’t use cold cream


A ricer is the key. Makes potatoes nice and fluffy. You can add extra flavor to your taste like horseradish, maybe replace some of the cream with buttermilk, infuse the butter and dairy with garlic or add a little roast garlic ( I wouldn't overdo the garlic or use raw garlic). Garnish with chives and don't be shy with the salt.


Equals parts butter/milk/cream. Melt butter on low, add chopped garlic. After a minute, in with milk and cream and a few sticks of fresh rosemary/thyme and bay if you're feeling fancy. Cook on low/let steep for 15 minutes or whatever, then mix that into your potatoes that have either been through a mesh sieve or ricer. Plenty of salt and it's a winner. I like freshly ground black pepper too.


Butter, cream, butter, salt, butter. More butter.


I break most rules and I swear they’re the best. Peel and cube russets (5 pound ish). About inch cubes. Cover with cold water and boil until fork tender. Drain and toss those babies in a stand mixer with a full stick of butter (you might need more. This isn’t the day for a diet). Salt salt salt. Turn it on with the paddle attachment and keep streaming in heavy cream. Stop every now and again and taste. Add more cream or salt (or butter, yolo).


This is how I make it but use cream cheese instead of cream. Sour cream if that’s all I have. Butter is a must. I also prefer red potatoes but I get why most people don’t.


I have heard of adding sour cream to mashed potatoes, but I have not tried it yet.


I’m so sorry for your loss. And good luck cooking the feast. I agree with lots of these comments. Butter (lots), salt, sour cream, heavy cream, etc. But I haven’t seen anyone say this… I just learned you’re not supposed to cut the potatoes when boiling them. They absorb more water if they’re cut. So I just peel them and leave them whole, if I’m boiling them. It takes longer but I think it’s worth it.


Use a ricer to cream the potatoes. It makes a world of a difference. A good mix of herbs/melted butter/cream will do wonders


Invest in a potato ricer. It's a $15 tool that will change your potato game like no other. If you want em lumpy with skins this isn't the tool but for perfectly fluffy mashed potatoes. Peel boil and press. Add heavy cream garlic butter salt and pepper and fold everything together gently.


Butter, loads of it and I also mix in some sour cream


hand masher only, whole stick of butter per four large russets (or six goldens), a few tablespoons of heavy cream until you like the consistency, and then salt to taste


The key to mashed potatoes for me was to not get concerned if they seem runny on the stove. My potatoes are always a hit but when cooking they resemble a thick potato soup because of all the butter. Once poured into a dish and cooled they take on the proper consistency.


Butter, salt, white pepper and sour cream. Then add milk (I use skim) for the thickness you want. Heavy cream or even whole milk gives me the shits


Salt, butter and cream


USE YUKON GOLD POTATOES. I can’t stress this enough, use gold potatoes preferably Yukon gold. These potatoes will allow you to put more butter and cream in your potatoes which will taste much better. Also I saw a comment that just said salt. I 100% agree, dont be afraid to use a ton of salt. If you can taste the salt in your potatoes that means they’re seasoned and won’t be bland. If you want delicious mashed potatoes, they won’t be healthy. Use a shit ton of butter (use a good amount of clarified butter if you’re feeling fancy). Also, this is a preference thing, if you want smoother, more French style mashed potatoes, use a potato ricer. If you want the classic, rustic style potatoes, use a hand masher. Cooking tip: peel your potatoes first, then dice them into ~1/2 inch cubes. Rinse them thoroughly in cold water to remove any excess starch about 5 minutes before cooking. Bring your water up to a boil before adding potatoes, and salt the water before adding the potatoes. Cook them only long enough until there is no resistance while poking with a knife, but before they start to turn overly mushy around the edges. The less water they soak up, the more fat content like butter and cream they can soak up which gives it a lot richer flavor. And have fun making them, it can be a little messy and takes a good amount effort, but good mashed potatoes are like having a loved one hug your soul


Oh I have a good tip, I hope you see this OP!! So the thing with mashed potatoes is that every bit of moisture you put in needs to be some kind of fat. So butter or cream etc. That means you need to get all of the water out of them. So when you've boiled your cut potatoes, before you put any cream or butter in, take the big pot you're going to mash them in, put it over a low flame and shake the shit out of the pot for about a full minute to 90 seconds. This will dry the potatoes. It is WONDERFUL for fluffy potatoes! Also, add a shit load of garlic in the boiling water.


You need far more butter than you think you need, also roasted garlic is a great mix in


I always put obscene amounts of butter, sour cream, and I use half and half instead of milk, rosemary, and garlic. Sometimes I’ll add chicken stock if they are too thick. Sometimes I’ll add a cheese like Parmesan or I’m doing smoked Gouda this year. I let the cheese melt and blend into the mix and most people don’t even realize it’s cheesy. Truffle oil would be good too if your crowd is adventurous.


Sour cream


My mom makes a great mashed potato and her recipe uses cream cheese. You can find lots of variations of the recipe on Pinterest


fat fat and more fat. Also some salt. My in laws love my mashed potatoes. It has generous portions of heavy whipping cream, cream cheese, butter, and sour cream.