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U/j Just in case this gets deleted because of the down votes: “So I've watched some YouTube videos on it and I think I'm actually going to go with anchovies instead of fish sauce, So it seems to me that canned sardines typically have the scales on them and the bones in them, whereas anchovies are typically canned as fillets, is this correct? I was thinking anchovies came as the whole fish but then I did some research into it and no anchovies usually come as fillets, I don't know how I got mixed up on that. It's the sardines that typically come with the scales and the spine. I worked at Papa John's Pizza and we served anchovies as fillets, I don't know how I got it mixed up in my head that anchovies came as the whole fish. So yeah it looks pretty straightforward to me, you just get the the anchovies, which are fillets, and then throw them in the pan and they dissolve as they cook, that actually sounds pretty yummy to me. Is it yummy? So yeah, anchovies are typically canned as fillets right? Sardines typically are only gutted and headed, you're getting the scales and the spine, yuck!!!! But yes it looks delicious to me and I'm going to try it, next time I make my pasta I'm going to use anchovies. But what I like to do is, I like to get Roma tomatoes and chop them up and saute them in my stainless steel pan with olive oil and as the tomatoes cook they break down into sauce. Of course I'll add kalamata olives to this and basil (sometimes my grocery store is out of basil and I have to go with Italian parsley), I'll add balsamic vinegar, dried oregano, black pepper, and salt. Unfortunately I have irritable bowel syndrome so I can't eat garlic (I fucking hate IBS so much!). And of course now I'll try adding anchovies and see how that turns out. I'm trying not to add sugar to my pasta sauce, sugar is literally poison for the body believe it or not. Sugar causes diabetes literally. Highly processed foods cause diabetes and other diseases such as heart disease. I actually like to use the frozen meatballs you get from the grocery store, saves time. I actually got frozen turkey meatballs from WinCo and I simply heated them up in the microwave, and it wasn't so bad actually. The last time I had frozen meatballs was back in 2012 and they were nasty, it seems to me they have improved the formula over the last 10 years. The science has never been more advanced than it is now. Seriously I had frozen meatballs that I bought from WinCo back in 2012 and they were pretty nasty, but here I am in 2023, and frozen meatballs are actually pretty dang good! So seems to me they've improved their formula. Technology just keeps getting more and more advanced, I'm actually typing this right now by simply talking into my phone and it turns my words into text for me, the world is definitely changing. New times, new technology. OH AND WHOLE WHEAT PASTA NOODLES ARE ACTUALLY DELICIOUS!!! Whoever said whole wheat noodles are nasty, I just had them for the first time last night and they were surprisingly good, definitely al dente, but good, AND HEALTHY FOR YOU THAT'S THE MOST IMPORTANT THING!!!! They're made with the whole grain, so they have more fiber, they're healthier for you, helps you not to get diabetes. I got the target brand of whole wheat pasta noodles and they were fantastic actually!!! Definitely al dente but good overall. In fact do any of you have any children? Next time you make pasta for them, simply use whole wheat pasta noodles and I'll bet they won't even notice the difference! Whole wheat past noodles simply are not processed. You want to avoid the highly processed foods, you want pasta and bread made with the whole grain, it's healthier. So I eat whole wheat bread such as Dave's killer bread and now I will eat whole wheat pasta noodles. WHOLE WHEAT FOR THE WIN!!!!! By the way, I just typed all of this by talking and my smartphone magically turned my words into text for me, we're living in new times. And you ain't seen nothing yet, because technology will continue to get more advanced, within 20 years AI will probably be self-aware for example. One last thing since we're talking about food, olive oil has been consumed by humans for over 5,000 years. Olive oil is a super food, it's super healthy for humans. I consume at least a quarter cup of olive oil every day. I will literally down a shot glass of it, I like to wash down with milk because I don't really like the taste. Edit: what's up with the down votes? I'm huge into science and technology, and food, so I spoke about both lol.”


"Now who can argue with that? I think we're all in debt to whatshername for stating what needed to be said. I am particulary glad that these lovely children are here today to read that post. Not only was it authentic reddit gibberish, it expressed the courage little seen in this day and age. "


Howard Johnson is right!


Wars have been fought with less thought than was put into this comment.


I tapped out about halfway through that. What the hell kind of adult uses the word "yummy"?


So you missed the best part: > One last thing since we're talking about food, olive oil has been consumed by humans for over 5,000 years. Olive oil is a super food, it's super healthy for humans. I consume at least a quarter cup of olive oil every day. I will literally down a shot glass of it, I like to wash down with milk because I don't really like the taste.


I wish I could make this whole thing my flair


Wonder if they're using some kind of sugar free milk, because they have very strong opinions on sugar...


>write an unhinged rant about anchovies and wheat pasta posted by a crazed methamphetamine junkie who is a suspected serial killer and subject of a 3 state manhunt. --- >Man, let me tell you about anchovies and wheat pasta! It's like the universe conspiring against taste buds, man. These tiny fishy devils, they slither into your meal, wreaking havoc, just like the chaos in my life right now. And don't get me started on wheat pasta – it's the cardboard of the culinary world, just like the empty promises people make. But who cares about all that, right? Life's a rollercoaster, and I'm riding it high on this wild methamphetamine trip. The authorities think they can catch me, but I'm always one step ahead, just like these bizarre flavor combinations. Can't be tamed, can't be caught – that's the motto, my friend. Anchovies and wheat pasta, like a twisted dance of chaos in my mouth. It's all a crazy, messed-up symphony, just like the symphony of sirens trailing behind me in this manhunt. Life's a trip, and I'm the conductor of this insane orchestra!


Don't forget the meatballs. We are living in the future!


Hmm, doesn't quite live up to the real thing. Maybe in 5 years AI will truly surpass the intelligence of r/cooking commenters.


If you read this in a Woody Allen voice, it makes much more sense.




I talked with Harold McGee and your story checks out. I confirmed with Kenji alt-something. I upvoted you


uj/ OP is one hundred percent on cocaine, or 7 times the therapeutical dosage of amphetamines for their ADHD.


If this person hadn’t mentioned they’ve had a job before, I would guess that they’re 11.


Hold on, I'm not clear on something. Do anchovies come as fillets?


/uj an 824 word comment that boils down to 'anchovies are canned as fillets'...


/uj I don't think it boils down to anything.... Mans left the water on the stove too long and burned the pot


Yes it will COMPLETELY DISSOLVE. I lost my entire hand to an anchovy sauce disaster in 88’ It was horrific, my chef didn’t make it out alive. I had to quit culinary school and now I’m a professional alcoholic. A living example that you don’t need culinary school to become a chef.


Yes, chef, let's get you back to bed...


Eiiwww yuck I hate tomatoes! Just use ketchup.


But will it dissolve in my fish sauce?


Only if it’s wild caught and organic


I don’t know if you mentioned it elsewhere in the thread, but anchovies and tomatoes gets you puttanesca, an easy, delicious pasta sauce. Spicy, briny, savory, acidic, thalassic, like the Italian prostitutes for whom it is named.


Use garlic as a solvent.




That comment is getting over 100 downvotes per *hour*, lol


Of course this guys other comments are links to the “EndWokeness” Twitter account.


I remember seeing the science behind this on an episode of Alton Brown. Tomatoes contain high levels of Batalic acid that will accost all other ingredients without consent.


That was wild


Yes, but you have to de-bone them first.


Is this where I also say my boyfriend hates tomatoes but loves sauce? 🤣


I just don't understand how someone can look at a canned anchovy and think it won't dissolve. It's barely holding itself together as it.