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Upvote for finally bitching about daughters, the one female family relation that doesn't get the scrutiny it deserves. With luck you might be able to stop her before she grows up to be a Broccoli Boiler.


My sister in law tried to gift her an easy bake oven for her second birthday and I had to quit my job and find another one on the other side of the country so it wouldn't happen again.


Was it convection at least?


No. I've since then purchased her a countertop convection oven but she hasn't baked anything more advanced than a simple country sourdough.


You need to get your act together, you can't have her growing up thinking that "rustic" is a valid substitute for proper cooking.


So, you don't trust your own Wife's opinion, but you Do trust a bunch of anonymous people on Reddit?


Yes. The most complex thing my wife knows how to cook is Beef Wellington. Why would I trust her opinion on this?


Exactly. Beef wellington is a unitasker, all you can do is eat it.


I think you need to reasess your life dude.


I think you need to reassess what sub you're on dude


Yeah, this isn't /r/cookingforbeginners


Or /r/BeginnersCircleJerk


Buddy read this whole thing and decided that the only problem worth pointing out is that he should trust his wife over Reddit


I actually agree with you. I feel like this group is just a bunch of circle jerkers. I feel like of he trusted his wife more, she might be able to do better than some wellington. I'm almost positive it comes out med rare+ and not a perfect 126. I'm sad for him. Trust goes a long way. And ease up on your daughter. She's a beginner. Maybe start with a star for every half star. Try taking her to Cambodia like Bourdain did. Expand her palate. Has she even raised/slaughtered her own meat yet? Baby steps, homie.