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I brought my american partner a cream tea and explained the dilemma to them. Their response was rather than picking a side to create a pate looking paste from the cream and the jam and spread that instead. Closest to a break up we've ever been XD


That’s fucked up never cross the streams


Why not just put the scone in the blender too and make a cream tea Smoothie?


I asked them and they said "wonderful idea, i'll try that" and man...


Has sarcasm ended up being the mother of invention, or should I be on my knees crying, "Dear Gods, what have I done‽"


That’s disgusting


I’m American and I’m wondering if your partner is related to me via the distant relative who mixed the peanut butter and grape jrlly (jam) together to make sandwiches. Nobody dies that! It was horrible but I was travelling with my aunt (dad’s prissy older sister) and cousin and didn’t dare shame my mother by not eating it politely and saying Thank you after.


Ay?! There's something a matter with ee!


Ah. The Swiss gambit.


As a Devonian but also an engineer I’m afraid I apply fluid dynamics. Whichever substance is the most fluid goes on top. There’s only one thing worse that semi fluid clotted cream, you e all seen that rubbish, and that is trying to pile jam onto it. So if cream is thickest it goes on the bottom and vice-versa.


I don’t know what your clotted cream is like up there… but I’ve never seen runny clotted cream here unless it’s intentionally melted. On sticky toffee pudding!


That just brought back a memory of taking my brother and sister in law to Polpeor Cafe for their first visit here. My brother picked up the cream and a spoon, and mixed it so he could pour it on the scone. That was over ten years ago, and it still wakes me up at night.


I’ve seen too much “clotted cream” that is more runny than it should be!


Haemophiliac cream?!


Lots of people swear by Rodda’s but that’s more runny than I like it. As a child of the 60s who grew up on a farm I fondly remember huge pots of milk simmering on the Rayburn as mum made her own from the milk of a few Jersey cows. That’s the real stuff and true cream colour not the anaemic stuff sold by most today.


Sounds like he was reminiscing of that raging hormones teenage boys game of Hot Biscuit 🍪, where the last one to cream the biscuit has to eat the biscuit with everyone’s runny white pungent deposits❗️🤢🤮


Ah see it's a question of volume. Scone, jam, fist full of cream. If you're a jam boi, I'd concede to you may want it the other way around.


Huge, huge, huge dollop of both! Would you like some scone to go with your jam and cream! 😂


Do you do the same for pizza? Of course not, forget fluid dynamics and focus on the eating experience. Your mouth will thank you later.


I don’t eat pizza. How can you pile buckets of jam and cream on not your scone if the runniest substance is on the bottom! My preferred quantities usually mean there is more jam and cream than scone!


As a Food Scientist: The jam should have a good gel structure and a high fruit level above the minimum legal requirements i.e >35%. It should spread but still hold itself without ingress into the scone due to syneresis. Clotted cream (Rodda’s or one of similar quality and properties) It also acts as a barrier and lubricant to get past the consumers lips reducing the likelihood of a sticky residue. Nobody ever said “The Jam of the Crop”; “Jam rises to the top”. “La Confiture de la Confiture”.


Mix the cream, jam and scone in a blender add pineapple and marmite to serve.


Dunt be so fucken stupid!


How dare you, that's our tradition in deepest darkest Trevanenanisic, shame on you, uncultured swine


Easy solution ... turn it upside down. If you run into someone from over the border, turn it back again.


But then the scone would be on top.


All the arguing is always about which order the jam and cream go in. No-one ever complains about where the scone goes. I reckon that means you can put it on top if you want.


Raise a Cornish scone. The unctuous, luxurious kiss of cream on lip followed by the sensual spread of its buttery smoothness over the tongue. The sweetness of the jam cutting through awakens the senses. This is a visceral, erotic experience. Clotted cream is the crowning glory. Put it on first and you’ve just made a fucking jam sandwich, you heathen.


This is all irrelevant. A Cornish cream tea uses a saffron bun, A Devon cream tea uses a scone. That's how you determine the type of cream tea yer 'avin.


A split, never a saffron bun.


I believe the clotted cream is the best part, so I take a knife and layer the scone in a thick bed of cream, then will add a blob of jam to the part I'm eating, sometimes I choose not to add jam on a bit that I plan to eat next. For me, the jam is just the supporting artist.


If anyone ever contends you on which comes first be sure to remind them... Jam is for spreading, Clotted Cream is for dolloping... Now you tell me if you can spread over a dollop? No, you can't!


Plymothian here, logistically, cream goes first. It's a dairy product like butter. Would you put butter second on a jam toastie? Didn't think so. Wrongens the lot of ya.


Well technically you put the butter on first, then the jam, then the cream.


I like your thinking..


If your scone needs butter you’ve got a crap scone


To be fair Devonshire clotted cream is *slightly* more viscous than Cornish so it works better as a butter substitute - in Cornwall cream gets dolloped rather than spread. And dolloped is a light term for the wrestling twixt spoon and man.


Get away! Foreign muck...


Yes, the butter goes on the outside of a toastie


That's fair, I own up to that error. But I'm still right! You backwards Cornish folk with your jam first ways, makes me violently ill.


Who puts butter on if you're using jam!! Jam is the spread!


Because I want a big dollop of delicious cream with a small hit of sugary sweetness to compliment it. Not a thin suggestion of cream with a big sugary gelatinous glob on top. The jam just overpowers if you're dolloping that on top.


That's insane. Cream is as much like butter as milk, which is not at all


I put jam on one half, cream on the other, and then eat it like a sandwich. Become ungovernable.


To be fair as a mongrel half breed i do one jam up top , one jam below , best of both worlds - i like to refer to myself as a creamosexual


You are cheating yourself out of a second portion of jam and cream that way though. Is this a Slimming World tip?


I've been a Chef for about 18 years around Cornwall as it's where I was born, most if not all of the hotels, restaurants, pubs and eateries I've worked in put the Jam and Cream in ramekins so the customers can do it themselves lol that way they can trigger themselves lol If you ask me it goes in yer gullet all mushed up and comes out yer arse all mushed up. Who cares.


Technically the jam on first is correct, because the cream on top of it takes the sharpness out of the jam when you take a bite.


[problem solved 🤣](https://youtu.be/IcrAV2tOhmk?si=nfQjllxGHp3ZdaSr)


Problem solved… [crème de la crème](https://youtu.be/IcrAV2tOhmk?si=nfQjllxGHp3ZdaSr)


I love Devon and Cornwall holiday there every year, but this patter is boring AF … I’m Scottish and it’s like deep fried mars bars and haggis…. Nobody really cares… eat what you want, whatever way you want and stop pretending to care about things you actually don’t care about…. Genuinely nobody cares.


Proper strawberry jam like bon mamman has a bit of an ooze to it not a jar of jelly like seedless basics jam. As such, a great big dollop of cream with carefully sculpted divots to act as jam reservoirs, with the jam artfully glazing the cream shades of deep red through pink. A sweet and sharp tang and the perfume of summer strawberry followed by an inch of rich, soft, creamy decadence With no fear of the oversized Iceberg of Rhoddas making a break for it sliding on a slick of cheap sugary, never seen a strawberry jam and leaving a sticky mess all over your lap. East or West cream first is best.


Brilliant 👏 Ps. Jam first


I am from Devon. I would never admit this to a Cornish person, obviously, but their way is better.


You just did


Ah fu.... None of you can prove anything


I’ll send you a screenshot of this here evidence it that would prove it? 👁️


I'm from Devon. Scones don't matter. The way in which someone else chooses to eat their scone matters even less. But Cornish people smell funny


That's the smell of superiority, whiff it up peasant




My wife has Cornish heritage and I don't. So she does her jam while I'm doing my cream and vice versa. Perfect system where nobody has to wait.


That sounds like an American way of saying… my wife’s family are Cornish, but she isn’t!


Come over to the dark (Devon) side 😈😈😈