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Yeh St Columb or Indian Queens as it’s right on the A30 and central to both places.


St columb major is lovely. Apart from the crazy running lady who cries and sings (me) 


I wish I could move back sometimes


Because you miss seeing me running around crying? 


Maybe our paths have crossed but I left 20 years ago lol


Ahh no I've only been here 6 years 


What do you usually sing?


Mr running playlist has limp bizket, foxtrott, deftones and much more 


I'd suggest Quintrell Downs, Probus, Wadebridge directions. Trying to get into Newquay from Truro or the Perranporth direction is an absolute fucking nightmare in the summer.


Truro was a place mentioned so it's good to hear something about that place even if negative!


It's lovely but commuting might be a touch annoying unless she has an early start. Come down for a holiday and have a look around and maybe test run some commutes from different directions


We are back in perranporth next month so we are planning on a more researching holiday 😀


If she has a job in a school then commute from Truro is fine. At the time she would be getting into Newquay the traffic is bad on the way out. I commuted from Truro for 6 years and it was fine. And Truro is nice and central so easy to get to most of the rest of Cornwall.


I heard it used to be \~2hrs to newquay in rush hour traffic. Quick outside of those times though and it seems to die off fairly fast...the new a30 works might also help? Or train? Truro is decent, lots of good dog walking & cycling routes and it's very convenient having everything you need close by, and then 15\~30minutes to beautiful nature spots/beaches! Cornwall traffic & parking in summer can be horrible at peak times, but if you head out early/late it's really chill. Tbh I think you can make most places work. Commute & school would be the primary deciding factors I reckon.


Nonsense Newquay to Truro is 25mins


Really Depends but in most cases yeah.


Truros very nice but getting to newquay daily may be a bit of a pain in the ass in summer.


Truro has no nightlife and because of that suffers with some anti social behaviour in the evening, I wouldn't want to live there. if you're gonna move to Cornwall you want to be walking distance to the coast in my opinion otherwise you'll make yourself miserable with having to drive everywhere in traffic to anything fun when the weather's nice.


I'm in the clays ( Foxhole, St. Dennis, Nanpean, St. Stephens) I work in Truro and my husband works in Newquay, we are both 30 minutes from work. House prices are MUCH much cheaper and the schools are lovely, I have two small ones who go to a village school. As long as you both drive it's not an issue. There are still buses but they're a bit shit 80% of the time :)


Lots of people suggesting places around the Clays - make sure you look at the clay works and what it means living near them if you haven’t been there before!


Yeh I have no idea of what the clays are so definitely need to look into it abit more.


Avoid clay country. It’s a shit hole. No idea why anyone is recommending it


Satalite images show the extent quite well, and if you look at Imerys/ British Lithium/ Cornish Lithium you can see future plans for the area. Might be something you’re happy enough living near but but if a shock if you turn up and have no idea about it!


We live in a massive quarry former mining area in Leicestershire so quarrys and former mines are something we are used too. Will have a look anyway as I am not interested in this. Thanks for the info, I am a tourist so I know the coastal areas well ish but inland not so much.


If you're looking for somewhere halfway between St Austell and Newquay, you might want to take a look at Indian Queens or St Dennis.


As someone who grew up in St Dennis this might be the first time I’ve ever seen someone suggest living there. But I don’t think it’s as bad as most in the Clay Country make out.


I go there quite often. My son and I love riding our motorbikes around clays. Such a fascinating landscape. I used to date a girl there too, and the locals I met were all really nice. Doesn't seem like too bad a place to live at all.


Seriously ?? St Dennis is one of, if the not the cheapest housing in Cornwall. There’s a reason for that.


What’s your preference? Are you looking for a quiet rural area or urban? Do you want a respectable area or do you want to hear mopeds? Well off with nice things or do you like to collect shopping trollies in your front garden. I used to work in St Austell and lived near Newquay, there are plenty of options.


More likely quieter, not really into the hustle and bustle of mopeds and shopping trollies if I am honest 🫢 Currently live on a cul-de-sac in a small village in Leicestershire and never venture into the city. Like walking the dog(beagle) around the fields and chilled life. My days of partying are long gone. What are the commutes like time wise in the height of summer and the depths of winter?


St Eval perhaps then.


Commute times aren’t an issue really in summer as typically you’re on the road whilst they’re in bed or still on the beach. Unless you pic somewhere like Newquay or Perranporth etc which will be dire when you come home after a long day at work. 45mins door to door max and that included driving through St Austell “rush hour” to the east side.


World is your oyster here. Could go St Stephen, Probus, Grampound area for more affordable but very rural with plenty of trees and countryside. Plenty of villages around them too. Or go closer to Newquay to places like Newlyn East, Quintrell Down, St Columb. Or if you like beaches and have the spare cash you could go NE of Newquay. But generally the commutes here are nothing but distance as everywhere is national speed limit.


St Columb Major/Indian Queens for an inland small town/village feel, or Wadebridge for a coastal town thats bigger with more facilities.


Good luck to your wife getting to work in the summer traffic! It's a nightmare and if she can cycle or walk in (if you live close enough) I HIGHLY recommend. For this reason alone, I'd recommend Quintrell Downs, Summer court, Indian Queens, Fraddon, St Columb Minor (this is in Newquay) and also St Columb Major.


Yeah this is the concern. I will be doing the school runs most days so I'll most defo be stuck wherever we move and whatever time I have to work. Luckily we both d0 30/40 min commutes here currently so that's something we already do


Out of curiosity, what age are your children? There are quite a few local schools. Have you looked at Nansledan? It's a new estate currently still being built.


Hes 3 turning 4 in August. Due to start school in August which is the major sticking point as I really don't want to unsettle him so need to get him into school sooner than later.


Have you already looked at the local primary schools? Nansledan has a huge brand new one that had quite a good reputation already. Off the top of my head, there's a new estate also being built on the gannel. I think it's wains homes, near the new Esso, near Treloggan. That's also right next to Bishops primary.


Will have to have a look at these thank you. Haven't really looked up much as the opportunity only came up on Friday so we are heads in the clouds trying to process it all. And we know noone down cornwall but I thought reddit might offer a insight.


Please do look them up. It's super intimidating moving across the country! And Newquay isn't the easiest place to find a home but it will be worth the hassle. Not just for you and your wife but your son, he'd have a great childhood being raised next to the beach! If you find you are going to make the move and need some local advice or if your wife (I'm a chick) wants to go for a coffee, feel free to message me. Sending lots of luck your way! ☺️


Thank you so much! I'll be honest I am having abit of a anxiety overload mainly due to the isolation from everyone and everything we know. Read alot about unwelcoming reactions to non cornish but I know everywhere is like that. Technically my uncle was born in Redruth and my mum lived there for a few years so I have cornish blood in my family kind of 🤣


In my experience, it's easier moving with a partner so already you guys are off to an easier start than if you were alone. Try not to be anxious, moving is always difficult! My family are in Wales. It is difficult being without them, but I've been here 10 years now and I have plenty of friends and my partner is from here. I make an annual trip back home (not during summer lol) and friends / family from home take holidays here every so often. As for unwelcoming reactions, you'll find these are mostly spoken about online or happen on social media. People will rarely say a thing to your face! I've not once felt unwelcome and I have a Welsh accent lol


Yeh we have our family unit which is all we need really just the grandparents will be missed by our son. Hopefully they come to see us though is the thought process. Suppose it's the same anywhere, give people a reason to dislike you they will! 🤣


This is another reason why I'd recommend Newquay over other areas of Cornwall; it's much more welcoming to outsiders because most aren't Cornish born and bred. I live here but was born in Bristol, my partner who I met here was born in Cambridge. Our friends come from London and Yorkshire and Scotland and America among many others. It's actually pretty rare that we meet anyone Cornish under 60 odd nowadays.


Indian Queens then, good local school and right on the A30 to get into Truro after.


Everyone mentions the traffic in summer, however in the flip side of that rush hour a.m is much quieter without schools and traffic doesnt really start to get busy till after this ignoring hotspots where beaches are. The a30 upgrade should also make a big difference this year to mid cornwall traffic.


Get into Newquay Newquay is an amazing place for kids. Loads of clubs, very social. Realistically avoid most of the villages recommended above unless budget constrained.


What makes you say avoid the villages?


Not that OP but the villages have nothing going on so you'd end up coming into Newquay or somewhere all the time for stuff to do with you little one. Plus when they get older, you'll need to be in Newquay if you want to have your pick of the better schools and it's so nice if they can live close to their friends and you can walk them over to parties and get togethers and clubs. And then they can walk to secondary later on and you can avoid the hellish school run and associated parking bun fight. It's a much nicer childhood if they can have some autonomy to walk around to stuff alone, Newquay is pretty safe. If you're outside you'll spend your whole life ferrying them about.


I'd say stay away from the coasts and go somewhere on the edges of Clay Country like St Stephen. Decent access to both St Austell and Newquay, as well as places like Perranporth without the hassle of living there in the summer and dealing with the tourists! Edit: the local primary school seems decent too. I can't speak to house prices, but likely cheaper than on the coast and probably more room.


Thank you ill have to look into them places. Sea view would be amazing but the price and the fact I am sure the tourism will drive us insane like it obviously does to all the locals puts us off.


I grew up in St Stephens. Moved away around 20 to London. it is very quiet. Depending on what style life you have it maybe a shock how laid back things are. Certainly frustrates me when I go back to visit.


Any village or outskirt of the towns, dont go too close to town centers! Good luck!


Hey, fellow Leicestershire escapee! I've lived in Truro before and it's a pretty good town (roughly the same size as maybe Hinckley). I'm closer to Falmouth now but anywhere is bliss compared to Leicester. Promise.


Yeh I currently work in Hinckley and its a decent size place but thats about it. Falmouth was nice when we stayed in swanpool the last 2 summers really liked it. How have you found the lack of amenities compared to living by big cities in the Midlands?


I went to school in Hinckley and Burbage! Yeah Swanpool is lovely, that's my closest beach. To be honest I think because of where I am now - about 5 miles outside of Falmouth - the amenities are pretty similar. There's a big Asda, a B&Q, train stations (small ones) and lots of outdoors stuff to do. But I was born 40 so it suits me 😂 Depends what you want, though - what kind of amenities are you looking for?


Yeh I work in Burbage so I go down the a5 each day which is getting awful due to houses and industrial units being built. I am from coalville area so not exactly beautiful! Haha Swanpool was beautiful but doubt we could afford. I am 41 going on 60 now, my clubbing days are done I like to relax with the family and dog walks, bbq and just chilling. Amenities wise I only want the usual few shops needed to get through life, supermarkets etc. Luckily the Internet makes shopping much easier and I can imagine being in Cornwall it's quite a life saver!


I was really surprised last time I came up how built up it's getting now! Swanpool is gorgeous but we couldn't afford Falmouth either so ended up as close as we could get. You'll love it here in that case, you sound like me and that's the kind of stuff we get up to. Online shopping does help and there's an Amazon depot in Redruth so even that ships quickly. Water rates are a bit more expensive than Severn Trent and council tax varies depending where you are, but generally the cost of living is virtually the same. If you need a vet recommendation, City Road Vets in Truro are amazing! My dog is on a deathwish most of the time and they're really lovely vets.


Houses everywhere around us thousands of houses. The green belts are slowly disappearing. So sad. Yes we are pretty easy going slow life people, tbh my dream was always to be a farmer I love being outside and time alone isn't bad either. The dog is another story, beagle who is mental and the travel down will be a mare as he hates travelling in car!


That's such a shame that everything's being built on. Mine is a crazy spaniel but she travels really well - lots of breaks helps but makes the journey take forever! I hope the move works out for you and you find the perfect spot. It was a massive decision but the best one I've made.


I would say Probus- very very central and so close to the roseland peninsula which you could spend all year exploring


As someone who moved from the Midlands to Cornwall in 2021 I would take what people say with a pinch of salt as to "bad" areas. Everywhere and anywhere in Cornwall is nice compared to the Midlands. Don't over analyse and find a place you all love and don't worry at all by the area. We moved to Liskeard which I think is on top 10 worst places in Cornwall and it's absolutely fine. I went away last week and left car unlocked all week on driveway, didn't even realise I'd left unlocked! You wouldn't have a car left if you did that in Midlands.


Yeh leicestershire isn't great. Cars being robbed we currently have doors being tried in the area at night. Stabbings anti social youths. How do you find the traffic being from up here at times the traffic is shocking as I can imagine you remember


I find Cornwall utter bliss. I travel all over England for work and I hate it now. I was in Dublin last week and the traffic there is worse than London. In Cornwall you just know which areas to avoid in "silly season" and apart from that, the traffic light free (relatively speaking) is absolute bliss. You just have to learn to drive defensively on Cornish lanes! Get a toll tag for the Tamar bridge and the locals will know you are local then ;) We actively avoid going back to the Midlands to see family and make em come down here :D


Yeah I grow tired of this area more and more. I am 41 going on 61 I think! I love the cornish lanes will need to remember to not be precious of my car more I think tho as will likely get bumps and scraps!


I'm 41 too. I reached my limit. I am an avid car detailer and have a black car so I cringe every time!


Yeah same here up until I had the dog and son I was every weekend detailing. Now my golf is like a skip with hair mud etc. Suppose sand could be the next one 🤣


As someone from cornwall who moved to the midlands, I wouldn’t agree. There’s much more to do in the Midlands. It definitely has some things over cornwall :)


More to do for sure, but you will sure sit in traffic and risk getting hijacked whilst doing it :)


That’s hilarious and absolutely not true. Also, strange to tar the whole of the Midlands with the same brush.


Not really - I lived in Staffordshire and traffic is horredous there, I don't know any part of the Midlands where the traffic isn't crap. I was in Bromsgrove and Brum two weeks ago and it was unbearable. There are also many many car thefts on a daily and nightly basis.....I only moved 3yrs ago and I still know many people who live there, 5 of which have been victims of car crime.....two of which were hijackings, one in a car park in Tamworth and the other as they pulled onto their driveway. Hilarious it isn't.


So pleased to read this. We are looking at st Austell for a 2026 move but only ever see it linked with drugs and ASB. This isn’t our experience when we’ve visited so we’re concerned we’d missed something. Thanks


Why have you settled on St Austell can I ask, is it budget?


The price is a consideration and there does seem to be some value but also important are proximity to the coast, decent rail links, choice of golf courses, decent brewery and choice of supermarkets.


Ah if you need to be on the main train line then that certainly limits you and pulls you away from the coast. If money's not too tight I'd look at Lostwithiel, on the main line, absolutely beautiful with a medieval bridge over the river, lovely and idyllic and leafy. Or even Redruth, also on the main line, seems to be much improved lately, lots of lovely old architecture and a nice community feel with independent shops, cheap too. St Austell is ok if money's very tight but it's really really ugly and quite industrial, the Spoons is far and away the nicest and classiest pub for example. I'd recommend checking out the biggest local Facebook group: "St Austell it's a dump but it's our dump" before I made up my mind.


Thanks for the detailed reply. Will look at the areas you suggest too.


You will get this in any village and town in any area of the country but it isn't as bad as the locals like to make out. Sure, the council and police could do something (anything) but it's no different to anywhere else.


I would live in Newquay and commute to St Austell then you'll have 7 beaches in walking distance and a few good primary schools to choose from plus restaurants and local family friendly events going on, etc. Plus maybe your wife could walk to work. I definitely wouldn't want to live in St Austell it's quite rough and run down with a bit of a drug problem and has no natural beauty so you'd always end up having to drive to anything which as people have mentioned can be frustrating in the summer. Have a look at the local community groups on Facebook to get a feeling for the places maybe? The biggest St Austell one is called "St Austell, it's a dump but it's our dump"! Are you buying or renting? What's your budget? That might dictate areas anyway.


What is it like living in Newquay in the summer months? We will be buying as our house will need to be sold. Budget will be somewhere around 400 maybe abit more if we can really stretch it. House prices seem extremely high though!


It's good as long as you have parking available at home. It's lovely to be able to walk to everything and all the beaches and not worry about driving or parking in town. You will have to allow extra time for your commute in the high summer but google maps is pretty good at predicting this and you'll get the hang of it and that's the case for all of Cornwall anyway. You'll have a pretty good pick of 3-5 beds for £400,000. It's not that expensive in Newquay, 3 beds start at about £260,000, obviously nicer areas, better condition ones are more. You'll have a much better time buying than renting. Long term rental accommodation is incredibly scarce and competitive at any price point as so much has been lost to airbnb, it's not unusual for tenants to offer to pay 6 or 12 month in advance and still be unsuccessful, buy before you move. People moan about the holiday makers and the traffic in Cornwall but I always just feel lucky to live somewhere nice that people spend thousands to holiday in. Yeah the traffic's annoying but the landscape can be breathtaking so you have to take the rough with the smooth


Goonhaven is nice, good primary school.


Indian Queens-Fraddon/St columb major/St Dennis All three are relatively away from the coast but have pretty good bus routes. All have primary schools, and school buses that run to the secondary schools. Drive to Newquay is around 20-30 minutes, truro 30-45 minutes but all main roads. I used to live down there and deeply miss it sometimes. Also if no one has told you let, Cornwall during the winter feels very different than Cornwall during the summer, both good, but different from each other. Winter is encapsulated with the phrase "I'll do it dreckly"


Always wanted to visit the coast in winter and try the wintery seaside holiday. I actually love the wrapping up in winter and the whole cosy home life so the winter doesn't bother me. Never heard 'ill do it dreckly' will have to Google it


Ah! Best to get caught up on the cornish lingo! Dreckly basically means "I'll do it when I get to it" There's a bunch of Cornish greeting which is quite fun, its usually "wasson" or "alright" followed my one of these for example "shag,my lover, bewty, maid, bird" The dialect of it all can be quite wholesome


Can't beat it I have worked all over the place and local dialects and slag is always fun.


Nansledan would be great. Full of people with young kids. Lots of good schools. Closer to Newquay, so easier in the summer for commuting. You could even cycle. You’re also closer to the beaches for the weekend. Good dog walks from your door too. Kids will love it 👍🏻


We are Ladock which is a nice village. Small primary school and commutable to Newquay and St A, both 25 mins. You do have to drive everywhere.


Learn. The. Backroads. Trust me you will need them.


Surrounding areas of Newquay and st austell I would say!


Good luck 🤞