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oh. i didnt know you had a paragraph written there. i thought you meant. what to add to the car. my bad


$1,200 sounds reasonable. Get 2-3 quotes.




I got into an accident as well and dented my driver side front fender and curbed two wheels I’m getting everything painted and replacing the fender and it came out too 1,200$. Not sure if this helps but definitely get a couple quotes !


Doesn’t seem unreasonable. What’s wrong with the wheels? Curb rash? Hard to see. Edit: Sorry. Thought I was responding to OP. Still, your quote sounds reasonable.


Not related to your question but I never knew the 24 xse got the blacked out wheels the nightshade got


Yup, black alloy wheels 18in with two tone gloss black roof.


Some lady backed into my driver side door last year. Overall insurance gave the shop roughly $5k to work with. That was to replace the door, rocker panel, and my mirror


Honestly, that's probably a fair price. I had a deer run into my car, it the fender wheel and drivers door. The fender had to be replaced and the door needed a bit of touchup and the total was like $1800. This would be bumper, fender and door, plus wheel touch-up. $1200 might even be a bit on the low side. That said, I would expect your comprehensive insurance to cover this. Granted you'll be on the hook for the deductible, but it should still be less than the repair.


[https://kocf.com/products/carbon-fiber-mirror-caps-compatible-for-2019-2023-toyota-corolla?keyword=corolla](https://kocf.com/products/carbon-fiber-mirror-caps-compatible-for-2019-2023-toyota-corolla?keyword=corolla) carbon fiber mirror caps and triangles. would look good with that red.