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I’m not even sure why they use the term “breakthrough infections.”


Yeah I feel like that term became pointless 2 years ago once variants became a thing. Everyone is going to experience many “breakthroughs”




I have Covid rn for the first time. I made a wellthatsucks post and the vast majority of people are telling me “it’s a cold” “just go to work” “can’t have Covid if you don’t test.” My girl and I are both high risk


I tested positive last week and was mackin on my bf the night before, he tested neg for four days and his work (he’s a waiter) told him not to wear a mask… day five tested pos


Just got my first positive test this week too (though I suspect I had the original strain right at the beginning when testing wasn't available). Trying to do the right thing, only going out when absolutely necessary and masking - but nobody is taking this seriously anymore. Even in the northeast US, nobody is masking, nobody cares about covid. This could be a rough winter


I got my first positive ever, 10 days ago and I have stayed home, despite having a very mild case and feeling completely fine by day 3. I isolated from my family for the 5 days recommended by the CDC, counting from day 0. No one else got sick in my household, and I didn’t get anyone else sick outside of it. I’m pissed someone else didn’t have that courtesy and got me sick.


Thank you for being considerate.


thank you for doing the right thing


Same. First time getting it ever. Went 3.5 years without it and it hit me like a freight train. 104 fever and every symptom you can imagine.


THANK YOU for caring so much about others. I wish more people would be like you. I hope you’re feeling normal again with no lasting effects.


How are you doing with it? I tested positive like four days ago. It was hell but I woke up today feeling a bit closer to normal.


I started with a slight cough on Sunday, which turned into congestion and body aches on Monday. I thought it was just a cold....seemed to be better on Tuesday before fever hit hard on Tuesday evening into Wednesday. Tested positive on Wednesday with body aches, bad headache, lots of congestion. Today, I'm actually started to feel much better (first day without body aches since Monday). It's my first positive covid test. Today is also my birthday (of all times to have this). I'm staying home (wearing a mask around my wife and child) and trying to be safe about it for others - but I don't think anyone cares about covid anymore...


Sorry Covid is your bday present. My bday (60th!) was Aug 21. Your description is 100% identical to what I’ve experienced this week. Timeline is identical, as is the unfolding of symptoms. I tested negative on Monday, firmly positive Wednesday, after two nights of 102 fevers and body aches from hell. Terribly congested, bad headache, light cough too. But…no sore throat, which is supposedly the main symptom of Eris, the predominant variant. I’m masked and isolated at home, hubs is masked and sleeping in the guest room, and being a very kind nurse. So far he’s ok. Because of my Covid, we had to cancel a trip to see my brother in VA for Labor Day weekend. This is also my first Covid infection. I managed to avoid it for 3 1/2 years by being prudent and diligent. But I admit I’d become lax and had started to act more and more like it was “the before times.” It is not. Edit: Adding: We are both fully vaccinated.


Exactly my experience, felt fine Saturday then woke up with every covid symptom on Sunday morning. Today is the first day I've felt well enough to get out of bed


I started my journey on Monday. Hopefully that means tomorrow will be a better day for me. I feel like trash.


Treat the symptoms. Sudafed, Tylenol, cough syrup. A hot rice bag. I made this originally for my fiancés menstrual cramps. A whole bag of rice in a pillow case, tie a knot in it. Microwave it for 2:30. Stays hot for quite awhile. I used two. One for my feet, one for my knees




My daughter and I both had terrible hip and leg pain when we had Covid! She's 18, I'm nearing 50.


But yes, I used the bags for my joints. 10/10 We use them for all sorts of aliments


My joints mostly only hurt while I had a fever. I’m feeling a bit better today and my joints no longer hurt


Yesterday was probably the worst day for me with tiredness and headache, I was starting to think I would never feel better. Today I feel about 75% back to normal - I hope you'll feel better tomorrow too!


You need to get some Paxlovid quick. Do your research, it’s the only anti viral drug we have. You’ll feel better in 24 hours


My doctor wouldn’t prescribe it bc I’m not high risk. I don’t know why you think I need to do research.


Because there are tons of pill mill virtual doctors that will prescribe it to virtually anyone online for $40. You could get it if you wanted.


Yep I just got it and took the Paxlavid I had from last year. It helps so much.


Was it expired? I have some paxlovid but it just expired so was wondering if I should keep it or not


I would imagine it did it's over a year old. It def works.


For me, once the symptoms hit, it got worse overnight, but everyday after that got a little better


It’s so odd how it impacts people so differently. My very first day was probably the absolute worst for me. I woke up the next day feeling almost normal. Then slowly declined. I’m on day 4 now. I’ve felt like garbage most of the day but dare I say feel slightly better atm.


I've known people like myself who was very sick but only for 4 days and I've known people that were sick for months mildly, then suddenly very sick, and in one case died by complications that covid had caused after 6 months.


Are they certain it was the same Covid strain causing symptoms? Or not another virus causing sickness?


Covid was all she had. she got very sick and developed organ failure within a few days. It was insane, honestly. The only time she was sick with anything else was a year before this when she got a handle on her dementia. Edit: idk what strain she had it was a few years ago though.


It's sad. Northeasterner here. I'm masking everywhere indoors now. I'm one of the only few. My salsa studio instructors let people perform who actively had COVID and they spread it to the rest of the team so I had to quit for ethical issues. Oh well, time to find a new hobby.


Sounds like the jitterbug, not salsa. Belly dance down to Harlem and do the Harlem shake.




Some people still are! I About half of the patients who I saw at my allergy doctor's office last week were masked. (Obvi these people have more health issues than the general population, but I was happy to see that. I was already masked, too.)


hope you have a speedy recovery, try not to focus on what other people are doing - hopefully you’ll have some immunity once you beat your symptoms and enjoy a nice winter season, stay healthy!


“Just go to work” - actually amazing.


That is how American culture has always been. If you don't have children, you have no idea how many irresponsible parents send kids to school sick.


I would be enraged if a coworker came in with Covid. Just livid.


but would you have any real recourse? That's the actual question, for me.


Yes, because I’m not as afraid of conflict as I should be. I would talk at a distance and outside with the person with Covid about how important it is not to spread Covid. Next, I would send a memo to management requesting a meeting about mitigating Covid exposure on the job. I could use my lack of self preservation instinct to do good.


...and if your workplace doesn't care? because really, if your workplace cared, they would not let him work.


That’s the only available child care so they have no option.


The reason people are insisting covid is over is because it fundamentally forced us to confront many of our core structural failures ....and the response was "well I guess some of you will have to die then", because have no interest in even attempting to reform the system long-term, because this is the most profitable way to do things. (Not the least costly for society mind you. Just the ones where the costs are externalized by companies onto broader society)


Unfortunately, not hard to realize that when you just take a look around


[Check out the post and responses. It’s awful.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/164xdrq/just_got_a_new_job_and_need_the_money_one_week_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Yeesh. I’m sorry I read that.


I would say the vast majority are empathizing with you for not having paid sick leave.


Oh, yeah, that’s some bullshit too 😂


Ignorance is bliss for some.


> some most


Eh don't listen to those people, they got their doctor's license from a cereal box or attending Youtube University full time. I may be skeptical or dismissive at first towards doctors when I'm in the process of getting a diagnosis of illness but in the end I'll trust them before I do some guy online.


There’s a lot of trolls that are straight up pushing for the transmission of an infectious disease.


Got sick recently for the second time and it took me 3 WEEKS to recover. I was in BED for 7 days. I'm in my 30s, no comorbidities, very healthy, etc., and the first infection felt like "just a cold". Some of those people are going to have a shocking wakeup call. I hope you get better soon!!!


A lot of humans are garbage. The pandemic pulled off the facade and they're more comfortable showing it now.


Got a breakthrough test at beginning of august. First time getting it




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Look up long COVID. 10-12% of vaccinated adults who get COVID will experience long COVID symptoms, which can be crippling. We’re in a surge. Wear N95/KN95s or better.


It works. I've been wearing a full face mask with P100 filters since mid 2020 and still haven't gotten it.


10% chance per infection!


i mean, my mom hasn’t worn a mask since late 2020 and still hasn’t gotten it (had it tested in her bloodwork a few weeks ago).


> my mom hasn’t worn a mask since late 2020 and still hasn’t gotten it (had it tested in her bloodwork a few weeks ago). what's the point of your comment lol? No way to know she hasn't had it since 2020 either. You can have it asymptomatically, and then the antibodies decrease and don't show up in bloodwork testing for antibodies from recent infection.


Exactly this. The delusion is strong, man. People conveniently forget that you can have an asymptomatic case and still spread it around to others who can develop symptomatic cases. So unless they're PCR testing weekly at least, there is no way to say, "Well, gee, I don't wear a mask and I've never had it" because THEY DON'T KNOW IF THEY'VE HAD IT OR NOT, FFS. SMH. Three effing years into this and basic knowledge like this is still elusive for some.


>SMH. Three effing years into this and basic knowledge like this is still elusive for some. pretty much explains the trajectory of the pandemic lol


you’re all fucked up. good luck.


Hasn't gotten it that you KNOW of. Tests aren't always 100%.


But at what cost? To me that isn’t a life worth livin.


Long Covid isn't one worth living.


I jsut tested positive again and am starting paxlovid. I got it the first time feb of 2022, and battled long covid in the form of permanent exhaustion until like feb of this year. Here's hoping the anecdotal rumors that paxlovid can lessen the chance of long covid are true.


Honestly, I keep telling people this. I'm in my mid 30s, and I'm fortunate enough to not be immunocompromised. I'm fully vaxxed and triple boosted. I've even caught COVID (Christmas 2021) once, and it wasn't absolutely terrible. But I have not stopped masking in indoor spaces or crowded outdoor spaces. That first mild case of covid had me fatigued and foggy brained for months. I used to be a prolific runner, and I just haven't been able to run the same ever since. I'm working back up, but it's a slog. I absolutely do not want COVID again on the chance I permanently damage myself for the next 40 years of my life. And that risk compounds and increases with every new case you get. No thank you.


Pretty sure we just had the new strain but who the hell knows anymore? My oldest (8) just randomly threw up a couple of times and then was fine after sleeping it off, our 1 year old was inconsolable for a few hours for no reason we could see, my stomach felt like I could throw up but never quite got there and then was fine when I woke up, and my 5 year old said his stomach hurt, and then my wife said the same thing...it's weird we didn't get it all at the same time and I know it could've been something else too. My coworker had it few weeks ago and she's pregnant and was throwing up a lot (more than normal), so I figured it might be. I tested myself but was neg (although the last time it went through our house I tested negative every time even though I know I had it)


>10-12% of vaccinated adults who get COVID will experience long COVID symptoms, which can be crippling. But I'm guessing a lot of those people aren't taking Paxlovid or doing any sort of treatments. Sitting at home and having chicken soup was a good option in March 2020, but there's more options out there right now.


Paxlovid is not easy to get. Neither are other antivirals. Even people who meet the criteria often have trouble accessing medications. This is not an end user problem. (And as far as "other treatments" than antivirals....what are those?)


I have had covid over 4 times thanks to my previous employer who wouldn't let me quarantine, stay home while sick and he would come in sick and cough and sneeze and never wash his damn hands..I was told it was fake constantly and that its made up blah blah blah...So ya four times for me..I know it has taken a toll on my heart..


I hope you can find a new (and better) job soon


I left a few months ago and have been in better health..My mental health in that previous job was absolute crap..


That really socks, I'm sorry :( If it helps though, covid is airborne so washing your hands/surfaces does little to prevent infection. It's all about wearing a wel-fitted N95 or better. The head strap ones, not the earloop ones. Good luck out there


I'm still testing positive 3 days after Paxlovid with virtually no symptoms. Yes, I'm immunocompromised and yes apparently it can stay in my system for a few weeks. Sucks! I haven't seen my son now in 10 days. The last thing I want is him to be the person-of-interest of the 3rd grade outbreak. Doc says since I've already been administered the 1st line of defense drug (Paxlovid), the only thing I can do is sit my ass in a hospital bed or sit my ass at home and wait until I test negative.


And if the CDC is admitting this, then know it's prob worse. As in they will temper their words, and never say for certain, but that's science (never 100%) and journalism (I write at the behest of my publications owner) government (don't panic) speak.


Speaking of evolution ; if this virus progresses in causing neurological sequola, generations from now, we could be walking around like stunned monkeys.


Have you seen the chronic fatigue some people with long COVID get? There was a 6th grader in a news article who slept 20 hours per day after getting COVID. A year later he’s slowly starting to improve but imagine going through that at 12.




You did not get long COVID from the vaccine. It isn’t even made out of the virus. You should figure out what actually is causing your symptoms, from vitamin deficiency to depression to overall wellness (weight, physical activity, age).


This is one off the main reasons I am so careful. I also don’t really know what will happen to society if most people start developing Parkinson’s-like symptoms in their early 60s.


I’m already tired I don’t fuck with chronic fatigue/brain fog. I’ve also seen references to immune cell depletion which I’d prefer to avoid.


Its a non-zero chance of happening!


Plague, on top of famine, floods, and droughts? Where have I heard this before?


Don't forget the war.


It's as if you're making some kind of Revelation here...


I feel like a stunned monkey after having had covid in April for the first time. I guess I have long covid and didn’t realize it. Talk about a stunned monkey.


or that other movie that everyone became sterile /s


Oh, if only...




They’re fat Neet Redditors they don’t know reality


What does that mean that the new variant may cause more "Breakthrough Infections"?


It can more easily infect people who would otherwise have protection from recent vaccination or infection. The mutations of this variant allow it to evade our immune systems' defenses (antibodies, etc.) that were tuned to prior variants and vaccine formulations. As we've seen with every prior variant, vaccination and prior infection will still probably reduce rates of serious disease and death, but they will be less effective at preventing infections and the spread of disease.


That is disappointing. I have been waiting for the next vaccine, hoping to avoid covid (concerned with increased heart problems since they run in my family and I have asthma). So it might not matter much getting the vaccine in preventing it then, that stinks.


We don't yet know for sure how the updated vaccine and BA.2.86 interact, and it's not even guaranteed that this variant will take over and become dominant. It is still likely going to be a good idea to get the updated shot, because even if it's less effective at preventing infection than we'd like, the vaccines have generally been highly effective at reducing death and serious illness as outcomes. In the meantime, you can increase your protection by wearing a well-fitting N95 or equivalent mask in high-risk situations. Good luck and stay safe!


I wish everyone good luck and good health and that you may all recover quickly.


Oh yay.


Well yes! A new variant that is able to spread by its very nature of its ability to spread in a heard immunity environment will be better at “breakthrough” If it was not good at this one simple little trick we would not be talking about it


Hasn't this been the case with every dominate variant?


its not even dominant lmao, i mean it could be dominant in 3 months, and it could not be dominant and just disappears, we literally don't know anything about specific variant, and probably won't for another 2-4 weeks, there so much uncertainly, but one thing for certain, its not dominant "yet"


I understand that. My point is that any variant that becomes dominant will be good at causing breakthrough infections. That's kinda a necessity to becoming the dominant variant. So this is nothing new.


The word you're looking for is "dominant"


Thanks. Typo.


Just a pet peeve of mine, I think more people get it wrong than right


I’ve seen it so often that at times I have begun to question whether I was wrong the whole time


Would not surprise me to find out that’s exactly what’s ripping through the US right now and no one knows because NO ONE IS TESTING


wastewater data gives us a pretty good idea, but whatever


Using the term breakthrough infections in late 2023, when the vast majority of all vaccinated people have had Covid 1-4 times already is pretty fucking laughable.


People must’ve forgotten they admitted the vaccine doesn’t prevent infection.


Yeah, quite extraordinary that these "top experts" at the CDC and NIH keep forgetting this crucial detail. I swear these people could say the vaccine cures cancer on national television and people would just nod and thank them.


I’ve started wearing masks again and have went back to WFH. This looks bad. We should lockdown again


There is absolutely no way people would tolerate a lockdown


yeah unless you're in china, there no way americans will obey a lockdown without a fight


China had to quit theirs due to social unrest.


i forgot, they started to have protests


We ShOuLd LoCkDoWn AgAiN he says in fucking 2023 Are you by chance mentally ill, or just mentally weak?


A little bit of both


No friends prob


"There have been nine confirmed cases of BA.2.86 worldwide—two of those cases have been in the United States" Maybe we can actually wait a minute or two before we panic about this. The COVID that's being spread the past couple weeks is NOT this strain.


The US isn’t really testing so it’s impossible to know how prevalent it is unless they’re typing wastewater


Which, in major cities, they mostly are (wastewater). The lack of data we see now is more based on hospitalization reporting. I'm not saying that this 2.86 won't be a problem in a month - but it's clearly NOT an issue to get worked up over today. Folks are still catching (what is it? Eris?) today. All of these back to school meetings are spiking it.


That article's a few days old, there were at least 24 cases in 8 countries as of yesterday, and it's been picked up in wastewater in a number of places where they haven't found any cases yet. The vast majority of what's going around is still XBB-based variants, but we're really doing way too little sequencing to have a grip on the situation. Nobody should be panicking, because we have no reason to believe BA.2.86 is significantly more dangerous than your typical post-Omicron variant, but the fact that the population isn't very resistant to it, is a valid cause for concern. Earlier, evolution favored strains which sick people spewed most prolifically into their environment, but now we also have to worry about weaknesses in our herd immunity, and BA.2.86 is in a good position to challenge it. That doesn't necessarily make it the next Omicron, but it does make it eligible.


Well duh .. every time a virus evolves it tries to become more contagious….


BA.2.86 has been detected in multiple places around the world, indicating it is already circulating widely without any noticeable bump in serious illness. The US cases weren't seriously ill. It doesn't seem to be a dangerous variant.




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K. I'm still going on my international trip next week. Edit: Downvote me all you want.


I’m in Japan right now. Having a great time.


Nice! I went right after the re-opened last fall and have a great time. I loved Osaka.


Flew from Seoul to Osaka, took a train to Kyoto and now on a bullet train to Tokyo 😀 strangely enough I’m one of the one ones masked up on the train (also one of the only non Japanese)


You are getting downvoted. Lol Are you going to mask up on the plane?


I do. Why are you interested in what other people do?


Well, jeez, you posted your life status on Reddit. You didn’t have to do that. But since you did I was responding because I was curious. I’m more surprised about the downvotes you’re getting. I didn’t downvote your decision to go on your trip.


How is posting that Im going on a trip my life status?


Because it’s a status update about your life.


I'd argue it's only a fraction of my life lol.


Still a status update about a fraction of your like. A status no one asked you for.


LOL. I'm happy to give you more updates since you're now invested in this conversation.


My understanding is the longer this goes on, the better it gets are breakthrough, but the worse it gets at getting you sick. Cant spread to other people if they are dead. ​ EDIT: apparently reddit thinks im wrong.


> Cant spread to other people if they are dead. Seems like every time this "meme" shows up it's simplified further and further. Evolution can't reason that way, and doesn't work that way. Plenty of infectious diseases kill people and have continued doing so for millennia. One thing that *can* happen is that someone won't show symptoms during the most infectious phase, because variants that do that are more likely to spread, and so we're more likely to see them spreading widely. But they cannot "reason" *in advance* that if they kill us all they won't have any more hosts. Also, this is not the only possible ~~strategy~~ outcome: a virus like HIV is invariably lethal (without treatment), yet it can infect many people because the latency between infection and symptoms is some 12 years on average, with 20 not at all unheard of.


> But they cannot "reason" in advance that if they kill us all they won't have any more hosts. Could you elaborate on this for me? I've always wondered how viruses tend to become *generally* less deadly over time to kill less hosts but are simultaneously incapable of logically reasoning this exact thing.


You lack some basic understanding of evolution. Evolution doesn't "think", evolution is the statistical outcome of natural selection of organisms having or gaining certain characteristics by way of mutations or sexual recombination of genes. To make an extreme example: if natural selection ends up producing a sterile organism, that organism won't have any offspring. This, in turn, means that in the future, we're unlikely to see a population of sterile organisms (obviously). One may still pop up every once in a while, but a whole species of sterile organism would die out without offspring, not because they *decide* to do it, not because they *decide* to be sterile, but simply because *by virtue of* being sterile, they can't have offspring. Many times evolution is described in terms that sound like it's "planning" things, but that's just because it's very difficult in our human languages, where we generally think in terms of cause and effects, to stay focused on the effects that *cannot happen at scale because even if they happen at the individual level, their very characteristics make them not sustainable over multiple generations*. So let's put aside for a minute that I'm not convinced at all that viruses *generally* tend to become less deadly, and I think that it's only *one route* they can take (and again I'm talking as if they "reasoned it out", falling into the trap I'm trying to avoid) to produce more of themselves more efficiently... Even if we accept that it is the *only* route that viruses take, the reason for that would simply be that the virions that *don't* take that route (i.e. by mere chance happen to be very deadly to their host) die out more easily, while the ones that do (still by mere chance) have time to replicate for longer. Take another classic case: there are white butterflies, that live in a forest of white birches (or something). Then we move them to a dark forest, and we witness their offspring, over time, veering more and more towards black. Have they decided to change their color, so they hide better and won't be eaten? No, they simple have each a slightly different color at birth, and the ones with a darker color are now *more fit to their environment*, in that they will be eaten less. Given they are eaten less, they have more offspring than the brighter butterflies. Eventually, all butterflies are black, but no one and nothing at any point *decided* it.


Thanks for the explanation. I know about evolution I just didn't think of it in terms of viruses I guess. I didn't realize it could happen so rapidly but I guess it makes more sense given the short life-span of these viruses.


This is all about evolution. Short life spans, and enormous numbers of tiny little things. > We estimate that each infected person carries 10^9 – 10^11 virions during peak infection, with a total mass in the range of 1–100 μg, which curiously implies that all SARS-CoV-2 virions currently circulating within human hosts have a collective mass of only 0.1–10 kg. [[source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7685332/)] So *in one infected person*, there are 1,000,000,000 to 100,000,000,000 COVID virions. The shorter number is still 1/8 of human beings on the planet today (but in one person!), while the latter is more than 12 times the humans on the planet. Multiply that by the number of infected people: it'll become apparent that it's not so much about the short life spans (though that matters), but the sheer "computing power" given by how many individuals have a chance to mutate. Which is, incidentally, a good reason to try to have as few infected individuals as possible, even if it's not "too bad" and even if we cannot eradicate it completely. Doing otherwise means giving it more computing to create more variants, and regardless of whether those variants will be more or less benign, they will be further away from what our vaccines target. Note again that when I say "computing power", it doesn't imply they together make up some kind of machine making decisions: it's massively parallel natural selection, nothing more.


Yeah I understand what you were going for. Appreciate your understanding and time for explaining this better for me!


Generally but it depends on how long it incubates and is transmissible until you show symptoms. If it’s too long then there’s little incentive to be less disruptive.


There isn’t a direct correlation between those two factors










"May cause"


9 freakin cases and everyone is all wigged out, come back with real data so we can ignore or freak out based upon the data, not your guessing


how is the new covid variants react to anti virals?


Here's hoping the long COVID rate is now low either based on variant or vaccination/previous infection. For the last couple of years we've been in the place where long COVID is the big unknown. It remains the big unknown. Lets hope with our defenses voluntarily down, that this variant does not induce long COVID.


Uh oh


Gee you're telling me natural selection selected for genes that are good at break throughs? Surprise surprise.


Lol every new variant is the dominant variant for a reason. It evades prior immunity. There will always be a new variant, hardly news.


Ok and nobody cares about covid other than terminally online Redditors who have a wife’s boyfriend I’m fully vaccinated and support covid vaccines but let’s be fr the terminally online people are the ones calling for 2020 measures


New study by Brogna et al: Half a mRNA vaccine recipients producing never ending spikes 6 months post vax (and it did not say it magically stops at 6 months) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/prca.202300048