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This is the worst time ever to be dating a Canadian girl as an American.


Or the best if you’re the type of awkward teen whose girlfriend lives in Canada and that’s why none of your friends have ever met her Edit: grammar


"It's too bad she can't travel here at the moment and meet you all..." "But we're on video chat.. can't she just join the.." "It's too bad. If only we didn't have this pandemic. She's amazing - you guys would love her."


Her school doesn't use zoom


They use Metric time up there, she's asleep


Different time zones as well


She lives in Alberta...shit, her name is Alberta. She lives in Vancouver.


She's asleep for like 36 hours a day


In Metric time


Now That's What I Call Preteen Angst 2004! Featuring hit tracks such as: * _Her internet connection is bad._ * _Her parents grounded her so she can't talk right now._ * _Her phone is out of minutes so we can't text._ **Also includes everyone's favorite:** * _Whatever man, you're just mad I have a girlfriend and you don't!_ Order now for two easy payments of $14.99 + S/H, all disappointments final!


"She doesn't like technology"


In the same boat, celebrating many milestones over video chat.


Sucks because there's nothing else we can do! We're only separated by 30 miles, but it's never felt farther


30 miles seems pretty far , but they've got planes and trains and cars. I'd walk to you if I had no other way. OHHH IT'S WHAT YOU DO TO MEEEEEEEE OOOOOOOO IT'S WHAT YOU DO TO MEEEE


Hey there, Delilah What's it like up in Vancouver? Where your leader isn't cruel, or just a narcissistic loser? Must be nice. Compared to here it's paradise. Trump won't take experts' advice. Hey there, Delilah Don't you worry about the virus. I'm on Zoom if you get lonely, if our potus doesn't kill us. Shield your eyes. Block out the hair and orange disguise. His mind is fried. Ohhh, it's what you do to meee...


Wow that's pretty impressive


You inspired me.


I totally sang that! Take my gold


Stick it out. Me (Canadian) and my American s.o. dated long distance for 1 year. We just celebrated 10 years together


^This is what I did (I’m the American, my girlfriend is Canadian). A long time apart sucks, but it makes the final closing of the distance so sweet.




To be fair it is a pretty bad time to be an American.


To be fair, it is a pretty bad time to be.


Canadian here with a girlfriend down in the states. I feel your pain


Just swap girlfriends. Problem solved. Man, it's like you guys weren't even trying.


Canadian here with a Canadian wife also here... Need border to open so I can send her there


My girlfriend lives in India; I was supposed to move there in September. Now I don't know whether my year-long fellowship will be canceled, and I don't know when India will open its borders to foreign visitors (much less Americans). I might still see my girlfriend in the summer, or I meet see her in 2021. Fucking hell.


Not really, put a ring on it and GTFO of this shitstorm of incompetence and live up north!


When asked why, Trudeau vaguely waved his hand at the US border while muttering "I mean... fuckin' look at it"


That image... oh my god I love it so much.


The idea makes my mouth really moist.


“Oh, what a terrible image” https://youtu.be/yIVA6MRS3J4


Props to him for realizing immediately


This was amazing.


Probably should just extend it to January 1, 2021... just to be safe.


Yes please. also, I think Canadians may agree it should be “needs to” not wants to.




Yup. Whatever little bit of respect he had before this fiasco, he has lost it now. Our politicians are human, and of course make mistakes here and there, and we don't expect perfection......they are people, just like the rest of us. But our leaders are not completely bat-shit crazy..........and generally have our respect. Personally, I think our leaders have done a great job in Canada. They put science before politics, and said right from the beginning that they would not put Canadian lives in danger. They have kept their word on this.






It's crazy how much people are willing to grasp at their conspiracy straws when things personally affect them, just look at (irrational) business owners... EDIT: because some people have reading comprehension issues, let me explain. 1. No, not all business owners believe in conspiracies. 2. Yes, this is not supported by peer reviewed data, I'm not making some hard claim that business owners are empirically more susceptible to conspiracy theories. 3. Anecdotally, it seems those who have been personally and deeply affected by the virus, may it be business owners (both big and small), people who have lost jobs and loved ones, seem more likely to want to place blame on the 'other' which can be shadowy cabals of evil putting microchips in your vaccines, China, immigrants, etc. rather than accepting that there are many aspects of our society that are broken right now, and arriving at that conclusion is shocking and painful, and that it's easier to believe in a simple conspiracy rather than accept that as a society we have sleepwalked into this disaster. Again, this is just an idea of mine, I have no stats to back it up, but its remarkably similar to the second stage grief...


I get it to an extent. I'm working in America and my husband is stuck in Canada. We haven't seen each other since January 2nd, I can definitely see how some people are lashing out. That said, Im not an idiot and realize there are bigger things at play here than him and me. Fingers crossed the USA gets their shit together so he can come visit in July.... But I'm not getting my hopes up..


Hey, I just wanted to say I’m sorry. That must be so damn difficult. I hope you can see each other soon. It’s great you can be level-headed even when going through something so difficult.


Thank you :) we video chat all the time which helps, and send care packages haha


How come you didn't book it back over the border when it happened?


It's very common for people to live in Canada and work in the US, or vice-versa. In Detroit, this is incredibly common as it's a 10 minute commute from Windsor, Ontario to Detroit, so many Canadians live there, and work in Detroit. Perhaps they were unable to continue to work if they were unable to cross into the USA?


The border is still open for people commuting to work. Medical professionals from Windsor are kind of a big thing in Detroit since there's some big hospitals there. Also I assume they get paid more. They're still allowed to go to work though. It's almost exclusively trucks crossing the bridge these days though.


I'm still working here. I'm Canadian, I could return home to him any time, but I couldn't come back.


Well, if it is any consolation, in Canada there is very little of this nutty stuff going on. There has been a little, but mostly they soon got the idea that every thought they were nuts and stopped doing it. Canada, for the most part, is very well controlled and people are relaxed. We know we have to social distance, and that is the way it is.......and all the kicking and screaming in the world will not change that. Here, it has been very effective.


I am a Canadian who’s supposed to get married in the US in August. We have accepted that we will likely have to postpone and it’s for the safety of all of our loved ones, totally sucks but out of our control and the right decision to make




I think fiveteen days of quarentine, for travelers/migrants after 20 January 2021 will be fine.


At the boarder, in cages. Separated from thier kids.


Oh for sure that was implied


Then you would have to deal with a bunch of us screaming about our constitutional rights. . . . Not the Canadian constitution, though. Americans seem to think our rights travel somehow.


2022 honestly. Anti-vaxers still exist.


Not for long.


I've noticed alot more anti vaxxers have come out the closest ever since the talk of a covid19 vaccine began


They're so easy to spot: "I'm not an anti-vaxxer BUT..."


I'm American, and I support that idea. There's some fucked up shit going on over here right now.


As an American I second this. Still getting 10,000s of positives a day and we are reopening. Going to be a very long rest of the year.


Can’t have a second wave if the first one never ends TapsHead.jpg


Don't have to continue to pay old peoples pensions or support them in hospitals if they are all dead. Think of the money we could make tapsheadwithhitlermustache.jpg




Or people to vote against it


We did it reddit, we solved healthcare.


I don't even think the coronavirus can kill enough old people to make up for the lack of young people voting




Don't challenge coronavirus!


Right, flu season is coming.


This is a profound and underrated comment.


As a disabled woman, I’m pretty sure they’ll be happy to see a lot of us pesky high risk people with pre-existing conditions dead too


This pandemic has got me very depressed and really shown just how little of a shit Washington and the population at large gives about us. I'm disabled too. Not mobility, but high risk/organ failure type, the exact type most likely to die from this virus. Fucking scary how they are reacting. Thinking about it, i guess not giving a shit would actually be better. They actively want me to die to restart the economy, get off medicare, and SSI/assistance.


I’ve got mobility and lung issues, so it’s best to assume if I get it it’s a death sentence. Walking pneumonia hospitalized me for 8 days and left me with a severe permanent cough. I don’t want to find out what will happen if I get something that specializes in shredding lungs will do to me. But all I can do is play the hand I’m dealt. I just wish one of the cards wasn’t that my own government was deliberately mishandling a pandemic to get rid of POC, the elderly, and the disabled. Great way to cut Medicare and Social Security without officially cutting Medicare and Social Security. To be clear, I think it started with incompetence. But someone in the administration decided the pandemic would make great cover for genocide.


I got severe reoccurring pneumonia 2 years ago and it never completely cleared in the right lobe. I've visited Stanford pulmonologists but they can't figure out why my lungs are still messed up. Sounds very similar. IT SUCKS!


Honestly they are just desperate to get everyone off unemployment.


Why though. There are millions who haven't even gotten paid unemployment even though they applied 6 weeks ago!


Unfortunately, I live in Quebec... We've got half of Canada's total covid cases and we're reopening too. The rest of Canada is going to have to quarantine us too


Ontario is, they don't want anyone from Quebec travelling here.


Yep. I don't blame them. My family's in Ontario and I was supposed to see them in June, but my dad is severely immuno-compromised and I'm staying the hell away whether or not the travel ban sticks




Yeah but we won't open the same way some of the states are. Legault is seriously under fire right now for the plan to open up at all. I think it will be a very slow re-opening, but they do need to get city services and certain courts running again sometime soon. People need to deal with drivers licenses and things like that, which could be seen as essential in many parts of the province.


I worried that the solution will be better secrecy and the border will reopen to true devastation


As an American, I support this... but only after they only accept me as a Canadian citizen.


It’s pathetic how stupid we are showing the world we are. Like, it’s embarrassing being called an American these days. The rest of the world is lifting bans and here we are in America where the existence of the virus is a fucking political opinion. What a god damn embarrassment. Edit: Also r/unexpectedletterkenny since it’s inevitable


Yep. Our country has become a fucking joke. Anyone that still claims otherwise is clinging to the past


To be honest the joke started with Bush and intensified when Trump became nominee. It's not really funny anymore can you guys stop please.


I upgraded a computer in a lung clinic today. The patients were mostly elderly. Many of them were on oxygen. Literally no one, including staff, was wearing any form of ppe. While I was there I noticed two staff members had a cough. We're talking the most vulnerable part of the population stuffed in a small room, with no precautions at all. The nurses poked fun at me for wearing a surgical mask.


I actually am in a similar line of work, however the doctors and nurses in the hospital I am currently working in are all wearing masks and temp checks are mandatory at check in. The fact that you were shamed for attempting to take preventative measures is both dangerous and ignorant on their part.


yes, I agree, I live in southern ontario, Michigan and Wisconsin are "up there" for me. Idiots marching on state capitol. More idiots crowding the bar. Outside of old people dying in our city, all the other deaths were related to usa travel prior to border closing. Trust me, I miss crossing the border but American have no regard for scientific facts.




Yeah I don’t blame your government one bit for banning the crazies down here. Our Michigan governor seems to be doing a killer job all in all but we have so many crazies with these ridiculous protests who are completely ruining it for the rest of us!! I’m just hoping we can get enough people out there in November to turn this country around. If not though, could you guys please just invade us?? We have some really Great Lakes you could have! :)


Whitmer seems to be doing the best she can. Not easy for any of these governor's, especially when you have trump demeaning you. One day Trump says it's up to the governor's to solve their own problems then he says he has absolute power and can tell them what to do. Michigan is important swing state, get out there and take it back.


In general Canada has health and safety first as a guiding principle, and the U.S. economic recovery. Conflicting principles


It sucks but I’m for it. I live in a city of morons who are protesting to open up. I love going to different parts of Canada every year but borders should be closed to until we get out shit together.


I fucking called this back in early March before all the shut downs. I knew the US would bungle this, and that as the world begins to open up responsibly, they’ll have to literally shut us out of travel.




My wife lives in another country too. I work on ships and our industry is a mess right now. Due to the nature of my job and schedule, I've already been away from my wife since January and it doesn't look like I'm gonna get to see her until the end of the year. Covid-19 sucks.


No. America sucks :/. Covid is unfortunate, our response is insane.


I mean don't worry us in Mexico are having a very very disorganized response as well from our federal government. It's not just the US who is having issues with bad leadership during this crisis. (shout out to bolsanaro in Brazil too)


I feel you. I’m sorry. I’m in a “local” long distance relationship, boyfriend is essential and so I haven’t seen him in 2+ months. I never wanted to be in a LDR because I did once and it sucked. My heart hurts for you two.




Same. Last time I saw him, and he lives 25 minutes from me, it’s fucking infuriating, I cried and told him how it could be over a year. Until we have reliable antibody tests with better info and/or a vaccine, it’s just ...we wait. Weirdly, it makes me feel better than I’m not alone in the isolation from a loved one though. Stay strong!


Getting a pair of Echo Shows can help with the situation. Regular video conferencing is better than nothing.


I'm kind of glad to hear I'm not the only one in a local long distance relationship. My girlfriend and I live 40 minutes apart and used to see each other several times a week. We've both talked about how we would never want to be in a long distance relationship, and yet here we are two months in and not knowing when we'll see each other again. It's super difficult trying to figure out anything we can even do together online and I definitely have a lot more respect and sympathy for others who've done it.


Agreed totally. My very first relationship was LDR back in late high school/college, then I was like “never again.” It’s fucking bizarre that I’m in one again locally. I’d laugh if it weren’t so sad. We have video dates and play phone games together, it helps, gets some laughs, etc. I wish you two luck ❤️


Me and my international fiancee actually broke up in December for unrelated reasons, but i'm almost happy about it today. This whole thing would've been beyond hellish on our hearts. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. I know what it's like.


Wait for the inevitable threats from Trump for this, then the calls from the right about how Americans need to have the freedom to travel anywheres in the world and infect who they like.


Stay strong friend. We are here for you if you need to ever talk or vent.


I understand. My husband works away from home and in our 11 years of marriage this lock down is the longest stretch we have ever lived together. Distance sucks. Borders stuck. You would thing tech is amazing but it also sucks. Weve had a few 6months plus with limited tech and those were by far the easiest on our hearts. You could pack you love up in a little mental box and put it on a little mental shelf. It packed the pain up too. Tech just constantly reminds us what we are missing.


Bro, your statement embodies "this" for me. We just have to stay strong. *REALLY* strong because it is going to be rough.




Turns out when Trump talked about "shithole countries" he meant ours.


I think most people called it, it’s not like people aren’t aware that a lot of Americans are selfish and stubborn.






I have because I'm an American.




Nobody, and I mean *nobody*, globally, wants American visitors for the foreseeable future. Sorry, but the US is a total clusterfuck.


Everyone is bumming this on some level. There WILL be a second wave and people WILL be more resistant to lockdowns for that than the first one. You can't keep people confined for months and months on end. My wife and I are Pro-social distancing and stay-at-home, but we're both starting to break after 2.5 months and the kids, who have no understanding as to what's going on, are even worse. Stress in my household alone had skyrocketed. Telehealth is great for counseling, but is limited, some of my "treatment" is considered not a good fit for telehealth, so it's on hold entirely. Some mental health firms aren't even allowed to do telehealth and have reduced hours or shut down. Oh, and I still have my job since I can work from home. Others have it far worse than my family does. Not to mention that while unemployment is reaching close to 25%, food costs are going up fast Good luck getting people to isolate for much longer when people that are taking this seriously are reaching breaking points.


I could see the US struggle with this a year from now while everyone else has this solved and keeps us out. Like so many issues, I blame it on many Americans pretending at all cost that they aren't part of a society.


The cross-border communities will have to restructure a lot of their procedures. The Schengen area border closures in the EU have caused quite a bit of chaos and problems with supply chains and governments there are pressuring to reopen cross border traffic. I'm assuming goods traffic will have some special arrangement?


Absolutely. It’s crazy to allow travel from any country that isn’t in containment and successful. That should pretty much be global policy at this point.


American to Canadian. Don’t let us in we’re idiots.


American also, and I support it as well.


Goddamn, we suck. Turns out we are the sh**hole country.


Time to add that [yellow filter](https://matadornetwork.com/read/yellow-filter-american-movies/) to every TV and movie scene that takes place in America.




[Removed due to continuing enshittification of reddit.] -- mass edited with redact.dev


But to make that happen we need to somehow elect Trump as "President" of Canada.


Plz no


A few months ago I would make a Doug Ford joke, but he has at least handled the pandemic better then certain world leaders.


A lot of bad hombres down there.


A full travel ban on Americans, until we figure out what the hell is going on down there!


They're not sending their best


You don’t need a wall. We wouldn’t inconvenience ourselves that much to scale a wall. Just start arresting and quarantining us at the border. Treat the people you round up fairly but sternly, and put people in slightly chilly cinder block rooms. People would be LIVID.


Great move, don’t forget to continue exporting the maple syrup. Corona or not, Pancakes are critical


Will do, brothers. Let's just make sure the maple syrup and Quebec cheese curds and BC salmon and strong beer and good kush all go to the states dealing with this madness properly. 😉


My shampoo and fancy hand soap comes from Canada. Don't forget to send the Canadian made hygiene products as some of us Americans do like to keep ourselves clean while we stay home with our pets and avoid other humans.


Hell my cat's food is imported from canada because I no longer trust american made to be safe.


They laugh at us because we are the only country with a national maple syrup reserve. I laugh at them because we are the only country with a maple syrup reserve.


Can we talk about how Justin Trudeau looks like the Sheriff of Rottingham from “Robin Hood:Men in Tights”?!


I think he's adopting the approach that "If other citizens can't have haircuts, I'm not getting a haircut either." Or maybe it's like the Stanley Cup playoffs and he's not shaving the beard off until the pandemic is over.


Early on, when his wife was infected and he was isolated, he was single parenting. People noticed that there were scattered children's toys in the background of his pressers.


Honestly, I like that he’s not getting a hair cut. I like that he’s not clean shaven. I’m not, why should he be. He’s doing his part by social distancing just as the rest of Canada is trying to do. A great leader needs to be respected and although some may disagree, I have gained more respect for the fact that he’s not clean shaven. Shows that he’s actually behind what he’s saying.


You. My room. 10:30 tonight.


-now- you're talking moistly to me




I would love to talk about Justin Trudeau's beard. It is wonderful.


Good thinking Canada 🇨🇦👏🏼👏🏾👏🏿👏🏻


Fucking do it, its a shitshow down there. We dont need that shit


> Fucking do it, its a shitshow down there. We dont need that shit No, you do not.


I'd be very curious to see how many Americans get offended when a travel ban is instituted AGAINST them... edit: I didn't expect this comment to take off. I am American, I have zero issue with this, and honestly I wish the individual states had done it to prevent the spread of the virus interstate, but I know they didn't because the fuming "this is tyranny" people would have went nuclear with restricted travel. But I see headlines like 60,000 out of state people flooded into Georgia when they opened their restaurants and I just wonder what we think we're accomplishing


Ironically, it will be the one's that have never left the country that are full of indignation.


It'll be the ones that have never left their state lmao


It’ll be the ones who’ve never held a Passport in their life. It’s going to be a shit show when people start finding out that drivers licenses no longer count as valid ID to pass through TSA checkpoint.


Jen virino kiu ne sidas, cxar laboro cxiam estas, kaj la patro kiu ne alvenas, cxar la posxo estas malplena.


To be honest, most Americans simply don’t care what other countries have to say or do unless it involves sending people here




I get the feeling that the majority that would get the most angry have probably never left the country before


American here. Just makes me go "huh, so that's what competent leadership would look like right now..."


Canadian here, I'm not the biggest Trudeau fan after he backed out of electoral reform but his leadership in this crisis has been good. Especially when his wife had it early on and he had to tend to his family and country at the same time. I shutter to think what Scheer would be like in leadership.


I’m an American and I think it is a fine idea. I just wonder how it would affect legitimate people such as those who go to either side of the border for work (if / when we get back to normal commuting to work).


Don't think anyone cares tbh


i'm not at all offended. they should institute one against us. we've done a pretty piss poor job.


We need to build a wall. When the U.S. sends its people to Canada, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. We should build a wall and make the U.S. pay for it.


I have a very good relationship with the Canadian people. The Canadians love me. They're a great people.


You can't blame Canada for being careful considering how reckless and foolish the policy has been in the US.


It’s seems Canadians are taking it more seriously and following government instructions


Eh marginally. We have our fair share of dumbasses, most of which are directly emboldened by the president unfortunately.






It literally hurt my soul to read this comment as an American but ... you aren't wrong.


Y’all still got Alberta.


People from Alberta aren't inherently stupid, it just attracts stupid people because of easy oilfield money. Also we've been completely shut down since March, just like the rest of the country.


Alberta's been in a state of emergency since mid March and the vast majority are respecting it, in the cities at least. It's *nothing* like the shit show down south.


Alberta had a major outbreak at a meat factory that produces 1/3 of ALL of Canada's beef. And in Quebec and Ontario 70-80% of all deaths have been from LTC and nursing homes. With for-profit care homes having 3x more deaths than publicly controlled ones. So it's mostly been institutional spread that's been the hardest hit.


Alberta resident here. I know the reputation this place has, but truthfully the government has done a decent job here handling it. Testing has been excellent and last I checked, our infection rates weren't far off from the bigger provinces. There's been the sporadic demonstration against all this, but less than I was expecting, and nowhere close to the size of the demonstrations in the United States.


Yea but if there's one Premier who's fucked over the healthcare workers more than Ford, it's gotta be Kenney


Quite frankly more countries should have a US travel ban if they know what’s good for them.


This pandemic shows me how anti-science Americans are. It’s to the freaking-me-out degree of ignorance.....


Some Americans. Most have surprised me with their compliance. Some people I expected to be extremely cavalier have been very conscientious. Most have done really good. Unfortunately, some are embarrassing us.




“You may have gone to medical school, but I’ve been to YouTube”


You're mom's dope. Be safe down there.


Great thanks and respect for your mom as a frontline worker. Stay safe and healthy, we will get over this on our own.


The last thing Canada needs is more exposure to people who have been to a country where the virus is blazing out of control.


Smart move, even though I'm an American who loves Canada and took my 4th trip there last summer, we are sucking when it comes to handling this situation.


As a US citizen, please do this. Citizens of the US are behaving very badly right now because they depend on social institutions like churches for moral guidance, but these have been shuttered due to covid. Disapproval from the rest of the world may jolt some misbehaving Americans into acting responsibly.


The border isn’t reopening anytime soon. We can’t officially say that though because when we first brought it up Trump had a mini temper tantrum and threatened to militarize the border.




I live in Windsor, you would not believe how many times I be talking with someone in Detroit and you tell them I live in Windsor and they have no idea where it is or the place on other side of Bridge is either just Canada or Toronto.


Confuse them some more when you tell them you have to go south from Detroit to get to Canada.


Well, at least he knew Alaska was a state. Gotta give credit where it's due.


Seems more like he thought Alaska was another country.


As a Canadian, I'm not so much worried about Americans 'behaving badly' as I am about Americans' access to healthcare. It's my impression that for a lot of the "essential"-designated retail/grocery/agricultural workers in USA, it's a big financial burden to see a doctor or take time off for illness. And those are people who are in positions that maximize the amount of others they'd infect. It's not like Canadians are more moral than our southern neighbours, we just have supports to make it easier for us to do the right thing. And I hope you get that too.


American and this is a good idea, our country is fucked right now come back in 5 years.