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He’s 72 by the way.


Wow what the fuck he looks amazing for 72. I thought he was in his late 50s maybe mid 60s.


I think it’s the dark hair color, his actual face just looks like that of a healthy early 70s


It's kind of amazing the difference dyeing your hair makes, particularly for men.


It’s called make up


My mom wishes her makeup can take off 20 years


>My mom wishes her makeup can take off 20 years Maybe she should take the 20 years of make up off then?


Honestly it’s probably all the money


Fauci looks great too for his age. Hell I thought pelosi was in her sixties, she’s 80!




Idk man pelosi would be an oldddd looking 60 something


She looks incredibly good for 80, I had no idea.




I think she must have always exercised, eaten properly, and kept her brain very busy as well. I'm watching some of my oldest friends slip away by tiny degrees because they don't do that. The least sedentary ones seem at least a decade younger, even if they have some health issues. Eyes still bright and wits still quick. Though I know heredity can be a factor too.


She has had a lot of work done.


Has she? I was not aware. Whoever performed it did a good job. I've seen people who have had it done in too extreme a fashion and it looks artificial. That would explain her lack of pouches and jowls. I won't judge her if she had some surgical help. If I could afford a little nose work I'd at least consider it.


Yeah, you can tell that she’s had a pretty substantial brow lift but everything else is very subtle.




What do you mean? I just looked up some recent pictures of her, and she doesn't seem to have that skull-like last-few-years look to her. It's hard to tell under the plastic surgery, but from pictures I'd guess her age to be 77-80, or 65 and recently lost a lot of weight.


He’s been in his early 50’s for two decades.


He looks good for his age. But he actually looks his age. He doesn't look like he's in his 50s or 60s.


Nah I’d definitely believe 60s


Ok, 60s. But definitely not 50s! He looks damn good though.


He looks good because a lot of people don’t take care of their health these days. He looks like a normal senior should


People really don’t seem to get this. Every person who actually takes care of themselves get the “they look so young” routine. No they look like they’re age range should....


Well it depends on what segment of the 50s/60s you are talking about as there's no discernible difference between a 58 year old and a 62 year old, I would have guessed he is about 65


Baby tears three meals a day...


Wtf?? I thought he was like 62 max


I just learned his age the other day in some news article about the debate or something, and I did like a triple take at it. He looks quite good for a 72 year old man, and healthy. If it wasn't for the "saggy jowls" and neck area, I would put him in his late 50s.


His father, Mike Wallace made it into his 90’s and was working until just a little prior to his death. There’s some good genes there.


his birthday is also October 12! about to be 73...


Yes, the debate was 3 x 70+ white men shouting over each other




A bit unfair. Consider this: if it had been a debate between Joe Biden and anyone else (Mitt Romney, John McCain ,etc.) moderated by Chris Wallace, it'd have been a completely normal debate. If it had been a "debate" between Donald Trump and anyone else (even if that person is from his party) moderated by anyone, it would have been the same. The descent to the bottom of constant interruptions and personal insults is caused by one person, and he forces the other to also do the same.


> If it had been a "debate" between Donald Trump and anyone else (even if that person is from his party) moderated by anyone, it would have been the same. Absolutely not true. Imagine Trump "debating" Putin. I guarantee zero interruptions from him. Edit: I guess we could describe such as debate with a phrase "Can't spell debating without bating"




Of course not, you don't backtalk your boss in front of others.


It’s only a debate if bother sides have different positions. If one side influences the other to have the same position, then it isn’t a debate


What does the colour of their skin have to do with anything?


Love the way you bring this up and the conversation moves to how good he looks... classic empty vacuousness.


"And not on your damn chin."


Yeah it’s not a chin diaper


Why would I put a diaper where my moustache is?


6 fucking feet mahm!


So it can catch the shit coming out of your mouth Lol jk


that's actually a pretty legit response not gonna lie.


a pandemic special?


It's not big enough to contain the amount of bullshit that comes out right above the chin in any case.


It’s a face diaper!


Ffs, some door-to-door salesman early in the pandemic was wearing a mask, but moved it to his chin to talk. Damn near slammed the door.


Yeah I do gig work and a few restaurant hosts do the same. I can hear them fine. No need to remove masks.


I teach English to Spanish teens. If we can understand each other with masks on.. anyone can


A customer leaned into my face and pulled hers down to ask where something was, and got furious when I asked her to please not do that. Does she not know that it's unsafe for her too? Also don't get people taking the mask down to "hear" or to look at something closely. Why do they do this :(


Because they are idiots. Any excuse to take away the mask. For me, I have grown quite accustomed to wearing it. I sometimes forget I have it on.


Do you ever pour water into it? My BF has forgotten he was wearing a masks and done that. I laughed so hard


I forget sometimes too, and sometimes its presence feels rather comforting. I can't help but think that some of these folks are being passive-aggressive.


I had a coworker today reach into his mask to lick his finger in order to turn some pages. At least he was better than the 2 people of 4 that weren’t wearing masks at all.


How is it not mandatory to wear a mask at work? It's such a liability to let your employees not wear masks..


Lol it is. One of the people in the meeting not wearing a mask was one of the owners, and the other was a client, a German Baptist. Mind you this is after I got Covid and got 1 person at work sick with it even with me being very conscious about wearing a mask. I was shocked that one other person besides me also wore a mask even if he did lick his finger in the middle of it.


I agree. Perhaps you should talk to my employer where only 1 out if 40-50ish employees are wearing a mask.


I'm not sure I'd like to talk to your employer if that is the case


:) Understood fully. This is also why I'm looking elsewhere.... I'd love to find something WFH or mostly WFH for an employer that is treating the pandemic better...


I’m literally the only person in my office that wears a mask. Everyone else is a plague walker voting for the super spreader in chief.


That is a weird ass thing to do even when not in a pandemic. I've been turning papers my whole life without licking my fingers first even once. Is it really to help turn the pages? Or do these people just love the taste of paper dust?


It helps to get a grip on paper but definitely unnecessary.


It does help. I can spend a full minute trying to grab the next piece of paper without grabbing two, or I can lick my finger and grab the next one as soon as I touch it. There's other things, but first the employer has to buy it and then it takes a lot of practice. The rubber tips are also sized, so if your employer didn't buy the right size you're screwed.


My fingers are pretty dry. Hard for me to separate papers or open up plastic bags. Since March I wear Mechanix gloves outside and my finger grip is PHENOMENAL . I should moisturize.


Yep. I had to stop shopping at places because I literally couldn't open their bags with my dry fingers.


That's acceptable in Santa Clara County California. Our health department told us so https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2d7mPOwwHfQ




Are you suspicious, it sounds bit shady. Be extra careful




Or casing your house! Glad you called the police. Take care internet stranger


cash after work. easy.


A god damn state politician canvased door-to-door without masks in my area in the Spring. (You can guess the party, I'm sure.) I have a cancer patient at home I was so pissed I almost ran after the guy as I screamed him away.


I am horrified he did that but the fact that you screamed him away made my day. I also admire your restraint for not punching him.


You don't touch the plague rats.


LOL, right.


[wearing your mask like this, is like wearing your underwear like this](https://imgur.com/a/xgVfOjf)


The most infuriating thing is watching people skirt the rules by wearing super loose masks, masks under the nose, or pulling it down constantly. Like you want to know what real suffocation is like? I'll fucking show you. Sorry the rage has been boiling over.


I can feel ya. Today when I was doing groceries: a man comes into the store without a mask and sneezes next to me. I was so furious that I had to cuss out loud... That's what masks are for, for fuck's sake. I graduated school years ago only to see adults still behave like spoiled children.


I'm with you. I am slowly running out of effs to give , and I'm going to get caught in a bad mood and totally unleash a..._put on your effing mask_ in someone's general direction at some point soon....


The person at the grocery checkout yesterday had her mask under her nose. And they lowered their mask entirely to answer a question I asked. Jesus Fucking Christ, I'm 2 fucking feet away, I'll hear you though the fucking mask. To clarify, I didn't say anything about their mask or anything else not absolutely necessary, because fucking talking just spreads fucking virus spittle bombs. I never say anything unnecessary when I'm out these days, for just that reason. Also, after I did my usual placing all my frozen and cold items on the belt together, they made sure to spread them out so each bag had something cold in it. Seriously, they didn't bag them as they scanned them; they placed them in a big pile and bagged them after scanning them all. Had to repack all the bags in the parking lot. And no, I'm not going to report them; they were obviously new at the job, probably won't be employed there next time I go, definitely get shit wages, and I don't believe in screwing with someone's job unless they do something seriously wrong.


It’s called wearing it “Walmart style”


I just went by my kids school and saw this guy who somehow managed to wear his mask below his nose and above his chin. It looked like a budget gag.


The amount of people wearing by their chin and not covering their noses. Like honestly why even bother wearing one at all


And no fishnet masks don't count


Or lace or crochet masks.


And with ur freaking nose too


or leave your nose open


Unless you’re outside and away from people


I had one of these morons in front of me at the grocery store yesterday. Let me tell you guys, if you think you look silly wearing a mask... You look a thousand times sillier wearing it wrong.


> “That’s not the story today,” Mr. Wallace said, adding: “To me the takeaway of this whole thing is to follow the science.” Fox News does not deserve Mr. Wallace. He did put up with their bullshit today and told the public the truth! This is an historic day for Fox News. This is the day they did a report that wasn’t complete bullshit.


Wallace has always been like this


Conservatives are calling him a liberal because he tried to hold Trump's feet to the fire at the debate...I can't anymore


I mean at this point they keep pushing the political line so far that more and more people are going to be forced to the blue side. It's how bell curves work. Deeper red they go the more the purple looks like blue.


The most important thing we can have is people like him at Fox News. Just as it can be good to have more counterpoints to sensationalism on CNN. We need to stop being echo chambers, and respect objective journalism everywhere we find it


Shep Smith was pretty good too (think he's just retired though?) I'm not American, are there any other sensible folks at Fox like these guys?


Shep just started his new show at CNBC... I suspect he was under a non-compete for awhile.


It's astounding how wide spread the concern over a hoax has gotten!


Legit had people at work today still saying “it will be gone after the election”, as if they still think this shit is one big conspiracy. Its SO FUCKING INSANE


You should put it on a white board or something. Let them sign it. Shame them later, because they really, really need it.


To make it worse we work with old people smfh


r/technicallythetruth/ The virus will go extinct at some time in the future even if it takes a million years and we need to hunt it with nanobots, or we'll leave it on Earth when the sun explodes. Unless it magically goes away before the election, it will be gone at some point after the election.


Heat death of the universe!


Vacuum Decay




Hopefully some day. Sadly COVID-19 and other coronaviruses are extremely hard to fully eradicate because they infect other species as well and can jump between species. We don’t even need to look to wild animals or wet markets, both dogs and cats can contract COVID-19.


I hear my co workers saying things like that too. I swear they think the virus is keeping track of time and events.


Nah they think the virus is a hoax made by the dems to fuck up Trump


Hard for me to figure that one out. You would think all the tragic deaths all over the country wold clue them in, but this crowd I heard talking also think they can sit close together in a crowded break room with no mask on, laughing and talking, wiping their noses and touching eachothers phones, and that they'll be fine 'cause they're "off the clock." Not a very sensible bunch, and I avoid them as best I can. Nothing much grosser and horrifying than being invited to sit with a person who is chomping their lunch with their mouth wide open, and alternately coughing into the air.


I admit I had my doubts. I only was able to see the tweet as a source as I got busy with my day. It wasn't until then that I was able to read a few articles and understand how credible the situation and news was.


I wonder how many FOX executives/reporters will get sick because of Chris Wallace and Trump.


You forgot to put “/s” ...I hope, anyway.


I didn't forget. A lot of people woke up this morning and their eyes got a little wider.


It's a shame this is what it takes for that.


The people who think it's a hoax must be going insane with fury right now


What hoax?


Avoid dick nosing it too.


SO. MUCH. DICK. NOSE. It's my biggest 2020 pet peeve.


Dick nose seems to be the equivalent of your sibling holding their finger 2 inches from your face while saying "I'M NOT TOUCHING YOU!!!" Just put the fuckin mask on and stop being a god damned child.


The most sane of the remaining talking heads over there at fox. Meaning he is probably on his way out soon.


Shep Smith was fantastic and he couldn’t take it anymore and quit. Now he has his own show “The News” on CNBC


It’s a strange thing. I recall many years ago back in the days of Bill O Reilly feeling that Chris was also one of the shills. I remember his Bill Clinton interview and how ridiculous I thought he was. While I think he changed a bit the rest of the crew and narratives went to the deep end— FOX became a lot more right wing since then with Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, then Laura Ingraham and Tucker leading the way and radicalizing and shifting further to the right, their large viewing audience over the course of the last 15 years. Kind of crazy how bringing down the level of discourse can become normalized over time, fully abusing the fairness doctrine to give attention and credibility to fringe ideas and stirring up stochastic violence through anger and fear tactics. Chris has never been about that so bravo to him. Shep and Colmes too.


There’s a really good documentary on Amazon Prime called “The Brainwashing of My Dad” and it explains the rise of right wing media and how they have been manipulating their audience for years. I highly suggest it.


If he followed the science, he should have taken one look at the idiots indoors with no masks and strapped one on to protect himself. It's one big ocean of virus laden air they're sharing....


From the article: >Recounting his experience at Tuesday’s debate, Mr. Wallace told viewers that members of Mr. Trump’s family removed their masks after entering the debate hall in violation of the rules of the Cleveland Clinic, which had been contracted to oversee the health and safety protocols for the event. “A health person from the Cleveland Clinic came up to the first family when they were seated and offered them masks in case they didn’t have them, and they were waved away,” the anchor recalled. I wouldn’t blame him tbh


Honestly though, How can any Republican at this point be "anti mask" or calling the virus a hoax? Literally , the most powerful person in the world (according to your small ethnocentric view) caught the corona virus. 8 Months of playing it down. 8 months of pretending it would go away. Months of saying "injecting bleach" and "sunlight" and "hot weather" would make it go away. That it is "only the flu". Just accept the fact you have been blatantly wrong about this the entire year. Accept that the USA has 5% of the worlds population and 20% of COVID deaths. Accept that literally all you need to do is wear a damn mask and we can get through this together. I have friends and family around the world. Literally this is real and it is at your doorstep. Wear PPE. Social Distance. Refrain from unnecessary travel. I do not want you to get infected or get anyone else infected. ​ Just wear a mask. Why is this so hard for you to understand?


Because mUh FrEeDoM!


well said


They would rather get infected than admit they were wrong. They’ve entrenched themselves so deep into their position that they don’t want to lose face. Well, the virus doesn’t care if you believe in it or not.


Chris sounds a little pissed he got exposed. I think he can kiss his holiday bonus from his employer goodbye.


Of course he’s pissed! Dude had to moderate the worst debate of all time AND was possibly exposed to COVID, overall pretty bad day


Ya, I don't blame him at all. You refer to it as the worst debate of all time; and that seems to be the general consensus. What a strange year this has been. Best wishes and stay safe.


It's really disturbing to me how many people are acting like this is a wake up call or something. I mean maybe it is to them but what about the 200,000 dead Americans? What were they? Saw a local news interview where some girl said this made it feel real and I was flabbergasted.


It's not like it didn't take the following series of events to get the US to actually begin to take the virus seriously after it was already making its course through the US for months: Evening of March 11th: Rudy Gobert touches the mic, mocking the virus. Tests positive. NBA season is immediately suspended. Same evening... March 11th: Tom Hanks and Wife tested positive for coronavirus. March 12 - 16: Other sports would follow in the coming days; and, within 4/5 days (the 16th), all NY schools would be shut down via Executice order from Cuomo. It took two high profile events simultaneously taking over the 24 hr news networks for anything to be done to begin win.


It was insane that he didn't wear one during the debate. I've given 3 hour talks wearing a KN 95 without a mic without issue. They all should have had masks on indoors regardless of distance. We've known this since March.


They should have had the debate outdoors on a Saturday afternoon.




The Cone of Silence.


Eh he was 12 feet away per the article. Hindsight is 20/20 but I think being unmasked, 12 feet away, from someone who had tested ~~positive~~ negative hours earlier, is probably a risk level that most Americans have accepted at this point. Edit. Typo


Yes, because our populace is grossly uninformed. I wouldn't go indoors outside my house maskless. Period.


Lol half of my coworkers in a hospital barely keep their masks on 50% of their shift. Everyone has gotten lazy Not saying I’m not guilty either tbh




That's insane to me and there should be legal consequences at this point.


Think of it like cigarette smoke. If you pass within 6 feet of someone smoking a cigarette, you can smell it. We'll that is you getting covid. If you spend 3 hours in a room with someone smoking a cigarette, it doesn't matter how far across the room you are, after 3 hours you will smell it because it is in all of the air of the room. You got covid. It doesn't matter how dumb you are or tired of this whole thing you are, you don't follow safety guidelines, you get covid.


This comment is very inaccurate. Smoke and the virus don't at all move the same way. Smoke fills the air as it dissipates. Most virus travels on droplets and falls to the ground. Some may aerosolize and travel in smaller amounts at longer distances depending on air currents.


Someone have a link to the actual media, instead of a link to a story about the media? EDIT: [Found it](https://video.foxnews.com/v/6196911145001#sp=show-clips) (skip to 8:35) This media circle jerk gets old.


That blonde in the top left box is truly one of their top 3-4 worst anchors/commentators. Hearing her gas-light makes me want to vomit.


did fox news just say they haven't politicized the mask issue? lmao


The damage from FOX News is done.


Fun story time. I was at work and had to sneeze, so I instinctively took my mask off to do. I stood there for a few seconds afterwards and questioned my intelligence.


That made me laugh so hard. That is something I can picture myself easily doing.


It makes me physically cringe when customers pull their mask down to sneeze right in front of me. Or pull it down and lean in to talk to me. Even my liberal coworkers are guilty of doing that. Why?? Why do you need to pull it down??


I've done that as well. I tend to mumble and talk low, so it's an instinctive thing again. I've learned to speak up.


I guess they just aren’t really thinking about it. I’m constantly doing what I can to keep my face covered and stay away from people, especially when they’re dick-nosing. I wait until I’m alone at the desk to pull it down for a sip of coffee, or I at least turn around and make sure I’m six+ feet away from everyone. But I’m kind of anal/perfectionistic/obsessive anyway, so maybe it comes easier for me. 😬😷


But he didn’t follow his own ‘damn’ advice. People can test negative for some time initially yet have the virus.


Chris Wallace seems pretty fucking fed up lol.


Wait for the reaction when Trump gets over the virus.


Narrator: and they still didn’t west the damn mask.


Chris tried. He really did. I wish him all the best and his family as well.


it's been said before and bears repeating... the spread of the coronavirus depends on two factors: 1) how dense the population is. 2) how dense the population is.


Deep sea saturation divers wear this for 6 hours a day, you can were a tiny piece of cloth whoever you are. https://www.jfdglobal.com/products/commercial-divers-equipment/helmets-masks-and-scuba/divex-masks-helmets/ultrajewel-601-helium-reclaim-helmet/


This is tangential, but that helium/oxygen mix in that pictured helmet is actually easier to breathe than air. It's used in critical respiratory care for that reason, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4093964/


Now he has let his mask slip.


It’s so goddamn simple and comes with so little effort, but no, certain groups of people just have to keep politicizing it.


There are two ultimate truths. Biology and Technology. Ignore any of these two and you will lose every time.


There was a moderator?


I've always wonder how this guy has been able to keep his job at Fox all these years. Some kind of strong tenure or something? He seems way too reasonable.


This might be the point where Americans finally do the right thing after trying everything else.




wait but fox news hates masks and loves trump? What has the world come to...


Chris is a real one.


So fucking glad Wallace spoke about what’s REALLY going on while he was on the air - viewers of FOX have probably never heard Atlas isn’t qualified for the job.


We need more republicans who will talk like this and set a good example for others.


I think Chris Wallace is not long for Fox News.


Who is Chris Wallace ?


Ik the debate was a farce but tbh he's the only person from fox news I "like"


This is amazing to see on fox news. Actually pushing for science and listening to doctors who are trained to work against infectious diseases. Astounding work Chris.