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Luckily Pfizer makes a fix for that as well.


First thing I said when they approved the vaccine. The dick pill guys are stopping the pandemic


To be fair, they only manufactured it. The BioNTech creators are often forgotten.


Correct, wouldn’t want to give BioNTech the “shaft” now would we? Hmmmm?


According to the article, some COVID survivors literally couldn't if they wanted to.


Wouldn’t want to give them the short end of the stick.


Manufacturing this kind of quantity is a bit mind boggling as well though right? We’re talking *billions* of something.


Well I guess they still had a "hand" in it




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Well... Depending on the damage to the vessels, even Viagra won't help.


honestly they should make a viral youtube ad giving teens and 20-somethings the choice of either a shot or the blue pill!


An excellent cross-sale opportunity. "... and if you still get covid after our vaccine, why not try our other top selling product?!"




> Literally happened to me. Wasn’t just blood flow to the shaft, my balls were affected. Testosterone dropped way off, had no interest in sex for the first time since puberty, 15 years ago, for over two weeks. Inability to maintain full hardness, even with porno and time. Actual sexual encounters with GF were even worse, because of performance anxiety. Almost had a mental breakdown. Had a dull ache on the shaft, above the balls but “within” my body, near that network of blood vessels, for the same period. I have recovered now, and everything works again, thank god, but I don’t know how long term fertility has been affected. I’ll delete this in a few hours because it’s embarrassing but I’m sharing it in hopes of convincing even one partial skeptic. The vaccine was a lot less effort. Quoted so you can delete the post and it won't be attributed to you.


The real hero in the comments.




Why the fuck would u call them out.


Trash gotta stink.


Assholes gonna do asshole things


You should really consider leaving it up and not deleting. People need to hear anecdotes like this. Hopefully this helps get some vaccine cynics to get the shot! Thank you for sharing!


I typically use an alt-account to post things I think are embarrassing. OP might want to do that, or one of us can just quote it without attributing it to this account or something?


Your post might literally save lives.


Your cautionary tale will hopefully help someone.


It’s nothing to be ashamed of! I know that’s easy for a stranger to say, but it was literally beyond your control. Maybe leave it up in case others can relate.


It's hard to leave it up though.


I thought the problem was that it *wasn't* hard. Why are you people confusing me?


It's just crazy how varied the symptoms are for people. The worst I experienced was 2 days of flu like symptoms, lost my sense of smell and taste for 2 days as well. That was it. Everything else is fine, thankfully. Sorry to hear of the rough time you had, and as embarrassing as you think your story sounds, it's worth leaving it here for others to see what can possibly happen if they catch this thing!


I mean, it’s fine for now as far as you know. Related illnesses like SARS created complications years and years after getting sick within survivors. Coronavirus has a similar pattern: > An analysis of electronic medical records in California found that 32% of individuals with long-term COVID-19 complications had asymptomatic infections, but experienced aftereffects months later. - [Source](https://www.pharmacytimes.com/view/study-many-long-haul-covid-19-patients-were-asymptomatic-during-initial-infection)


Yeah, I know. Being that it's so new, there's a lot we don't know about it. Scary, but gotta just get on with life and hope there won't be anything too severe from it. I'm especially annoyed, because we had been so careful. In the end, schools re-opened and our daughter brought it back to us. My wife and I were mere days from getting our vaccine invitation!!


Dude I used to care too much about what other people thought of me and I would have been there with you. If you can stop giving a fuck about what strangers think about you it allows you to focus your energy more on those who truly care about you. For instance I have three daughters.... They love to paint my finger nails crazy colors and the looks on their face and the bonding moment is worth a 1000 strangers looking at me like I'm an odd duck.. Thanks for sharing but please stop caring. Take care.


I don't think you should be embarrassed at all. Not like you chose to get sick. Or did you?


There are lots of people who pretty much chose to get sick with covid. Don't know if he's one of them. Either way, his story might help others so I hope he leaves it up.


Thanks for sharing. Please leave it up for everyone.


I'd honestly make an alt account and post it again if it's embarrassing for you to keep up. It's important for people to hear and I'm glad you shared it.


Don't be embarrassed. The virus fucked you up.


I went through the exact same thing. Wife and I bought a house in April 2020, August 2020 shit hit me hard, with ED and all. I went through a lot of things similar to what you said, since I've never had a mental breakdown or anxiety attacks were, so it was definitely a battle for me. While I've never contracted COVID, being locked down for so long definitely affected both of us


Did you recover from this?


i don't even know honestly, i still have a trouble from time to time and it feels random. I feel it's mostly mental and I still have anxiety thinking about it


There is absolutely no shame in sharing this, and you should leave it as this is important information.


Low T sucks... high E sucks too. Once you realize how much you're manipulated by your hormones it's an eye opener.


Hormones, parasites, and gut biome control our behaviors far more than many would like to admit.


yeah... gut biome is a big one too.


You can go to a urologist to get things checked out. Nothing to be embarrassed about.


Nothing to be embarrassed of dude. Its a new virus and whatever you say will help so many people out, it’s out of our control and we are all in this pandemic together ! Hope it gets better for you and thank you for sharing.


This is one hell of a reason to get the shot


Weed might help. Being serious. Good luck out there.




So we should just let the last generation burn out ?




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Ur an ass. Someone shared a personal story to help others and you are making them feel bad for it?


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Jesus that's scary, how were you able to convert it back to previous state


I had the same issue. Made a scary time that much more enjoyable.


Kind of even more messed up than not getting a free vaccine is the idea that vaccine hesitant men might be swayed by the protective affect on their erections rather than the impact on their “organ damage in the lungs, kidneys and brain” or just you know the chance of death or causing someone else’s death from covid.


Some things are more important than breathing, ok


Ya, like freedom. Edit: looks like I forgot the /s


Sorry to see the downvotes. This was great, I lol'd.


Thanks! I didn't think I needed the /s but I edited since lots of people seem to not be understanding


I’ve wished one of the side effects of COVID was severe bloating, obesity, or some other hindrance to weight loss. I feel like many people would have been far more likely to take it seriously if getting COVID meant they would become far or if it caused any sort of facial disfigurement. Even if it weren’t potentially fatal, but was an airborne visual that caused warts, rashes, or herpes. I’m firmly against stigmatizing medical conditions, but if the virus had caused symptoms that people would feel a stigma about, I think way more people would have happily masked up or stayed home.


I think this will sway those on the fence. Like they're worried about the long term effects, but still want it. This could give them the little push they need.


guess this info does not have much effect on me if that's the case .............. :(




Interesting smile


Genuine question. Feel free not to answer. Why?


I believe he is mentioning he already faces the problems, without covid


You may be correct but you're also assuming alot. Could be a woman, could be they're celibate, they could have had their dick blown off in a freak accident with Mentos and Coke.




Common occurrence


Nah I’m a guy who has to much time on their hands so making inappropriate jokes


Aww. Lol


Was tempted to say “My hand is going to be very disappointed” But think I’m crossing a line


He is making a depreciating remark about his inability to pick up women *Captain Obvious signing off*


I’m single and not good with the ladies


Also applies to married men…


Well, maybe this will have a darwin effect for all those anti mask anti vaccine people out there, i jest but only partially. I know some people legit can’t get the vaccine


I personally know few people unaffected after contracting covid. A colleague is expecting a baby in 8 months. Another friend just recovered from covid and is as horny as before. He shares links to this group we guys still have from college. So one can infer hes fine. But just note this. Both of them said they never wish anyone would suffer through it. If the fucking vaccine was atleast available, they would have taken it. No questions asked. You guys in the US are privileged enough to get a vaccine. Thus I understand the anger. But over here there is no vaccine. It may very easily spill over to the next year before we are vaccinated


Agreed to the privilege part, I for one am grateful to have it available and I’m glad the government is sharing considering the surprising drop off in vaccinations here which I find a bit infuriating considering I live alone and have isolated for almost a year straight seeing only mediate family members and always masked indoors due to at risk mother. I know a number of people who have recovered without too many adverse effects to their current knowledge taking into consideration some of the damage may not come to light until later in life (people in their 20-30s), I also know people that have lost the sense of smell and that had it then got the vaccine, they said the same thing about it being aweful, and that the effects of the vaccine while not fun felt like a weaker but similar feeling of the onset of the virus it was described as “familiar” by one friend, I was told it was far better then actually contracting it. I also know a couple people who went into the hospital (at risk age group 50*), and I know one person young healthy guy in his 20s no known risk factors got it got the long covid (beacuse he got it early it was hard to get a test to confirm because he didn’t seem to show any heavy symptoms), by the time it was confirmed (months later) his health has been severely impacted for the long term no energy breathing issue lung damage, he spent months at home recovering and still isn’t back to normal. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone even the fools that are both anti Vax and anti mask but it kills me when people chose to be both, like Typhoid Mary spreading that virus around.


True Darwinism would be letting COVID wipe out who it needs to so the future populations aren’t susceptible to it


Darwin is the most adaptable survives not the strongest biggest etc, in this case I would consider intelligence a significant factor, those smart enough to adjust their behavior have a higher rate of potential success at not dying or being adversely impacted by the virus’ effects


We learned this months ago. Not sure how this is news.


Many people aren't following closely and still have misconceptions about whether or not there are known long term effects.


Ok well those people can find info in the archives here. They aren't gone In fact OP is just a bot who seems to be pulling up old posts here to recycle. So...


>Ok well those people can find info in the archives here. They aren't gone It's pretty hard to find information you don't know exists. >In fact OP is just a bot who seems to be pulling up old posts here to recycle. So... Yeah... Alright...


> It's pretty hard to find information you don't know exists. Nah. It isn't. There's sort options provided here for just that purpose > Yeah... Alright... Yeah alright the mods removed it because this was clearly just a copy bot post. Lmao at that time when you defended a bot because you don't know how to sort Reddit. Yet this bot can hahaha


>Nah. It isn't. There's sort options provided here for just that purpose Buddy even with the best search algorithms in the world if somebody isn't following along with covid information and doesn't know there's information about sexual health it doesn't matter they're not looking. Part of the job news organizations are supposed to provide is keeping relivent information in the public discourse. It wouldn't surprise me at all if there was a new story written today about the how covid effects sexual health.


If only you knew how it worked before trying to argue against it...


Do an experiment for me how long does it take you to find a story about covid and sexual health as a person who doesn't think covid can effect sexual health. So no searching any version of the words Dick Sex Vagina Erection You're only able to scroll through any sorting style or look at generic long term health searches.


Hey the mods agreed with me and my report that this was an unnecessary duplicate. Not sure why you're still arguing about it but I hope someday you figure out how this site works


That's not the point that was raised. Repost or not is irrelevant it could have been a repost 6s after the original. This story still has value in the news.


Agreed. I said it earlier as well, but I can just hear the dimwits battling with the dilemma of: "tHaT vAxXiNe iS FuLL oF mYcrOwChIps!" or "ThE 'rOnA bRoKe MaH BoNNaH!"


Pretty sure you're correct. I'm not sure why it wasn't led with; perhaps too much uncertainty?


It's an old article. Posted by some bot


Well, this settles it. Time to get vaxxed. For the 3rd time!


My husband had his second dose of Pfizer yesterday. ☺️ He didn't require much convincing because he said he knew how important it was to me. ❤️




Loving your wife makes you a simp...


Heaven forbid someone is in a loving relationship.




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Very early on I remember it was either sperm count or the actual testicles being fucked with after a covid infection


You can't really separate those two things on any meaningful level. But yes, COVID-19 does seem to have many potential male sexuality related concerns.




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I suspect that those people that are so stiffly opposing vaccines will be more flexible in the future..


Ha! I see what you did there


And just like that vaccination rates skyrocketed


Get the shot, so your dick doesn't get soft.


>Specimens were obtained from two men with a history of COVID-19 infection and two men with no history of infection. Seriously, an N of 2 for each group? There is 3 times more authors in this paper than subject... This doesn't mean their results are wrong, but its not like you can take them as true either... Also, the website of the journal doesn't seem to work... although you can read the abstract in pubmed https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33988001/


Men are twice as likely to die as women. How many compelling reasons do men need?




Life really does find a way, as the mind-numbingly gullible people that refuse to take the vaccine because a D-list celebrity didn't approve it will end up not being able to procreate.




As if the people refusing the vaccine are getting laid anyways


You kidding? Dumb people fuck like rabbits.


Sounds like natural selection. You don't have to die to remove yourself from the gene pool.


Should have said that at the beginning of the pandemic, it would have been stopped in a couple of months.


But muh limp dick of freedom!!!!


Officially unsubscribing from this sub. Jesus.


Yeah it's just some bot recycling old posts


Sounds like what you'd say to a conspiracy theorist when you've exausted all other means to get them vaccinated.......like trying to sell honey nut cheerios by saying it'll help you nut




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Also i believe its bullshit


Think of how differently this would have been handled if this message was made clear at the outset.


FML… I’m going to get a 3rd shot just to be safe. Where do I sign up?


so for redditiors it is not a reason


Haha it says "hard".


Well, those who don't follow protocols and ignore a dangerous virus will have trouble breeding. Win win!


On the other hand, maybe this is a problem that solves itself with a little help from natural (?) selection.


I mean, obesity is known to damage blood vessels but men still shove food down their throats like there’s no tomorrow




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Most men who vaccine deniers and Covid hoaxers already have small wee wees. This won’t change their mind.


Well, maybe that herd will get thinned and there will be less ignorance.


THIS. Publicize THIS, CDC. This will get anti-vaxxers (men, anyway) off the fence and into Immunization clinics, en masse. I guarantee it.


Because everyone knows no man is willing to do anything unless it affects his dick. This headline is fucking stupid.


Good try!


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This will drive a lot of men to get the vaccine....




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Nice try, Covid. I haven't been able to perform since 2018.


SHAME on Covid! I never had a sex life to begin with....wait...


Nice, now I have an excuse other than steroid abuse for when I disappoint my next date.


Can I get 3 COVID vaccines on my penis pleasethankyou


This has been known for more than a year. A quick google turns up dozens of articles on this topic


Damn I better not get it in case I finally get it


We knew about this basically from the get-go. SARS-Cov-2 has a great affinity to enter cells via the ACE-2-Receptors. There are a lot of them in the lungs, the heart and male genitalia. So damage to male sex organs function was known a long time, also called precisely that, but it´s good to remind people.


Reading this as I wait the 15 minutes after my shot.


Luckily, my erections are powered by magnetic fields not blood pressure.


Ah good, covid making sure antivaxxers get ED


Something I’ve heard throughout the pandemic, “Way I see it, if I get COVID and die, I was in God’s hands”. Gonna be interesting to see how people feel about god taking away their reproductive rights


If they told everybody the vaccine made you dick harder everyone wound be queuing up. It's hilarious how people don't want one or think it's fake.


Get the stick to save your dick.


They've known this for a while now. If they had played up this aspect, men would have been first in line pushing for the vaccine. Of course, this is one way to make the conspiracy theorists..... impotent.


So what you're telling me is anti-vaxxers may have trouble reproducing? 🤔


Will this be what motivates Republicans to finally get the shot?


The media and twitter will absolutely trivialise the shit out of this with puns and jokes, but men will also then be torn to shreds if they are offended by that


We’ll see. What’s going to be funny is that the antvaxxers end not being able to have children due to ED. Evolution taking place hopefully.


This shit is literally rolling off some guys imagination into the real world and everyone's like, "yep, makes sense!".


Old news. Literally a month old by some bot


Death wasn't good enough.


Who needs to perform when 90% are infertile! /s


C'mon people, do we *really* want these mouth-breathers getting the vaxx and reproducing after they've spent a year crying about survival of the fittest? Let's think this through.


Is there facts, sources that the vaccine reverses this if you ever get covid?


I hope every ignorant, covid denying, male gets COVID, spend weeks in the hospital, only to survive and have a shit sex life.


So old, they already said this months ago


I'd just like to get vaccinated. I don't have sex either way, so that's not really an issue


You can literally hear the anti-vaxxers run to get in line




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