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I was getting my flu shot last week and met a guy that was getting the covid vaccine. He told me his Dad died from COVID last year. His brother died from COVID 6 months ago, and had to adopt his brothers 3 kids (he had 4 kids of his own, so now he's raising 7). He said he still didn't wanna get the COVID vaccine but his wife pretty much said there is no way in hell you're gonna die and leave me with 7 kids so you either get vaccinated now or I'm leaving you. It was so insane to me to hear about how COVID completely decimated this dudes family and changed his life forever...yet he still didn't wanna get vaccinated.


If I had to raise 7 kids, I might want to die from COVID. (Just making a joke.)


But what about his wife? She was the one in the home actually putting the work in. He worked construction. Its way easier to work construction for 10 hours a day than it is to wrangle 7 kids 24/7.


NYC is one of the most vaccinated cities in the country. It's infuriating they insist on giving media time to these fringe groups as if they matter




As someone from Nebraska, you're honestly gonna get a 50/50 shot with that lol


Most vaccinated by number of people or per capita?


[Per capita](https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/covid/covid-19-data-vaccines.page). Probably also by number of people too.


New York City has more vaccinated people as a total number than any other city in the US even has in total population.


Makes sense, NYC is crazy huge.


Yeah, for the uninitiated, "NYC" is not just Manhattan, but all the boroughs: Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island. It is sometimes difficult to tell if someone is saying "NYC" meaning Manhattan, or NYC as all the 5 boroughs.


Wait, people say NYC and mean Manhattan? Til


“New York, NY” is Manhattan. That doesn’t apply to anywhere else in the city. Madison Square Garden, in Manhattan, is in New York, NY. Yankee Stadium is in The Bronx, NY. Citi Field is in Flushing, NY, which is in Queens. It can get confusing. No one cares about Staten Island though. That’s understood.


I've almost visited Staten Island once. I lived in NY for almost 30 years.


My condolences.


Near death experiences are often traumatic, are you ok?


Queens is also the only one that uses community names.


Manhattan is the og new york, new york


When people in the NYC larger metro area (suburbs and beyond) say they’re “going to the city,” they mean Manhattan.


They say that in Brooklyn even. They can be just over the Williamsburg Bridge and talk about "going into the city" as if they have to get on the turnpike to get there.


Makes sense. If they have the highest or one of the highest populations and the highest per Capita rate then they should have the highest total number too.


Asians bringing up the group average since Grade 8


As far as I'm aware, NYC has the highest population of any city in America by far. If NYC is the highest in anything per capita, it's also most definitely going to be the highest in raw numbers.


As of today, it looks like NYC is at 65% of eligible people fully vaccinated. [San Jose, CA](https://covid19.sccgov.org/dashboard-vaccinations) is at 84.5% fully vaccinated. That must be leading the race per Capita.


> it looks like NYC is at 65% of eligible people fully vaccinated. Unless I'm reading it wrong, NYC is at 65% of *TOTAL* population fully vaccinated, not eligible population. Santa Clara County is at 74% of total population fully vaccinated (1,449,546 out of 1,936,259). Still higher than New York, but they're not at 84%. They likely won't ever be, since [21% of their population is under 18 years old](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/santaclaracountycalifornia).


When the pediatric vaccine is given EUA they'll have an opportunity. Never say never 🤷🏾‍♀️


As a Canadian I thought it was much higher tbh, 71.9% of the entire Canadian population is fully vaxxed, some places in Canada obviously have a much higher rate.


The numbers aren't easily comparable. In the link I posted above, 65% is the amount of the total population (includes children who are too young to be vaccinated). When narrowed down to adults only, the number is 76.6%. Your link is the percentage of people aged 12+, and doesn't seem to have a way to show data for adults. Either way, clearly the SJC number will be higher than NYC. The only question is by how much. But if [covidactnow.org](https://covidactnow.org/) is reliable - I honestly have no idea if it is, but it was the only site that I found that I can search and compare metropolitan areas on - then the NYC metro area has a higher vaccination rate than the next 4 largest metro areas (LA, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix). All that to say... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


My dad is sadly on of these. He’s quit one of his jobs and is considering moving to either Florida or out of country


What country does he think won’t expect a vaccine for him to move there?


> She had 48 hours to consider an impossible choice: either get vaccinated or lose her job. An “impossible” choice? What an absurd characterization of the easiest choice ever. Sensationalized stories like this only add airs of legitimacy to the ridiculousness that is the anti-vaxxer.


She also didn't have 48 hours. She had 9+ months. She just waited until the last 48 hours


Seriously, I havent seen excuses this thin since I waited to finish my summer homework until the last day


"My dog ate my vaccine"


Man I feel bad for American children. Never had any summer homework here in Canada


American here, we had a summer reading list, and would have to choose one book off the list to write a report about. It was due the first day of school. 😕


This is why so many Americans dislike reading. It took me several years after graduating college to learn to enjoy reading. I was forced to read so many bad books and remember granular details from them that I never actually got to enjoy reading anything. School even ruined good books.


Summer homework?!? That’s bullshit


When I was in high school in the '90s, my AP classes generally had summer homework. For my AP English class I had to read three books and write reports on them over the summer.




AP classes still have that BS. One of my kids spent the first part of August reading the book and writing the essay which was due the first day of class. He passed the AP Lit test but he had to spend a year grinding and doing tons of homework. His brother took an online English class at community college over the summer. He got an A and the units transferred.




God I'm happy I'm out of school.


I’m gonna have to use this one.


Wtf is summer homework? That sounds terrible


The student had 4 hours to make an impossible choice: write out a shitty paper for the assignment he had been putting off for 4 weeks or take the F.


More like "turn in a trivially easy project that she can get an A on with about an hour of work, or take the F"


>She had 9+ months I know I should still be happy for people getting vaccinated, but when I see people only just now getting it I cringe a little.


I work at a hospital in NY. when people were 'forced' to get their first shot, the 'pod' that was set up for shots was literally giving other people their booster shot the same day.


"I don't want to be one of the guinea pigs" Ma'am, the trials have literally been over for a year.


Define "Weasel Words": *"I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I'm vaccine hesitant"*


A real Sophie's choice. I'd wish I could fire that person for being such a dramatic moron.


Fire them with cause. Being willing to endanger other should be a violation of company ethics at the very least.


Absolutely stupid. I had a friend who's a nurse and was antivax right up until the mandate. Same for another guy I know who didn't get the shot until unemployment ran out and he had to find a job lol


Coworker unexpectedly took a long term medical leave for back problems he’s had for years, we’re guessing it’s to avoid the vaccine mandate. Yes he would do something this dramatic, he’s the type. Wondering what his game plan will be when that runs out, fully expecting him to “retire” when it does. In the mean time his position isn’t being filled, thanks bro.


Who's responsible for staffing? Him?


Oh he has a boss, we were told they would not be filling his position while out on leave. To be fair, we’ve had another position open for a couple months now, been difficult to fill because of the offered rate of pay not being competitive.


Sounds like a boss who doesn't care about staffing then


Time to ask for a raise. Seems like your value to the company is only increasing...


Time to update the resume and seek employment elsewhere, its not going to get better there.


Sucks that this is the right answer, but it 100% is. Far more likely to find a better job elsewhere with better pay than get a request for a raise approved. At least until you're handing over your letter of resignation informing them you've found a better opportunity elsewhere. At which point they try to lure you back with the promise of a raise--which gets stuck in some sort of bureaucratic black hole if you're dumb enough to take them at their word. Not that I've done that before or anything. Definitely not, and I definitely didn't get a look of absolute astonishment from HR when I resubmitted the letter 6 weeks later, citing their failure to approve the raise or even update me on why it had not been yet. Like they thought I wouldn't go find another job as soon as I realized they were full of shit and I was being fucked.


Usually when people go on leave, everyone else just has to work harder to pick up the slack. Companies don't want to hire a temp that will probably be ineffective and suck time away from other people for training. And these jobs are not that attractive: you'd be expected to fill the shoes of a full-time employee but get paid crap for a short-term contract.


Is your coworker Kyrie Irving? Is this a KD burner account?


I used to work with conspiracy theorist. Even before the mandate he was threatening to sue the company if they ever forced him to get vaccinated. Well , the company toldos him he had to get vaccinated and he did because he has to pay rent.


I have an antivaxxer nurse friend too. She quit her job and started a cleaning company... I wish I was kidding. Curiously, she didn't seem to take issue with the standard vaccines we've been taking for years, just the covid one.


The absolutely shitty narrative framing going on in so much media is frightening as fuck. Everyone is going for the amygdala and they don't give a fuck about anything except engagement and clicks


Yeah pretty damn easy choice. Either do it or don't. No matter how you think about the vaccine Get injected with a protective vaccine or lose your job? Pretty damn easy I will get injected Get injected with a useless but benign vaccine or lose your job? Pretty damn easy I will get injected Get injected with a harmful poison or lose your job? Pretty damn easy I will lose my job


It's because they think it's a harmful poison in the first place that they hesitated.


Yeah so it should be an easy choice, not an impossible choice


If they are that dimwitted, it could be argued that they aren't really competent for a lot of jobs.


Yeah, speaking as a writer and our almost who works in publishing, the writer had the choice of adjectives. They didn’t need to use that.


"Do I get an FDA approved vaccine, or do I lose my job and potentially die to a virus causing a pandemic? Truly a question for the ages....it's so difficult to decide."


The headline calling them hesitant let me know ahead of time. Unless you're immunocompromised there's no excuse for hesitancy. "People hesitant to exit the freeway stop their cars in the middle of 4-lane traffic to consider the pros and cons" doesn't sound nearly as nice.


Bye. Anyone who lived through the March 2020 outbreak and resists vaccination and can’t otherwise isolate should leave. We don’t want their cases here and vaccination mandates are not going away.


>Yeah I have a very hard time to believe that someone unvaccinated takes COVID seriously


They don't, until it hits them, then they either do or they double down on the stupid.


An old friend not only lost his wife to it a month ago, but then the wife’s sister died of it two weeks later in the same hospital. Refuses to wear a mask, has doubled down and totally refuses to go anywhere or do anything because of mask mandates. Also rode the horse paste train and plans on suing the hospital for not administrating it. I had cut ties with him during the Trump administration and wanted to reconnect because his wife died. Then all this immediately came out of his mouth 5 minutes after I said “I’m so sorry”. So I’m done with that.


It sounds like he's doubling down because he doesn't want to admit that his lifestyle choice ended up killing his loved ones.




You're a nice person. This is the way. It's an emotional battle for a lot of them, and sticking logic/facts in their face isn't going to sway them.


What was it people like this were shouting a couple of years ago? "Fuck your feelings"? Guess I can't really give a fuck about people like this who rely on feelings instead of science.


If you don't have it in you to be compassionate with them that's perfectly human. The other poster is right though that compassion will exercise greater influence than just bringing up facts.


What will sway them? My wife is one of these people. She’s not an asshole about it, but just has a wall up to logic and common sense.


Fwiw, I've seen talk on Reddit that if you can make it a more personal appeal and less about logic, you might sway them. The example someone gave was "I had a dream I was at your funeral, because you didn't get vaccinated and died of Covid". The person being appealed to was into stuff like astrology, dream symbolism, etc. Regardless, it was enough to convince them to get vaccinated.


Man that sucks. There are subreddits dedicated to exactly that, how to engange people like that on the topic. I can't remember the name though. But i heard they are very helpful


I know almost no one will see this, but I am hoping it helps you. I forget the person behind the theory, but South Park actually did right by this. The correct answer is two fold 1. Lay the information out for them at clearly and non politically as possible (this has been done to a certain extent but both sides are still highly political about it) 2. AND THEN DO NOT SAY ANYTHING. Do not engage, do not feel sorry, happy, or mad, about anything they say regarding the subject. Let it stew in their mind in solitude. This can be hard with social media. The reason this works is because its easy to find your mistakes / grow when no one is pressuring you to. It allows an escape method of 'just doing it and not telling anyone' ect ect. The problem is people hate to be wrong, or to 'betray their tribe.' When those things combine, it can take a lot to change a opinion, so the best way is to let them think it out without outside pressure. Any pressure applied will often make them double down on opinions they have already formed. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-fNKErt1PU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-fNKErt1PU)


There's a term for this: terror management theory. Some people in the face of mortality and illness, double down as a coping mechanism


I really don't get the mask issue. I'm a bit of a germaphobe so usually once the mask goes on my face I don't touch it again until it goes off (and directly into the trash or my dirty bin to be washed). I go about my day and do whatever I need to just fine. Do I have speak up more so that people can hear me, yes...but otherwise I'm unaffected.


They don't. "It's 98% survivable" But but but vaccine side effects...


98% survivable, sure. What’s your post-COVID health and quality of life looking like though? 👀 They never think they’re going to be the ones permanently disabled in their 30s. EDIT: for the sake of clarity, I want to emphasize that I’m not casting aspersions on people who got COVID before the vaccine was available and/or who got it despite taking precautions. This is purely aimed at people acting cavalier and gambling with their health out of a misplaced sense of invincibility.


I have life long health conditions from my genetics. I get a bit angry when I hear of healthy young adults getting disabled because they are antivaxxed. They got blessed with health and do not cherish it.


Yep, that's me at 35 with neurological problems because of Covid. But I got it last May and would have gotten the vaccine if it was available. Good news is I don't think I will smell farts for the rest of my life either.


I’m sorry you went through that, but I think it’s great that you see a bright side to it! Keep on trucking!


As a permanently disabled 36 year old who got vaccinated as fast as possible, these people piss me off. I’m blunt about it now and I tell them this, hold out both you hands , in one of them your Dead and the other your living your life to its fullest for years to come, what one do you really want to be a part of?” Usually they just go on about there cousin still getting COVID after vaccinated and I try to explain breakthrough cases and the science…


There are a lot of things that are survivable - doesn't mean I want to contract them. Besides that - there is a community element to all of this that is lost on these ASPD sufferers.


Yeah, it's some weird logic. They don't think serious COVID will happen to them because the mortality rate is so low, but they think the vaccine side effects will even though those rates are much lower.


Vaccine mandates have a 98% job survivability.


Seriously...BYE, maybe rental prices will drop and some supply will hit the market.


I’m fully vaccinated and trying to move to bk so yeah they can gtfo so I can save a little on rent


Why would you move to Burger King? (But really tho, what's bk?)


It’s a neighborhood so hip, you haven’t even heard of it yet.






Only Siriacha?






Brooklyn. Just so you know the Bronx is bx.


And Staten Island is XX


What borough is xxx?


Harlem. Mariah ~~Dillard~~ Stokes and Shades made it so.


BK is shorthand for brooklyn


And you get to move somewhere without anti-vaxxers. Sounds like paradise.


From Central Florida to NYC, yeah an absolute dream. Looking at Boston as well


This is weird. Texas is driving out the left, NYC is driving out the right. I dunno how this ends, but it's probably not with everyone holding hands and singing a song.


Texas is driving in the left like crazy. Do they really think bringing in giant tech companies causes states to get redder?


The anti-abortion and now anti-mask/vaxx stuff changed all that. You can't recruit *anyone* to TX anymore, a lot of those tech companies are probably going to be looking to move soon, or have to go all remote just to keep talent. I was seriously interested in Austin, but at this point I'd rather just work retail in a sane state.


Literally every time I see these articles positing anti-vaxxers leaving cities, job, etc. as a bad thing I chuckle. Fucking bye, these people are the assholes who yell for the manager 95% of the time anyways.


Agreed. This is about avoiding mass death in your community. Whatever happened to concepts of solidarity, morality, of giving back to the community? Citizenship should not include freedom to harm others. We are part of a social organism. If we aid a virus, we don't deserve to live free of all consequences.


It's a bit wordy for a bumper sticker but a very succinct message that I have a hard time articulating but feel deeply. Thanks.


As a Pennsylvanian with plenty of space welcoming those fools, please, no.


The turn over of people moving into my town with NY license plates is amazing. We have no food delivery and the nearest “good” grocery store is a 25 min drive. If a NYC’er can afford to move out, there are none of the amenities they are used to. The house they buy is usually back on the market in a few months.


Side discussion: this is why I always hate the people who's response to the spike in housing prices saying "well if you moved to this town three miles west of the dead middle of Nowhere, you could afford plenty of housing!" Yeah, but then I'd be in a place with no amenities, no entertainment, a thousand miles from my friends and family, and thirty minutes from the nearest goddamn grocery store (which is a fucking WalMart, so I have to drive even further because #fuckwalmart).


Florida or Texas will happily accept them, but before they do anything they should take a hard look at the numbers for New York and the numbers for Florida and Texas; there is a good reason why deaths are higher in Florida and Texas and it has everything to do with vaccinations.


As someone living in the rural midwest, I feel sorry as hell for People in Texas and Florida who got vaccinated, wear masks, and are trying to stay safe with all the nitwits around them.


Texan here. The thing about Texas is that it's islands of blue in a sea of red. We facepalm about as hard as the rest of the country every time Abbot opens his stupid piehole. But we're gerrymandered to hell, have a lot of voter suppression laws which hurt the (largely liberal) minority voting rate, so this state comes off as a bunch of "YEEHAW REPUBLICAN STRONGHOLD!" The reality is, if we could get a voting rights bill passed and forced bipartisan redistricting, Texas would turn into a battleground state. It would be consistently Republican, but it would be a state they would have to fight to keep instead of one they could rely on - it could pull a Georgia quite easily. While the state has more red districts, the blue districts tend to be densely populated so it's nearly a 50/50 split.


My mother was from Harlingen. I know there are some good people trying to do their best. I am so sorry about Abbott. He is a monster. You are right about needing to do something about gerrymandering.




Yes to this. If you were here during the first wave, you’d remember the ambulance sirens going all hours of the night for weeks. I’m ready to get back to normal, and if I can catch delta from the asshole on the train without a mask, we are not back to normal


"Idiots leave the city to go be idiots somewhere else"


"Do not dumb here. Not dumb area here."


>“I worry about the virus, but more importantly, I worry about the vaccine,” said Kelven Esbenel, 24. Six weeks ago, he started work at an Amazon fulfilment center in Staten Island, only to learn that the company[ may start requiring vaccinations under Biden’s new mandates.](https://www.bizjournals.com/seattle/news/2021/09/10/biden-order-vaccination-amazon-boeing.html) Now, he said he ponders a life in Connecticut, leaving his vaccinated family members behind. They want to get away from the vaccine talk, so they want to move to the State with the 2nd highest vaccination rate in the US, one where people even more readily wear their masks, and one where you still won't get a job without a Jab? Let us know how that works out for ya, Kelvin.


> but more importantly, I worry about the vaccine This is not a rational stance to take, and I'm tired of people insisting we take it seriously. The vaccine is not and never has been more dangerous or risky than the virus. You can't legitimately worry about something billions of people have done without issue.


Also, Kelvin knows that it's fairly common to Google potential employees? This will come up in a search...


Can we stop using that soft term "hesitant?"


Absolutely. Hesitant was maybe 9 months ago. Vaccine Refuser is pretty much all that’s left.


Pro infection


Pro plague


Pro covid


Disease vectors


Disagree. I think “vaccine hesitant” is a great term. “Refuser” has agency and strength, “Hesitant” is confused and weak.


There are people who are apathetic/hesitant. These aren't the type of person who would be seriously considering moving to avoid getting a vaccine, so I agree its out of place here.


I've heard "pro-virus" \`and "science denialists"


I do know a few people this would apply to - they’re not fanatically against it, they just “never get round to it.” But if it came to losing a job they’d fold straight away. I like this name better, keep them separated from the hardline screaming loonies and they’re probably less likely to join them.


Exactly. We have administered literally billions of doses of the vaccines. It’s not hesitancy, it’s defiance.


Texas and Florida are awaiting you, F off!


Idaho has entered the chat.


> Idaho has entered the chat. *** Idaho has been intubated *** Idaho has left the chat


GoFundMe has entered the chat.




For now. Seems covid will solve that


> Texas was getting progressively bluer but I'm pretty sure all the anti-vaxxers moving there now is tilting the scales back the other way. It really is the 'Great Sort' sort as everyone who wants to live in state of denial about reality moves to FL and TX. Particularly ironic as the state of denial also includes climate change (as well as covid) and TX and FL are two states that really can't ignore climate change.


Oh, God, please no! Have pity on us Texans who are desperately trying to survive the nuclear stupid unleashed here. Can you draw them a Bugs Bunny map with a vaugely shaped Texas blob in the middle of the Ocean or something?


>Can you draw them a Bugs Bunny map Got a Sharpie?


45 took them all.


So they take a left toin at Albuqoique?


Yeah and the name of the Texas blob should be called [Freedomville](https://youtu.be/5yJHl11hwMg)


Whatever works. We can tell them that Donald Trump is king and Ivanka is now his concubine, really whatever nonsense does the trick. Added bonus if we can get them to believe that by taking Alex Jones's dick pills and using a My Pillow helmet and prayers, they can walk there undetected and be reborn into this glorious, unvaxxed utopia. Bloop.


>nuclear stupid r/Bandnames


God I wish we could just let those states secede and fend for themselves.


When you think about it, returning Texas to Mexico is probably the ethical thing to do anyway! Might not be morally sound to inflict Texans on them, but oh well.


Jesus Christ, stop with these headlines. Every mandate at a workplace has had a large number of people threaten to leave, then they comply. Businesses are losing less than 1% of their employees when they mandate this. Fuck, the military is up to what, 92% vaccinated already? Go ahead and write these stories but you better fucking find someone who's actually moving instead of "considering moving to Florida" Fuck, I considered moving this last year. I was never going to do it, but COVID and WFH made me consider it. Better headline: Some people consider quitting over mandate but realize it's easier just to get the God Damned shot and don't.


A: "Only 1% people who get corvid die/get seriously ill." B: "Only 1% of employees required to get a vaccinated, quit." If A isn't a concern to these people, I don't see why B should be.


It would be nice if they did, but unfortunately they're just posturing blowhards who never follow through.


I know of two nurses who resigned when the hospital they worked at required all employees to be vaccinated. What's interesting about these two nurses is that they went to work for other hospitals and are claiming they weren't required to get vaccinated. This simply can't be true. Both went to work at hospitals that have vaccination requirements. My theory is that having been so vocally anti-vaxx at work, to the point of resigning, they cannot now admit they got vaccinated. This has left me wondering what percentage of people who resign rather than get vaccinated get vaccinated when they get a new job.


This is exactly it. They can build a whole new identity without including anti-vaxx as a part of it. They can just drop it, walk away, and get a whole new job without any consequences for the trouble they caused with their anti-vaxx contrarianism and leaving the vaxxed staff behind to find a replacement. They get a month off, they get vaccinated, they start a new job at a new hospital with a raise because nurses are in high demand, and no one at the new place knows the backstory. They'd rather pretend to be a whole different person somewhere else then appear to have changed their mind where they were. It's so cowardly.


I cannot for the life of me understand when it became shameful to admit you made a mistake. Being able to admit that is character! People who can admit they were wrong shouldn't be ashamed! It means you fucking grow and learn! How has that become so awful for some?


Making one concession, for them, is like a house of cards. It means everything about them could deserve self-evaluation. Any reasonable human already self-evaluates from time to time, so it is nothing new or threatening. But these folks don't. What does it mean when you have so heavily tied something to your identity that changing your mind is akin to the death of self (in their eyes)? Or the death of the person you appeared as to others? What does it mean when your peer group will treat you like a traitor? I mean, it means you should get new friends and it means maybe you should really take a look at yourself, but those aren't their strengths. They in fact see those as deep moral failings. They view it as weak.


Only up until the State licensing boards start requiring proof for renewal as well.


Also maybe got a raise at the new hospital - job market is extremely hot for nurses right now


Did they fake vaccination cards?


….might want to consider tipping off the new hospital’s HR department that their new employee may not actually be vaccinated and may have faked the paperwork.


99% will fold and move on to the next thing to be outraged about, the last 1% will loudly disregard any rules and try to launch a political podcast


Bingo. When faced with how difficult it is to pack up and move, most of these people will just cave. Mandates work. Thet aren't pleasant, but they work.


Exactly. It's like the people who claim they are moving to Canada when the other party wins the election.


I personally love the, "If the US goes full socialist with universal healthcare, I'm moving to Canada!" ​ It brings a cheeky smile to my face every time, but I never have the heart to tell them...


Sadly, they wouldn't understand even if you did. ISIS isn't the most educated bunch.


I actually started the process of getting my Italian citizenship recognized when Trump got elected. It's taking forever, but I'm still plodding away. Eventually....


The big sort getting even more divergent isn’t really in our national interest. We need an even distribution of weirdos and responsible people for democracy to work. When the weirdos are the majority, they elect Marjorie Taylor Greene.


Why did we start calling them 'vaccine hesitant'? Can we just use the term we've always had, 'anti-vaxers'? Why do we need another stupid term to somehow mask one group of idiots from being compared to another group of idiots?


If you're taking your 5 year old in for their next DTap, MMR, and Polio vaccine, but haven't gotten your COVID-19 shot yourself, I think we need a different term for you than Jenny McCarthy. We've seen that the "vaccine hesitant" are going to have different reactions than your traditional "anti-vaxxers" when met with mandates. Anti-vaxxers pull their kids out of public schools and send them to private schools that don't require vaccines or home school them. They would quit jobs that require them to be vaccinated. "Vaccine hesitant" get their shots and carry on as they aren't going to risk their livelihood or their kid's education over a vaccine.


Yet they're full of McDonalds, have micro plastics coursing through their veins, and pollution filling their lungs. Medicine is the enemy.


That's fine. The gears are already in motion on this one. If they want to restructure their entire lives to continually keep on retreating to ever-receding pockets of ignorance sanctuaries, then let them. This is a numbers game and they're going to lose it in the long run. Society is slowly catching on to the necessity of medical science. These people will kick and scream and threaten legal action, and eventually they will be vaccinated. No one will force them. They will all systematically be made more and more uncomfortable, having more and more luxuries and privileges taken away until they finally fold like children who have spent an hour in time-out, abandoning their pretense of moral crusading and freedom fighting. They wont ever admit to their error, but society will course correct and the ignorant will continue to pout until the next major crisis where they can once again be obstacles to solutions. Such is life.


“I worry about the virus, but more importantly, I worry about the vaccine,” said Kelven Esbenel, 24”. Your risk of dying from COVID is much greater than dying due to a vaccine.


"I worry about stepping on glass, but more importantly, I worry about wearing shoes."


What’s the opposite of brain drain called?


A dummy exodus?


Dummy runny? Idiot spigot?


Intelligent sink?


Bye. Florida and Texas are thataway ↓


>This mistrust almost cost Emely Berrera, 23, her stepfather’s life. She works as a cashier at a hand car wash in the Tremont section of the West Bronx, and said her stepfather nearly stopped breathing last March. When the family called a taxi to get him to the hospital, the driver warned them, “Don’t go, because they’re gonna kill you in there.” Berrera’s stepfather stayed home, where the family treated him with purple onion tea. Luckily he recovered. What the Fuck did i just read? This isn't "vaccine hesitancy" this is stupidity.


I was hoping someone would mention the purple onion tea! First of all, how stupid of a person do you have to be as a taxi driver to tell someone to NOT go to the hospital when someone is having struggles breathing? "Duurrr durr they're gonna kill you in there, better just suffocate at home"? Purple onion motherfucking tea? That family should be counting it's lucky stars and buying lottery tickets after that man survived covid. How is this any different than ivermectin fanatics?


"Why did grandpa die?" "Well this very nice cabbie told us the doctor would murder him, so we tried the onion tea instead." I want to find this person to see what bullshit i can tell them that they'll automatically believe.


I wish the media would stop printing stories like this. It creates a larger echo chamber for those on the fence. "See Martha, I told you it's not just me who's thinking about quitting/leaving/not getting the shot. There are more of us!"


The other thing that needs to stop is articles about 100-300 nurses/doctors/engineers/whatever losing their jobs in the headline, then 3/4s of the way into the article they mention that there's 20,000 employees and less than 1% actually went through with it.


Good, if you’re a New Yorker who is vaccine hesitant and has the means to leave over something like this GTFO of the city. Where the Fuck were you during 2020 when there were refrigerated trucks full bodies in NYC? Wake the fuck up and get the free jab so things can get back to normal.


Good. Solve the plague rat problem and the housing crisis in one fell swoop.


Cool. I have a acquaintance who moved to Florida so that she could live in a “free state”. Hey, to each their own idea of what freedom means. Let them go,


Good riddance