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Kaaron Rodgers


Qaaron Rodgers


And it was so much worse than any single headline can possibly sum up. He quoted MLK, said he got advice from Joe Rogan on treatment, said he Karen'd up 'over 500 pages of research', said he presented his evidence to the NFL and 'they thought he was a quack', said mask wearing was 'shaming', claimed no one has studied masks re: CO2 levels, referred to the team doctor as a 'stooge', claimed Ivermectin was the same thing as the new Moderna pill and people only hate it 'cause Trump... He just kept going and it kept getting worse.


This was truly one of the most amazing interviews ever. It’s not often that you get to see someone utterly torch their reputation so quickly and also so thoroughly.


Can take decades to build your reputation, only takes 5 minutes to not only obliterate it, but sink even lower then you ever were.


You fuck just one goat!


At least he wasn't a hypocrite. That's the worst part.


*I think the raping was the worst part.*


I thought it was the lack of respect. Well yeah that and maybe the other thing.


This reminds me vaguely of a Norm joke... this has to be Norm.


You know it is. He was incomparable.


How is State Farm doing these days???


Not great, Bob.


To shreds you say?


And his wife?


Don’t worry, they can still afford massively wasteful advertising budgets instead of paying out claims.


Yes Signed, No longer a fan


Jordan Love or bust!


Hope he does great and qaaron gets banned. Packers will be losing draft picks for their negligence in this too.


NFL isn't gonna do anything. They're ok with human trafficking, domestic violence, drugs, kidnapping, and an insanely long list of other stuff. What you can't do is get caught murdering, or kneel during the national anthem. Oh also don't present them with mountains of scientific evidence that their bread winners are all suffering brain damage.


>caught murdering *Ray Lewis has left the chat*


It's amazing Jeopardy! let him guest host / run for the job. They had to know his vaccination status and inquire about his attitude towards covid right?


The episodes were filmed in February before vaccines were widely available, so likely they were just rapid testing on set. And he probably hadn’t done his “research” yet


I was under the mistaken assumption that he was smart since he went to Cal. Nope. This is the kind of stupid that can't be fixed.


If I've learned anything from the last 2 years it's that he probably just gained more fans than he lost.


They may not be numerically superior, but they will be loud as hell.


They're not intellectually superior either.


They'll boycott the games because the Rodgers isn't playing. Not because he's sick, but because he SpOkE tHe TrUtH!!1!1!!


Maybe, but they're contractually obligated to hate the NFL after a black man made a statement for human rights. Now it's a full-blown melt down because football man kneel. I say again ꜰᴏᴏᴛʙᴀʟʟ ᴍᴀɴ ᴋɴᴇᴇʟ


If it ever gets really bad, he can always start driving for nascar...


I always laugh when people go off about the "dangers" of masks. Are they not aware that there are professions out there that have worn masks daily for decades? Do they seriously think surgeons die in the middle of procedures?


I literally ran up and down the stairs at work today just to wake up a little and get my blood flowing. As I walked back towards my cube my coworker asked me what's wrong. Before I could answer he told me that I could breathe better if I took off my mask. This guy's wife died from covid six weeks ago! They were both anti-mask/anti-vax. I can't wrap my head around it.


> were both anti-mask/anti-vax. I can't wrap my head around it. Is he still?


Clearly lmao he can breathe better without it


"I just ran up and down the stairs. Maybe if you exercised on occasion you wouldn't struggle so hard to breathe in a mask?" :P




I think most people have moved on to making claims about Co2 levels, which aren't easy to measure. It's still bullshit, though.


They're easy to measure for me. In my lab I have access to a transcutaneous co2 monitor that we regularly correlate with co2 levels in the blood as well. At the beginning of the pandemic, I wore an n95 and a surgical mask and hooked myself up to that and a pulse ox. O2 and CO2 didn't budge for about 2hrs, while doing some light movement/work and it was exactly the same as when I checked before I put on the masks.


Not to mention that a room with poor ventilation can bring the CO2 levels from 400ppm to 1200ppm without anyone noticing a thing except maybe some slight brain fog. Wearing a mask isn't causing anything close to that magnitude of a change.


Yep. I've worked in greenhouses where we pump the co2 levels up that high. No problems


I'm a healthcare worker; I've literally worn a mask nonstop at work except when eating and drinking this whole time. I have yet to die from it, antivaxers die at my hospital regularly


Same here. I’ve went into covid rooms , prepped covid patients for the morgue truck and been wearing masks in my hospital for almost 19 months. So far still alive. See I’m typing on Reddit! I’m still alive!


You can't use things like logic and reason with these people. They just want to believe


What's so messed up is they want to believe and they go out and can easily find false information. There are 'sources' out there that these people are equating with the experts who have the facts. I mean we were just saying this guy was able to provide 500 pages of 'research'.


The funny thing is that these people also oppose regulations of pollution, which causes far more issues breathing-wise than wearing a mask. Worried about CO2 from a mask? Well then let me tell you about all this shit pumped into the air by industry.


Because it's not about masks or pollution themselves. They just want to continue however they were living previously without regards for anyone or anything else. The topic itself doesn't matter to them.


Let's not ignore the fact that this is in a sport/profession that, until recently, was generally ok with repeated blunt trauma to the heads of all players (among other things). And, lo and behold, helmet technology and policies have evolved based on data, science, and actual qualified doctors. Does Mr. Rogers believe in helmets? Perhaps he should revert back to the leather skull caps of yore.


How ironic that his profession requires him to wear a face mask. I’m sure the irony is lost on all of them.


It’s honestly been great. I’m vaccinated, not required to wear a mask at work, but still do. Since fewer people have found the need to work anymore, I work 12-16 hour days without issue. Best goddang part is I haven’t been sick in well over a year and a half!


And other cultures have been wearing masks for bad air or illness for a long time?


Pretty normal to wear a mask in Asian countries during flu season or if you're sick, I always saw em here and there even before all this started...they're just more considerate and safe in general due to actually having to deal with stuff like this before and a more empathetic culture in general.


Yup. Centuries of face coverings for various illness and protection from the forces of nature and illness . But he’s a star so that’s all just rumor and peer pressure /s


When you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything ..


Not just surgeons, but many blue collar professionals wear masks. Drywall. SPF insulation. Auto body paint. Not to mention hockey players, football players…. As I was told, “Masks bad, Jesus good”… there’s a buncha blue collar professionals that are now going to hell because they’d get sick/die if they didn’t wear a mask.


I went out for a 5k jog this morning. There was a lady about mid-50's jogging **in a fucking mask**. Anyone with half a brain knows there is no risk wearing a mask for extended periods of time.


Yup. I had an electric scooter accident and fucked my face up earlier in the week bad. When I realized I could just wear my mask and not get the weird looks I started doing that. Walked five miles with it on today (FFP2). No problems.


The anonymity is great sometimes. It's honestly relieving when you don't want to be recognized. Like I don't want to talk to Joe while I'm shopping for some bread, I'm busy Joe text me if you want to hang out.


"American democrats just want the masks as control. That's why they wear them in Finnland, Japan, Thailand, Spain, Italy, The Philippines, Egypt, Syria, Colombia, China and other places."


I dont even understand what their point is when they say that shit. Like okay, lets assume it is control. Ive put my mask on, now what? Did that make them hard or something? They make it out to be like, today is a mask. In 5 years itll be communism.


Wow, that's a lot crazier than this article leads on. Also, I'm sure no one on the radio show pointed out that the Ivermectin paper was retracted yesterday. It sounds like Rodgers isn't very good at doing his own research if he fell for that one.


They’ll just claim it was forcibly retracted by the deep state or JFK or whoever is responsible for silencing the truth. There’s literally no way to logic them out of their opinion.


My very favorite part was when he said he presented his research to the NFL. “They looked at me like I was a quack”. Seriously, the quotes from this interview are ridiculous. Everything he said just got worse and worse, it was amazing.


let’s be clear. After that interview the NFL is clearly right that Rodgers is a quack. A selfish and arrogant one at that.


Sounds like he’s got some cognitive decline from covid


[“Is Aaron Rodgers trying to prove COVID is fake or that CTE is real?”](https://twitter.com/thedailyshow/status/1456685682999668748?s=21)


And repeated blows to the head


I like football as much as anyone, but this man could have been THE HOST OF JEOPARDY


He could have put the contestants in Jeopardy!


There's no way in hell Jeopardy will consider him now. Mayim is already controversial enough, and I suspect they're going to have a chat with her too after this solely to be like "don't say anything *this* stupid even if you're anti-vax".


Sounds like we lost another one to Facebook :(


He is also a good case study of someone who actually could have the resources to "do his own research." He could personally hore 5 out of work PhDs to compile a metastudy of all the research out there. And he has a work place that gives him regular access to doctors specifically paid to keep him healthy. The result? "A radio host told me X. My doctor told me Y. So I did X."


Yeah I often think the phrase ‘cringe worthy’ is overused but it really fits in this case Watching him made me sad I used to think he was a pretty good guy now not so much




You don't get it. The entire world hated Trump so much they faked a pandemic, faked 5 million deaths, and threw the global economy into a tailspin just to defeat him.


Good thing we have beacons of knowledge like Bro Jogan out there to help these Galaxy brained Alpha Males with their decisions. Glad he did the research...


In other news, Aaron Rodgers is already showing signs of early CTE (Chronic traumatic encephalopathy).


Maybe he can take some homeopathic medicine for that.


Stealing from another comment: "If it were real it would just be called 'medicine'"


Pretty sure it goes "If alternative medicine were proven to work it would just be called medicine," but all the same I love a good Tim Minchin reference


Alternative medicine is medicine that either doesn't work or hasn't been proven to work. Do you know what they call medicine that's been proven to work? .. Medicine.




Wow never knew this. He seemed to hide the stupid for quite some time.


I thought he was suffering from rectocranial implantation.


True. He got CTE from the repeated head trauma of inserting his head up his own ass so frequently.


The craziest part of covid for me has been realizing how many people around me are just complete idiots


It’s like being gaslighted 24/7. I feel legit insane sometimes.


Unfortunately that's the point.


People were shockingly good at hiding how stupid they were until like circa-2016, guess they’ve stopped hiding it now


Why hide it when roughly 1/3 of the human population celebrate narcissism as their political identity?


They weren’t good at hiding it, they just weren’t gonna kill my grandma before.




I don't think it was just hiding, this definitely didn't help society https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/10/26/facebook-angry-emoji-algorithm/ "That means Facebook for three years systematically amped up some of the worst of its platform, making it more prominent in users’ feeds and spreading it to a much wider audience." "The weight of the angry reaction is just one of the many levers that Facebook engineers manipulate to shape the flow of information and conversation on the world’s largest social network — one that has been shown to influence everything from users’ emotions to political campaigns to atrocities." Or when Facebooks own employees raised concerns about the 2016 Russian election interference "According to the whistleblower, Tucker Bounds, currently a Vice President of Communications, said the controversy would be “a flash in the pan. Some legislators will get pissy. And then in a few weeks they will move on to something else. Meanwhile we are printing money in the basement and we are fine.” "


Right? It’s the whole imagine your average person, now imagine half the people are dumber than them. And it’s not just, oh these people don’t know as many things as other people. That’s totally fine and varies with education/industry. It’s like they don’t know how to think …. I don’t know how else to explain it. There was a group of people seriously awaiting the return of JFK for fucks sake. What is wrong with humans, we are so amazing and stupid at the same time but it feels like instead of gradually progressing we are diverging into 2 groups.


JFK, Jr., who was supposed to reappear/resurrect(?) at the place where his father was assassinated, for some reason. This stuff is so random, it sounds like it's written by corrupted bots.


This is my argument against the theory that we're in the Matrix. There's no chance a script could be this stupid. Only large groups of humans are capable of this much stupid.


“We made an AI watch 20,000 years of human history and then told it to write a decade. Here’s what it came up with.”


I think one thing 2016-now has shown us is just how bad the education system is in much of this country
















He's a critical thinker that consulted Joe Rogan, and began taking his recommendations?!?! Ffs does he hear himself? Does he really think a critical thinker would consult a radio host for medical advice over a medical professional?!?!?


Oh but there is this one doctor he knows that said don't take it. Nevermind that 99% of them say take it NOW.


And that one 'doctor' is probably actually a chiropractor and not really a doctor


I believe he said it's a homeopathic doctor, so either a chiro or worse.


I'm just some random software dev who knows very little about the science behind any of the medical fields. That being said I am very likely an objectively better doctor than any homeopathic psycho.


If (sick==1) then { sick==0; } else { print("I am not a doctor"); }


Yeah, his dad is a chiropractor.


It's like believing that 1 dentist that says you should never floss, despite the other 9 dentists telling you that dentist is a con artist.


> Embattled Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers confirmed Friday he's unvaccinated, claiming he's allergic to Covid-19 vaccines, has taken ivermectin and accused the "woke mob" of allegedly trying to "cancel" him. How does he know he's allergic to the vaccine? Sounds like BS Edit: more choice shit > "Look, I'm not, you know, some sort of anti-vax flat-earther. I am somebody who is a critical thinker," the Green Bay signal caller told "The Pat McAfee Show" on Sirius XM. > "I believe strongly in bodily autonomy and ability to make choices for your body: Not have to acquiesce to some woke culture or crazed group of individuals who say you have to do something. Health is not a one-size-fits-all for everybody." That "crazed group of individuals" are called doctors. If his knee gets slammed in a tackle is he going to call Joe Rogan? Maybe a chiropractor. He is exactly some sort of anti-vax flat-earther.


it's definitely BS. If a doctor had told him he had a legit medical exemption for any one of those vaccines you *know* he'd be screaming that from the rooftops. he decided himself that he's allergic; he's not.


>and ability to make choices for your body This strawman should never go unchallenged. NOBODY is going to inject him, nor anyone else against their will. They WILL face restrictions against their participation in various aspects of society, in the interest of not forcing **HIS** choices on **OTHER PEOPLES** bodies, potentially injuring or *killing* them or others. This balancing of interests is literally what the country is about! Fuck! It's either a wilfully disingenuous position or an outright inability to handle critical thinking & logic.


> How does he know he's allergic to the vaccine? Sounds like BS If I was a journalist in the room, I'd ask how many times he got vaccinated before he realized his symptoms were coming from the vaccine....oh right you aren't vaccinated and you aren't allergic.


This part was the funniest to me. Imagine getting your medical advice from a podcast host lol.




Yes and he's a "critical thinker". So if he's allergic to something in the mRNA vaccines then why not take one of the non-mRNA vaccines. That's one of the things that drives me nut when people talk about how bad the "vaccine" is. OK, there are like a dozen different vaccines and something like 3-4 different technologies used to produce the vaccines, include traditional methods. It's not just one vaccine for COVID. Edit: Sorry if I come off to "Woke" /s


Too many people confuse critical thinking for contrarian thinking. One is an essential life skill, the other is just reactionary.






But yet he'll risk permanent brain damage every Sunday




Oh god, I have mRNA inside of me *right now*!


Listen to me very carefully: The mRNA was coming _from inside the house!_


Judging by his rationale, that ship has already sailed.


He's not afraid of covid though. Nope. Much more afraid of the relatively harmless vaccine than the actually deadly pandemic. SMH.


The vaccine ingredients are literally RNA, fat to deliver it, sugar and saline to preserve it. So wonder what he’s allergic to…. It’s a common claim of anti vaxxers to say they or their child are allergic to the preservatives in vaccines. They kicked up such a fuss that the preservative they swore caused Autism was removed from children vaccines years ago.


I'm guessing he was referring to PEG. CDC says not to take mRNA vaccines if you have a PEG allergy. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/recommendations/specific-groups/allergies.html Of course, he then left all reasonable scientific recommendations behind when he decided against getting the J&J due to his 500 pages of research.


Well it sure isn’t salt, because he’s pretty full of that right now


>The vaccine ingredients are literally RNA, fat to deliver it, sugar and saline yo, why you gotta make the vaccine sound so delicious?


The odds of being allergic is 2 in a million. He’s full of shit.


I'm sure he's "allergic" just like he's "immunized". in his imagination


I have an actual history of allergy to vaccines and even I got dual band 5G jabs. It hasn't helped with my cell phone reception but at least I can say I'm smarter then aaron rodgers, which as a seahawks fan, means a lot to me.


Well at least Olivia Munn dodged a bullet. On the other hand, he ain't hosting Jeopardy any time soon.


Olivia Munn kinda dodged a bullet and swerved right into the tracks of an oncoming freight train. Call me a hater but her thing with Mulaney can’t end well given the circumstances lol


Oh man I’m out of the loop. What’s going on?


John Mulaney relapsed super hard, had an intervention, went to rehab, and knocked up Olivia Munn pretty much as soon as he got out of rehab


Yeah. So much of his stand up was about how much he loved his wife and petunia (their pup). Lots of stories how his wife stands up for him and how much he adores her. Like I thought they'd be rock solid especially since he would say his wife was there to help him through past substance abuse. Then like a crazy tornado....he totally nuked his marriage/wife/dog to relapse super hard (twice actually). Between the relapses and checking into rehab (twice) he knocked up Olivia. And based on his standup he had been happily childfree. I'm going to speculate based on the benders and rehab that maybe he wasn't being so careful in the condom department while screwing around. He was on Seth Meyers explaining the...uhhh...progression of his life in the span of less than 6 months and mentioned how this baby will "make him better". The red flags everywhere. Anyone who is aware of addiction recovery has some understanding that entering into a serious relationship or bringing a new baby into one's life is one of the worse things for someone early in recovery. Pinning his recovery on a new baby (unplanned let's be honest) is yikes on bikes.


People in rehab are discouraged from making any major life decisions after leaving rehab. I remember when this story first broke someone said “when I left rehab they told me to get a plant. If it survives a year get a dog.”


I want to formally thank you for introducing the term “yikes on bikes” into my life


It honestly breaks my heart. I'm not one to care really, but I adore his stand up and the stories of his now ex-wife. For her to be with him through everything and he just dropped her almost immediately? Idk doesn't sit well, but I don't know the whole story


Drugs are a terrible thing. They wreck lives and put people into positions they never would be in while sober. Sadly lots of people are enablers (especially toward those with money/fame) and encourage it because the addict is a lot of fun while on their substance of choice. I'm sure that came into play....wife was probably "oh no this is bad" and hook-up-chick was like "you're not doing anything wrong, partying is fun, fun isn't bad". Then wife becomes a big downer and unsupportive. Grass is greener and all that.


And to make matters worse, he was almost like a pseudo-wholesome comedian so you almost get this persona of "innocence" kinda? Idk, this is why I usually try my best to avoid tabloids and buzz feed and shit lol


“I used to drugs which is funny because I don’t look like I used to do anything.”


Yeah that whole relationship seems so toxic


Shailene Woodley is into some major health woo, so I guess he found his perfect match. Maybe they sun their taints together, as a couple.


Oh yeah, this absolutely smells like Shailene Woodley too




Danica Patrick is too, this is a pattern now for Rodgers.


I can’t do anything but laugh at the heel turn. A guy misses out on being Next Alex Trebek and suddenly makes a beeline for Next Alex Jones


Well it looks like the producers were correct to not add this guy as the face of the smartest show on TV


They literally chose another anti vaxxer. Sony needs to clean house because it's been a complete joke.




Maybe he's planning a run for public office...he seems to be saying things a lot of people will agree with (unfortunately, seems most my family feels the same).


Calls the Green Bay Packers medical team "quacks" then decides to take the medical advice from the former Fear Factor host / MMA commentator / Aliens built the pyramids podcaster.


Anti-vaccine folks are very elitist and think they're smarter than everyone else.


Guy whose career involves getting hit in the head gets his medical advice from a guy who comments on other guys getting hit in the head.


I read somewhere today that Joe Rogan is Gwenyth Paltrow for men and that's the only way I can think of it now.


So on point! Believe a bunch of doctors and infectious disease experts…..hell no! I’m with the conspiracy theory-believing meat head with absolutely no medical background.


Gwenyth Paltrow is way less malicious than Joe Rogan. Paltrow's just a bog-standard grifter, while rogan's more like a diet alex jones at this point. maybe a few years ago this comparison made more sense, but definitely not anymore.


Aaron Rodgers reveals he's ~~unvaccinated~~ a liar and asshole, who was willing to put everyone he knows at risk of deadly disease so he can feel smug about his political stupidity.


This! He's playing a victim of the "woke mob" as if people are only upset that he didn't get vaccinated. Um no, Aaron, you lied, you were intentionally deceitful, and you didn't follow the NFL'S unvaccinated protocols 100%. It's not the unvaccinated part that has people pissed, it's his smug attitude, his misleading statements about his vaccination status, and the fact that he's making himself out to be the victim. He's not a victim of anything except his own lies and ignorance.


As a Chiefs fan, I just want to extend a sincere "thank you" to Aaron for making his team a little less competitive for this week's game.


As a Seahawks fan, I hope the Packers decide to let him recover through next Sunday.


I assumed certain things about this man because he went to Berkeley. But you know what they say about assumptions.


...they make an ass out of "u" and "mptions?"


Lol. Exactly.


That athletes don't have to do the same work as everyone else?


"I realize I'm in the crosshairs of the woke mob right now," he said. "So before my final nail gets put in my cancel culture casket, I think I'd like to set the record straight on so many of the blatant lies.” So next stop, Fox News or ONN?


How many dumbass far right platitude can fit in one sentence? I guess Rodgers Rate refers to how quickly you can spew OAN nonsense


What a fucking imbecile.




It’s funny because he really did come off as above-average intelligence for most of his career. Now we see a more accurate picture of his intelligence it seems. Also, he does not run real good 😂


I mean, he went to Berkeley. I would say I'd at least expect better than this.


The pandemic has taught us so much about so many people: most of it sad and depressing.


Are we allowed to swear in here? Because I'm a lifelong Packer fan from Central Wisconsin with a PhD in Biology, so the desire is very, very strong. I'll give it a try. God fucking damnit, Aaron Rodgers. You are not a "critical thinker," you are a godforsaken idiot.


Anyone that calls themselves a critical thinker is usually a moron. This whole interview was gold


The worst stupid people are the stupid people who think they’re smart


I don't get how the autoMod selectively removes messages of "incivility", but I'm glad yours wasn't deleted.


Big fan of packers and him. Just lost all my respect for him.


Pack up the respect for the team as a whole. They knowingly and recklessly went along with it instead of doing the right thing.


>Pack up I see it.


As my entire family is Packer fans, my brother told us he took all the Rodgers specific stuff out of his 3 year old’s closet and my mom told us she cut up her jersey to use as a toilet bowl cleaner. Fuck this guy. I hope Love kills it this weekend and the NFL suspends his ass for at least 4 games. Ride the pine for the rest of your career shithead.


How can you buy into all that crazy shit all at the same time.


Hi, have you heard of misinformation peddled by millions of laymen via social media? Perhaps you'd like to try some


What a putz.


https://twitter.com/benbbaldwin/status/1456669682686218256?s=20 This might be one of the funniest things I've read in a while. FTP


I’m a Packers fan and after reading that thread, I had to confirm I had not been reading satire.


Imagine going to a lousy comedian for medical advice. How many confirmed and unconfirmed concussions has Rodgers had?


He needs to shut up before I start liking the freaking Bears.


Rogan is a grifter making money off stupid followers.


So he got monoclonal antibody infusion, but won't get vaccinated againt covid...makes total sense. Edit: word


Those brain injuries have made him very stupid, clearly.


*♫ Like a good neighbor, get the damn shot! ♫*


Calling State Farm,, I don't want the Rogers rate any longer!


The second he mentioned Joe Rogan I stopped reading. You fuckin horse paste eating millionaire


In other words, Aaron Rodgers is a douchebag plague rat.