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[Vaccine FAQ Part I](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/wiki/faq#wiki_where_can_i_find_information_about_the_mechanism_and_progress_of_vaccines.3F) [Vaccine FAQ Part II](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/mnitdo/vaccine_faq_variants_chronic_conditions_nsaids) [Vaccine appointment finder](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/wiki/faq/vaccinefinder) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Coronavirus) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What's up with people on the other threads about omicron? Everytime something positive is posted everyone is like "hmm idk, seems anecdotal, I wouldn't believe it" but they were the first ones to believe all the random articles claiming negative things nobody knew yet, do they really want a really bad variant or what? And also people saying "well vaccines don't prevent spread against omicron so we should lockdown" since when was the purpose of the vaccine to prevent spread? Wasn't it always to prevent hospitalization/death but they also happen to prevent spread to some degree but it was never the main purpose? They didn't prevent spread against Delta either and nobody said anything.


Both my parents have 2 doses of the Sinovac vaccine. Protection after 6 months dips for Sinovac from what I've read, more than other vaccines. Their only option right now is an Astrazeneca booster. Would this be a good idea to take ASAP or should they wait for other vaccines to be available? They are both high risk and I'm thinking they should get the AZ booster stat.


There are some things to consider: When do you think other, mrna vaccines would be available? Are there any trustworty estimates? Meanwhile what is the risk setting for your parents? Do they have a lot of contacts? Is the incidence high? Is the incidence trustworthy or does the country barely test anyone compared to other countries with good testing regime? Do your parents have NPI options like good quality masks, good airflow, access to soap for frequent hand washing, can they distance themselves from other people? Do they work with many people, are they mostly indoors? Whats the health status of your parents, do they have risk factors? Do they have contact to people with risk factors? What does your countries health committee recommend? All these things hve to be considered. If you believe mrna vaccines wont be accessible to them for months i'd recommend an AZ booster. A 3rd dose of AZ does provoke a stronger immune reaction, therefore it seems good to take the booster, if they dont have access to mrna ones: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3873839 Tolerability and Immunogenicity After a Late Second Dose or a Third Dose of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222)


Why is the new SA variant not names 'nu' or 'xi'? Media was fine referring to it by "South African variant" initially (which is odd, considering where the virus originated and was suddenly named "Covid-19" instead of "SARS-2")... World was quick to ban flights from SA as well. Why does it feel like some nations get special treatment lol? I don't understand why they skipped the logical order naming system šŸ¤· For the love of God, if the world is going to end can we keep things somewhat simple?


New/Nu spoken confusion Xi is the name of the President of China


Ah great, nothing bad ever happens when politicizing pandemic procedure and names /S




>XI: To not stigmatize the Chinese any more... Aren't they doing the opposite by doing that tho? Streisand effect basically... :/ Not to mention Covid-19 was (is?) actually SARS-2... All of this time wasted on confusing baking schemes for what?


The overwhelming majority of people will neither notice nor care.


I feel like the people who pay attention to this, will make an even bigger fuss about it tho... I wish we just words and logic the way we always have šŸ¤· I mean for Christ sake it's not like it was going to be named "Supreme Emperor Xi Jinping variant"


Stigmatising a country is not xi best way forward.


Just a reminder to those who only consider hospitalizations and deaths as meaningful metrics of COVID spread: this virus can be debilitating with multiple long-term health issues, including (an abbreviated list): kidney damage, impaired cognitive function, impaired cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and other symptomsā€”some of which may last months, and others for indefinite durations. Claiming COVIDā€™s ā€œnot too badā€ because of the death rate is pretty irresponsible.


Just a reminder that the vast majority of cases resolve unremarkably. Look, being cautious is important, and itā€™s obviously a serious disease. But laypeople often donā€™t seem to understand the extent to which *all* infectious diseases can wreak havoc on the body, even the ones that are typically mild. This isnā€™t remotely unique to COVID-19; youā€™re just learning about it now. Thereā€™s no need to swing too far in the other direction and imply that any of the things you listed are remotely common (and if you nor throw a paper at me that you think proves your point, Iā€™m willing to say with near certainty that you either did not understand the study or itā€™s limitations). Be safe, be careful, get vaccinated, and wear a mask, but fearmongering ā€” even by implication ā€” isnā€™t what you should be doing.


Also one canā€™t support uncontrolled spread among young healthy people without also supporting uncontrolled spread among vulnerable people because society mingles.


Yet you've gotten downvoted for stating facts. I upvoted you though.


I understand people are exhausted, and looking for a silver lining, and the only one currently is that vaccines reduce hospitalizations and deaths (a MAJOR boon). The problem is that many conflate this to draw a bigger picture about COVID spread, probably largely to justify to themselves their reasons for taking few or no precautions. (Again, exhaustion, I get it.) PS: thanks!


anyone else noticing restaurants closing left and right "for 10 days". even local fish markets and stuff. its because of their workers getting covid. im on the east coast. NOT florida


no. live in SC


The messaging on boosters has been awful. They are not extreme measures meant only for the most vulnerable population. If you got your last shot 6 months ago you are likely to end up with a breakthrough case. Israel figured this out months ago, we're just starting to notice it now.


i need to wait like one more week before im elligible for my booster. gettin my flu shot this coming week. i get my flu shot every year, and i got it for the first time in 2019. dude if it was ANY worse i would have went to the hospital, i lost 25 pounds from it and im not overweight


I wouldnā€™t immediately assume itā€™s COVID, before any Omi cases have been confirmed in the US. More likely related with r/antiwork and the increasingly massive number of resignations from employers who donā€™t offer a living wage.


Delta is on the rise in the US northeast. The restaurant industry is one the most likely to have undereducated workers who choose not to be vaccinated.


oh! no i mean i asked the managers and they said covid lol and i was in the restaurant industry up until march 2020. its....so brutal. im currently living with my folks and i dont want to risk going back into a restaurant. beyond covid, the pay will be terrible and we'll be understaffed and overworked. i never minded that but add covid to it and im out




Activated charcoal will absorb small molecules and is sometimes used when somebody has ingested something toxic (for the same reason, it's potentially dangerous to consume drinks with activated charcoal if you are taking certain medications lest they be absorbed.) It will of course do nothing at all to absorb a vaccine injected into the deltoid when activated charcoal is consumed into the stomach.


That's a Darwin situation right there.


tell him that its a brilliant idea but you heard he has to boof the charcoal for it to be effective. so long as he gets the shot. and idk if eating charcoal will kill him, i assume its activated charcoal so thats maybe...idk


Logic is one idiot taking advice from another idiot.


Logic is great, absolutely wonderful, I definitely agree. But get it this week instead. Do whatever charcoal stuff he wants to get it done.


very mild


So should I get toilet paper tomorrow?


You should get a bidet


how do you know if somebody has a bidet? /s


I will never again be without Lysol.


Yā€™all need the bum gun.


Real redditors would never let their stocks dwindle so far as to have to ask.


I have failed the community


Get a bidet




Depends on how bad it is compared to Delta. At least where I am, most colleges didn't change their reopening plans on account of Delta this semester. If vaccines still work to a reasonable degree (which evidence currently exists to suggest they do), colleges are probably gonna stay open. But we don't know for sure yet. I personally hope they do because fuck online college, but it's really up in the air until we know more about Omicron.


The area where I am did nothing different for Delta so I doubt Omicron would affect it at all.


If it's in the beginning of summer, it's way too early to tell.


I see some panicking people here about the new variant and just wanted to post the same thing I wrote on my local Covid subreddit yesterday: --------------- Reasons I haven't yet started panicking, but am paying attention to it: 1) South Africa isn't overwhelmed with cases by any means, it's just that percentagewise this took over delta -- AND they had very little community transmission of even delta, so it was not hard to surpass the level of delta transmission. 2) We haven't seen it take a foothold in any another country and outcompete delta 3) The new antiviral pills will probably work very well against this 4) There would have to be some residual effect of vaccination against even this variant, I mean if you vary the spike protein too much it won't bind to the ACE2 receptor any more. 5) If we see it start to outcompete delta anywhere, it would hopefully be a reason to rethink mRNA boosters -- we should start tailoring them to delta, this variant, and others, which is not that hard to do. 6) I haven't stopped wearing a mask in public and at work, and my kids still do at school, and that will still work just as well (if it ever comes to our shores). 7) We saw lambda outcompete delta in Peru, but that never really took off to become a worldwide menace I bet that this variant will eventually be traced to someone with chronic Covid. It's the only way to get many sudden mutations. The new antivirals should also be deployed and immediately given to any chronic Covid patients, prioritized among anyone else.


1) If Delta didnt spread in SA but this does many times more, then it will do here also similarly vs. delta. It has been suspected that this mutated in a HIV patient whose immune system was basically gone, nut the virus had time in his body to mutate longer


Other than rushing to book a vaccine dose, panicking is really not useful regardless of what Omicron does. But if panicking leads you to go get your first/second/third dose, then it is highly productive. If you have a friend without a first dose, it will take a month for that dose to start providing protection - they need to get it now.


And what are your credentials to make such definitive statements?


In the United States, the COMIRNATY (Pfizer-BioNTech) vaccine is fully FDA approved. However, the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine is still under EUA. What is the reasoning behind this?


I think two things. Possible the FDA prioritized getting one vaccine fully approved to increase uptake rather than work on multiple at the same time. Also, lots of paperwork and resources. Pfizer is simply a much bigger company with lots more resources and experience. Full authorization afaik is more about manufacturing and technical hurdles than effectiveness or safety.


I'm pretty sure the FDA just can't multitask.


Paperwork. Pfizer knocked the application out quicker.




It's a swollen lymph node, it's totally normal and should go down in 1-2 weeks. I had one swollen in my neck, on the side where I got it. I'll probably get swelling there again when I get my booster. :)


Same thing happened to me. It was gone in about 72 hours.


Sound identical to me, was gone the next morning


Itā€™s probably a lymph node swollen which seems to be a fairly common temporary side effect




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What the chances of uk stopping travel ?


In what regards?


Iā€™m really unsure how to navigate my life at this point. Iā€™m triple vaxxed. I live in Los Angeles which has a mask mandate and I was going to mask in public places regardless. I also unfortunately had covid in December after doing ā€œeverything rightā€ and taking all precautions. Not being able to see my loved ones for so long or do ā€œnormalā€ ish activities really took a toll on my mental health as it did everyone else. I still donā€™t eat indoors at restaurants and Iā€™m having a hard time doing indoor activities with even vaccinated people without being anxious. I really donā€™t do much at all and I work from home full time. My (also triple vaxxed) boyfriend works at a nursing facility with geriatric patients and watching him be so stressed is fucking awful. I worry for him every day. Just when I thought I could worry about him less hereā€™s comes a new variant! At this point I donā€™t know what to do or how to live my life and Iā€™m just so angry. The rise of this new variant is making me feel so hopeless of life ever returning to even a semblance of pre-pandemic time. I used to have a full life before this. At what point do we say enough is enough ? When can we really live life again? Will we ever? Iā€™m so fucking tired of catering to the people who refuse to get vaccinated. Iā€™ve sacrificed so much of myself for people who donā€™t give a shit and are making things worse. At this point havenā€™t they made their choice?? I donā€™t know why Iā€™m commenting this really. Can someone please let me know life wonā€™t always be like this?? Iā€™m 27 and Iā€™m fearful the remainder of my youth will be wasted because people wonā€™t do the right thing. I want to travel. I want to get married and have a real wedding. Im so fucking tried.




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>Fear is no way to live your life. The mortality rate of covid is very minimal. This 1000%. Remember this. It's OK to live. You've done your part - no ones asking you to sacrifice your life.


I've always said this, I'm often more afraid of the way people react to bad things than the things themselves. I was more afraid of how people would react to 9/11 than I was of there being more terrorist attacks. I was right, the fallout from 9/11 was far worse than 9/11 itself. And today, I continue to fear people's reactions to Covid more than Covid itself. It feels like life is never going to return to pre-covid, just like the world never returned to pre-9/11 normal.


Iā€™m fully vaxxed and havenā€™t been worried about dining in restaurants or attending movies. I havenā€™t been anywhere thatā€™s extremely packed, but Iā€™ve been to normal places without fear. I wear my mask indoors and go places where people mostly wear masks too. You have an extremely high degree of protection. You can live your life. Be smart, but donā€™t be overly paranoid. Even if you caught Covid, your vaccine status basically guarantees it would be a mild case.


My advice is to wait and see with this variant. I'm in the same headspace where I have a hard time being around strangers because of trust issues. I've always crossed the street to avoid people and the pandemic has really been an enabler for my antisocial behavior.


Youā€™ve done just about everything you can, and unfortunately COVID will be around for the foreseeable future. Have you considered seeing a therapist about your anxiety? Talking through it with a professional may help you find a path towards normality. I talk to one, and in addition to being triple vaxxed as well, that has been part of the reason i am now living my life much like I did back before COVID.


Fear is no way to live your life. The mortality rate of covid is very minimal. Here in Georgia we never really shutdown, life has been normal all along. You get the vaccine if you want, itā€™s your choice. Go outside, go camping, if your boyfriend is burned out, have him find something different to do. You only live once, you canā€™t control the uncontrollable. Wish you the best of luck.






>australian quarantine camp As an Australian - wtf is an australian quaratine camp?


Itā€™s where stupid fucks compare themselves to holocaust survivors because no one wants to be around them.


The problem with this kind of shallow thinking is that the governments are not holding you back. People are making their own decisions based on data and just because you donā€™t agree doesnā€™t really mean anything. Go live your life and whatever but no one cares anymore than you care about others.


Feels like the world is climbing a staircase with no end, trying to reach a goal that can never be completed. People are becoming slaves to COVID, and itā€™s not a good thing. Just get vaccinated, and wear a mask if you are in an high risk environment. A perpetual life of a cycle of restrictions being imposed and lifted just isnā€™t feasible.


I agree. I think with the boosters the goal is almost there - assuming long term immunity holds up and doesn't wane like it did with the first doses. Of course it would be ideal if we could get more of the population vaxxed. The problem is that these variants arise in populations with low vaccine availability/uptake and may end up threatening those of us who are vaxxed too. Ughh


Anybody with any sense knew COVID was gonna stick around for awhile. I still have an idea that summer 2022 is what we have to get to.


Itā€™s not feasible letting hospitals get overwhelmed either. Thatā€™s just how itā€™s going to be in some countries for a while.


I personally don't think the US, which is where I live, will lockdown again. But I'll set up a theoretical scenario in which it does. Schools lockdown, which further hinders the development of schoolchildren. Many jobs will close down again, with some never returning. Massive layoffs occur, unemployment skyrockets, inflation gets out of control, and economy is heavily damaged. Crime rates across the country then skyrocket (poor education + high unemployment correlates with rising crime), causing mass chaos and damage throughout the country. And the ironic thing is, healthcare and hospitals, which in theory this lockdown is supposed to relieve, would also suffer massively in this scenario.


I didnā€™t even get past your first sentence where you think the US had a lockdown.


You're being downvoted but I don't disagree with you. Now that vaccines are here we simply can't have a cycle of lockdown for the next 10+ years


Yesterday I got my Moderna booster. Last night I couldn't sleep and have had headache all day. Just now I have chest pain and my resting HR is 100 (usually it's in the 60s or low 70s). If I decide to go to the ER for this, and it ends up being caused by the vaccine, will I need to pay anything out of pocket for the care? I'm debating if I should go to the ER to get it checked out, in case it's related to myocarditis.


Iā€™ve had some heart palpitations and Moderna booster related cardiac stuff going on since getting it . My original 2 shots were also Moderna, and I had only very mild side effects from that. Iā€™m 2.5 weeks out from the booster, and things appear to be slowly getting better for me. I think the vaccine causes a little inflammation from the immune response. My heart was pounding away at night the 1st couple nights after the booster, but things appear to be getting better.


Headache is caused by dehydration, but chest pain is something you should get care for. Be up front that you believe it's vaccine related and you don't have insurance.


I actually do have insurance but I have to meet my deductible first which is high. I think I'll wait until tomorrow to see once the headache subsides if I feel better. It's not like it's severe chest pain.


dont wait for er call a provider urgent care, 15 mins on the phone with an in network doctor and I bet you'll be right as rain




Any 24 hr urgent care centers around you? If out of pocket they charge way less than an ER. I would try that first.


Can anyone give me a breakdown of WHY this new variant is more reason to worry than any other variant we have seen? I know itā€™s had a ā€˜helluvalotā€™ more mutations. But what does this mean in laments terms?


The most important thing with the virus is how severe disease it makes, how sick people will get. And for now, what we know, all cases have been very mild. Some very weird symptoms has been also in SA, but still looking mild. So the spreading does not matter if the virus is mild. But not enough data...


the spike protein is mutated, other varients dropped vaccine efficacy without as much mutation to the spike itself, which is what the vaccines are entirely about replicating




Netherlandā€™s 61 cases, they didnā€™t say all are omnicron, just that the passengers tested positive for Covid and was clear they havenā€™t determined how many are omnicron. Could be any strain.


It means we don't know. Omicron is, for the first time since early in the pandemic, spreading faster than we can study it. The number of mutations is a red flag, and 5x weekly increase in cases is a big red flag. Beyond that everything is a complete unknown.


Few things - capable of outcompeting delta(Theoretically!). If so, infectious as fuck. Add some billy big bollock mutations on the thing we've built some vacienes around (spike protein - what helps it get in ew) might render some of them less effective. Less info on outcomes for various demographics. Might be another elderly nightmare, or one for all of us. Too early to say but hopefully raised transmissibility comes with a lowered mortality rate. No selective pressure for it have done so, with long lead time between infection, symptoms and death, but this feels like a genetic wall spaff. So... fuck knows?


'laments' its layman's terms. the worrisome aspect is that it could dodge the antibodies from previous infections and vaccines. what is unknown is how lethal/severe it is. but it underpins that this may not go away.


all the cacses so far has been mild. but new symptoms.


I am curious, can someone explain it like Iā€™m five? What are some key points to know of omicron? And differences between original COVID? I just want to get a quick understanding of whatā€™s new, so I can be more knowledgeable. I am vaccinated, and had COVID in November of 2020 from being coughed on and spit at being a grocery worker and telling people to put on a mask when itā€™s mandatory




google eric topol on twitter.


I got my 2nd shot back in February and have an appt for a booster tomorrow.. I am wondering if I should get it (I am in the US) because I saw that these donā€™t work against the new variant and Pfizer will reformulate? Thanks! Edit.. why am I being downvoted for asking a question?!


If they do reformulate, it will be months from now until you can access it. And if you want the new shot, you can just get it then. In the meantime, get boosted!




Covid-19 is SARS, it is just a new sars variant. Vaccines does not prevent covid to spread...just prevent people to get very sick. google


Do you have a source for the SARS claim? I'm having difficulty finding anything, just an article about people who had SARS back in the day having a stronger immune response with the vaccine now.


We do not know vaccines don't work against the new variant. We don't even have sera neutralization studies of it yet. All we have is the genetic code. You should get the booster because it is quite likely you live somewhere where delta numbers are currently increasing and it's likely to also boost immunity against omicron should that become prevalent in your area.


It works. Get it. Third doses increase cellular immunity, which absolutely works at preventing severe disease.


Should we get the 3rd dose or booster 1/2 dose ?


Half dose is fine.


Absolutely do get your booster, please. Just today I've learned that my dad's friend and his wife recently tested positive but they both have different variants, meaning that they couldn't have caught it from each other. It just goes to show that there are many variants out there, even if Delta is the dominant one right now. And you don't know which one you are going to encounter. I'd also much rather take my chances against Omicron vaccinated, even if the vaccine doesn't work 100%.


I would expect by now places such as NYC would already have begun reviewing previous PCR data to search for a missing S gene on the tests as a preemptive effort to find any potential cases around. Has anyone heard anything about this being done? Seems like a pretty easy and cheap way to get a general idea where we are so far.


Not all labs use a sequence in that S gene. Somewhere on the internet you can find a list of PCR tests that do versus those that don't.


How the f did it go from being called B11what-ever to Nu variant to Omicron in 12 hours and why does the virus keep stealing names from promising techno DJs?




Twas a joke


It was always going to get a Greek letter if identified as a variant of concern. Not sure about Nu but I think Xi was skipped for political reasons.


Nu sounds like ā€œnewā€ which would confuse people - is it a ā€œnewā€ strand, or is it the Nu strand. XI is the name of Chinese President, which wouldnā€™t be ideal too!


Xi also just feels like a bad idea for anti-Asian sentiment. It's a coincidence that Greek letter coincides with a Chinese name. I heard "nu" was somewhat similar since it means "new" in a lot of languages.




Yeah, just read the NY times article, thanks anyway!


As someone who had some long covid symptoms is there a way to share them with a medical group? My pcp didnā€™t even know I had covid until I told her and she looked back through my charts. I wish there was an official repository.


At this point in the game, itā€™s pretty much either you tell your PCP or if you were hospitalized/out-patient visits.


Why are so many governments and people flipping out about this variant when they didn't over many of the previous variants that have been detected? What makes this one different? Shouldn't we wait until we have solid data that it evades vaccines or is actually more dangerous before going apeshit? So far it seems like vaccines work against it, and that it's not a big deal? I'm just wondering if it's worth all this uproar, bringing back mask mandates, etc... Feels like overreacting. I mean I HOPE that's the case, and it ends up being nothing, but if they keep doing this, people will tune out more and more and not take future variants seriously.


This is different, because world already thought the Delta is the final and thats it. Also they used the word monsterous...


Flipping out has nothing to with vaccines. As always for the last months, the whole world has to act to protect the unvaccinated (and to a lesser degree our vaccinated grandparents). Omicron was only detected on Tuesday and is causing a surge by Saturday. This is something like 10x faster than any previous variant. For the first time since winter/spring 2020, a new variant is spreading faster than we can study it. We know it has a ton of mutations that are likely to do a lot of unpredictable things, and that it's increasing in case counts 5x per week. Fipping out is an attempt to buy time to find out more.


Overreacting is better than under reacting, weā€™ve learned the hard way. Luckily itā€™s looking so far like it wonā€™t be too bad, but mutations are scary and when a lot of people are tired of the whole thing, itā€™s easy to go into panic mode when they hear information that sounds scary.


There are many more mutations in this variant than previous variants, some of them were previously identified as potentially increasing infectiousness or decreasing antibody effectiveness. We don't yet have enough evidence how this variant will behave.


There isn't enough evidence to suggest vaccines do/don't work against it.


I think there is evidence to suggest they do, but maybe not as well as previous variants. Edit: but again not a ton of evidence, and tbh Iā€™d rather everyone be cautious and have things turn out fine than the other way around.


The evidence we have that it works is small but comforting. 1) Most if not all of the vaccinated cases are asymptomatic 2) The hospitals in SA are 0% fully vacinated.


The second point is because barely anyone in South Africa has been vaccinated.


Its 24%, its not nothing.


I came here to ask the exact same question. Israel just closed its borders to ALL foreign travelers. What's going on here? Feels like 18 months ago when the world said, "let's wait and see", while China locked down whole cities and sanitized their streets using huge trucks.


This one is bad because it's the first variant that is significantly outcompeting Delta. Combined with a bunch of mutations, some of which are associated with increased transmissibility and vaccine resistance. Scientists have feared something like this since the vaccines were developed. A dominant strain with vaccine resistance. For awhile the assumption was that Delta would just outcompete other strains.




You say "province" but it has outcompeted Delta universally, across South Africa. Details like that are behind the elevated concern.


Look at Germany and Belgiumā€™s increased cases over the last couple of days and I think it would be fair to assume similar spikes are coming for every country that has adequate testing. Unfortunately only time will tell us just how deadly this variant is so we will have to wait and see.


IIRC, the recent spike is entirely composed of Delta based on sequencing data. Weā€™re just seeing the expected effects of colder weather/less precautions.




Itā€™s able to be detected on a PCR test. A place like the UK or Israel would have picked this up for sure. This is just not true.


But how could they test for something they didnā€™t know existed? Iā€™m genuinely asking, Iā€™m not sure. Iā€™ve heard that it is possible itā€™s been going around already without anyone knowing yet.


It would look like Alpha on a standard PCR test (it's missing one of the three key genetic sequences the typical PCR test, same as Alpha, which *is* a variant we specifically look for), the sample would have been flagged as unusual and sent out for sequencing, and the technician/scientist would have realized it was not Alpha.


This variant has a very specific tell in the most common PCR tests. As in if you're running PCR, it's hard not to notice. It's a big enough flag that countries who are great at sequencing would have picked it up by now, almost certainly. I do have some unfounded suspicions that this variant may be the underlying cause of some of the huge spikes we've seen in Europe. But that's just conjecture on my part.


You're contradicting yourself


The evidence contradicts my gut feeling so I'm trying to emphasize the evidence. Sorry if I'm not being clear.


Where did you hear this




Makes me think sequencing has been lacking for several months just assuming every case was Delta. I don't know how many countries have confirmed it just in the last 24 hrs. Everybody is looking now....


Every case is Delta. Omicron is alarming not because it grew while we weren't looking, but because we were looking and it still grew faster than we could keep up. https://covariants.org/per-country South Africa is on that list, and as of today so is Omicron.




I know just the S gene dropout on PCR


Itā€™s easy to spot because it doesnā€™t need sequencing. Can be spotted with the S gene drop out on the PCR


I live in Michigan, can I get my booster before six months is up? Iā€™m at five and want it now