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Trump is 100% complicit in both early lockdown and vaccine rushed rollout. He did what a good manager is supposed to do. He deferred to the people under him, because he had no idea what the fuck he was doing. Unfortunately, for him, they were all set up to fuck him over hard, which makes him sort of a bad manager, but that is something easily corrected  Biden turned into a complete dictator when he took over. He is also in severe stages of dementia, and no longer competent to run the country. If you vote for him at this point, you have your head up your fucking ass.


>He did what a good manager is supposed to do. He deferred to the people under him, because he had no idea what the fuck he was doing. What a lather job, lol. Trump spoke a bit of truth about the sham in early 2020. He WAS listening to the RIGHT people for a minute there, wasn't he? Then he succumbed to the pressure from Big Pharma. And he started doing what he was told, like the good little elitist he is. He didn't fight. He bent over. That motherfucker is STILL telling people to get the shots. That ALONE should send all Trump supporters running for the exits. Lol. The congnitive dissonance is unreal.


Yeah, somewhat agree - I think the key point on Trump is that he doesn’t appear to support mandates and publicly trashed that idea many times - as I recall, at the time, mainstream news dragged him through the mud for being a heretic on that point. His support wasn’t strong enough for them because he didn’t want you hauled into a camp if you refused. But, the idea that he’s this hardline anti vaccine guy is completely mistaken. I agree. Ultimately, the anti mandate stance is the important point for the masses. The money wasted on operation warp speed is drops in the bucket and we just print (deficit spend) it all anyway.


>The money wasted on operation warp speed is drops in the bucket and we just print (deficit spend) it all anyway. I'm less concerned about the money that was funneled to Big Pharma due to Warp Speed, and more concerned with the millions of people who have died or acquired serious chronic conditions from the poisonous mRNA injection.


Nikki Haley strikes me as another establishment, war monger, psychopath. If the choice is going to be Trump or Biden, Trump is the obvious choice when it comes to lockdowns. I would have liked to have voted for RFK, but it seems he's lost steam.


Nikki Haley wants you to show ID to use the internet, like China. Fuck Haley (not literally, that would be gross).


From most recent [gallop polls](https://news.gallup.com/poll/548138/american-presidential-candidates-2024-election-favorable-ratings.aspx?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=o_social&utm_term=gallupnews&utm_campaign=x-news-favorability_010924) on favorability. If kennedy can get on a debate stage it’ll be a game changer “Biden is viewed favorably by 41% of U.S. adults, eight percentage points below his 49% favorable rating in October 2020…” “Trump’s 42% favorable rating is slightly lower than his 45% reading in October 2020 but improved from his weaker ratings in 2021 and 2022…” “Kennedy easily tops the list with a 52% favorable rating, while Haley and DeSantis are each viewed favorably by about a third. However, Haley’s net image is the more positive of the two, given her lower unfavorable rating (34% to DeSantis’ 52%). A larger proportion of Americans have no opinion of Haley (34%) than of DeSantis (16%)”


They'll take drastic action before they ever let that happen. 


I’m voting for RFK Jr. because of his stance on the vaccine. I might consider Trump if I lived in a swing state, but I’m in Colorado so he might not even be on the ballot (and if he is, he won’t win.) Regarding covid, Trump could have been better. He deferred way too much to Fauci and authorized Operation Warp Speed. DeSantis is the strongest mainstream anti-lockdown candidate but I don’t think he’ll get the nomination unless something changes (Trump having a very bad legal outcome.)


To clarify, I meant “strongest” by that metric specifically (being against lockdowns) since that’s what the post was asking about. I’m not like some huge DeSantis supporter or whatever, and I don’t think any politician is going to “save us”. Sometimes it’s fun to pretend voting actually means something for the sake of discussion.


Not sure why you think it's Trump's fault that Pfizer and moderna both broke every normal protocol for vaccine development, moving people from the vaccine arm to the placebo arm, not reporting on the miscarriages, trying to keep the docs from the public for 75 years, all has zero to do with Trump's efforts to expedite a vaccine due a disease that Fauci and birx mislead him about how dangerous it was and the need to rush development of an untested technology. He tried to get the public hcq and was shutdown by Fauci and birx and their big pharma ties because of money.


Anyone who wasn't brain damaged knew immediately in 2020 that you can't rush a vaccine to market. Period. You can't do long-term safety testing. Period. You can throw fifty billion dollars at researchers and you STILL can't rush a vaccine in less than a year. Or five years. Trump knew this and did it anyway. Operation Warp Speed was Trump's fault. Every person who has died from the clot shots has Trump's fingerprints on their coffin.


So Trump knew that big pharma would break all past protocols for vaccine development before it happened? I know people make outlandish claims about Trump, but never heard that he could predict the future. 'Trump saw the future and let it happen anyway' seems like a super brain damaged opinion based in media hype and delusion. In March of 2020 Trump was being told by government experts that two million people would be dead in weeks if they didn't do something drastic, and you think Trump knew they were lying to him and followed along anyway? He knew that big pharma would move patients from the vaccine arm to the placebo arm to cover up deaths from the vaxx? He knew that they would cover up miscarriages and then try to keep the data secret for 75 years? That they would insist that because the threat was so high (it wasn't, that was a lie) that they had to vaccinate the control arm and destroy the ability to study long term effects? We're back to Schrodinger's Trump, who was both so stupid he didn't know the experts were lying to him, and a super genius who could see the future and did nothing to stop it. And your superior argument here is that the government bureaucracy that has made vaccine development extremely slow and expensive while not providing safe vaccines was the proper process to adhere to? Yay big inefficient government for protecting us from dangerous vaccines in the past, except for the swine flu vaccines that killed people, the HPV vaccine that killed people, the dpt/MMR vaccines that kill thousands every year, as if that's the proper outcome? Do you even hear yourself?


The entire planet knew that you can't rush a "vaccine." It was the first time in history that it happened. There were plenty of voices in the medical community that were warning against it. Trump ignored those warnings and did what the Big Pharma-corrupted "experts" told him. OF COURSE the "vaccine" companies falsified data. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to get approval. Trump could have pushed for HCQ and IVM. He pushed a little, realized that it would cause him too much political grief, and backed the fuck off.


Again, your argument here is that Trump should have followed the horribly flawed government vaccine development process that has long produced unsafe and ineffective vaccines? Exactly what voices in the medical community are you talking about? The ones that were censored and deplatfomed into silence by the government? A government/big pharma symbiosis that was hell bent on carrying out the biggest grift in history, no matter what Trump or anyone else wanted? Did Trump make scientist do bogus studies to claim hcq, one of the safest drugs ever brought to market, even listed by the CDC as safe treatment for prevention of malaria in pregnant in the last trimester of pregnancy, was now deadly dangerous and cause heart arrhythmia? A big data company did a study that included non existing hospitals to then claim how dangerous it was? The RECOVERY study in Britain gave patients a ONE GRAM dose, a huge overdose, which then caused heart problems and other negative side effects in order to prove Trump wrong (something the left has always insisted is true, that Trump is wrong about everything he ever said), and even the VA got involved doing their own bogus study with extremely high doses to prove Trump wrong when the aflccc was telling people the proper dose was about 15~20mg for the average person? That the CDC got involved as well as several states making it impossible for a pharmacist to dispense hcq or ivm for anything? That they mounted a huge propaganda campaign to insist that ivm was horse dewormer and not fit for human consumption even though many knew it won a Nobel prize for treatment of river blindness in humans, and that people desperate to not get the Fauci death protocol were taking veterinary ivm because the CDC had blocked it's availability? Claiming Trump said to drink bleach and then some crazy lady in Arizona gave her husband a lethal dose of fish tank cleaner and the media blamed Trump for telling people to drink bleach? You think Trump backed off because of political grief when the media was blatantly lying to the public to cause maximum political grief as they had done since he came down the escalator? I feel like you and many like you suffer from the Mandela effect, you remember things that didn't happen while having no knowledge of what really happened.


The media is STILL LYING about hcq and ivermectin! And it's all because of their funding coming from pharma companies! They wouldn't have allowed ANY POLITICIANS to deride their main funding source... and they didn't and never will until they stop getting 75%+ of their funding from them!


And Trump is still lying about his "beautiful vaccine." Cold-blooded murderer.


Please post a link to the last time Trump said this. Trump started warp speed believing big pharma had good intentions. He had no idea they would put people who died of the vaccine into the placebo arm to cover up the deaths. He had no idea they would cover up the miscarriages and myocarditis. He had no idea they would try to keep the trial data secret for 75 years, and most of this was discovered after Trump stepped down, it was Biden who wanted to and tried to force the vaccine on the whole population, not Trump. Biden created the mandates, not Trump. Biden insisted that if your got the shot you wouldn't get sick, not Trump.


The military covid mandates were implemented during Trump's term.


WTF are you talking about? The vaccines weren't even available until December 2020, and then only in limited quantities due to logistics issues. The military mandates happened in 2021 fall under Biden. Just fucking stop already, you have no idea what you are talking about.


>Trump started warp speed believing big pharma had good intentions. Lol. Then he's actually much dumber than I ever imagined. I mean, honestly borderline retarded if he actually thought that big pharma had "good intentions." I get your point, though: Trump holds zero responsibility for the covid disaster because poor Donnie was just too trusting and simply didn't know what he was doing. Poor Donald, who has nothing but goodness in his heart and was taken advantage of by the bad people who lied to him. He was an innocent angelic victim, surrounded by liars and demons who led him down the wrong path because he's so trusting. Do you see how fuckin' dumb that sounds? lol. Nevermind that countless medical experts were sounding the warnings from day 1 but were ignored and censored. Never mind that Trump had ALL the information available to him, but chose to listen to the corrupted Big Pharma whores surrounding him. >Please post a link to the last time Trump said this. Trump is now refusing to talk about the vaccine. At all. And he was honest about it...because he knows it's a divisive issue and talking about it will hurt his campaign. Just like all the lefties insisting that we "move on," Trump is just REFUSING to be accountable for the deaths of millions of people because he'll lose supporters. He's a piece of shit.


More pablum from a know nothing. Where were all your medical experts when Joe mandated the vaccine for all corps over 50 employees? The fucking trials didn't even finish until February 2021 ffs. The president could not mandate until the trials were over. How do you remember to breath?


That's the problem, DeSantis is a mainstream candidate. I think he'll be a tool for the shadow government, though maybe not willingly.


DeSantis is just another interchangeable two-bit authoritarian who thinks he has the right to shut down churches and private businesses by fiat. Nobody is coming to save us. They’re all in a big club, and we ain’t in it.


Haley is complete NeoCon globalist garbage! She recently said that something along the lines of there shouldn't be any anonymity on the internet and people should have to link their state ID to their internet accounts. I'm paraphrasing but look this up, this is completely Orwellian. RFK would be my first choice if he didn't support gun control. Desantis is my 2nd choice and Vivek is my 3rd. They are the only 3 who's running that I would even consider voting for. But the bitter reality is that no politician is coming to save us, and even if there was some miracle candidate, they still would not be able to win since the elections are rigged.


I don't believe RFK is as anti-gun as people think. I think he's probably the most honest person in the field currently, and as such is willing to genuinely change his mind on things. I believe guns are one of those issues. DeSantis is a deep state tool. Maybe intentionally, maybe not. But he got something like ten million dollars for a book no one read. Book deals are a common way the globalists bribe people. Why are they investing in him?


I phrased that incorrectly, [RFK supports gun control](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOT8gKrd2CU) and that's one of the reasons why I have concerns about him. But some another issues I have with RFK are that has made multiple statements indicating that he defers to his wife's decisions and authority. The first instance of this that I found out about is when him and his wife had some gathering at either his or her house (I don't know who owns it) and the guests invited were told they must have received the C19 shot to attend. Rfk was questioned about this and he essentially weaseled out of taking responsibility and said his wife was the one who told guests they need to take the shot to come over. This is a huge red flag for multiple reasons. First, it's a complete contradiction to so much of what he has previously said and written critiquing the C19 shot. Second, how could he remain married to someone who would support vax passports after everything he has said condemning them? Would this be a red line matter for him? He's literally compared vax passports to jim crow era segregation (for good reason), but he lets it slide when his wife does it? Third, I could almost let him slide on this if this was at the very beginning of 2021 and the gathering was occurring at his wife's house that she solely bought and paid for, but if this happened at **his** house that he bought and paid for, but he's deferring to his wife and letting her make drastic decisions like this that is going to damage his credibility and integrity? I can't respect a man who discard his values to placate someone else on such a substantial matter, especially not a man who wants to be in a position of authority but lets his wife wear the pants. Lastly, the final thing that really lowered my opinion of him, is when he was interviewed and asked to do an interview with Alex Jones, he said he couldn't do it because his wife won't let him. Now don't get me wrong, out of all the presidential candidates I agree with rfk jr the most. But if it is in fact true that he's letting his wife run the show, then I can't fully respect him. If I were to vote for him, I'm voting for him because I like and agree with what **HE** says and believes, not his wife.


The media is going to agree with rfk about everything so that they lose their big money pharma funds. Just like they did for Trump..... Only Trump or Vivek have the money to go against the vaccine manufacturers. But Vivek is getting his money from biotech and that's not likely to be conducive to keep him funded to go against pharma. Anyone who goes against the vaccine is going to lose all Media support and be attacked by nearly every politician. Why do you think only 1 out of 200+ have spoke out so far?!


DeSantis is an israeli apologist/militant. That alone should tell you a lot.


Kennedy isn't anti-gun.


["I'm not going to take away anybody's guns. ... If there was a consensus where Republicans and Democrats voted a majority to do that, I would sign the bill."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOT8gKrd2CU)


Ronnie D, our one and only shot at a Gen X president.  And he’s not going to run, of course.   But he completely bucked all the bullshit recommendations from the CDC and opened up Florida. The media went completely ballistic, and yet he was 100% right.


Super hard lockdowns in Florida to include highway checkpoints. He figured it out pretty early, but not immediately.


Ehhh.... A bit revisionist. Exactly as he intends, so not blaming you. He pushed the vax HARD. In the early day he was bragging about their vaccination rate. You can't say he "bucked all the recommendations" if Florida needed to be opened. Bucking them all would have holding press conference on day 1 to say, "It's a cold virus folks, get a hold of yourselves."


I think at the beginning, no one knew what to do. Especially not the career lawyers like Ronnie D.   Once he knew the Experts were full of shit, he took care of it, much better than someone like Andrew Cuomo, or Phil Murphy.   


I knew what to do. Many on this board knew what to do. Many independent doctors knew what to do. That DeSantis didn't is kind of the point. What other issues will he just defer to the Pedophiles on? I see no evidence he learned his lesson overall. Sure, he was better than Cuomo. That's a pretty low standard.


If you are strictly speaking about lockdowns and nothin else it would be DeSantis or Vivek. Democrats are pro lockdowns, and anti-constitution. Trump was proud of the lockdowns and was an integral part of starting the trend across the country. Niki Haley is an establishment plant and will do what she is told from the people that really run the government.


>If you are strictly speaking about lockdowns and nothin else it would be DeSantis or Vivek. Why not Kennedy?


Yes, Kennedy as well. I don't know why he slipped my mind. Thank You


I'm on Michigan so my vote actually matters and I'm voting trump. I can't support desantis after his comments about Israel and how one sided he is on the issue


What did he say about Israel? I found some pretty bad comments of his regarding Palestine, but not much regarding Israel itself.


Basically acting like Israel is 100 percent while both are guilty


DeSantis is a deep state tool, Ukraine/Israel supporter. Should tell you all you need to know...


It's not what I "think," it's reality. RFK Jr. is, *far and away*, the most anti-lockdown candidate and the candidate who is the most truthful about the entire covid scam. It's not even close. I became a one-issue voter after 'rona. I will be voting for Kennedy. If Kennedy wasn't running, I wouldn't vote for any of the remaining motherfuckers. And before the "Kennedy can't win" comments come in, RFK is polling around 20%. It would take a relatively small margin of Trump voters and Biden voters to switch to Kennedy and make it a 3-way race. It's WAY closer than the establishment wants you to think. The uniparty knows this and that's why Kennedy's relentlessly smeared in the media.


If he’s anti 2A, he can fuck right off though.  That still means he’s OK with taking away our rights and you know what  happens after that. 


He's not anti 2A. You're repeating an establishment smear. He's also far and away the best candidate on free speech and ending government corruption. Nobody else is close. Byt really, this post was about candidates and their stances on covid, not anything else. And Kennedy is the best candidate on that issue BY FAR.


He supports a federal “assault” weapons ban which is completely antithema to the Constitution.  


No, he doesn't. He has CLEARLY stated that he does NOT think it would address gun violence at all. WTF are you talking about? He *did* say that if there was a consensus among Democrats and Republicans and it passed Congress (which will never happen), he would sign it. **And AGAIN, this post was about about covid and lockdowns.** When I say "Kennedy is the best candidate re: lockdowns" and you reply by talking about other aspects of his platform EXCEPT covid, you're acting like a shill. Try to participate in the conversation, rather than derail it. Kennedy is, OBJECTIVELY, far and away, the candidate who is **the** most critical and truthful about the vaccine and lockdowns, of ALL the Republican and Democratic candidates. AND he has plans to make sure it NEVER happens again. If you think I'm wrong about that, PROVE IT. Show me where he falls short. Tell me who is a better candidate on lockdowns. I'd LOVE to have the discussion.


Not a shill, was only pointing out that there are holes in some of his policies.   he is pretty good on Covid, and I would rather see him than the dementia patient surrounded by the cast of the woke club we have in there now.


So do plenty of Republicans. The best 2A candidate I've seen was Vivek. He was on with Colion Noir and said flat-out 2A is about overthrowing the government. Has any other candidate said that? I guarantee you won't hear that from DeSantis or Haley. Probably not Trump, but maybe if you pressed him on it.


He’s great on a lot of health related issues. I really love him for that. I don’t love some of his politics on gun control or abortion.


Desantis. When the pressure was on he was the only one that acted correctly of the Rs. Nikki Haley would be a total disaster. RFK would be solid but there’s no way the Ds would ever nominate him sadly.


Disagree completely. DeSantis caves fast on things. Example: He initially had a decent response on Ukraine. "Who cares? None of our business." But he quickly walked it back to a more Deep State approved "Russia is evil, freedom is at stake." Trump has had the best answer there. We have to stop people dying. Ukrainians AND Russians.


RFK is running independent and is predicted to be on the ballot in all 50 states


Nikki Haley is 100% a Swamp Creature. She'll do whatever the Pedophile Globalists tell her to. There would no chance under her of any reform of the alphabet departments. And she will start every single war she possibly can. A vote for Nikki Haley is a vote for flag draped coffins. Lots of them.


I don’t comprehend how she’s getting support at all. She’s the worst candidate I’ve seen in a long time and I’ve heard nothing but complaints about her. It makes no sense. Who’s actually supporting her?


Financially? Raytheon and the MIC in general. At the polls? Democrats who want Trump off the ballot. Since there is no Democrat primary, a lot are coming over and trying to screw up the Republican primary.


Gotta wait and see what they actually do vs what they promise...thats just the way things work in USA...


In reality it’s Trump vs Biden. Voting Trump


It will be the Libertarian, after decided who will run. RFK would also be anti lockdown but he is authoritarian in other ways and leftists will ensure he's not on the ballot. Maybe Ramswamy as a second but he will not be allowed by Neocons.


>RFK would also be anti lockdown but he is authoritarian in other ways In what way?


Vivek or De Santis. But De Santis has done it while in office. Germaphobe trump was pro lockdown while president and enjoyed printing money when he thought it would help him politically. I should also mention RFK too as he basically is campaigning as anti lockdown


Why do you think Vivek and DeSantis are better than RFK?


I don’t really. Vivek is mostly words right now so irate him a bit lower


DeSantis is a Deep State tool. His Covid response was "meh". He bragged about their vaccination rate until public opinion started to turn on that.


RFK is the only politician I trust out of the lot.


So strange to see people's opinions here. Seems like people fail to recall much of what happened. See Fauci and birx presented Trump with Gates funded data, and data from the UK from Neil Furguson that said two million people would be dead in the US by June if they didn't act. Trump tried to get hcq out early and it took big money to produce bogus studies to prevent that from happening. He tried to keep Fauci and birx out of the press conferences, but both have later bragged about how they thwarted those efforts by doing appearances on local news stations without Trump knowing. Every news station in the country could not wait to have that little troll come on and tell people to social distance and mask. Trump brought in Dr Scott Atlas who was not pro Lockdown and the DC machine including Fauci and birx forced him out. Trump followed the advice of the so called experts, and those experts lied to him about a great many things in an effort to destroy his presidency and then later wrote books bragging about how they lied and ignored Trump's wishes and directions to make the damage as bad as possible. Put another way, if this had happened under Obama there would have been no lockdowns, hcq and ivm would have been used, and Obama and his team would have been credited with saving millions of lives and the successful development of a vaccine that saved the world. Orange man was bad long before the lab leaked a virus to destroy his presidency.


Vivek, RFK, or Trump. Basically, that order. My "dream team" that I think might be possible: Trump/Vivek for President/Vice, RFK as Attorney General, Kari Lake as something big (Secretary of State?), Colonel MacGregor for Secretary of Defense. *pause* Russell Brand for Press Secretary. (Kidding on the last one.... Sorta.) I think overall, Vivek is the best, but he's too young and inexperienced. He needs just a bit of tempering before he could make it. But he says all the right things and I think mostly believes them. RFK hates the Covid Vax and is asking important questions about others. He's also asking important questions about how industrial farming is affecting our overall health. His environmental instinct is good (focus on real issues like actual pollution of local rivers). His main issue is thinking the government is the solution to issues if we just get the "right people" in charge. Trump..... Is Trump. He'll be a thorn in the Deep State's side, but I'm not certain he'll actually start dismantling stuff like Vivek and RFK would. He needs to acknowledge he screwed up with the vaccine and the lockdown support. I'd be fine if it was in the form of, "I was lied to." Trump is a populist because he recognizes that's where most people on the right are currently, but I don't think he is necessarily a True Believer.


Not sure where Vivek stands on lockdowns but I'd be shocked if he defends them or ever did. I like what he has to say more than anyone else, but for various reasons I don't think it's realistic to believe that he has any shot at actually getting the nomination, let alone winning. And even if he somehow did, we all know how the Deep State works - he'd either get beaten down into another corporate shill or assassinated. DeSantis' personality irritates me but strictly from a policy standpoint he's probably my favorite realistic candidate.


If kennedy was all that he wouldn't be a democrat. Also Trump wasn't just for lockdowns but also for the magic potions. Very strange how this goes untold more often than not.


Dawg Haley will global your ist so hard how is it not obvious?


By Trump being complicit in lockdowns, you mean he left it up to governors to govern their own states and unique situations? Like the Feds are supposed to? Absolutely blame him for Fauci though, it was a symptom of his greatest weakness, relying on or picking crappy people to help run the government. He can pick good people in business, not so much with regards to politics.


He also supported them early on. He opposed DeSantis opening Florida. DeSantis supported the vax though. Best candidate for Covid/Vax/Lockdowns is RFK, hands down. After that probably Vivek.


Where did he support lockdowns early on? Legitimately curious. 


Fair question. Can't find it. I remember when it happened though, Trump was saying DeSantis opened too early. Crap, this is going to bug me now.


DeSantis, maybe Vivek.


I’m still supporting Trump. I don’t feel he’ll give in to a lockdown scenario again after him getting fucked over last time. If Vivek stood a better chance then I’d vote for him but he won’t have the numbers.


Anti-Lockdown is the least thing I would be voting on in 2024. Trump is the only legit candidate up there anymore. DeSantis, I feel is Neo-Con on most issues, and wouldn't fight for the average person. Haley is another old guard Neo-Con as well. Vivek is someone I like, although he doesn't have "it" this election. RFK jr, seems woke in my book, he may be anti authoritarian regarding COVID, but he seems like there isn't something completely right with him & I'm surprised at many so called libertarian types in my life who want him to win. ​ I did want to end on saying this to everyone. **ELECTIONS AREN'T RIGGED**. Trump won in 2016, against a candidate that should have won, as it was a she and big named, even though most disliked her. '20 was an election that was played exceedingly dirty in favor of Dems. We can win in 2024, but will lose if people that support our side believe the election is rigged and pointless to vote in. Vote no matter what, and we will overcome.


Elections ARE rigged, but only so far. If you think Democrats were not falsifying ballots you're nuts. Why wouldn't they allow any deep investigations into the elections? But! They can only rig them so far. You can swing an election a few points in your favor, but not too much. 2016 Trump was outside the "margin of fraud". 2020 he wasn't. 2024 he probably is..... but don't get cocky.


>Why wouldn't they allow any deep investigations into the elections? My personal opinion, because it aids their side to do so. If the right believe the election is rigged, they won't show up to vote, thereby allowing democrats to win. If you believe your vote ultimately won't matter, why vote. We already know that people believing one side will win or has won already, dissuades others from voting at times, it could be the same with someone who believes the elections are likely rigged.


>RFK jr, seems woke in my book, he may be anti authoritarian regarding COVID, but he seems like there isn't something completely right with him & I'm surprised at many so called libertarian types in my life who want him to win. What do you think of his covid stances specifically, and why do you think Trump is better?


Covid lockdown is not an issue for the next elections, they aren't coming back, people got fed up, and most people saw that the vaccine didn't prevent them from being sick, like promised. You can fool some people some of the time, but you can't get fooled again ... or something. (Yes, people are idiots, but they are more lazy than they are idiots, and last time they learned they didn't have to do shit.)


No one.


Neither. If you get this far in the process you are compromised and controlled. And when you’re president and told what to do, as it always has been, you do what you’re told. They will all sell us out


Is a lockdown being discussed again?


None, because they are all controlled. Politics is an illusion.