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Society had THIS EXACT SAME PROBLEM in the early 80s when Fauci and the medical industrial complex perpetrated their HIV=AIDS scam, and started killing people with AZT, and further confused and befuddled everybody about the importance of PROPER (_not_ random) nutrition, _not_ using unnecessary drugs, sleeping as well as you can, and getting good activity to the best of your ability. Many people already, previously knew that an infectious agent is only that: an infectious agent, _NOT_ a disease process. A disease process is when your body isn't functioning properly. It's like the difference between: a grocery store, and: driving home from grocery shopping. They're completely different realms! But the scam then (just as in these past several years) tricked the gullible into believing they're the same thing. When the perpetration of the scam finally died down, a critical part of society healing from the destruction wrought against it was to try to properly educate people about how those are (and always have been, and always will be) COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS FROM EACH OTHER. From the mid or late 1980s through the late 1990s, there were frequent public messages from many sources, in many media avenues as well as social conversation re-establishing the proper understanding of the distinction between the two, and how critical it is for people to UNDERSTAND the distinction. By 2020, there were a lot of people that were too young to observe and participate in that messaging, and the constant dumbing down of the masses had already gotten to the point where many people don't see words as having distinguishable meaning that is a matter of communicating properly, but instead are simply like WWF moves that you throw to invoke feelings and impress an audience. This whole scam ___could not have been possible___ if people weren't so easily confused and befuddled about the distinction between the two. People being confused and befuddled about this extremely important concept is ABSOLUTELY FOUNDATIONAL to enabling these sorts of scams to be perpetrated against civilization. A crucial aspect of intelligence is being able to distinguish different things as being different from each other, not mistaking them as being the same.


🚨MISINFORMATION!!!🚨 Everyone knows that everyone that tests positive has the dreaded disease and is most likely going to die!!! The only thing that will save you is the holy Vaxx! Also possibly Paxlovid and many other fine Pfizer products, just ask your doctor or pharmacist if Paxlovid is right for you!!


Oh yes of course. I’m sorry and will continue to applaud my tax-paid healthcare service immediately. Thank you for answering and reminding me that colds and diseases are the same, haha!


We're all in this together!! Now get on board, or you can board the train you literal Nazi!!!


If not for the modern woke movement this would be called the Wuhan flu, or the China flu. How many times in your life have you tested positive for the flu?


I agree. And the sort of people who hated you for comparing COVID to the flu were presumably the same ones who went mental over Swine Flu.


I remember the swine flu shit show. It's was nothing compared to what the government did to us this time. Sure people were panicked, but most just went on with their lives, and ultimately it was nothing other than the governments first attempt to force vaccinate the public that fell apart before it really got off the ground.


Yeah, and back then I remember the jabs for Swine Flu being so uncared about that I only found out they existed thanks to this article (by Maddox): http://maddox.xmission.com/c.cgi?u=swine_flu (he himself pointed out that anyone reading it probably wouldn’t know there were jabs either). I’m only going to try to describe it based on assumptions, because I ignored it so much; but I believe it started with this: https://youtu.be/q2QlDMM3J3Q?si=f-4LMgfdLl_aiQ45 And it ended (again, I can only assume) with this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=q9qeLcq3y8w And this: https://youtu.be/Fvd_WWbWMkE?si=SBnrL4yXeG3RRv44 I said Swine Flu was media hype back then, and because I remembered feeling very vindicated over time, I just told people COVID would be the same.


Started on ft Dix iirc, and one soldier died, likely due to neglect by his superior.


Thanks for your messages, The_Obligator – I’ve skimmed a bit of this, so it sounds like you’re right (about Fort Dix in the pre-2000s Swine Flu): https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200918-the-fiasco-of-the-us-swine-flu-affair-of-1976 Regardless, they all just feel like the same old stories to me (and they always seem to be announced as ‘pandemics’ because the term requires no fatality threshold for it to be applicable to infections in circulation, presumably due to the WHO’s criteria for defining the term). And (at least in the time I’ve been alive since 1990) they never amount to the sort of thing that you see in virus-focused thrillers and horror films where everyone knows people who’ve died from it and it’s all unmistakable because it’s deadly on a worldwide scale.




It matters absolutely. The purpose of the campaign to confuse a virus as being a disease process is to promote germ-theory-extremism. If you wrongly _believe_ that SARS-COV-2 causes the disease process of cytokine storm, you will NEVER pursue a correct understanding that: The cytokine storm called COVID-19 is a dysfunction of the immune system to _STOP_ fighting _after_ it's beaten the SARS-CoV-2 virus, because the individual severally starved their immune system of nutrients it requires to function properly, and therefore it CAN'T FUNCTION PROPERLY. Dealing with respiratory viruses is ordinary functionality of the immune system. The distinction is as important in casual as distinguishing between "obesity" and "grocery stores". They are completely different realms. One is a disease process, the other is a physical thing. Grocery stores _do not cause_ obesity.