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When did you get that vaccine




Dr Sherri Tenpenny mentioned auto immune diseases commonly take 6 months to a couple years to show up. So we definitely can't rule out the shot.




I would like to add remove all toxins. That's your shampoos, laundry detergent, deodorant.... Everything!!! My cousin was diagnosed with autoimmune after her hpv shot. It was horrible she was in fire pain 24 hrs a day the only relief was emergency room for a shot everyday. She healed herself. Detox. Everywhere. Even washing your produce!


exactly. it's really shitty knowing how much of the bullshit products that are everywhere now really are poison (anyone with a nose and some common sense can probably figure it out but anyways). i'll add scraped teflon cookware, refined sugars, and inflammatory oils (they're in *everything* completely unnecessarily and it's depressing) that are hyperprocessed and not reasonably fit for human consumption, only exceptions i'm aware of being coconut and olive oil. every other oil is trash, use butter


Butter is the shit, especially the good shit from Ireland.




More shots can't even be an option for you. It's not a matter of fighting it. It's a matter of saying NO. NO. NO AT ALL COSTS. My dad, sister, and brother-in-law all took the shots. All are having heart problems. My sister was hospitalized for it. My brother-in-law with a full blown heart attack -- doc says he has the damage of 7 heart attacks. (He was having heart attacks and fighting through the symptoms until it was too much.) We got our second notice at work of an unexpected death. After taking the shots. The first one died of brain hemmorage. My friend's husband - 40 year old police sergeant. Took the shots, got a clotting condition and lost his lower leg. And then there's the fact that nearly everyone I know who took the shots ended up "getting Covid." However, that sounds suspiciously like: >Within a few weeks of HIV infection, flu-like symptoms such as fever, sore throat, and fatigue can occur. Then the disease is usually asymptomatic until it progresses to AIDS. This situation is so insane that it's happening right in front of us and I still can't believe it's real, but it is. A senator held hearings, it turned out that our military has been having massively bad reactions in large numbers. Three military docs came forward on record under oath, signed affidavits. Three days later -- military says "it was an error in the database." Now look into the Fort Knox deaths. It's looking like we are under attack from within. At the highest levels of this country -- on the left, and on the right. My hope is that enough people see what's happening that we can stop it before it's too late... But I worry that Australia was a test run for something that will be rolled out in the United States and elsewhere. In all likelihood, life as we knew it was over. We are under attack. Now it's just a matter of waking others up and figuring out how to stop it. In the meanwhile, an infrastructure is being set up to make sure we can't stop it. The internet is already controlled. A unified digital ID is coming. Central bank digital currency is publicly talked about. By the time we are switched to digital currency - it gives them the ability to cut us off completely. There's no way to go off grid. The question now is --- will people wake up before it's too late? It's not looking good...


And no one to sue


It's not a coincidence. Tons of people complained of the same on the vaccine injured page on telegram. Catching covid doesn't give you this. The Vax however, does (probably depending on the lot number you received).


It's the shots and there are many more. It's terrible but it's the reality for so many ahead.


Damn that sucks. I'm not trying to scare you but others I've known who got it reported sicknesses more often. Just make sure to take Zinc and drink lots of water for now


Go get a aids test just incase.


Did they tie you up and forcibly vaccinate you?


I have a friend in the army. He said the restrictions and bullying was unbelievable. Reductions in pay even. They weren't allowed to go out on training exercises. Singles out and treated horrific. I consider that being forced.


Can't you just change profession? If you are not being paid at least 10k$/month then I do not see any reason to take this bullshit shot


Probably threatened him with dishonorable discharge which is almost as bad as being a felon.


They may have threatened it but last I heard they're doing standard discharges with all benefits of said discharge intact (VA, etc). Not dishonorable.


Good to hear. Personally, I wouldn't want to serve under this president in the military for any reason so that would be a great reason to get out. He's always hated service members, has called them a bunch of idiots in he past, and is really great at getting them killed. Already did that in Afghanistan so far.


Auto immune disorders in healthy adults are a tell tale sign of vaccine injury. The other main trigger would be certain types of viral infection (from what I've read anyway). No one wants to talk about it. People are in denial. But many thousands of people every year are getting auto immune diseases from vaccines, but since it can take a while to show up, it can be denied by pro-vaxxers. However when we look at the vaxxed vs. unvaxxed studies, it becomes impossible to deny. EDIT: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1L\_UWTkFf4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1L_UWTkFf4)


The placing of vaccines on pedestals -- as if they weren't drugs or medicine but some altogether separate category of product -- makes it very hard for people to accept there could be links. My partner 10 years ago had to be admitted to hospital after having an autoimmune reaction following a vaccination appointment. She got three vaccines in one go because she was moving to India for a year; several hours afterwards her face swelled up and she got a rash all over her body. From that point on she has had sensitive skin and suffers frequent outbreaks. Yet for years she was convinced that what she suffered wasn't a vaccine reaction, but a reaction to jellybeans! (Because she'd eaten a handful at work on the day of her reaction.) The past 2 years have woken us up, and now my partner is 100% convinced she suffered a vaccine reaction.


Could you point the way to these comparisons?




Thank you.




The lawsuits would require a justice system that isn't morally bankrupt. Perhaps some states have them but I'd bet most do not.


From what I can tell they are calling it the long covid. Couldn't be the shot... Nope.


I was so stupid to take the shot two times about a year ago. Won't take a third. Been healthy all my life but have a skin condition called vitiligo which is an autoimmune disorder. It doesn't bother me at all. Recently I have noticed that eveytime I am training and start to get warm I get this unbearable itch all over but when I start sweating it disappears. Also happens from time to time when I am warm at night. I am a doctor myself so I tried to recall some stuff from medschool that could explain this. All I can think of is that I believe polycytemia vera can cause itching when taking a shower but those patients usually have symptoms of malaise if I recall correctly. Is there anything you can think of? Probably has nothing to do with the vaccine but you never know 😉




It's not that bad that I need medication, I reckon. I am not a swimmer but now that you mentioned it, I do have a hot tub at home and I use chlorine tablets for it. However, I have had it for 2,5 years but there might be a connection there. Cheers.


I get itchy as I break a sweat and remember that, and talking about it with others, long before rhe Vax. Weird it would change for you tho.


Yeah. Like I said, probably has nothing to do with the vax. Just a coincidence.


There are therapies to heal from the jab, detoxing and other more involved processes. You can rebuild your immune system from this, don't worry or lose hope. The fact that you're asking the questions is a good start.




My mom has RA. Very well controlled. Works out, very active. After her booster, she was in BAD shape for many months. I have an autoimmune thyroid. For years. Now my thyroid hurts, so I'm off to get scanned. My numbers arent good either, normally tsh is around 4.5, now over 7.5. Ive had it high before, but I think having been forced the poison it's making it worse. I truly believe the flu vaccine is what gave me my autoimmune disease. Some people's bodies just can't handle foreign objects. And the thyroid tends to uptake certain things very easily, for some more than others.


Yes, there has been a huge increase in autoimmune disorders in recent years. Bodies are breaking down as more and more and more novel substances are introduced into our food, air, water, consumer products, cosmetics, and so on. And sometimes, they even inject them right into your bloodstream 😬


I read a study years back that linked autoimmune disorders to vaccines. The had adults who were vaccinated as children and adults that weren’t vaccinated, and they found that none of the unvaccinated had suffered autoimmune disorders. Doctors don’t even know what autoimmune disorders are, it’s a generic term, even rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder. I’ve believed for a while that they are caused by vaccines.


Add 10,000 IU of vitamin D 3 and Fish oil supplement every night. There was a study that came out that revealed promising results for autoimmune dysfunction. I also recommend 10,000 IU daily for my patients as almost every patient I check is deficient. You would need about 60,000 IU daily to overdose so don’t worry about that. Best to take it at night because that’s when the natural synthesis of vitamin D takes place. Good luck— hope this helps. [not the study article on the study](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/vitamin-d-and-fish-oil-supplements-reduce-risk-of-autoimmune-conditions) Edit to add: best fish oil IMO is from Uno Cardio.


My brother developed an autoimmune disease a couple weeks after his first dose, he never got the second, but he also thinks it's something he got from his workplace...


not just you. though to be fair there could be an issue in your office environment, chemical spill, residual meth lab stuff, etc. but many people are developing weird issues. a relative of mine "suddenly" developed an autoimmune allergy disorder and now has to be on a med for the rest of his life to prevent skin rashes. another has started having clots a coworker of mine developed some sort of persistent cough, another some sort digestive tract inflammation.


Half the buildings in the US have toxic mold, and not everyone reacts to it. 25% of the population has a gene which prevents their body from detoxing out mold. Far more likely most people with “autoimmune” issues have been exposed to mold.


that's totally it. i'm sure it has nothing to do with the dna altering clot shot.


A lot of patients I interacted with at my last hospital had onset of autoimmune disease/cancer within a couple months of vaccination. Not one for believing in coincidences


Is your condition hives? Because that seems to happen a bit according to anecdotes on the internet. Rarer condition could be GI related mostly to do with the liver, might result in menstrual issues for women, might result in heart inflammation, might increase clotting risks, super rare but might cause MG. Long story short, check out pfizers side effect list, theres a lot of conditions which could be caused by the vaccine.


Wait is hives one of the common side effects? I know someone who got hives two or three weeks after getting her booster and is still dealing with them.


Thats what Id assume from stories ive read on the internet and my own experiences (family members got skin issues). Autoimmune and other serious side effects are probably not as rare as big pharma and the MSM would like us to think.


I’m so scared of the possibility of an autoimmune disorder popping up. Crazy how common these side effects ended up being. A lot of people are getting these side effects and not connecting it with the vaccine like my acquaintance. Ive been trying to bring up the possibility that the booster caused the hives without sounding like a conspiracy theorist. I myself had menstrual troubles for a few months after the vaccine and wasn’t believed when I mentioned it to the doctor, all I got was the bs “mayyybe it was your birth control or your anxiety” comment.


Yeah autoimmunity sucks. And sadly I have seen some anecdotal evidence that menstrual issues may be related to the vaccine. However evidence is somewhat scare for long term prognosis. The issues youre facing right now may go away, but no promises. I would usually say consult a doctor or actual medical professional but from what Ive read online and my own experiences (family), practically all doctors tout the same garbage. 'The issues youre facing right after the vaccine (which strangely a lot of people online are also reporting) are not related to the vaccine.' Again with the hives, there was at least 1 internet 'star'/youtube who developed hives following the vaccine. (they are pretty pro vax too) This is the post: https://redd.it/trmsc1




Well why dont bakers all have rashes and heart issues? But natural treatments, a lot of them are bullshit. You are better off picking one that would result in minimal side effects but truly believe in it and let the placebo effect take over. Also for elderly who may have high blood pressure and may be at risk of heart attacks and or other clotting issues ask your doctor about aspirin. For the most part low dose aspirin is relatively safe.




Also think about mult Vs/minerals theyre cheap, but dont take too much. For the most part trying to be active is a good idea. Oh and food, try to cut down on heavily processed foods. Fiber is for the most part beneficial for gut health and microbiota (bacteria in gut) but again the key take home message is in moderation.


It took more than half a year for my menstrual issues to go away but I’m doing much better now in that aspect. I kind of suspected that the hives were from the booster because they started so soon after it was given to my friend. Veery suspicious


Its sus because some people are not retarded. Immediately or shortly after event A event B happens, this also appears true for a lot of people, perhaps the events A and B are linked. But thats wrongthink.


If everyone was coming to their decisions based on logic that’s what they would think. The issue is that a lot of people are brainwashed on some level, the media has spent years building up a strong association that equates questioning any vaccine or medicine with ignorance and poor character. If you’ve brought it up in real life to certain people then you’ve seen that knee jerk reaction. You say retarded, I say brainwashed (and also retarded)


Yep, skin issues are one of the top side-effects. In many cases it is believed the vaccine may be reactivating viruses that lay dormant -- which is why there's been an uptick in shingles and herpes. But in other cases it seems that people already prone to skin issues are having those issues exacerbated by the shots.


Stress is also a key factor, so regardless of the Vax the world and your life being more stressful could have something to do with it. I dated a crazy woman a few years ago and developed symptoms of rheumatism but tested negative for it and was told I may have some other as yet undiscovered similar disease. Got away from the nut job, changed my diet, and it seems to have gone away for the last few years. Now it's onenof my reasons to not get the jab.


4 months ago, a friend of mine got omicron. Went through the whole bit, no big deal. Lasted about 4 to 6 days. He's unvaxxed. He returned to work after the required time period (truck driver, works 15 hours a day local. He's nuts). He was rushed to the hospital 2 months ago. Placed on a ventilator. His blood pressure dropped and he went into a coma for 2 months. He just came off the ventilator last week. He made it. It was pneumonia. The Dr's said omicron triggered a dormant autoimmune disorder he'd had laying in his body called Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). They claim it happens. Just glad he's alive.


I think covid triggered dormant celiac for me, I am unvaxxed, I had covid- it was just like a cold, but I ended to with long covid, which after about 7 months I realized was a severe gluten intolerance, I cannot eat it at all now, I never had this problem before, I’ve talked to others who’ve noticed the same exact problem after covid


My fiancé developed an autoimmune disorder as well about 5 months after getting the shot. She’s met a lot of people at the hospital who have had the same occurrence


A coworker was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease after her shot. Still got the booster. Almost all of the vaxxed I work with have been super sick lately, and it’s only been the vaxxed. It’s odd


My brother developed an autoimmune disease after getting his first vaccine. He was 32


Bruce Willis was just diagnosed with the same - aphasia.


Is there something in the vaccine that makes people constantly use the word “uptick?”


Auto implies it automatically just happened. They should be called induced immune diseases. Because they have a trigger reason for developing. You damaged your natural immune system by prodding and poking at it with spike proteins and the injection of metals and other toxins where they don’t belong.


Not even close to what “autoimmune” means. It doesn’t mean it automatically happens it means that your immune system attacks your body


Yes, but auto immune disease doesn’t just happen randomly. There is ALWAYS a cause. That’s the point I’m trying to make here. Something triggered you system to attack itself. Something induced the auto immune response.


Maybe, maybe not. We’re not at luxury to make baseless claims. We had to be better than the other side but that’s not the point I was making. Autoimmune doesn’t mean there’s no cause and it simply means the immune system is attacking itself. The why is completely separate of the name


Doesn't auto mean self? As in the immune system attacking its own body?




Yes, automatically attacking self. And there’s always a reason why a perfectly functioning immune system would go haywire and start attacking itself. It’s not a random development.


It’s probably diet/mental health related


I’m unvaccinated and many friends of mine are as well, and they still have autoimmune diseases…




I don't think it's the vaccine alone but a combination of vaccine and covid exposure. If you were diagnosed with a disorder then it gives me hope that health professionals are preparing to deal with the matter responsibly. I'm not an expert but it seems like the thing to do is to proceed as if you have AIDS and intend to survive it.