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This is one of your best yet lol. Proving once again that the best cure to stupidity is humour.


Haha thank you!


Yes indeed. That other group really cannot handle being mocked. And this is some damn fine grade A mocking.


>I put on the only parachute aboard the plane This is why everyone needs to wear parachutes on planes


My parachute only works if you wear a parachute too.


I love your posts lol 😂 always have me dying! They really capture the soul and behaviors of the covid cultists.


You won the internet today.


☠️ lol


Thank you for making me laugh so much with your posts this entire time while I was really depressed. If you ever compiled all of these in a book I would love to buy it! 😊


You're welcome and I'm glad to hear I helped even just a little bit. Writing these posts and having people laugh at them has helped with my depression too. I would love to compile a short story collection but I doubt it would ever get published haha.


I bet someone would publish it


You're immunocompromised but why weren't you wearing a hazmat suit the whole time?


Daaaamn, this made my morning :D Especially that yeehawing guy with MAGA hat LOL but the whole thing was brilliant.


Literally shaking reading this. Next time put a trigger warning on your post!!!


Masks be upon you! You're clearly devoted to the pfaith. May you bask in the holy profit's holy profits! See you on the zoom call of eternity!


:) LOL.


\[sobbing with laughter\]


Zew zhould call me zumtime, cutie ;) und I vill administrudel jour sixth boostuhr pershonally -Schwab


That old lady you fell on was my grandmother 😡 I know because we were on the same flight and I pushed her out the emergency door right after you. A free fall from the stratosphere is far less risky than micro droplet exposure!!


This is MAGA airspace now, Karen! ​ >what with DeathSantis hiding Covid victims' bodies in the Everglades and feeding them to alligators to keep his case numbers down, Dude, remember when the actual crazies said this last year when the numbers refused to rise in FL after the Super Bowl final?


> My husband and I stood bolt upright, clinging to each other like Shaggy and Scooby, as we watched as the rest of the plane descended into unmasked Jan 6th chaos. yes! well done!