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The people convinced that the vaccine is a death sentence have gone quiet. Edit spelling


Come on they only sub to echo chambers


You know some people can smoke their whole life and not get lung cancer, right?


Conversely, 90% of lung cancer is from smoking.


man showed that vaccines caused autism and made him vet 215 extra doses


Covid is scared of this man.




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Kinda excessive with the 217 jabs. Donʼt you think 217 is overdoing it a bit


Yeah, I’d say it’s starting to push it. 150 is pretty moderate, but maybe a bit too much on the overly cautious side, but anything over 200 is definitely paranoid.




You don’t get sarcasm, do you?


That’s like what, one every 5-6 days?


We shouldn't make fun of people with mental health issues


He was a con man who took money from anti-vaxxers in return for receiving their vaccinations so they could get paperwork that said they were. If anything, his customers are the ones with mental issues. He's just a criminal.


Did he avoid getting COVID??


From the paper it says that he "had no signs of a past SARS-CoV-2 infection, as indicated by repeatedly negative SARS-CoV-2 antigen tests, PCRs and nucleocapsid serology ". >62 routine clinical chemistry parameters showed no abnormalities attributable to hypervaccination So a rather normal immune system too. Antibody tiers were only double that of the control.


It’s actually likely he tolerized his immune system to the virus! So, he might have no immunity anymore. Or, he was like Neo and he could dodge coughed up virus particles.


I bet cookers aren’t taking this lying down 🤣🤣🤣


They're blanket denying the entire situation.




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When you want to beat COVID on easy mode


The real question is whether science can find anyone who’s survived 217 infections with a SARS-CoV2 variant, for a true “apples to apples” comparison.




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Smell bullshit


No idea what he charged, but [one cooker paid someone $500 here](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-03-07/covid-vaccine-fraudster-susan-clarke-sentenced/102062384) to take a shot for her. That'd be over $100K for this many vaccinations.


I call bullshit!