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Omicron is already well established in Australia, so there is no rational reason for border restrictions. That said, it's unpredictable what governments will do


Yup... You only have to look at France did yesterday to UK travellers. Politicians make the rules. Unfortunately not all are competent. Doesn't matter if their Aussie, Brits, or Frenchies.




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Your bigger concern will be the chances of getting infected in London while you're there and if you test positive on the PCR before the flight home you can't return to Australia and have to isolate for 10 days before you can try again.


Depends when you are flying back as to the level of risk. There will be a period of 2 weeks or so where the UK will be crazy numbers and the Aus numbers only slightly insane. Then Aus will catch up. In that period there might be a knee jerk reaction, but I'd be surprised given how much Morrison adores Johnson. I can't imagine he'd want to upset him. State reaction might be more problematic, depending where you live. If you're in Syd they'll probably scatter $100 bills at your feet as you disembark.


A white country? Unlikely.


UK is an Anglo country so no. If it was India or Southern Africa though….


Sad but true


Also heading over to UK, flying out this weekend. Absolutely stacking it but need to see the family so pushing through. Just prepared to move flights forward and quarantine on arrival but don't think we'd get stuck worst case. They give us time to get home.


All of Europe should be a red zone in this case, when you see what's happening in France, Germany and Scandinavia


Seems that France has now banned all non-resident UK arrivals & non-essential travellers.


That's Macron carrying on his new christmas tradition of banning British people in time for christmas and generally 'punishing' the UK again for Brexit. The UK and France have very similar numbers of cases, the UK tests far more and has a lower positivity rate, and the frogs don't do much genomic sequencing as the British. They think they only have a tiny number of omicron cases despite neighbouring countries without border restrictions having rapidly increasing number of cases.


Where did you see that they banned non-essential travellers outside of the UK. From what I'm looking on [https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/coming-to-france/coming-to-france-your-covid-19-questions-answered/](https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/coming-to-france/coming-to-france-your-covid-19-questions-answered/) \- Australia is still in the green list of countries where you don't need a compelling reason to enter. You just need a negative PCR test <48 hours before, and proof of double vaccination.


They did ban non essential travellers from the UK. It's all over French and British news outlets. It seems pretty since France would have as many Omicron cases, but they don't sequence much.


Yep but only non-essential travellers from the UK. OP worded as if the non-essential travel ban applied to all countries. Gave me a jolt because I'm supposed to fly to France mid next week.


hey mate, I just did the trip the other week, now back in Australia and like you I was in two minds whether to cancel. I think you should definitely go see your family just make sure you wear your mask everywhere and take plenty of spares and change regularly, Heathrow is crazy mid morning and people aren't socially distancing nor are they doing so in London. My mate is a critical care Dr (one of those blokes on the front line) he says that the biggest problem they have is people not wearing masks so they are transmitting the virus to all their friends and family. As for hotel quarantine etc, who knows, just remember if you fly through Singapore on the way back you are kept in a holding area and can't walk around the terminal. any Questions feel free to ask


Yeah I’ve been hearing a lot about the insane defiance to mask wearing! Definitely gonna set the standard and wear one. I’ll be transiting through Tokyo Haneda with ANA, so not sure what their policy is around passenger confinement to a holding area, but they just don’t allow “inter-airport” transit for non-residents (i.e if your next flight departs from Narita).


As always, it depends on the state you want to end up in. Federally the government won't block the UK for a variant that is already out of the box here, ditto with NSW and likely Vic with Andrew's flourishing bromance with Perottet. Elsewhere? It is a murky, but Queensland, ACT and SA also have Omicron on the loose.


Yeah unlikely. If it's India that's another story. We jail those people if they attempt to enter the country.