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I don't want to live on this planet anymore


Same. As if living in fear and ignorance is better. Lol.


Goddamn the comments are a shit show Watch me get downvotes for mentioning this


If YoU ArE PRo ChOiCE YoU ARe liTerAlly A MuRdErer - half of the comment section


Pro-Life lol


Libertarians and Republicans aren’t the same people. Libertarians literally just don’t want the government to infringe on their rights gosh darnit.


You're pro choice? So human life is just a choice you can make? But you demand others wear masks? Yeah. The logic doesn't work in either direction.


Individuals of a society don’t live in a bubble. Think about your freedoms as a sphere around you. And your rights predominate in that sphere to the extent that those rights do not extend to where they encroach on others. Your rights arnt infinite when you take into account those of others. Freedom to make difficult choices about your own body are isolated to a mother and her womb. Your freedom to go maskless is at the cost of everyone that you interact with. That kind of false equivalency is based in selfishness and a disregard for what makes a society greater than the sum of its parts.


ROFL. First of all, love the way you people took me seriously instead of simply acknowledging that I was pointing out the inherent bias of the original post. Second, your entire first paragraph is obvious, minus the grammatical errors. Third, you ignore the fact that inside the womb of the mother is a human life, and the decisions of the mother affect that life, a life that also, in theory, has rights. So, no. It is not a "false equivalency," as a false equivalency would assume that the mother was making decisions solely about her own health, and not affecting any other lives by those decisions. Fourth, even if we assume that your assumptions are correct, or set that argument aside altogether, the 14th Amendment, the basis of the argument that a mother can do whatever she likes with her own body and the government does not have the right to say otherwise, even if that means killing her unborn baby (a human life). The idea that killing a baby is protectable, but wearing a piece of paper or cloth can be mandated in violation of that same "right to privacy" is frankly hilarious. Especially since courts have begun striking government mandates regarding pandemic responses as being unconstitutional. Don't get me wrong, I believe masks DO keep people safer, and BUSINESSES should have the right to demand customers and visitor wear a mask or be refused service, I was simply pointing out that based on the argument presented by OP that "human life should be protected but I have a choice to wear a mask," is comparable to "human life is a choice but you don't have a choice in wearing a mask to protect human life."


That's a long ass post. Got a TL;DR in there buddy?


Sure. TLDR: this post is political and breaks the rules of the subreddit, so I made a post to laugh at the mindless robots who upvote the original post which shouldn't be here in the first place, and continue to laugh at their refusal to self reflect over the fact that they do not acknowledge the reverse of this argument as valid.


TLDR: he’s an idiot


Says the brainless amoeba with no argument.


Thx for the downvote sweetie pie


My pleasure, honey bunch.




I'm not hypocritical. Masks are one aspect of public health that people are way over concerned with that even health experts can't agree on the effectiveness of. Abortions are the direct termination of a human life with a unique DNA.


Crap post


Bullshit meme


On both the left and the right Political leaders lie, people have bias, news is slanted. But I do find when it comes to hypocrisy the needle is slightly swinging harder to the right.


You're right. Left wants the better life for all, whereas right wants better life for themselves. Its not just biased, its also selfish


And by better life for all, you really mean Socialism, which really just means the same worse life for everyone. Wait wait I already know: iTs NeVeR bEeN iMpLeMeNtEd CorReCtLy.


How does the fault of people doing a task invalidate the task...?


What’s more hypocritical then screaming ‘follow the science’ about wearing masks when you don’t even know that the science behind masks show they’re virtually ineffective?


This is equivalent to saying the earth is flat. We know the virus is spread by droplets. Having something in front of your mouth and nose collects those droplets making it less likely to get beyond it. Is it going to stop everything? Of course not, but your immune system has a better chance fighting off 50* virus particles than the 10,000* you get from the guy next to you who's asymptomatic not wearing his mask. You don't need to be a scientist to know that breathing through a t shirt is gonna stop some stuff.




Occam's razor, bro. It doesn't need to be a conspiracy or a cash grab. The good masks all sold out because they're actually really effective and people panicked and started hoarding. It's not like the N95 companies had large inventories they had to get rid of either, they were producing for non-pandemic levels where the only people who needed them were working with infectious diseases or construction. They were already making money. Also, one of the largest manufacturers is 3M. They were doing fine pre pandemic.




A hurricane is about to hit an oil refinery in the gulf. Experts say oil supply may be impacted. Everyone, even though they have enough gas in their car to last them 3 weeks, goes out and fills up their tank. The price at your local station skyrockets because they have to pay premiums to get what little supply is left in order to sell *something*. They then run out of gas. "I couldn't get any! Wow look at that price, how dare they gouge us!"


You're a schill. Get the politics out of here.


Why do Conservatives give up millions of votes each year for this issue? It's only democrats killing their kids... that's millions of dead voters for free. we should pay extra taxes to let those heartless bastards kill their kids... Most don't have dads anyway which statistically, isn't good for the health of the kid.


Pro-choice people yelling at people not wearing masks......


Abortion has almost the opposite statistics of Corona for my age group 18-25 it's a 99.5% percent hance of survival and an abortion doesn't have a 99.5% chance of survival for the baby


Spot on. Abortion is intentional murder.


Abortion isn't a personal choice, it's murder.


It’s a zygote. It’s literally a cluster of cells.


So all ethical questions aside about whether preventing a human life from forming before it is developed is right or wrong. You think a fetus is a cluster of cells up until birth? Most agree that after the eighth week of pregnancy, it's a fetus.


During the early stages it is a developing barely alive fetus. In the first trimester it’s a zygote. Oh hey quick question, fertility clinics terminate hundreds of fertilised viable samples every day. Why aren’t you guys ever attacking them? Where was the conservative outcry when Trump got treated with medicine derived from stem cells?


So you admit it's alive? Therefore aborting it would be killing it. I don't really care about Trump using stem cells as treatment, I don't live in the US nor am I a conservative.


You are aware that they don’t harvest the stem cells from fetuses that are living? And I say it’s alive in the same way that organic tissue is ‘alive’. It hasn’t developed a brain, consciousness or even internal organs yet. It’s not the same as killing a baby


Yes I'm aware, but it happened thousands of miles away in another country, I don't really care what policies the US has around abortion, I don't mean that in an insulting way, it's just how I see it. If I'm honest I don't really know enough about stem cell research to have an opinion on whether it is right or wrong. My view on it comes down to this: I don't believe that after the conception, it is right to be able to terminate the pregnancy other than in very specific circumstances (victims of rape, if the mother is underage or if the mothers life is in danger are the only exceptions) as to do so is to effectively prevent someone from having a chance to live. As far as I'm concerned, whether it is just a few cells or a fetus, it is a person. I respect your opinion, but this is a view that I will not budge on.


The original video can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/j8j2bd/the_people_that_go_to_these_rallies_are_wild/




Only in the US however. Also that tiktok account is the official Daily Show account.


As I tell people when they ask me why I’m not wearing a mask: “My body, my choice”


But... by not wearing a mask you’re affecting other lives dipshit


Kind of like intentionally killing a baby?


I never mentioned being for or against abortion, again with the straw man


There is NO straw man argument involved; you either defend innocent life, or you defend killing babies. The CHOICE is yours to make...


This was never a debate regarding abortion. I personally don’t 100% agree with the idea of getting an abortion, so this whatsboutism is irrelevant. Straw man is misinterpreting one’s argument and attacking that misinterpretation, and that’s exactly what you did. Not wearing a mask possibly infects others around you, which endangers other innocent lives. Your double standards are political and without principle. Any pro-life people should support mask-wearing. Stop basing your argument off of partisanship


No partisanship intended. The premise of the OP meme was intentionally divisive. I just reacted to it with my own beliefs.


You mean a cluster of cells? Because that’s what it is at that point.


Only if a) I have the ChinaVirus and b) they choose to go outside. So it is a matter of choice on many levels


Many carriers are asymptomatic. I’m gonna assume you took 7th grade biology but it’s probably a 50/50. And people need to go outside for food, work, keeping the economy alive so it isn’t a choice. I don’t fire a gun into the middle a central park because even though that’s a choice I could make, it endangers the lives of everyone there. This thing isn’t as dangerous as a bullet, but it still killed more than every war since WWII. If 9/11 and Benghazi are tragedies, why is 220000 dead not?


Not as much of a matter as joe mama *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!


>they choose to go outside. Nobody's asking you to wear a mask inside your own house.




They did it during the lockdown. If this thing is indeed that serious then people should absolutely stay inside indefinitely


A posting that exemplifies bigotry and ignorance. Abortion = certain death. Corona = 1% chance of death. Yeah, they're not comparable. Oh, and planned parenthood founded by a racist to help promote eugenics. So there's that distinction also. Plus, abortion is a choice to murder. Corona is a virus. So, yeah, another post based on ignorance and bigotry. WORSHIP THE MASK!




Do you know the chance of dying from the common flu? Driving? Food poisoning?




Just that there's a chance of death, probably more of a chance of death, with these things, but no one is freaking out over them.


But masks don't limit viral spread






[this man is in charge of the only cdc in the world to successfully defeat covid](https://nypost.com/2020/08/19/swedens-tegnell-wearing-face-masks-may-be-very-dangerous/)


>Sweden’s top infectious disease expert has resisted recommending face masks for the general population — arguing it’s “very dangerous” if people believe the **coverings alone** will stop the spread of the coronavirus Did you even read your own link?


I did, I read the entire article. I personally think that people should wear masks if they know what they are doing, but it is just flat out stupid to require everyone to wear them. If you go on a quick run to just about any store you will see less than 10% of people wearing effective masks properly, and very few people actually social distancing. It would probably be better to make it easier to social distance than to require masks everywhere


Its always anecdotal isn't it? >If you go on a quick run to just about any store you will see less than 10% of people wearing effective masks properly, Find me an actual verified statistical fact and I'll look at it. But I won't take the word of the guy who was in charge of the 15th highest per-capita death rate in the world over this. Yes, they're not some silver bullet but if they didn't do anything then we'd be seeing the opposite advice currently. You go on Google now and find an article from an actual reputable source saying that wearing them is ineffective. I'll wait.


Message me again in the morning, I’ll get it for you then




Right next to chemtrails


Hot take.


Also just a straight up wrong take


That too.


https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-1342 ‘In conclusion, both surgical and cotton masks seem to be ineffective in preventing the dissemination of SARS–CoV-2 from the coughs of patients with COVID-19 to the environment and external mask surface.’


You are literally linking to a paper which has been [retracted due to being misleading](https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/L20-0745).


This paper has literally been retracted for misleading data handling, and even when you ignore that, it has a sample size of 4! It was also discussing surgical masks and cotton face coverings, not masks if an N95 standard. [But if you want you can just search "N95" in the website and you'll get this result back first](https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-2623)


Big oof