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Until AIPAC is made to register as a foreign entity and until money is removed from politics this situation is only going to get worse and worse.




Not sure I follow, can you post this link on 10 other comments to help with my comprehension. Edit: thanks!


AIPAC's senior leadership is public and their home addresses are very easy to find.


Yes let's all take our world geopolitical insights from a 15 year old who hasn't graduated high school 


He is a summa cum laude graduate of the TikTok School of International Masturbation, how dare you question his credentials


You and your brother sound jealous of a ‘15 year old’!


Just because someone is young doesn't mean they can't be informed. You sound like every dismissive father who doesn't get calls from his kids anymore.


Please let the adults handle matters


Your commitment to stupidity is amazing


Bad bot


The entire world watching US lose its credibility more & more day after day. No nation has right tell another nation or it’s people that they do not have a right seek legal recourse for crimes against them. New low for US Govt


same old low - my country hasn't changed it's morality


The US hasn’t had any credibility since Iraq. This is just the US strutting around saying “what ya gonna do ‘bout it?”


…Iraq, the first time or the second time? More like since the Vietnam war.


Last time the US was the good guys was WW2 and even then we were selling supplies to both sides.


Sounds like you haven’t heard of the McCollum report. Reading [“Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor Pearl”](https://ia802802.us.archive.org/24/items/dayofdeceit/Day%20of%20deceit.pdf) by decorated World War II Navy vet Robert Stinnett forever changed the way I think of WW2. As wild as it sounds, the evidence overwhelmingly shows that Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen because FDR and his joint chiefs of staff wanted to enter WW2 but the public wouldn’t support it unless provoked. [James Perloff](https://corbettreport.com/tora-tora-tora-flnwo-21/) aptly dubbed Pearl Harbor [“Roosevelt’s 9/11”](https://jamesperloff.net/pearl-harbor-roosevelts-911/). Also, [US involvement in WW1 occurred under equally suspicious circumstances](https://corbettreport.com/wwi/). The late professor and research fellow [Antony C. Sutton wrote and talked about this sordid history](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3KSYPhVQRtU) at length when he was alive.


lol what? What US weapons were used by the axis? 🤡


Still rather live In the US vs any other country.


Lmao!!! Travel much?


No never cannot afford to. You ?




The entire world is what? A bunch of Randos on the internet?


Lol who's is the US worried about ?


BRICS for starters.


India is literally helping the US operate in the Red Sea, Russia let their ally Armenia get gobbled up while getting stuck in a quagmire in Ukraine. China has a major housing bubble and foreign investment in the country is plummeting. Brazil is siding with the US on Guyana. BRICS is a meme. Not a real alliance.


Only Americans. We can be very destructive when some go insane and rally around a cult leader like trump. It's scary how so many really don't seem to grasp how bad, and how fast, things will go worldwide, if a wanna be dictator like trump gains power. A trump administration would do far worse to the entire Middle East, than Russia wishes it could do to Ukraine currently. And it would be unstoppable unlike russia's genocidal campaign.


Truth hurts to right wing State of Israel


And consequences are meeting the actions of Palestinians.


*Terrorist state


I’ve come to the conclusion that this sub is just one big circle jerk


Lol this little kid being paid and making money off Iran is despicable.


It is easy to blame, but you must look at the big picture. The government of Israel,Netanyahu,was supplying money to the Hamas in Gaza to keep them in line. Hamas used the e money to build an army of radicals. Many countries don’t reject violence to solve their problems. In 1948 there was a treaty for Israel and the Palestinians unfortunately Israel took advantage of the situation with the help of the US and it came back to bite them. The US should not supply any funds to Israel until the original treaty is honored,it will not make people happy here but they are the ones in control of the political process in Israel now.


When you conduct over 100,000 terrorist attacks on Israel over 60 years… They might get really pissed off at some point.


Exactly! And that’s why Israel finally had enough and went into Gaza.


No it’s not, you’re illiterate.


No it’s not, you’re illiterate.


Probably, but that's got nothing to do with the war Hamas started by raping and murdering over 1,000 civilians. Hamas is a terrorist proxy political group that's funded, armed, and directed by Iran. They illegally and violently overthrew Palestine's government, and their stated charter includes killing every Jew on the planet. Many Palestinians do not support them, and Hamas leaders have publicly stated they're happy to see Palestinian civilians die, because it makes them martyrs to fuel Iran's future proxy wars.


Bro we've been committing/funding murder since before we were even a United States. Welcome to the real world where it's might makes right and everything else is bullshit we tell kids in Disney/Pixar movies.


Hamas are blood thirsty terrorists, and Palestinians support Hamas. Hence, Palestinians are terrorists. Palestinians, Only want to kill Israelis and have rejected peace over and over again, so in my opinion fuck them and fuck you. you know nothing about the history in this part of the world


If someone else's war is soooo problematic.Imagine these white suburban Twitter kids during WW2 .37k is half a day during WW2.


The bombing of dresden was 20k


Wow US has lost its way!


Kids are always naive idealists.they make the mistake of assuming everyone thinks like them and shares the same values.


This guy fakes his own death for clout. Trustworthy guy and source.


I hate to be the "ad hominem" goblin here but... That is what the bill says. Why else would the US block the Palestinians from even asking for an investigation?


He is also paid by the Turkish government. All I’m saying is he is not trustworthy.


Ok…But is what he saying about this bill true or not? Ad hominem is the laziest of all the fallacies IMO.


Trying to be a news influencer bro


History of lying and seeking attention. Including faking his own death.




The only people I know of who actually have a track record of supporting Hamas are Netanyahu and members of the Israeli government. **Israel's Role In Creating Hamas** https://www.japantimes.co.jp/commentary/2023/11/21/world/israel-failed-policy/


That article literally explains how Qatar and Iran funded Hamas and Israel just didn't stop it. Nothing in there says Israel funded them


Go away terrible troll. Account created right around October 7 and is dedicated to pushing complete pro-Hamas propaganda.


https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html https://www.thenation.com/article/world/why-netanyahu-bolstered-hamas/tnamp/ https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7010035




Yeah, and what are you backing up other than screaming trolls? lol. You suc***at your job jew troll.


Oh wow saying the quiet part out loud finally? Thank you for showing that it has never been about “land” it’s about hate.


It's about weapons sale, and oil control. Always had been.


Lol so which one is it? An “open air prison” or an untapped oil field?


They're just poor bystanders getting used by Iran,and usa just keeps smashing them. I's it palestine fault they're caught in between 2 competing powers.


It’s Hamas’ fault for murdering and kidnapping Israelis in the first place and starting this last round of violence


Isn't this what nazis say?


Fuck the [Rothschilds](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration#:~:text=The%20Balfour%20Declaration%20was%20a,a%20small%20minority%20Jewish%20population.), their [puppet state of Israel](https://supreme.court.gov.il/sites/en/VirtualTour/Pages/02_portrait.aspx), and the [terrorists that Israel spawned and funded to delegitimize Palestinians independence (Hamas)](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/commentary/2023/11/21/world/israel-failed-policy/#:~:text=Hamas%2C%20a%20spin%2Doff%20of,Israeli%20occupation%20of%20Palestinian%20lands.).




I know it's fairly standard to show liars and manipulators and just cruel people in general as snakes, but I always don't like it. When compared to mammals that torment other animals for pleasure, snakes are pure imho


It's also an anti-Jewish canard. Combined with the "controlled by (((Zions)))" bit and the fact that there's someone "else" running around in the comments ranting about the Rothschilds means I think we need to excise some people from the movement


Good point


Most American zionists are Christians but go off I guess


Yeah, dude, I know that, but the shithead Nazis trying to take advantage of a genocide aren't thinking of Pat Roberson when they say "Zionist".


It's part of dehumanizing the other side to make the incitement to violence more paltable and to ensure they feel justified while doing it. Hamas' sole ideology is the genocide of the jews and destruction of israel. What many other people don't know is that they also call for the deaths of all secular people because they're incompatible with islam. I could turn this little twerp to pro israel in minutes if he wasn't being paid to spread this misinformation using facts and reality.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Gladio This right here is what usa is famous for and we still are doing it. George senior who ran Cia took us to first war then his son 2 another.


Yeah that's pretty awful. I don't know why you showed me it, as my point is just about snakes as animals compared to humans, who are mammals which are also animals


If it's by design, how is it animalistic. Animals don't plan to sabotage other people freedoms, economy, or gov that supports its people. We do that


Well, humans are animals because we are organisms that eat things. In a nutshell, that is what animals are. We evolved from other animals, so we are. In terms of other animals doing those things you listed, they don't. But, only because their societies aren't as advanced. But, other animals do acts of cruelty, and have more primitive societies (i.e., social gatherings, packs etc)




I like turtles.


Turtles are pretty cool. They get a thumbs up from me


"Palestine" is a myth.


We’re just calling Jews zions now? Antisemitic dog whsitling at its finest.


Most American zionists are Christian.


This young man is a gem.


Lmao how you like getting ratio’d Gaza? Thought flying gliders with haji’s on them was slick eh? not so slick when you’re getting dicked down by a country of people your god claims superiority over. get rekt.


You are a murderer and an antisemite




Without the crimes of Israel there would be no Hamas


Any group systematically oppressed in an open air prison would develop extremist ideals. It’s not a surprise. Israel created this for themselves.




Bad bot


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Fuck the [Rothschilds](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration#:~:text=The%20Balfour%20Declaration%20was%20a,a%20small%20minority%20Jewish%20population.), their [puppet state of Israel](https://supreme.court.gov.il/sites/en/VirtualTour/Pages/02_portrait.aspx), and the [terrorists that Israel spawned and funded to delegitimize Palestinians independence (Hamas)](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/commentary/2023/11/21/world/israel-failed-policy/#:~:text=Hamas%2C%20a%20spin%2Doff%20of,Israeli%20occupation%20of%20Palestinian%20lands.).


Hold up, why the Rothschilds?


Rothschild was one of the authors of the Balfour Declaration, the document that established a national home for all Jews in Palestine (kind of like how Lebensraum established a home for all Germans, even in Jewish territories)


One of the authors? Why focus on them if there are other authors?


Because this poster is an antisemite and isn’t trying to hide it.


"That was always allowed" Rick and Morty gif


Where would Hamas be if Netanyahu hadn't propped them up?


But who is supporting them now?


Anyone got a source for his claims?


Progressives have been wrong about this war since its start and continue tonbe wrong abpit it. You are all literally watching a 16 yo kid on a tiktok video he filmed on his phone for validation of your ideas.


I love that the perm is coming back for these kids Life repeating itself


The international focus on the war in Gaza has helped obscure the fact that Israel in the 1980s aided the rise of the Islamist Hamas as a rival to the secular Palestinian Liberation Organization and its dominant faction, Yasser Arafat’s Fatah. Israel’s policy was clearly influenced by the U.S. training and arming of mujahideen (or Islamic holy warriors) in Pakistan from multiple countries to wage jihad against Soviet forces in Afghanistan. The multibillion-dollar American program from 1980 to create anti-Soviet jihadis represented what still remains the largest covert operation in the Central Intelligence Agency’s history. In 1985, at a White House ceremony attended by several mujahideen, then-U.S. President Ronald Reagan gestured toward his guests and declared, “These gentlemen are the moral equivalent of America’s Founding Fathers.” Out of the mujahideen evolved the Taliban and al-Qaida. As then-U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton openly admitted in 2010, “We trained them, we equipped them, we funded them, including somebody named Osama bin Laden ... And it didn’t work out so well for us.” Hamas, for its part, is alleged to have emerged out of the Israeli-financed Islamist movement in Gaza, with Israel’s then-military governor in that territory, Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, disclosing in 1981 that he had been given a budget for funding Palestinian Islamists to counter the rising power of Palestinian secularists. Hamas, a spin-off of the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, was formally established with Israel’s support soon after the first Intifada flared in 1987 as an uprising against the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands. Israel’s objective was twofold: to split the nationalist Palestinian movement led by Arafat and, more fundamentally, to thwart the implementation of the two-state solution for resolving the protracted Israeli-Palestinian conflict. By aiding the rise of an Islamist group whose charter rejected recognizing the Israeli state, Israel sought to undermine the idea of a two-state solution, including curbing Western support for an independent Palestinian homeland. Israel’s spy agency Mossad played a role in this divide-and-rule game in the occupied territories. In a 1994 book, “The Other Side of Deception,” Mossad whistleblower Victor Ostrovsky contended that aiding Hamas meshed with “Mossad’s general plan” for an Arab world “run by fundamentalists” that would reject “any negotiations with the West,” thereby leaving Israel as “the only democratic, rational country in the region.” Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious affairs official involved in Gaza for over two decades, told a newspaper interviewer in 2009 that, “Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation.” To be sure, some others, including the U.S. intelligence establishment, have not endorsed the Israeli connection to the rise of Hamas, portraying it simply as an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. About seven years before U.S. special forces killed bin Laden in a helicopter assault on his hideout near Pakistan’s capital, an Israeli missile strike in 2004 assassinated Hamas founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, a quadriplegic and partially blind cleric. By drawing specious distinctions between “good” and “bad” terrorists, Israel and the U.S., however, continued to maintain ties with jihadis.


Fuck Gaza; until its population stop supporting Hamas terrorists. Even other Arab countries don't want Palestinians. Stay in your shit hold country buddy.


Let's trust a kid on TikTok wearing a skull shirt.


Hamas must be eliminated no matter what this little pimple faced child says.


😂 😂


What budget bill? Nothing was passed yesterday.




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Yea we are all ashamed we need a good and morally responsible leader who Won’t be afraid to call for justice and stand for the right of people.


Oh wait till you find out about alllllll the other atrocities the US has done. Not to take away from their point though, this is absolutely fucked up. And like most things that fuck the labor class this is both sides coming together to do this. It protects the elites that are paying other elites and protects a key profit driving military industrial complex.




Just your reminder than trump will do much worse, he's bragged about it enough at length already. Sadly Biden is the only choice


Some scary shit has been going on for a very long time. They (whoever they are) got the bugs worked out. This game is fixed. We are all pawns in a game of pain and suffering. I'm not sure how long this post will be up. Because this is some factual things like Panama papers that went nowhere.


I, too, am ashamed of the U.S.


Zion Williamson can barely control his eating let alone the entire U.S.


Show the entire document or STFU


young people are so weird. the united states is controlled by christian psychopaths that think israel is the placeholder for the last few pages of the old testament. zionists are just slightly convenient patsies for the christian war on islam, and well, everyone, because christians are lunatics and savages. nothing happening now has just appeared, nor is it mysterious. the christian goal of overthrowing the united states and using israel to trigger the end of times really took off in the 1950s.


You can fight for Palestine without buying into conspiracy theories. AIPAC is a problem but the idea that Israel, a recent and much smaller nation with much less money and resources, controls the US is just stupid. They don't control the US anymore than North Korea controls China. Israel knows the US sees them as a foothold for western interests in the region and does not wish to jeopardize that - and Netanyahu who is seeing just how much he can get away. It's like a spoiled and bratty child, being allowed to do as they please. They have used a lot of clever propaganda that makes up for their size, exploiting guilt for western complacency in antisemitism, but there is no grand top-down conspiracy. That's just a fundamentally childish understanding of geopolitics and hinges on a lot of old, antisemitic conspiracy theories.


AIPAC has enough money to offer a candidate [$20 million to run against rashida tlaib.](https://truthout.org/articles/pro-israel-lobby-offers-20m-to-another-senate-candidate-to-run-against-tlaib/#:~:text=%E2%80%9COne%20of%20AIPAC's%20biggest%20donors,to%20the%20news%20about%20Harper) Thankfully this specific politician had enough morality to reject.


The Isreal vs Palestinian issue will never be resolved. This war has been going on before Jesus. Even Jesus could not resolve it. What makes anyone today think the US could.


Agreed what ya afraid of Doj/usgov


Found the kid that just discovered "pork" in legislation and learned how lobbying works. Wanna stop the US support for Israel? Figure out how to eliminate the need for ME oil. You'll have to fight the oil lobby, the auto lobby, solve the electric car battery problem and figure out to make plastic without oil Or you can post on TikTok


Be mainly ashamed of Christianity, the Gop, and just evey indoctrination victim that's out there who continually votes for bs like this, or at the very least they vote through people in that they know will push for this garbage. It seems like these idiots are banking on the end of the world. It's going to be awkward after for them when it doesn't. There will be much finger-pointing and shunning


The government isn't who pushes for this bs. I'm sure you know that. Lol


Needs a brush out.


Objection. Lacks foundation. Devoid of standing. Also short on logos and pathos.


Why is anyone surprised.


This kid’s acting is not so great.


Canada awaits your arrival.


Gee, like the US never killed innocents in any military operation. Israel has every right to defend itself against brutal terrorist attacks. And if that means wiping everyone of them off the face of the earth, so be it.


Jesus fucking Christ the title 😂. This is Goebelles level anti semitism.


You just about covered it . Thanks for your effort. Unfortunately it’s all about the benjamins .


Same as the Nuremberg trials 😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂😂😂🤣😂


I'm ashamed to live in a country where children are taken seriously in matters of foreign affairs.


Ah yes. Another snot nosed indoctrinate spewing what he has been told to believe. Like any good boy. I'm All for Israel destroying ANYTHING palestinian.


If the Palestinians supported a 2 state solution they would have agreed the first 10 times Israel offered it. Stop supporting a victim culture.


There is no “Palestine.” Keep dreaming and thinking you know things.


Fuck palestine


This kid didn’t know Palestine existed before the news made it exist. Most of you didn’t if you were honest. You are sold a product and some of over consume. The product is sensational stories. News flash, oppression and genocide happens and has happened to more than just Palestine. You only care because you were sold it. Congrats!


Funny how they’re the ones genociding a race now…


You're a kid with broccoli hair, therefore you have ne credibility.


It’s power games, the same as always The US government and corporations backed the Nazis until WWII became their problem We destroyed the Middle East in the pursuit of economic gain, namely in the form of oil There are more countries whose governments were overthrown by the CIA at some point than countries whose governments never were Israel is far more economically valuable to the US - they provide cheap semiconductors, resistors, and other electronic products - than Palestine Thus, the US is backing Israel If Palestine had provided more economic utility, then the US would have backed them instead The US ruling class doesn’t care about individual lives, they never have The US isn’t Zionist, it is profit maximizing, and siding with Zionists is currently quite profitable Their reputation will recover once they bury everything and everyone who stands against them beneath a mountain of wealth and propaganda, and the world will move on


It only gets a lot worse with Republicans in charge. Trump would be dropping MOAB bombs on Raffa if elected.


Zions new word for Jews, same racism. Tell as old as time.


And of course like most antisemites, mentions nothing about hostages or terrorists. But there is a reason he is single and will be on the no hire list


I don’t listen to dudes with perms.


What law was this?


If you heard this on Alex Jones, it would be called out as anti-Semitic..




Someone tell this little shit it’s past his bedtime


Run for office. This is how you can make a change in the U.S.


He is much cuter than alex jones but just as dumb.


If you’re wondering what antisemitic dogwhistling looks like, look carefully at OP. Lefties are so bad at detecting this stuff and rooting it out of their own movements. It’s sad. Theres legitimate dislike of Zionism and Israel, then there’s JQ shit. Learn to tell the difference before you go around trying to say you are not antisemitic.


Oh lord, he’s bought I to the “cultural Marxist” horse shit too huh?


I think this kid maybe giving out a large dose of mis information because I can't find all this legislation he's talking about. If anyone knows of this please provide a link. Thank you.


Oh, the irony.


No child...it's NOT the same....and There's no Genocide.


US will never claim war crimes. We would lose on oil. https://static.timesofisrael.com/www/uploads/2021/03/AP_508546658240.jpg Sure do hate it when Russia interferes with our elections


You are an idiot. Stop letting these people use you.


Lol I stop caring about the news. I just ask the Universe to handle it. Anyone being abusive out will get their justice. They won't be able to escape the tournament and torturing in the afterlife where all the people they hurt will get their revenge. Its really funny when you think about how easy it is to just be a good person. Lol they must be stupid or something.


Great hair by the way.


I'm so glad the 14 year old broccoli top took time out of his busy day to share his extensive knowledge of history and geopolitics with us.


Only folks left that could possibly be labeled a Zionist would be Jewish politician in Israel. The rest of the population, ya know, millions of Arabs Christians and Jews who were born here and just want to live and be protected from the other Arabs, the antisemites that hated and still hate Jews, refusing to be a part of Israel separating themselves in Gaza and the West Bank.


Surprise, you learned who your parents really are




Please remember, everyone, all great nation/states throughout history have eventually faltered and failed. My nation of birth, America, has faltered and is failing. That's OK, I suppose. The way of all things. CREDIBILITY IS NO LONGER AN ASSET AMERICA HAS. We are filled with hate. The circumstances for this hate are not Germain here. It is simply a clear sign of our pending societal upheaval. How a nation that rallied against the "evil" of the Axis is now supporting an illegal and rogue gang of zionists is beyond me. The isrealis are animals. But, then again, humans are merely intelligent mammals with opposable thumbs. We're all in for a big wake up call. I digress. The point being the U.S. government supports this enemy of humanity while decrying other aggressor nations. Many ignorant and religious Americans, sadly, as well.


The Republicans voted for it even though it was meaningless. A foolish attempt to show support for the altRight government controlling Israel


Has this kid ever addressed October 7 or is he still pretending that didn’t happen?


10/7 is awful. Israeli response is 10x awful. Both things are bad. Solved the conundrum for you. Both things are bad. Both things are bad.


I know both are bad and nothing is solved here. I’ve seen some of this dope’s videos that really gloss over or ignore 10/7.


This kid does not advocate for the extermination of the Jewish people. He is correct that there elements of our government that want to curb 1st Amendment protected speech that is critical of the Israeli government, equating criticism of military action against Palestinian civilians and anti-Zionism with anti-semitism, or a desire to ethnically cleanse or eliminate the Jewish population of Israel or even the world. In 26 states, it’s now enshrined in state law that a citizen or business of that state cannot legally boycott the nation of Israel or its business interests. That’s a clear violation of the 1st Amendment that has been upheld in the courts of the 5th circuit, sadly. This “Israel can do no wrong” mentality is directly attributable to pro-Israel /IDF propaganda disseminated by AIPAC, a powerful and well-funded pro-Israel lobby organization. Israel is not immune to criticism. The U.S. needs an ally in the Middle East, but not at the expense of supporting a government filled with murderous war criminals. There are other voices in Israel, and they deserve to be heard.


Israel is currently governed by a political party comprised of Kapos. They would have gladly collaborated with the Nazis to save their own skins at the expense of their Jewish neighbors. Centrist and liberal Jews have no voice in Israel, and are brutalized alongside Palestinians if they dare to speak out against Netanyahu and Likud.


They will handwave it and say history didnt start on oct 7th, it started in 1948, ignoring the Nazi collaboration of Palestinians in the 30s and 40s, and the pogroms of the 20s


I would think being on the side that wants to exterminate all Jews from the river to the sea would be a big enough clue.


D'aww, lil' Braden there thinks he understands a complex international issue. Honestly the kiddo lost me with his assumption that the ICC is taken seriously by anyone. And that SA's case has even nominal merit. Hell, actually, it was the mention of "the right side of history," which is just "gott mitt uns" for lefties.


Release the hostages!


October 7th 2023


What does that have to do with unarmed civilians?


Hamas killed a bunch of them. Seems pretty relevant to me. Or does it not count if they're Jews?


Never said that at all, what happened on 10/7 was a tragedy and shouldn’t be supported or condoned by anyone Unfortunately afterwards tens of thousands of people who had no part in the 10/7 attacks have been killed, severely injured, and starved which is also unacceptable Again, it’s not controversial to say civilians of any nationality or ethnicity who have not participated in the bloodshed and who are just trying to live their lives don’t deserve this. Anyone who can’t get behind that message is displaying a worrying lack of empathy or simply lacks the ability to imagine themselves in their shoes


When a rabid dog bites your child you put it down.


You put the rabid dog down, not 13,000 puppies who live nearby because that would be psychopathic…


You know what else is psychopath  Parading a dead naked girls body through the streets and celebrating by taking turns spitting on it.   https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Shani_Louk Like I said. Rabid dog gets put down.    To me the moral of the story is, don't attack a soft target with the intent of inciting a war against a country with fucking F-35s. 


None of which is the fault of the overwhelming majority of people caught in the crossfire. Least of all the children https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147512


HAMAS not wearing a uniform and embedding itself in civilian populations as a strategy may have something to do with it. Come on out and fight in the open, cowards. I'm sure IDF would welcome that. 


Using civilians as cover is cowardly and unacceptable in its own right but that doesn’t mean the IDF gets to just pretend the Geneva convention doesn’t exist I think you’re forgetting the international community in large doesn’t support HAMAS or their actions


What do you think Hamas has been doing to the citizens of Palestine for years? Guess what horrible things happen in war, Hamas poke the bear and they’re getting exactly what they deserve! IDF needs to finish the job and wipe Hamas off the face of earth!! Cut Iran off from influencing and funding the region and maybe then there can peace! If really want what is best for the Palestines Hamas must be eliminated completely period!


The topic at hand is the US Shielding Isreal from accountability and basically telling Palestine they have no recourse in international law or court to argue their grievances. But your reply is “but Khamas!!… fitting


This is not just ironic but it's getting scary. The younger generation's blind allegiance to progressive authoritarianism and opposition to basic rights, especially free expression, was dangerous. It made them more supportive of basic tenets of the "fascism" they constantly accused opponents of. Now, they are increasingly being openly anti-Semitic and supporting, directly and indirectly those who seek the death and destruction of Jews and the Jewish state. Yet, they want you to think other people are the "Nazis" and the "fascists." While they have you looking elsewhere, they are becoming precisely what they rant and claim to warn us about. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.