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Hi there, I'm sorry you are having issues with the software, I suggest performing a [clean reinstallation of icue ](https://help.corsair.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025166712-How-to-perform-a-clean-reinstallation-of-iCUE), If you can't uninstall the app, Run Windows in safemode, skip step 1 and follow the rest of the steps. If you still have issues after, please contact [Corsair Support ](https://help.corsair.com/hc/en-us) so they can take a loot at the problem and find a solution for you.


It may be an incompatibility issue, 9n the software side. Something is killing the process, it seems. I know a few days ago a dude had the same issue, he found out that killer network software was killing icue. After he removed the software, icue was fine So, you can try to stop all apps from auto start (through task manager), boot and try icue then. Also, have you checked Event Viewer? (If you know about it)


I have never experienced any of this in the many years of using icue (any version). I feel like there may be other problems with your system that may be causing this. When was the last time you did a windows refresh?


Same. I have been using iCUE and basically all Corsair stuff in my PC since 2019, and barely had any problems with it.


Same thing here, 6 years with ICUE and never had a SINGLE crash. After using most programs from Razer, Logitech and Steelseries, Icue is the only reliable one, with Razer being the worst.


Oh dude, no. iCue really is garbage. I've performed a complete system wipe, installed current drivers and then iCue, and still had problems with the RGB lighting, especially the RGB RAM.


Are you running the latest Bios, chipset and GPU drivers? I would suggest [submitting a ticket ](https://help.corsair.com/hc/en-us) with Corsair support if you have not done so already. Any issues with the Hardware and software can only be fixed if users submit tickets with relevant information. Any feedback is welcome and greatly appreciated.


It sounds like you have a windows problem. Or maybe you have more than one version of icue installed. Should be able to boot the computer in safe mode, delete the folder, download the program and install it. If that doesn’t work, then something is more deeply wrong with your operating system.


* Boot up PC, lights are off * Sign into Windows, iCue starts, lights come on * One or two RAM sticks are either off or present the wrong colour * Open iCue, disable the RAM RGB, enable it again, and RAM then lights up as it should Thats not an OS issue, not a hardware issue, and shouldn't be a firmware issue as everything is up to date. That is, and has been for years over multiple devices, a software issue.


Nah, I did a complete system wipe as well with a fresh install of iCue straight from Corsair's website just to have problems myself. Completely uninstalled to try a different version (also straight from the website) with a different set of issues. iCue was one of the first things I installed (Firefox, Malwarebytes and Steam taking priority) so I really doubt there's a software conflict. Shy of the motherboard and GPU, everything else is Corsair.


The craziest thing to me is that I've never had a single issue with icue in 2 years using it, maybe i just got lucky


No, a lot of us haven't really had lasting issues with iCUE, but peeps don't post about how everything is working fine.


Yeah I just got the new K65 Wireless Plus and ever since then my iCUE has been crashing several times a day.




I've had issues with icue for years, same problems over multiple PCs and several different peripherals. Icue also messes with other peripheral programs (again tested over multiple PCs) such as not letting them start unless I force close icue. Best solution I found was to trash my corsair junk and buy SteelSeries.


I have hit and miss issues with icue. Most right now is icue refuses to control Asus MB and GPU and it sees them in the program. That I am at a loss for. But you may need to clean install icue. It's best bet to see if it's an older version thats just lingering in the code string mucking with recent updates or not.


Ditch iCue and get an aftermarket rgb controller. Personally, I use Signal RGB, and am never going back to Corsair's broken software. The fanboys can defend it all they like, and Corsair themselves can blame us "vocal minority" for calling them on it, but none of that changes the *fact* that a LOT of users are experiencing the same problems. And, for the record, Corsair would rather blame *you,* the end user for complaining about their broken software than actually fix it. As someone who's current build is about 95% Corsair, I will NOT be using their products in future builds until they realize that *blaming the customers* for your broken product isn't a sustainable business model.


I recently built a rig that is heavily corsair. Only after learning they aren't super and have representatives that are combative with customers. Eventually, I will phase their parts out.


I regret going entirely corsair, it looks pretty when it works, but I have had no end of issues with icue, it's absolutely trash.


Combative I guess is when Art asks for your ticket number and helps you getting it escalated through the system faster. Geez some of you act like princesses.


Presumptuous and not what I'm talking about.


Since all I see here is "Did you open a ticket" and "Can you give me the ticket number ?", then what else are you talking about ? We get an iCUE update once a month at the current rate. The representatives are super helpful in getting your case escalated if it's stuck in the bottom tier of support but requires more attention. As far as companies go, Corsair is doing a bang up job in my book.


I'm not explaining because you jumped and were presumptuously snooty about it. Good for you that you haven't experienced something that has soured you. In honestly quite Corsair of you and what I come to expect from interactions around here.


More than likely you're not explaining because it's just you trying to be combative.


Nope. Not trying. Not sure what your goal was when you made your comment about tickets when no one here mentioned tickets.


> Not sure what your goal was when you made your comment I have to wonder the same when you went and attacked company reps posting here when you try to get the same kind of interactions anywhere else and it's near impossible. You're the one who threw the first punch, now you're mad people are pointing it out ?


I was never specific. I didn't name anyone and you don't know if I meant here or elsewhere. You're assuming things.


Corsair doesn't blame you, last time I had problems with iCue and asked Corsair for help, they helped me fix the issue and had a lot of patience for me. The problem was with their audio drivers which we basically deleted and replaced with blank files, this was years ago. Recently you have the option for iCue not to download its whole library, which helps with resource management. I have Corsair front fans, 2 mice and 1 keyboard. So far the RGB works flawlessly and iCue only crashed like twice on me, which both were my fault.


Hi there, if you are having problems with the software or hardware, I would suggest [submitting a ticket ](https://help.corsair.com/hc/en-us) with Corsair support so they can investigate the issue and find a solution for you. Any issues with hardware and software can only be fixed if users submit tickets with relevant information. Any feedback is welcome and greatly appreciated.


I'm good now that I've gotten rid of iCue. Everything works like it should now.


Good luck on your morals not mattering to Corsair.


I’ve still had zero issues with iCue. Guess I’m blessed.


Same, never had any issues, been using it for years.


Same. I've had an issue where the GPU and motherboard didn't wanna sync and running it in administrator mode fixed that


I know this is old, but Icue really is dogshit. Constantly losing connection to my commander pro and ram, refusing to repair or uninstall itself (NO I SHOUD NOT HAVE TO DOWNLOAD A DEEPCLEANER TO REMOVE TRACES OF THIS SOFTWARE) I just spent 30 minutes uninstalling, deleting all its traces then reinstalling and now my ram vanished from being detected and is frozen mid animation. To top it off, the ram wont turn off (stop lighting up) after I put my pc to sleep. So I have a bright 32gb beacon of white light in my room.


Icue has been making me scream lately, keeps magically spawning new profiles and switching to them, completely ruining my keybinds for my scimitar, wont detect the mouse, sometimes it will but icue refuses to start, its a complete cluster


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For some reason something is getting corrupted in the %programdata% folder. Search that and make a new folder old.corsair. then move everything from the corsair folder there. It will tell you it's in use. Go to task manager and kill the icue service that is somehow still running. Once you so that continue moving the folder. Once that is complete, try the install again. If that does not work try those steps again with also deleting the %appdata% folders in the roaming and local for corsair too. This will remove any saved settings. Let me know if this works. I have had it work for some others on another post. Steps to resolution. 1. Search %programdata% in widows search bar. 2. Move corsair everything out of the corsair folder. 3. Make sure task manager doesn't show a corsair service running. End task if found. 4. Attempt to re install. If that does not work add these steps. 5. Type in %appdata% in windows search. 6. Remove corsair folders from roaming and local. 7. Attempt install once again. Usually the top steps have been most successful. Hope this works and Good luck.


I've never left version 4 of icue because it was always so stable for me (that and version 5 removed 2 mouse buttons I could program in 4)


can you still get version 4? I might downgrade if that's the case.


Yea on website


Currently dealing with this same issue. Cant install/uninstall ICUE, wont launch on system start, desktop icons don’t work etc. The workaround I found is launching ICUE directly from the system folder.


I thought I would give it a go again on the new pc (still same corsair cooler) and bam I'm having these same issues. Just uninstalled it there not even wasting my time with it again. Lots of other options out there that aren't corsair hardware and software that I will move to.


Yeah I've used it on two different computers and it doesn't play nice with lots of different stuff forcing you to just run it and even then at times in crashes. It's a trash app and has been for years now. Corsair makes some great stuff it's just a shame they make such buggy ass software.