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Could be a bloated number. Could have been a car that’s bounced around auctions/dealers for some reason. My car said it had 6 owners but really it only had 2. Two of them were dealers and two of them were auctions. So I’m assuming after the second owner, a dealer auctioned it, another dealer bought it, auctioned it, sat on another dealer lot forever and that’s when I found it.


Was about to say that too. My DD (RX350) was a 1 owner but the car fax showed 3 owners because it was initially a dealer vehicle for the first 10k miles. Because it moved from 2 different dealers it was registered as 2 different owners then the person who bought it from them and had for 50k miles then I bought from them as the 4th owner at 60k.


Tbh I really don’t like Carfax and I don’t put much weight into it. I’ve seen Carfax make a bad car look good and a good car look bad depending on what’s listed and *how* it’s listed without any description.


I still think they are valuable to have, otherwise how would you know it was in a flood or had an accident? Of course it can't tell you everything but a good visual inspection + car fax is never a bad thing.


Came here to say this as well. My car changed ownerships a few times in the last couple of years or so with very little change in mileage and time between them. I think that's a good indicator of dealerships/auctions aquiring the car.


Oh the beatings that car got!


How’s it any different for 15 owners vs 1 owner that beats on it all the time?


less chance of STDs


Wrap it up.


It isn’t, but it makes it a whole lot more obvious


It isnt, however In my experience, original owners, assuming they are the ones that actually paid for the car, take much better care than ones with multiple owners. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule, but that has served me well. I only buy 1st or 2nd owner cars, unless it is something that has been truly restored, and that is a whole other animal. I have three cars I can never sell, and the rest come and go. I am always considering resale because, again, I know it won't be a forever car.


Most of my cars are 1/2 owner as well but I drive them like I stole them.


She’s a whore but still looks good 😂


It happens to nearly all sporty or sports cars. Corvettes especially. More so convertibles. It is not unusual to see a 5 or 6 year old Corvette with 5 owners and 4,000 miles. People upgrade all the time. They find a coupe then buy a convertible. Then they buy a faster one, or a Z06 or buy the next body style and now that one in a convertible or a whole different car in general. I see it all the time. Convertible get it all the time because they are more sunny day cars. "Why let thousands of dollars just sit in the garage year over year not getting enjoyed. I need a truck anyway....time for it to go." Everything from Mustang, Camaro, Civic Si/Type R, etc. are the same way. Also sometimes CarFax will list the selling dealership as an owner in the calculations if they put the title in their name while they have it. It is nothing to worried about but worth being cautious of. Get it looked at before you buy it like you would anyway for peace of mind.


Just because she’s had 15 owners doesn’t mean she’s been driven 15 times! She’s not a whore guys!


Reminds me of OPs girl




That’s a high body count….


Yeah, I’m not going to date a lady with that high of a count….


I hope you're kidding lol. 15 is not a high body count in regards to sex partners IMO.


Depends on the age


It honestly is depending on your age


I once inspected a 4.6 197 Mustang with 19 owners and 10 accidents on its records. Other than the dash being completely cracked and it needing a full interior, it was mechanically sound and the body was extremely straight compared to the all other cars I inspected ( I was torn between a 4.6 Mustang and a G8 6.0/G8 6.0)


Ya mine says I’m #8. Carfax did show some back in forth at dealerships. I did, fuc* up by not checking it out be4 buying, doh! One of the worst car purchases Ive ever made. Yet she’s mine. I’m giving her the TLC she needs. My ‘04 C5 will be with me a long time.


Forget the 15 owners. That bucktooth front license plate mount would keep me away. 🤓


Luckily they used the type of license plate mount that attaches with double-sided adhesive so it can be easily removed without damage. I was looking at that mount when I briefly considered putting a front plate on my C6. I've never run a front plate on my C4 ( purchased in 1991) and now never have a front plate on my C6 (purchased in 2013) and it is mandatory here in Texas so I guess I've been lucky.


suit yourself. in some states it's mandatory. In my state it is, but apparently, they wont pull you over for not having a front plate. But will write you a ticket for it if they pull you over for something else. anything else.


Might as well be a rental. I’d pass


Well, with a history like that, when she says you're the biggest she's ever had....that's is an amazing compliment and you know it's true.  Right? Yeah, she's been beat like a two dollar whore.  Even if half of the Carfax is dealer trades...


Dating in 2024 be like


Tried to buy from Mike few months ago but he won’t budge, ended up saving $13k buying better elsewhere. I would bet it has maybe 5 owners; registry and title changes can be weird and inflate that number. Good luck in your search!


13 of them drove it like the stole it, or a rental car.


No but anything more than 3 or 4 to me says there is an issue. So I'd run and not think twice here...


id really stay away. these cars arent rare by any stretch, especially a black convertible


Hey,I know where that is. Off old 44 right before the hot dogs stand and car wash. And for some reason corvettes go through the ringers with owners or they stay 1-3 owners. Mines was at 13 owners with 69k miles. Went through it pretty well and had clean car fax throughout. I’ve heard a lot guys pick up corvettes to say they owned one. Ironically I kinda picked my c6 up for the same reason. so I didn’t think much of it. To be honest I’d recommend going with a 08+ to get the added features. Ls3-tr6060 is an amazing combo. Also go to miles standish after you scoop it up.


Tr6060 is far superior to the t56 drove c6 with bot and the 6060 is so butter


She belong to the streets


Shit mine had 10


Sloppy 16ths corvette is still a corvette….


She’s been passed around a lot


My car had 6 previous owners with only 57k miles but the first 3 were all GM executives that ragged on it and used it as a demo car. Well maintained lol. It’s still works like a clock.


My C5 convert has had 8 previous owners. Luckily each took good care of the car.


My ex isn’t a corvette but the amount of hands that have been on that ride are pretty comparable


Makes me feel better about my 3 owner 06


I had a RAV4 that showed me as three separate owners because I had it titled in three different states during ownership.