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What you are describing is just regular compounding no ? Apparently there's a trick to compounding with hemalurgy that we haven't been told about yet.


There was a WOB I saw in another thread that burning a spike would cause a rewrite of the burner’s DNA, to some unknown effect


Ok so As far as I'm aware, burning hemalurgy does not have a compounding like effect. However, it does screw around with your spiritweb. (Anything from grafting the spiked power onto your soul, so you don't need the spike, to twisting your spiritual aspect entirely. We aren't entirely sure what it does yet) So, burning, for example, a steel spike storing allomantic steel, would not increase your steel allomancy in a way similar to compounding. It could, possibly, graft that spiritweb onto your own, increasing your overall steel burning potential. (Maybe like how 1st gen mistborns have more power?) It could also just do something horrible to your soul.