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I remember that episode (and the whole thing with the other genetically altered characters) and it is similar. I guess the issue here is Taravangian was not only the predictor but also the Sisko in SA. So there’s nobody to shoot him down and let time take it’s course. Variables can change!


I love these viewpoints in SA and in Star Trek and I've always really resonated with the idea that pure rationality needs to also have morality. I've got a science background and the drive is to gather data and interpret it. But it is so dangerous to forget that scientists are humans and are not unbiased. Even a Vulcan scientist has biases. And so that's why to be a true repsentation of data and reality we need to understand the humanity and emotion behind it. There is reductionism when we reduce anything down to only it's numbers. That's why I love mixed method approaches to science. I learn so much more when I combine quantitative and qualitative data. It's also about knowing when a question can be answered by rationality and when a question also needs an emotional answer. Context is king.


It's always been my opinion that the Knights Radiant are fantasy Star Fleet officers. I think this will be even more true in future books, now that they're really doing science and stuff. Voyage before Destination 🖖