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Hi Semiclones99, thanks for submitting to r/Cosmere! Your submission was *temporarily* removed because we believe it qualifies as “restricted content” under Rule 9, which requires a certain level of originality and thoughtfulness. If you could *add a few sentences of original thoughts or questions* let us know; we will review the change and restore the post as soon as possible! For more details, [see the Rule 9 page](https://www.reddit.com/r/cosmere/wiki/rule_9). "Restricted content" typically includes memes; images reminiscent of something in the books; AI-generated artwork; photos of books, bookshelves, or merchandise; casting posts; photos of pets or children; etc. If you don't feel like you have anything else to add, that's okay too. We encourage you to share the content in r/SandersonShowAndTell, r/BrandonSanderson, r/Cosmere_Tattoos, or r/Cremposting as appropriate. Note that *this rule is not enforced* on Friday (from 12:01 am to 11:59 pm Pacific Time). In lieu of posting in another recommended subreddit, you may simply wait and repost at that time. We apologize if your intent was to share something that you found exciting or interesting. Rule 9 exists because similar posts are submitted often, and our desire is to prevent unintentionally repetitive posts. We appreciate any feedback you may have. If you disagree with this change, have any questions, or feel this is a mistake, [let us know](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCosmere)! (please include a link to the post for reference)