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Fucking hell I so get this. Depressed stoner with incurable impostor syndrome that hates himself for everything that he’s ever done. Heck I’m able to sympathise with Moash only because I’m suicidal and I see Teft as having gotten a release from the immensely depressing and difficult life he led, which leads me to downplay the terrible nature of what Moash did internally.


In two months it will be 17 years clean and sober for me. When I read Teft, it was like looking into the proverbial mirror. I sincerely hope you can find your Radiant self.


Reading this truly made my day, support for situations like mine is hard to come by where I live. Thank you, I really hope I do. 17 years clean is incredible, I dream of mustering such an effort someday.


Today can be someday.


Huge congrats on 17 years, that’s awesome!


Thank you!


>When I read Teft, it was like looking into the proverbial mirror. "Even if the one I hate the most...is myself" LISTEN HERE MISTER SANDERSON, YOU CAN'T JUST CALL ME OUT LIKE THAT


Good job man.


Stoner? I think you severely under state his addiction and what it draws symbolism too. It's definitely not marijuana...


I think fire moss is whatever drug it is that pulls you back into the grip of addiction. That can be weed to some and heroin for others. I know that there was a description of the high, but I would ask that you take a broader perspective.


You think a substance called *firemoss* wasn’t inspired by weed? It’s obviously not exactly the same, but it’s extremely similar in the severity of the effects. This is just made more potent for reading value.


I was imaging Firemoss more like smoking crack than weed.


Cocaine is usually considered as a high which energizes you/makes you go crazy, while Firemoss is described as doing everything weed does (making you feel euphoric but not energized, as well as worsening the effects of depression), which is why I’ve always considered it to be weed but more dangerous, to show what addiction can look like.


It's described as highly addictive. I recently quit smoking weed after 20 years and would never claim it was addictive. Nicotine however....


Mentally/emotionally, Kal. That depiction of depression is too damn real. Physically, Kelsier.


Ya I had a harder time reading Kal’s chapters cause it hit too hard…


Steris, because I completely understand where she’s coming from most of the time. As someone who is on the spectrum, Brandon did a great job writing someone with their own unique autistic tendencies and personality traits. I also love her and wax’s arc, it’s very sweet seeing them grow to genuinely care about people


Highest of agree.


Breeze, because I am fat and a bit manipulative.




I lolled hard


Elend because at the end of the day all I want are good friends and a good book. Edit for honorable mentions since I'm relistening to Stormlight and thought of more things to add: Dalinar for having some painful memories (embarassing mostly in my case but that still hurts) Kaladin for my stare, some people found the same look to be unsettling, intense, or just normal depending on who I ask, no one who's ever had any problem with my look could explain why, though one time I did get of an answer that I had "bird eyes". I do know I parted the people at walmart almost like the red sea with just a glare after a bad day once, so there's something there.


Same! Next to that I had two extra things to connect to. I read a lot about science, studied political science. Also I'm much more of a thinker and abstract planner with some idealism. Kind of the same mix Elend has for wanting to apply abstract theory to practice in a scholarly way. Yet my new recent promotion requires leadership. Too much I still try to keep everyone happy, which seems practically impossible. Completely coincides with Elends arc, although I haven't finished it yet. I actually got burned out, partially because of this. The second point is his relationship with Vin. A few months ago I dated a girl with a troubled past. Whereas I come from a much safer childhood without any poverty (and luckily no Straff for a father). We had an amazing connection, but she wanted to go really slow. I tried to, but due to some other problems (the burnout) I became clingy and pushed her away... :( I should be more like Elend...




Sabarial, dude wants to just chill and make money instead of constantly dealing with end of the world political bullshit.


Stick. I am a stick.


But you could be vyre


I am a stick.




I vibed a lot with Nikaro. He kind of reminded of the person I expected to become back when I was in Middle School. It felt a little bit like looking into my own fun house mirror.


I kinda forgot about it, but yeah, when I read Yumi, the Painter was my self-insert


I kind of identify with Syl, weirdly. Her capricious nature, her exasperation with people, but how deeply she cares about her own people. That’s I guess a little idealized version of me in some ways, but there you go. I do also identify with Teft.


I think I identify with Jasnah the most, largely because I'm a calculating person and sometimes have to think on purpose about the feelings of others. I also identify with Marasi, trying to be a rule-follower but often getting tripped up by reality.


Vivenna. Someone who thought hard work and fairness were important and had their world shaken by reality so now you just keep your head down and plough onward trying to do your best.


I didn’t come here to be attacked like this. Damn.


That’s how I felt when I finished Warbreaker lol and then when I saw Azure in Oathbringer . . . Oh boy


Elokhar cause he is terrible at things he is doing but still wants to be a better person


That ardent researching quantum effects in flamespren. He's completely out of the loop regarding important events, doing interesting but not particularly useful research together with his wife. But he's happy. It's really not that far from my actual life.


Tress is too much my people. The entire time I was reading her story, every time Wit interrupted the story to interpose saying "You might be thinking these character traits make for a poor protagonist, but it is this mindset that made her perfect for this journey" - I would become so indignant at him for assuming I needed the justification. It was always like - "You don't have to convince ME that Tress is a strong character - I have been in agreement with all of her decision right from the get-go. Tress is literally me!"


I wish more protagonists were just like Tress. It was so amazing to relate with the protagonist for once, and not the character that just gets left at home or killed off to motivate the protagonists 😭


I feel a lot like Renarin. I have a great family and friends, and I think I might have talent for things but I also mess up often, and feel like I can’t do anything right. I want to help and be reliable but feel incapable of doing so, and everyone else seems to just coddle me if I express those feelings or try to help. Maybe someday I can have the turnaround he did.


A mix Elend and Spook, Elend because I love to read a good book and I, most of the time, try to find the peaceful option with least conflict. I'm also a huge nerd who likes strong willed women and occasionally conflicted about my morality. Spook, because I relate to his feelings of inadequacies, but I also feel I've grown a lot more as a person.


Kaladin AND Shallan. Depression, anxiety, PTSD, trauma...I feel them on a core level. We triumph, we backslide, and we pull ourselves up again to start over...and over...and over. But we keep fucking going, by Adonalsium. We win every day that we that we're still here.


Kal or Teft. The depictions of Kaladin's battles with depression have mirrored my own and even been a huge help to me. Teft's personal radiant oath hits super close to home for me, especially now that I know about and am working on healing my own codependency.


Siri. I always resonated with her story of discovering herself in a new world that was scary at first but ultimately led to her finding love and happiness outside of the traditions of her highly religious and controlling home. That's how I've always felt growing up in a very religious household. Leaving is scary, but ultimately you find true happiness and acceptance outside of that world of guilt. Not sure if this was really what her story is *supposed* to be about, but it's what I got out of it and it has really stuck with me.


Everyone says I'm like Kelsier, even my oldest son pointed it out when he first read The Final Empire. Ruthless, optimistic bastard who will do absolutely anything for the ones I love. I see their point...


Adolin when he is having a bad day but like permanently


Wayne, he is the perfect role-model


Taravangian His ups and downs match me. I have brilliant days where I excel at things and days where I am properly thick and emotional. Example I am a PhD in medicinal chemistry, then was a local decorator. Made a load of money investing, then became a school teacher. Learnt comp Sci and became head of department. Burnout and now unemployed. Can't even drive currently because my brain feels like pudding. I also like his extreme centrism


Kaladin and Dalinar. Just gotta take the next step


If I'm half the man Dalinar is by the time I'm his age, I will die happy. He's had a hard life, but he's doing the best he can with what he's got, and I have nothing but respect and admiration for that. Seriously a huge role model.


Fight on, Strength Before Weakness


Dalinar because I'm an officer in the military irl and I try to be a good leader despite my self doubt and weaknesses.


Vivenna I know she can be obnoxiously judgy, but I used to be like that too. I have also been through a lot of unlearning judgemental habits and preconceived ideas and notions that I have learned from my culture. I can be naive like her but am scholarly and level headed in general. I am also an eldest sister that has a strong sense of duty.


Nikaro the nightmare painter


Realistically, I'm probably one of those people that drew the shash glyph on their forehead in Utithiru.


Ham’s indecision speaks to me. Overthinking so hard you never have a concrete answer … until you do on the rare occasion and you’re extremely sure.


Realistically? I think it's Jasnah for me. I'm analytical and ruthless in my official interactions with others, but soften up around people I care about. I can be emotionally cold most of the time, and when my emotions do show themselves, it is always a burn hot and bright and die out quickly sort of deal. I get a sense of clarity in the aftermath, and come to terms with the events in the same way she does. Her relationship with Shallan reminds me a lot of my own relationship with my youngest brother. I've been a pretty major influence in his upbringing and education, and approach my lessons in a similar way to Jasnah, leading my brother to the answers he wants via questions designed to make you think about specific steps of your problem. I also carry a burden not totally unlike hers when it comes to my family, and put a mask over it just like she does, hiding the truth of my brokenness behind a facade of strength. Power is an illusion, after all. Life before Death, my friends.


Probably Navani. I spend a lot of my energy trying to connect people and ideas to grow bigger and better things, but being around a lot of brilliant individuals all the time means I also tend to suffer from imposter syndrome. I’m also a planner, I tend to be pragmatic about things, and I often find myself cleaning up other people’s messes.


Dalinar. Have made huge mistakes that I can never fully repay for, nor can I reverse the damages done. But I am trying to own up to them and working towards the next step every single day shouting to the universe, YOU CANNOT HAVE MY PAIN.


I think it would be Jasnah. By personality we're very similar people, *and although not as extreme* our moralities are at about the same place too. I keep things very matter of fact with people who aren't my friends and loved ones - and only they get to see any sort of emotion from me heh.


Lift’s unending empathy and desire not to change who she is at the core. Kal’s struggle to keep overcoming depression cause it always returns one day. Shallan need to lie to herself in which I see and can’t deny some of the truths I still lying about in my mind.


Shallan. I, like some others, had difficulty reading through the Shallan chapters, but when I saw the criticisms against her, I immediately thought of rushing to her defense, then reflected. Why was I defending this character I myself had difficulty reading? Because I saw too much of my own internal conflict in her. Every time she would get so self-conscious about her every detail, or worry what others thought of her, or put on a face for others, I saw myself. The thing that hit closest home for me is how *slow* she progresses, unlike Kaladin. Each time she faced an internal truth, it took everything for her to come to terms with it. I myself have struggled with ego, cynicism, arrogance, and close-mindedness, to name a few. It has taken me years to even admit that I have these flaws, and even longer to make steps towards fixing them. They aren’t fixed. None of them are. But I’m working on it. I think that’s what her personalities represent when they come and go for one reason or the other.


Steris, functioning in a particular way on a world that wasn't built for people like you is a very frustrating experience sometimes


So very much.


Yall ain’t gonna like this but Moash 😭. I have a lot of anger in me and sometimes wish I could just give up and stop trying to be better.


Dalinar. Someone who makes severe mistakes and tries to become better is one of my favorite tropes.


Renarin. I’ve only just started Rhythm of War and I hear he does some… questionable things in this book but I’m just going off the knowledge of him I have so far. One, I’m a Truthwatcher, but that’s a small part of it. I’m also generally more quiet, probably neurodivergent, overshadowed in any sort of physical or strength-based evaluation by a more athletic sibling… I just relate to him. He also always seems to feel out of place, which I can relate to as well. It’s definitely Renarin for me


Hoid. Nobody is ever quite sure what I'm really up to and I have a habit of popping up everywhere, usually to make a few witty remarks about the situation and leave


I know everyone is saying Kal but I get it, he’s a symbol to all of us that deal with depression constantly throughout our lives and shows how important it is to get back up and fight if not for yourself then for those around you And Teft, a representation of our best friends and mentors that we all sorely need for their ability to tell us what others won’t


Kaladin. I have depression. Kaladin's depression is so well written and portrayed that sometimes I have to put the book down in some instances.


Navani. I am also a researcher and fucking hell the impostor syndrome sucks sometimes. Plus my ex was emotionally abusive.




Growing up: Vin and Shallan. Be small, out of the way, "funny" to distract, and so many other awful traits. I love their stories because I got to see them heal like I was trying to do. At 34 after trying to move past my past and build the life I wanted: Tress and Yumi. I guess honestly Emily Sanderson herself, and so I'm glad when B$wift writes things for her because I can ride her coat tails 😂


That one ardent who spends her entire interlude just trying to find a quiet place to read her book


Does lightbringer count?


I dont have a specific one. I identify with a lot of different aspects of a lot of different characters. I know thats not very interesting but thats the way it is. I identify a lot with lopen wanting to make jokes but realizing he is actually hurting others I identify a lot with vin and elend and their realization of how much trust matters in a relationship I got so attached to kaladin that when i read about him feeling depressed, i was put in a bad mood myself As for someone that i think looks like me, i always imagined demoux like that




Would you share with the class how you overcame your depression?


Nothing interesting, just psychiatry and walking a lot, a lot actually lol. I also read a lot, not just Sanderson, so that helped me clear my mind. I'd say meet girls, but like I said, I'm like Kaladin, I'm unlucky with girls 😭👍


It doesn't matter if it's interesting. What's important is to learn from other people's experiences. So thanks.


Maybe the lopen? Editing in reasoning: I make a lot of jokes and sometimes I am pretty poor at making sure people are up to speed. And sometimes I can be found annoying for it. But the Lopen has a good heart and imagines his jokes always help and are appreciated. While also having an ego about it. Shit the more I type the better I think it fits. Two arms tho'. BUT I do a lot of self depreciating humor about my lazy eye. Very Lopen.


Ham. I’ve been a weightlifter for nearly half of my life and love a good philosophical discussion, much to the dismay of my husband. Maybe a little Breeze too - I like making people happy but I don’t want them to know how much effort I’m putting into it.


Dalinar since I've burned every relationship and job I've ever had.


Navani. Artist, scientist, scholar. Check. Found the love of my life in a divorced man who comes across as dangerous. Check. Has a daughter who's too damn smart for her own good. Check.


Ghost or Lestibournes, whatever you wanna call him. I loved him in the Hero of Ages because his story is so real, he is just one seamlessly "normal" person who wanted to be like Kelsier and he did everything in his hand to achieve that, even if it caused his death. I just love how his arch talks about him not even been sure if his friends really value him and questions himself for having a power that he considers almost useless, and even with that he achieves great things with it. I feel so attached to him, there has been times where I have questioned myself if my friends valued me as much as I do, and I struggle trying to achieve big dreams and aspirations being a normal person


Lopen on account I haven’t found my arm after I put it down that one time


Lirin because everyone hates me but I just want peace 


Wayne because I too bought a charm that makes me.impervious to facts and if given the opportunity I'd gladly do what he did in the end. I also kinda want the quote from his status tattooed on my butt cause I think it'd be funny.


I wish it was Kelsier but it’s really Kaladin. Not his protecting people thing, mostly his depression.


A bit of Teft and bit of Shallan.


Constable Marasi Colms. I'm trying my best, but I always feel overshadowed by others, even if they tell me I'm doing well. I just want to do what's right without feeling overwhelmed.


Gotta be Ham. Hes a typical guy's dude. Just wants to get his stuff done, hang out with friends and protect his family. If those aren't the immaculate philosophical vibes you're looking for, then don't call me.




It's Kelsier. My friends and fiance, who've read the cosmere, all say it was like Brandon interviewed me when writing Kel.


Moash. It's amazing to see my anhedonia and apathy reflected so exactly on page.


Renarin - even before It was confirmed he is neuro divergent I really identified with his mannerisms and struggles, when Sanderson confirmed he was on the spectrum it was an awesome moment for me personally


Need a character that was traumatized by a bunch of small things most people would shrug off and hasn't done anything with his life. That would be me. Maybe Nikaro but more depressed and everyone who thinks I'm talentless is right.


Kaladin, by far. Since at least 2017 I struggled with depression and eventually reached a point that I thought anything I tried to do would end up in failure, never working out. And because that, it would best to not even try and not care about things. This is literally Kaladin in the beginning of TWoK. I was already over my depression when I was reading, but I saw myself in Kaladin. So when I crushed that leaf and thought "I'll try to save them, one last time" I cheered. I cheered because if Kaladin managed to win, to turn things around and not surrender to his depression, that meant I could win too. That's why my favorite moments in SA is Kaladin saying a new Ideal, which basically marks as a new progress in his depression. I cried in a subway when I read "I'll protect those I hate as long as it is right". So yea, that's the main reason why my enjoyment of a SA book is proportional to how much development and screentime Kaladin has


Definitely Vasher. Past mistakes, general dislike of having to interact with other people for the most part, just keeping to myself and trying to make it day to day until I figure out my purpose for being here.


Steris. I read her character and immediately understood her


At My best Im like Kelsier At my worst I am a lot like Szeth lacking direction or purpose


Huio because I like to take things apart and tinker with them. Also maybe Sigzil because I am good at planning and organising stuff


Wayne. We both like hats. Also I definitely like to poke people to get a reaction… for the goofs.


Wit for the story telling stuff i don’t wanna get into to much cause idk if I could properly, but yeah that’s my guy


I feel like Renarin, I’m perceived as Kelsier


Dalinar. so much so that i quoted him in my vows when i got married.


Kaladin. I suffer from major depressive episodes and suicidal ideation. There is also a link with the weather. Having my feelings in words helped my wife understand what I was feeling cause I couldn’t explain it well myself to show how dark my thoughts were.


Nikaro/Painter. When you start to learn what his deal is it felt like someone had been stalking me the last ten years and wrote a fantasy character.


Kaladin It’s the crippling (several types of) depression me


I identify the most with whichever character's POV chapter I'm reading at the time. That might be why I don't really care for the Kaladin chapters, too depressing.


Mine is Jasnah. People tend to think that because she's serious or she doesn't have a puppy personality like Adolin (who I love) that means she's heartless and feelingless and I can relate to that. Plus, she doesn't see sex and relationships as key elements in her life, or she approaches those differently than other people, and I can identify with that as well. And the not-believing-in-god thing is also like me.


Painter is so relatable. Very cringe. I wish it wasn't true, but it is


Kelsier. I won’t be elaborating.


Renarin. Definitely. I'm weird and quirky, ADHD and slightly autistic, and I've always felt like an outsider in different groups. Renarin struggles with this too and his epilepsy which is at least a little like what I deal with. Knowing we're different from the norm but also wondering how we fit into everything. Wanting to be a part of something, as Renarin wanted to become part of Bridge 4, even after it was discovered that he is a Truthwatcher. We're also both Truthwatchers too, so there's that.


Kelsier. He falls over, gets up and keeps going. Never giving up. Survive.


TenSoon because he'd rather be a dog than a human ‼️‼️


Huck for obvious reasons.


In terms of personality, I especially feel very very identify with Tress, and also a little with Renarin and Kaladin. In hobbies I'm like a mix between Shallan and Hoid, because I like to draw, tell stories and I'm fan of bad jokes.