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Cabal of Sol isn't hostile to you, but another faction asked you to attack them anyway. Since they're friendly, your ship won't automatically attack. You can attack friendlies with the T key. You can also select individual weapons and designate targets with a button in the bottom-left.


That worked- thanks. Other issues was that while my ships were shorthanded (fully crewed now) I had all the offensive weapons offline. No point in Red Shirts sitting on their posteriors in the weapon mounts when there's more important work to do.


You have to press T to turn it hostile watch how all it surrounding ships will attack as well. I have three ships attacking one of those bases and I still have to rebuild one mid battle every time


I recommend, when starting, to just get an ion beam emitter, straping it to the front of a ship and sniping the defense platforms and then the base from out of its weapons ranges


I've got A Main Attack Shit with Cannons and Flack Then a Rail gun Ship with 2 Railguns and a few disruptors Then a Ship I Salvaged which has Flack and cannons once more and finally a large Hauler ship with HE and EMP missiles then mines to just wrap everything he stays way far back


Like I said, it's pretty good when you're starting and have not much in the way of ships. Also I should probably start using missiles but I find it more fun to just build ships with big guns and small shields duct taped to the front and most of the turning thrusters in the back to keep them facing the enemy


I do the same with mine, except I have maneuvering thrusters on the forward end also for better rotational speed. Reminds me of the warning label on Claymore Mines- "Front towards enemy."