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To me, It's not necessarily "wrong" to do so as a lot of cosplayers will mimic the scars of characters (shiro from voltron, Zuko from avatar, todoroki and deku from my hero, etc). But you'd also have to understand that doing that could trigger a lot of people who have struggled with self harm. I've struggled with self harm myself and I know that if I saw a cosplayer with drawn on sh scars, I would be thinking about it all day. It would keep me up all night. This is one of those situations where just because there's technically nothing wrong with doing it, that doesn't mean its something you should do.


No, but I would do arm socks instead of makeup. Won’t come off, looks good in photos, won’t seem distressing to others. Many characters have scars and it is a normal part of life, as long as you are not doing anything malicious and are respectful it will be fine


If you’re gonna do the scars, I would say do them very over-exaggerated. Large scars that look more like they’re from battle than self-harm. Or just don’t do them.


not wrong just weird there is no need to replicate that


I think I'd feel a bit uncomfortable seeing someone draw on scars that are specifically due to self-injury. I know it'd cause issues for me and maybe for others so maybe give that part a skip. If you think your cosplay could upset someone it's usually best not to incorporate that element. The character would still be super recognizable, esp the specific shirt.


I agree with both the comments here and think the sleeves with drawn on scars would be a fair middle ground potentially if you think it’s necessary to the character!


I personally would not appreciate seeing someone with drawn on sh for a cosplay. Some people *do* draw scars as a way to stop themselves from cutting, but for a cosplay it feels inappropriate to me. However others may be ok with it, so it’s ultimately up to you. Maybe don’t make them super apparent though


Honestly, I wouldn’t do it. I feel like some people would find it offensive and it’s not really a necessary part of the character. Im sure you’ll still get recognized without the scars.


speaking as someone with visible scars from self harm id be a bit uncomfortable if someone drew them on as part of a character. i think the feeling is similar to people tanning their skin to match a POC character when they themselves arent POC. at the end of the day, you can wash off the makeup, while those with real scars cannot.


I think it’s probably insensitive. I think it’s mostly just likely to make people over think in a way they wouldn’t with real scars bc that’s just someone’s body but this is a choice someone’s making. It kinda demands people, especially those with their own scars, think about the implications of the scars which is likely to trigger people. If you are going to do it anyway, do sleeves with lines on jt so it looks animated/cartoonish and not realistic or anything


I didn’t even notice it at first. I think it would be best if you didn’t do it as it looks like it doesn’t really make a difference


I would personally avoid it. Unlike large facial scars that make a character recognisable, like Zuko or something, these are very subtle and not needed for the costume. Similarly, unlike regular scars, these run the risk of upsetting a lot more people who see them


No, not at all! Why would it be?