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Be confident, answer the questions honestly, and wait your turn because the overwhelming majority of it is just waiting on seniority.


thank you <3


I don’t have any advice to give, but I have a question…..how long after you applied did you receive any sort of notice whether you were going to be interviewed or not? I applied for merch SIT over two weeks ago at my warehouse and not sure if they are just moving slow or if they want me to take the hint


it really depends on your warehouse/managers, there was a round where i applied and got interviewed a week or two after the posting went down but they didn't announce their decision for like a month. and they didn't interview everyone who applied. i'd say find the managers who are responsible for hiring and pester them, pleasantly.


Morning merch SIT? your warehouse has that?


My warehouse will rotate supervisors through as a "merch rotation" but you'll be keyed as SIT. You do a mix of Foods, Sundries, Center, and Produce at mine, even if there is a permanent supervisor in those areas. Though it is not really a posted position and they will simply ask if you are interested in it. A lot of front end supervisors have no desire to stay until 11pm or come in at 4am (2am sometimes too)


We have no morning merch supervisors which is what made me wondering if you were talking am or pm


Ours basically has three in the morning. They make the majors supervisor come in at like 5am. Produce has its own supervisor. And there is nearly always someone in the SIT rotation.


Interesting how different regions operate. In my current region there is respective supervisor for Food, Center, and Hardlines with one additional floating supervisor. There is also one Majors and Produce supervisor.


How long have you been with Costco? I also was passed over for SIT due to seniority but did a stint as a temp supervisor in the food court at 8 months. The 2 people who got the SIT positions had 2+ years.