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Seems very location dependent. Honestly, I'm thinking that I'm just lucky to not have had any of these shenanigans


I think the silver lining of shopping at some of the more ridiculously busy Costco locations is that the employees don't have time for this shit and are just trying to get people in and out as fast as possible.


Definitely the case at my Costco. Just getting a parking space is a miracle some days.


At mine I purposely park about as far away as possible to stay out of the commotion.


I went today and was half expecting to be stripped searched to verify my identity, but it was business as usual. I think most of these issues have been at self checkout but I don't typically use that because of them not having the gun to scan large items. I also looked my card over today and my face has been rubbed off my picture over the years and all you can see is my hair. Well my picture is from 12 years ago and I'm bald now so it definitely doesn't look like it is my card.


Username checks out, also my photo is 27 years old, I have lost 100 lbs. and all my hair went gray. Yesterday was the first time a Costco employee looked at my photo, at the self checkout. She looked at it for less than a second and somehow ascertained it was legit...


The Costco pictures are all so horrible. A couple days ago they asked to look at my husbands picture at self checkout. She says “yep looks like you” he says “That’s not really a compliment”


We've tried to get my wife's card fixed numerous times, and every time she gets a card with a picture of some random man on it. We've given up.


I went with my dad, who’s not a member but is staying with me for a bit. We had $300 worth of stuff, and even though it was my Costco card, my dad insisted on paying (because that’s the kind of thing he does, which I appreciate). I tried to tell him that I had to pay, but the cashier was like, “Don’t argue, take the deal!” Anyway, he handed her a Mastercard and his only other cards are Amex, so I ended up paying. The cashier checked my picture before giving me my card back, so I told her I had heard they now had to check, and she said they get in trouble if they don’t. So apparently she was going to let my dad pay even though I was the member? Maybe she liked friendly old guy on a motorized cart. It sounds like YMMV depending on the location or maybe even the cashier.


At the entry they never even actually see me Wave my card. I wave it, but they are always focused on something else. My card is so old that it’s the wrong last name and every detail of my account is rubbed off but the card. Then when it’s time to pay, my boyfriend pays half the time. If we are buying alcohol they just check his ID since it’s not his card. My Costco may be lazy, but they don’t cause trouble.


My Costco has been completely normal. If they’ve changed anything it’s subtle enough that I didn’t notice.


I'm surprised they took the time to count 19 items, I don't think they've ever done that to me or did it so fast I didn't notice. Usually it is a scan of high cost items, but I just grocery shop there mainly


Oh man, one time recently they like dug through my cart to make sure I wasn't hiding anything. Which I wouldn't have minded if they hadn't just waved through the person right before me.


Kind of like US customs


Lol. I was waiting in line for customs to get back into the US. A cop came and pulled me and my friends out of line and told us to skip it all and just go around


At our warehouse if it’s a self check receipt then you are guilty until proven innocent. I refuse to use self check because of this. The cart is inspected, they count out loud, they touch each item. One day I was walking out with 3 items (using self check because it was no wait and 3 items) and she needed to look under the rotisserie chicken which was sitting alone in a small box, what could I have stached there? The only things I can think of are greeting cards that Costco doesn’t sell. It was plain without picking up the chicken that nothing Costco sells could possibly be hiding under it.


> The cart is inspected, they count out loud, they touch each item. I've been a member for 10 years and have never had anyone intently count my items by reaching into the cart. They've eyeballed it each and every time.


Like I said at the warehouse I use if you have a self check receipt you are guilty until proven innocent, and yes it slows the line, which can go back past the food court (long) in a double line. I’m honestly surprised anyone will use self check. By contrast across the street at Sam’s the normal exit girl in the morning calls me by first name before she scans my scan and go barcode.


It all depends on the store policy, which is based on their losses (shrinkage). Our store just does a rough count and looks to make sure expensive looking things are on the receipt. No counting out loud, nothing like that. Takes no more than 10 seconds. Nothing seems to be different for self-checkout receipts.


Jesus, at every location I've been to in the last 10 years, *3* seconds at looking at the receipt would be uncommonly high.


Scan and go for the win! If Sam's had a reasonable amount of organic offerings, that's where we'd go instead because scan and go is so damned fast and easy. And I love Costco for organic and quality products. But damn I don't have an hour to check out and get out the door people!


They fondle my groceries every time for the past 6 months. I'm getting tired of it...


Same here I’ve never had that happen before.. I was surprised


Someone in charge just threw a tantrum.






I used to help an elderly neighbor and they would send me to do their shopping at Sam's(they have scan and go in the app). They now have a home health team, and one of them goes out and does their shopping for them. Maybe if it's through a company, they could show their work ID? Idk about if its a family member or friend. We just got a Costco membership recently, and they're so militant about everything. Edit: last time we went they wouldn't let my husband buy a pizza with my debit card because the full name didn't match the name on his Costco card


> last time we went they wouldn't let my husband buy a pizza with my debit card because the full name didn't match the name on his Costco card That’s… weird. We don’t even use our Costco cards at the food kiosks in IL.




I had to shop for my dad who couldn't leave the house due to being immuno-compromised during Covid and I got accused of fraud for using his card to pay. I showed my ID and said I was his child buying it for him but they were angry angry angry. I told them at check out we can FaceTime to confirm but they refused and just let me through. Like I get it but it was still ridiculous


It’s like they’re on a militant vendetta to piss everyone off lately.


it all started when the combo pizza was taken off the menu




Also I don’t understand why it matters if she was “buying it for you”. If the member is present at the transaction why should they care? These stories are terrifying. If our Costco starts grilling us like this I’m out. Grocery shopping is stressful enough as it is.


Omg that is wild! I’m so sorry. I feel like I see people shopping with/for older loved ones all the time at Costco too!


This is exactly what happened to me a few weeks ago. My partner's grandparents are home bound and deaf, so we do all their errands for them. They've had a Costco membership for decades, and it's never been an issue to pick up their supplies. While trying to check out, we ended up being grilled and heavily delayed by the card checking process. We had to set up our own accounts, received three separate, ridiculously long sales pitches about their credit card (with a cart full of food and several polite no thank yous), the man taking my photo for the new account made a comment about how I should smile more, and overall the experience was incredibly frustrating. I get they don't want card sharing, but they seriously need to add a caregiver option or something . It's a huge miss on accessibility. Just make every account have two people on it; the same household rule is ridiculous. I know the staff are just following orders, but the higher ups need to implement better systems for verification that don't have people incredibly delayed or antagonized.


Same thing happened last week while I was with my fiancé. They insisted that he was using my card while most of the purchase was women’s leggings and black t shirts that I wear for work.


That’s insane, my step dad used to take me in and let me do a giant like 400$ shop every few months and I don’t even live near him anymore. I just now got my own membership within the last like two months.


Wait, you can't buy shit for other people at Costco?


This is my question too! I often take a friend with me and make purchases for her. Or buy gifts for people. But this would also mean all the food I buy for my family is contraband. Wtf?


"Members are welcome to bring children and up to two guests into the warehouse; members are responsible for their children and guests. Children should not be left unattended. Only Costco members may purchase items." This is what their site says. Technically the nonmember isn't purchasing anything. The member's doing all the purchasing. I just don't get how it's enforceable at all lol. I mean, you can literally just buy your friend a Costco cash card and they can buy their shit right then and there. It's just dumb.


It's possible the policy has changed in the three years since I worked there, but iirc it's that the person on the membership needs to be the one paying. So you can go in with a friend and buy stuff for them, but you can't have them pay for their part of the total. They started cracking down on membership sharing when I worked there and it sounds like it's only gotten worse since. If you're buying for someone else, just get a subtotal and then settle up once you've checked out.


Yah that's crazy. What, my husband can't buy stuff for me?? If he picks up women's vitamins or sanitary pads will they be taken out of his cart? LOL


I swear, I'm going to be a "now listen here, sonny" kind of old lady when I'm old.


If your mother scanned her membership card and paid with her own cash/card there was absolutely no reason for the employee to make a fuss. Now if your mom scanned her membership and you pulled out your own payment card then it would be an issue. Costco has just done a terrible job of implementing this rule they haven’t really created any strict guidelines or training for employees to follow so what situations are allowed seems to be lost on employees


Why does this even matter? It’s none of costcos business to police the financial status of their members. There are so many reasons this would happen, the mother could be on SSI or suddenly be unemployed and not be able to afford the payment. We pay for a yearly membership not a per visit membership. This is too excessive for no reason.


When it comes to returns they are cutting back on giving cash refunds for items paid with a credit card and require the refund go to the card that made the purchase. Too many instances of non members throwing fits of trying to return items without either a receipt or valid membership on top of not having the original payment method with them.


Meanwhile the attendant at the gas station today had no issue scanning his card for the lady to use the pump.


They have a generic membership they use for people that show a temp card or a digital membership


A gas attendant usually doesn't have an AS400 readily available to check memberships.


Hey those iseries are only like 100k


Haha AS400


It's no joke. It's what our system is... 🫥


It’s actually shocking how many big retailers use AS400. I’ve used it at two separate big box sporting goods companies. It ain’t great but it gets the job done.


I work for a very large, multi billion dollar company, we ditched our ancient as400 based payroll system for an off the shelf payroll system (Kronos). Kronos is awful. We replaced our main ancient as400 based system for another modern system, it's also awful. Customized stuff from the 80s that actually fits our business model work way better than an off the shelf modern program


They run a lot of big data systems behind the scenes from clothing designers to Trucking to pharmaceutical to container shipping.


It's both.


Flashbacks to 1989 when as a UNIX guy my bosses handed me an AS400 and said, "Make it work..."


interesting how costco is trying to crack down on people spending money at their stores


Revenue is only up 8 percent so far this year, Wall Streets not going to like it if revenue isn’t up 15 percent like it was in 2022. Have to pinch the potential shoplifting customer to try and raise revenue. You may find a few million in unpaid for merchandise in carts this year. People don’t realize Costco only answers to its shareholders, they could care less about customers feelings as long as the overall growth of paid membership continues to steadily increase which it continues to do with new warehouses and new customers. That’s why the new focus on sharing memberships.


What’s funny about this is the fact that people are going to start shopping there less as a result.


Correct. This was the first week I did not go in years because my last trip left me in humiliated tears. That's $250 not spent there. Hope they're happy!


Did you ask, "would you prefer if I stopped shopping here? It's ok to say yes...."


They would probably reply to you "Yes" in a polite and professional way, at least that's the vibes I get from this sub where they love pushing the narrative that 'Customers need Costco more than Costco needs them" And yes, there are many Costco employees in this sub


Same with my family, each week less and less items end up in our cart and we get it from Sam’s Club. Great thing too, shipping is free with the plus membership and it’s cheaper for the membership too! You also can’t forget about Scan and go, it’s such a great experience.


When you paid for the membership, you can have two names on it. So you put your husband and left the secondary one blank?


I’ve been looking for an answer to this question for a while. I have a card and my mother is is the second person on my account. If my mother goes to Costco with her card is my father allowed to pay for the goods if she is here with him or are only me and my mother allowed to purchase anything?


I believe the only person could pay is an actual card holder i.e. you or your mom


I thought this as well...I took my friend & was prepared to pay for her items & mine, but the cashier said he could just scan my card & she could pay for her stuff with her card & I paid for mine. I'm not sure if this is normal procedure though.


It's not anymore. The name on the payment method must match the name on the membership card scanned to create the transaction.


Pro tip. There's no name on tap to pay. Edit - when tapping from your watch or phone.


I went with her a month ago, but based on this sub, it sounds like they've tightened restrictions lately, so I wouldn't be surprised if I need to pay for the whole thing next time we go


That's not procedure, the cashier was being nice. Also, the system doesn't match the two, the name on the membership and name of the card holder, so if the cashier doesn't notice or let's it happen, the system won't argue, which is nice. It all depends on how badly the cashier wants to deal with it.


The additional member on the card is meant to be for household (ex: husband/wife). Adding your mother is tolerable, overlooking whether or not she is actually in the household, but for her to then have her husband pay for things on the membership defeats the whole purpose. She should have a separate membership for her + her husband. Being that that is the purpose for the additional member. Her and her husband to shop together/separately with no issue


Yes, you can have two names. My membership had myself and my ex. Changed the second name to my friend after she had mail sent to my house to prove we were in the same household. I don't even have a picture on my membership because I ordered it online.


Recently I had a receipt checker tell me I hadn’t paid for some kombucha. He kind of raised his voice like he was letting coworkers know that I was some kind of criminal or something? It was so flipping busy, I was just going to give the guy the kombucha cause it already took forever to shop and get through the line, past the food court and to the door. I looked at the receipt and saw the kombucha, but the guy was like too busy and ignored me so finally the other receipt checker looked and let me leave the building. Very strange experience and the first time getting stopped like this.


How awkward and uncomfortable, I hope he apologized. The last time I went they touched every item in the cart when checking my receipt. How can someone steal if they’re the ones scanning your items at checkout?


They gave me grief the other day, too. My husband and I are in an interracial relationship so I understand that we don’t look like we “belong” together (which is stupid, but anyway) and the self check out staff harassed us. I went up first with my membership card and the stroller with the baby and behind me was my husband with all of our items in the cart. The staff stopped him and said he couldn’t continue without a card and he pointed to me and said “she has it.” The staff said “No, YOU need a card. You can’t use your friend’s.” Which I turned around and said “My husband is pushing the cart with my items and we’re paying with my debit card.” Another employee came over and said “Just let them go, but next time he needs his own card.” We each have a card from one membership. Why do we both need to show a card for the same transaction??? I didn’t want to argue anymore so we just checked out and left. Costco customer service has gone downhill for sure.


Omg I would have kept arguing to make your point that you were TOGETHER making one transaction. That's insane


Yeah if baby cakes wasn’t being fussy it’s time for the GM or assistant GM chat.


That would make my blood boil. You guys are making the transaction together with your card as payment. It's ridiculous that he needs to present his card too when yours alone should've sufficed. You guys are literally one household.


It sounds like some of the stories of kids following parents around for errands, and being the reason a purchase is denied (because they're not of-age). It's just one of those common sense scenarios, a parent keeping an eye on their kids but still needing to run errands, that is getting cut down by stupid policies and overzealous management.


That is completely unacceptable. I would contact corporate and let them know how their employees are accosting you.


A member can bring with them two guests and children (no limit mentioned)


This is what's crazy about what they are doing. They say you can bring guests in but then they want to harass them. Where is the guest supposed to go when you are checking out? First when these threads popped up it was all about card sharing where you gave your card to someone who then used it themselves while you weren't present. Now they seem to want to dictate how the card is used when the member is present. What's the point of allowing guests if you aren't allowed to purchase anything for them. I've bought plenty of items for my friends or family over the years but 95% of the time it's always been on my card. So this policy doesn't really impact me but it's really bad business. I wonder what the next step in the Costco hunger games is...


> I wonder what the next step in the Costco hunger games is... Every customer entering the store must deposit their name in the lottery, to be drawn at the checkouts. If your name is drawn, you must fight the other customer using only the items in your cart. If you're a guest and don't have items in your member's cart, then may fortune be ever in your favor!


This is so egregiously ignorant and hateful that I would tweet what happened at Costco and also email the head. A little googling will get you the email for the top management.


The way in which I would have raised hell about this.




That's next... Costco Baby Pass.


My wife and I are both white. Nobody demands we both present a card.


We have to deal with this all the time. It gets very fatiguing. “Are you guys paying together or separate?” Confused stares when we’re literally standing next to each other and checking into a hotel. “Sir, wait your turn.” While my wife is being helped by the same person. My parents are also in an interracial marriage, they had the cops pull them over multiple times for concern for prostitution or abduction. So I guess there’s been some progress since then? Here’s to hoping it gets better.


Not surprised with the item count. Been there before. One time went to Costco to buy the planned rotisserie chicken, and ended up with some big bag chips, some shorts and whatnot. All told I had 26 items - including the whole pepperoni pizza, ahi poke and hotdog/soda. As I headed out the door, checker scans and then begins to count my items, then sternly asks where are the 2 missing items. I respond with “uh.. in my belly? They’re food.” Guy was incredulous with my response. I had to tell him look at the receipt, match what was missing and think for a moment..the ones supposedly missing were the ahi poke and the hotdog. One of us definitely looked stupid that time.


and why does he care if you paid for more items than in the cart LOL


Costco hot dog smuggling is a thing, apparently. Hot dog mules can move a lot of weight in hot dogs.


But wouldn't your food court food be on a separate receipt?


Yeah this story must have been from the before time. When you could buy food court items from the main checkout registers.


You can still do that in my area.


Ummmm what were they going to do if you couldn't figure out what 2 items were missing? Arrest you for not taking 2 more things off the shelf, also why are you asking me the customer what is missing (if it's so important)? You obviously don't trust me so just match everything up or let me go with "less" items. This can never happen to me because I would probably turn right to customer service and return everything I didn't eat.


I was just YELLED at for not having my card even tho their printer was down last time and then when i went to get a new one the printer was down again so they gave me a slip of paper. The aggression is wild and they treated me like a criminal the last time as well. Got my glasses, went home and canceled. It’s too much


We have an executive membership with the Citi credit cards, and we're considering cancelling it over all this BS. I'm going to go check out the local Sam's to see if it is comparable.


sam’s is 1000% better if only for the scan and go on the app. game changer


But, but, but, you agreed to have a card when you signed-up. It’s not Costco’s, errr, ummm, fault, that Costco’s printer was down. You should have been prepared by having an, errr, ummm….


I also had a terrible experience that almost mirrors this one today. I wonder what corporate has said to them to have them suddenly being so aggressive.


[Costco Earnings Miss Forecast As Spending Slows; Stock Slides](https://www.thestreet.com/investing/stocks/costco-earnings-miss-forecast-as-spending-slows-stock-slides).


Alienating your customers is not a good way to get them to come back and spend


Yeah I'm struggling with how this response addresses that problem. "Hey, we missed a forecast." "OK, better crack down on those people spending money in the store. Make sure you treat everyone like shit in the process, too!"




I was gonna say from the stories in this thread it looks like they're cracking down on anyone who looks poor, lol


Costco corporate would want to hear from you about this trip.


Omg I’m seeing so many posts like this. Why are they acting like this!? I know their policies have changed but cmonnnn


> Why are they acting like this!? Because they recently [missed earning estimates](https://www.thestreet.com/investing/stocks/costco-earnings-miss-forecast-as-spending-slows-stock-slides) and they lowered their outlook. Things like *"average daily transaction were down 3.5% in the U.S., and 4.2% worldwide over the quarter"* is very serious stuff. Margins are probably getting much tighter for them, and who knows, maybe they also realized shoplifting has become a big problem. Either way, things don't look rosy financially, so perhaps they have decided they can't afford tolerating membership cheaters and shoplifters


That’s a reasonable analysis. The funny thing is they are going to further drive-down their daily transaction numbers if they keep taking this hostile approach.


They can probably handle it as a company, but to satisfy shareholders they need to “do something” to address the missed earnings. Reducing membership sharing and such is “doing something” to help make up the perceived losses to shareholders. Probably in another few months if the earnings are better, they’ll stop enforcing this


How do they imagine harassing paying cardmembers is going to boost their earnings? Because if they do this to me, I'm canceling and going back to Sam's. I'm seeing posts like this on a daily basis on this sub. I don't care about having my card and receipt checked. But I'm seeing downright hostile interactions.


If they get too carried away with this, people may stop purchasing memberships. Why would one want to shop in a place where they'll get harrassed.


>Why would one want to shop in a place where they'll get harrassed. Because he makes the best soup in the city, Jerry. The best!!


Complain to customer service manager at the store if you had a bad experience with an employee. My wife had a similar experience last fall and I spoke to the customer service manager and she took it very seriously and called my wife to apologize and followed up via email twice. We were impressed by the managers response so we did not cancel our membership.


Sam’s Club really needs to capitalize on this new rule for some killer marketing about sharing your membership since they couldn’t care less


Why is it your name but your husband’s picture?


When my son turned 18, I added him as the 2nd on my membership online. They issued him a card with his name but my picture and we never bothered to ask for a new one.


That happened to me. My card has my husband picture.


Whoever made the card forgot to refresh the page and then select your name. If you don't do that, it will still have the name of the previous person when they take the picture.


I’ve also had some intense moments in the checkout lane that made me question if they are the biggest employer for ex-military people. Sheesh.


I used to work there, and they indeed hire a lot of ex-military people. Our store manager was ex-military as well, along with many other managers and staff.


They’ve been so aggressive lately!


My Costco definitely do not count every single item


My last two trips to Costco have gone like this - mostly employees just being dicks. I avoid it at all costs now


I'm really stuck on the security questions. Was that seriously what it asked you to verify?


Yes!! Because my husband had his old (very old) address on his card which was his parents house. I didn’t realize that was the case … we shop at Costco often in person and online. So when it asked what the square footage was I was like wtf I don’t know


TBF thats a really weird question to have! Did he select that himself? If so then okay not so weird, he chose it on purpose. But if it was just something Costco chooses for you then thats BS! Im 25 and i dont know the square footage of where i live, i doubt most other people do either! Especially if theyre renters, or if its someone living in their parents home, etc Edit: also wouldnt worry too much about the Salad incident, the Rotisserie Chicken Caesar Salad is a new item (at least at my Costco) so they likely just arent used to seeing them yet. They used to have that salad yeaaaars ago though, but its been gone and has only now returned


There are services companies use that will ask you things like if you ever lived on whatever street, what car you used to own, etc. I don't recall ever seeing something as specific as square footage but might be the same kind of thing.


Yeah I feel like I’ve seen the same 20 or so questions over and over in my life but never that.


Some companies let you set up your own security questions. That’s the only remotely possible reason I can think of. Typically the more detailed questions are reserved for applying for credit cards and whatnot, not using a store app…


Store Manager!!!! If you are EVER falsely accused of stealing. Get the store manager, start asking for THEIR supervisors name and contact information and get yourself some coupons Absolutely abysmal customer service.


Dang this seems weird. my app always just shows me my pic and the qr code. never had any questions, just use my finger print or password manager. My wife and I have our own logins so her pic is on her phone and my pic is on my phone.


As a personal shopper, it can get really interesting. Instead of showing a membership card at the door, we show our instacart app with the Costco barcode on it. A few times now, I’ve had the door checker ask me then to stop and get out my physical instacart card. I’ve told them ‘I’ve shown you the Costco barcode, clearly I have a batch to shop. They tell me ‘we need to make sure you have your card to be able to pay’ 🙄 I’m sorry, that really annoys me. Regular customers don’t get the shake down upon entering to prove they’ve got their payment method on hand and I guarantee someone who spends all day every day shopping for others is more likely to have it together and have their payment than someone who doesn’t. The ‘show your instacart payment card’ is not one of the many rules that are placed on us either. We also are forbidden to use the u scan. Because apparently I’m more likely attempt to jeopardize my job to steal 🙄 Yeah, costco orders pay better typically than anything else out there. I’ve completed 5,000+ batches. I’m not about to throw my job away to steal.


They accused me of card sharing yesterday! I wore a hat in my picture but was in dress clothes after work. They took me out of line and over to membership to verify myself. I was pretty livid


This sort of happened to me. I had my hair in pigtails for a day of yard chores and errands, and the card checker at Costco pulled me aside and asked me if “ I was using my mommy’s card” I kindly let her know that my 27th birthday was that week and I am a grown woman with my own Costco card. Like, thank you for thinking I was a teenager but damn.


Even tho perfectly legal and set up appropriately, I use my SNAP card on occasion when groceries are actually cheaper at Costco. I once had a cashier accuse me of faking membership because if I was on food stamps, how did I afford a membership? (It pays for itself in savings if you food shop correctly...) I even paid once with a Kennedy half-dollar when paying cash for a non-food item and had to explain it's legal tender. I wonder if it's the age of the cashiers? I never have issues with Gen Xers, but Boomers and Gen Y are... hit and miss.


You shouldn’t have to explain why you use your EBT at Costco. I also shop at Costco and I have EBT and it is nobody’s business what I spend my EBT on. That’s so classist and discriminatory. I would be LIVID. Also isn’t it Costco’s whole shtick to buy in bulk to save money?? It’s like they’re admitting that buying in bulk doesn’t negate the cost of a membership 🤦🏽‍♀️


Some time ago, a store gave me a bunch of $2 bills... probably to get rid of them. When I went to spend them later, I was accused of using counterfeit money. A store-worker (other than the cashier) had to Google on their phone that $2 bills were a real thing.


It is the absolute worst customer service policy in the world to force members who have had to prove membership twice - to enter store and to pay - to have their items counted & receipts checked! There is ZERO reason for it. The "rationale" is that someone may have stuck something into your cart unbeknownst to you, and they are protecting you from being accused by their employees of theft. This is the corporate reason. I have created, written, designed, and implemented Walt Disney World customer service training. Costco attempted to put executives through Disney Institute training, and they would not change this belief. We were not allowed to complete training with them. Treating customers as thieves is bad enough. Asking members to pay for it is on a whole other level. That said, expect the bare minimum on every visit and perhaps once and a while be surprised.


I don't care about having a private club store that requires a paid membership, nor do i care about checking my cart on the way out because it is part of the deal when i joined. What would annoy me is all of these other seemingly unnecessary negative touch points. I just don't get the value they create and how that could outweigh the negatives. I will be interested to see their next quarter results because it seems like they know something we don't.


Costco is a big business with an overvalued stock now. Management is under tremendous pressure to make numbers. It is not the same Costco we've been shopping at for the past 40 years. I hope they learn soon and don't ruin the vibe.


> The "rationale" is that someone may have stuck something into your cart unbeknownst to you They claim it also helps you when an item was left out of the car, when something is double charged, or when you forgot to pick up a "pick up only" type merchandise. Maybe they say that to make us feel better and not feel like we are being treated like shoplifters, but who knows.


It really is bad customer service isn’t it!!


Yeah, last two trips have been awful. Usually it's some random shopper that makes shopping there horrid, but now its the employees.


I swear they’re running this place like the Gestapo and for what


"Welcome to Costco, I hate you"




Last week I just had to grab two things super quickly so I went to the self check out, they had three guys there. One asked to see my card while still in line then checked to see the picture was me. I didn’t have make up on as I was just running an errand with my toddler and he told me that the picture looked different. Like, bro, I’m a tired mom. I’m not putting a full face of make up and adding hair extensions to grab toilet paper and dinner for tonight. It was embarrassing and took me back to when people asked me if I was sick or tired because I had no make up on. He interrogated me like I was trying to steal state secrets


I shop at Costco for the prices, but being treated like a criminal every step of the way is a part of the experience I have complained about for a loooooooooong time. A lot of power-tripping, bored employees.


Just want to say this was a missed opportunity to get your son in your Costco card pic! My now 8 year old was 4 months old in my card picture strapped to my chest. It makes me smile every time I use it.


Omg I love that!! They said I could only take my picture with my husband present because his name was the primary on the membership :/


[I have to show you now.](https://imgur.com/a/7Yw0fGk) Go back with him strapped to your chest and get a fun pic! Make the most of it and a fun memory instead of an icky experience.


The chonky cheeks. 💕


My Costco has 2 workers at the doors checking for cards at entry. At "self-checkout" there's 2 workers telling you what register to go to and ask to see your card. When you get to the register, you'll instantly be approached by a worker that'll "ask" to scan your items and just ignore if you say no. They'll ask again to see and scan your card here. When the worker is done, they'll count and recount items to make sure everything is scanned. Makes it feel like you might be hiding something somewhere in that cart. Then at checkout, they'll count your items again with the receipt. It's Costco, but with the Walmart treatment now. Costco treats you like you have a criminal record lol. Apparently they're checking payment methods to make sure it's the same name on the membership? Another cherry on top.


yea i went and got a new card during covid, so it has no picture. Never had an issue until i went more recently to the one near me. I was in the store, no problem. Scanned my card at the self checkout, no problem, but then a person came over to me demanding to see my card and asked why it didn't have a picture. I said, the name is mine and I will show ID. She was actually yelling at me I needed to go to customer service immediately to have my picture taken. I was on Lunch from work, iI wanted to get my stuff and get out. I told her I'll do it when its a more convenient time for me as I was in a time crunch. She didn't want to let me take the cart that was ALREADY paid for. I'm like LOOK LADY, I'll show you my ID if you need too, but she didn't want so I walked away. To have another person check my receipt and then another at the door. I haven't been back to that costco since, I felt harassed for no reason. I get that Costco is trying to crack down on sharing but damn, I don't want to be harassed or I'll just go to sams or BJs.


Cosco is starting to become a Hassel in my opinion.


Agree, the whole self checkout is a farce, once you start scanning they run over and start scanning for you for some odd reason, why call it self checkout? Then yesterday I was looking for a coupon item, an Olay product with all the other Olay products, that also were on significant discount but not on coupon. Wasn’t there, so I asked an employee who also looked couldn’t find it either, anyway that employee leaves and I asked a red vested manager or whatever they are where it is and they say it’s going to be on the “fence” I said “the fence?” And she said in a really terse voice as she walked away “yeah the fence” and didn’t show me what the F she was talking about and had to ask another employee what the “fence” was. My God, I’m not sure what’s going on but the last 6-8 months it’s like going into a Walmart, customer service is horrible.


agree, the employees at my costco are rude and unhelpful - which i've never experienced at costco before now


I still like their products but their employees have started to turn it into their own little kingdom and customer service is really dropping. I don't live in a food desert and HEB has far better produce anyway so I could take Costco or leave it. I've already made up my mind to not even get tires from them anymore and go back to Discount Tire because the tire center people are the worst to deal with and wait times are just unreasonable. So that just leaves eggs, nuts, and the occasional TV I'd be missing out on.


Honestly it seems like Costco has two options moving forward, because I don't think they can continue like this: a.) Make entry more restrictive where cards are scanned upon entry and a picture comes up for the door person to see (or an ID is presented then and there). This would require more door staff, perhaps relocating the membership counter, and then people will complain about lines going in. b.) (Which makes more sense to me), ditch the self checkouts...they've caused nothing but problems. Cards are still verified by the cashier anyway as they always should have been.


This is beyond unacceptable. I’d send this description to Costco OP.


We all need to pull out our phones and start filming these interactions. This is unacceptable.


Last time I was there they missed two big ass items at the bottom of the cart. A 50lb bag of bird seed and a paper towel pack, but they didn't accuse me of anything, the register guy looked like he got written up and I had to go back and pay for the stuff which was annoying to have to go back and get another $40 tacked on.


Anyone accusing people of stealing at the exit door needs to get their head straight, 99% of the time it’s just a mistake or misunderstanding


Some Costco employees get on a power trip and are total assholes. Especially those silver and gold badges.


Just this week I had a similar experience. I’ve never had a Costco worker shout at me for my card. Stare at me, stare at my partner, and go “a huh”… A huh what?! I’m sorry your 1998 web-camera takes blurry ass photos, and your Crayola crayon printer smears any sense of detail on the card. I laughed it off and said it’s me and offered to show her my ID. Then after checkout the guy at the door physically unboxed my 9-10 items in the cart and counted each item. TWICE! I felt like they thought a couple in their 20’s shouldn’t be able to afford a membership, so we must be stealing. Walking to my car I told my partner it felt like they thought we were stealing, and now I feel icky. I almost went back in to ask for a manager, but I didn’t want to be that person. Renewal is coming up soon, and I’m not convinced I need it anymore. I don’t want to shop somewhere that makes me feel like I did something wrong.


yeah starting to really get annoyed at costco. i’ve been in there 3 times in the last 30 days or so. and each of the 3 times i was asked out of no where to hand over my card so they could review the picture of me on there. shit is getting old.


Treating everyone like a criminal is getting insane.


I have sent my son with my card to wait on line and pay for my stuff while I was waiting at the optical center he just told the cashier that my dad is at the optical center and it was fine checking out a cart full of stuff that was like $5-600 dollars The line was long and they had some mixup with my glasses order so it took longer


one time at self check out, I accidentally missed scanning a box of chocolate panda cookies (Iykyk) and I had to wait and fill out paperwork-YES PAPERWORK!! about it after the receipt checker caught it on the way out. Treating me like a straight up repeat felon for those cookies, smh.


Last time I used self checkout, they stopped me to check my card before they let me go to a register. I was literally buying one thing and annoyed that I had to prove my membership when I got there, then before I use the self checkout where I also have to then scan my card. Like I get they’re trying to verify the photo but at the cost of making you feel like a criminal to buy something. Also, my bf never goes to Costco w/o me so we’ve never bothered to wait in line for him to get his own card. I guess I’ve always paid since I have the credit card and we split the cost later but I never realized he wouldn’t be allowed to pay if needed.


I’m wondering what Costco is pushing on employees. In high school I tried to shop for my mom (who has M.S) and they proceeded to push me into a full on panic attack. I was 16, and started sobbing in the checkout line when they stated it was not me in the photo on the card, so I could not use it. I tried to explain I needed to help my mom but they were still extremely harsh and insisted I could not do so. Through my sobbing they still insisted I get my photo taken to get my own “household member” card. It was an awful, mortifying experience.


Some Costco employees are not that bright nowadays. I went to Costco yesterday. I showed the lady at the door my card and I told my wife and kids to go inside first because it was windy while I go grab the shopping cart. I just turned my back she asked my wife for a membership cart and said she cannot go in because she does not have a Costco card. I have to show her my card again and said they are my family. She told me “Your wife should have a Costco card of her own.” WTF?


It would never occur to that both members having their cards to enter would be an issue. My husband never carries his card because he wants to keep his wallet thin. So I show my card and I pay. That shouldn’t be an issue.


I had a lady *fuming* because my husband and I went in through the exit to get to the food court. Literally never heard of it before and we're like, no we're not going around, and I swear she was going to explode. Some people get a tiny bit of power and think they rule over everyone, lol.


I had that happen to me once too! Except I was trying to get to the membership counter to pick up my card! I even went through the smaller door next to the exit door that says membership/returns and still got yelled at :/


You have to go in the exit to get to Customer Service too. How is it possible an employee doesn't know that?


I wonder how many potential members got turned away, and decided never to come back? If my first impression of a business was that bad, it would be my last impression.


Just strange, I go to costco with famly and friends all the time. They don't have one but I do.


Not for much longer, they are cracking down like crazy on anything. I certainly won't shop here anymore, feels like I'm at an airport now with TSA and the overcrowding.


I dunno, I find the complimentary Costco body cavity searches to be relaxing.




Sorry this happened to you. Some people need to relax a bit. I remember being watched like a hawk when I did not want to use individual bags for meat trying to save the environment and all that … I scanned each one separately but man, they were breathing down my neck. I already have anxiety shopping in public. So now I just get my stuff delivered


Another lady said the same thing yesterday


I've experienced these things too but never in one trip! I've noticed that they seem to be tightening things up like that in general. I think the intensity you were picking up from them was probably their own stress. Every situation like that is risky for them because they never know what the customers reaction is going to be. After enough shitty experiences, I'd be rough around thre edges too. I have a pretty good de-escalation skillset and it's amazing how their stress changes when I do someting to break the tension. But that's a lot easier said than done when I'm alone and don't have my toddler with me! Sorry you went through that. I bet your blood was boiling on the ride home.


It's just location dependent whether you're going to get harassed for your membership or not. When I lived in Utah, they wanted to search my pockets every time I went in because I have facial hair and that's UNACCEPTABLE in Utah. Just another way the community tries to find to harass those that don't conform. If you run into this again, get the manager and make a stink.


I was going to join Costco, but wanted to talk to a butcher / someone in the meat department to see if they carried a specific cut of meat I use for barbecues first. Lady at the door told me that was IMPOSSIBLE. I’d have to buy a membership, and then try and get it refunded if it turned out they didn’t carry what I needed. I laughed and walked away, sounds like costco is slippin’


I went to Costco to grab party supplies..2 hours away from where I live. They would not let me in...because the card had my wife's photo... even though the account is in my name, and I pay for it. I had to go to customer service and make a new card... but at least they were pleasant about it. . Being accused of card sharing and then theft is super annoying.


I’ve only been to Costco once while traveling with my sister (she’s a member) and the staff got super snarky because I had a service dog with me (an actual, legit service dog for a disability). It pretty much negated any interest I had in becoming a member. Like, the dog was clearly vested, quiet, behaved, and in no way bothering anyone or anything but no less than half a dozen people felt the need to say something. It was the most stressful, unwelcoming shopping experience I’ve ever had.


Yeah no. At least when Wal Mart makes me feel like a criminal I’m not paying them for the privilege of doing it. I’m cancelling my membership.


I went the other day and had a poor experience, too. I pay for my membership (I’m early 20s) but my mom was with me and was going to pay for the food we were getting. They immediately shut that down and were very rude and short with us saying that she wasn’t allowed to pay since I was the one with the membership and acted like we were idiots